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+ <h1>Install, Customize, Love</h1>
+ <p>We produce <strong>Gentoo Linux,</strong> a special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme performance, configurability and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience.</p>
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+ <h2>News</h2>
+ <h3>Google Summer of Code applications close April 6 <small>posted on April 7, 2012 by <strong>Donnie Berkholz</strong></small></h3>
+ <p>Students, only a few days remain to apply for Gentoo's 7th year in the Google Summer of Code! GSoC pays college students $5000 to work full-time on an open-source project for a summer. Check out our GSoC 2012 homepage if you are interested in this year's GSoC for Gentoo. We particularly encourage applications from students who are new to Gentoo development—many of our students become Gentoo developers after a successful summer.</p>
+ <p>Interested students can browse Gentoo's project ideas. Student applications will be accepted until 1900 UTC April 6, so start now if you haven't already!</p>
+ <p>Developers, if you'd like to apply to be a mentor, you can do so on the webapp. Please read the mentoring guide before applying.</p>
+ <h3>Gentoo Linux releases 12.1 LiveDVD <small>posted on April 1, 2012 by <strong>Robin H. Johnson</strong></small></h3>
+ <p>Gentoo Linux is proud to announce the availability of a new LiveDVD to celebrate the continued collaboration between Gentoo users and developers. The LiveDVD features a superb list of packages, some of which are listed below.</p>
+ <p>A special thanks to the Gentoo Infrastructure Team. Their hard work behind the scenes provide the resources, services and technology necessary to support the Gentoo Linux project.</p>
+ <p>Packages included in this release: Linux Kernel 3.3.0, Xorg 1.12.0, KDE 4.8.1, Gnome 3.2.1, XFCE 4.8, Fluxbox 1.3.2, Firefox 11.0, LibreOffice, Gimp 2.6.12, Blender 2.60, Amarok 2.5 , VLC 2.0.1 and much more ... If you want to see if your package is included we have generated both the x86 package list, and amd64 package list. You may also be interested in checking out the FAQ. There is no new artwork for the 12.1 release, but you can still get the 12.0 artwork plus DVD cases and covers for the 12.0 release.</p>
+ <p>Special Features:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>ZFSOnLinux</li>
+ <li>Writable file systems using AUFS so you can emerge new packages!</li>
+ <li>Persistence for $HOME is available; press F9 for more info!</li>
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+ <h2>Developer Blogs (Planet Gentoo)</h2>
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+ <td>Andreas K. Hüttel</td>
+ <td>Please test cups-1.5</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Diego E. Pettenò</td>
+ <td>Back to Cinnamon!</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Eray Aslan</td>
+ <td>Upgrading to Postfix-2.9</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Sebastian Pipping</td>
+ <td>overlint: Static analysis for your Gentoo overlay</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Tomáš Chvátal</td>
+ <td>Stabilisation of libreoffice-3.5</td>
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+ <h2>Sponsors</h2>
+ <p>Gentoo is proudly sponsored by:</p>
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+ <h2>New Packages</h2>
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+ <th>dev-lang/ruby</th>
+ <td>The Ruby interpreter</td>
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+ <th>dev-vcs/git</th>
+ <td>The stupid content tracker</td>
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+ <th>kde-misc/ktwitter</th>
+ <td>KDE Twitter client</td>
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+ <h2>Security Updates</h2>
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+ <th>GLSA 2012-02-02</th>
+ <td><span class="label label-important">critical</span></td>
+ <td>GNOME: Execution of arbitrary code</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>GLSA 2012-02-01</th>
+ <td><span class="label label-warning">moderate</span></td>
+ <td>KDE: Denial of Service</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>GLSA 2012-01-34</th>
+ <td><span class="label label-info">minor</span></td>
+ <td>Xfce: Information disclosure</td>
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