diff options
2 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/cacti/cacti-0.8.8f-r1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/cacti/cacti-0.8.8f-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..782f24179571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/cacti/cacti-0.8.8f-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils webapp
+# Support for _p* in version.
+DESCRIPTION="Cacti is a complete frontend to rrdtool"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="snmp doc"
+ dev-lang/php[cli,mysql,session,sockets,xml]
+ dev-php/adodb
+ net-analyzer/rrdtool[graph]
+ virtual/cron
+ virtual/mysql
+ snmp? ( >=net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.2.0 )
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-CVE-2015-8369.patch
+ sed -i -e \
+ 's:$config\["library_path"\] . "/adodb/":"adodb/":' \
+ "${S}"/include/global.php || die
+ rm -rf lib/adodb || die # don't use bundled adodb
+src_compile() { :; }
+src_install() {
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ rm LICENSE README || die
+ dodoc docs/{CHANGELOG,CONTRIB,README,txt/manual.txt}
+ use doc && dohtml -r docs/html/
+ rm -rf docs
+ edos2unix `find -type f -name '*.php'`
+ dodir ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
+ cp -r . "${D}"${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
+ webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/rra
+ webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/log/cacti.log
+ webapp_configfile ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/include/config.php
+ webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en.txt
+ webapp_src_install
diff --git a/net-analyzer/cacti/files/cacti-0.8.8f-CVE-2015-8369.patch b/net-analyzer/cacti/files/cacti-0.8.8f-CVE-2015-8369.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2019a6160ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/cacti/files/cacti-0.8.8f-CVE-2015-8369.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+--- a/graph.php
++++ b/graph.php
+@@ -32,43 +32,43 @@
+ api_plugin_hook_function('graph');
+ /* ================= input validation ================= */
+-input_validate_input_regex(get_request_var("rra_id"), "^([0-9]+|all)$");
++input_validate_input_regex(get_request_var_request("rra_id"), "^([0-9]+|all)$");
+ input_validate_input_regex(get_request_var_request("view_type"), "^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$");
+ /* ==================================================== */
+-if (!isset($_GET['rra_id'])) {
+- $_GET['rra_id'] = 'all';
++if (!isset($_REQUEST['rra_id'])) {
++ $_REQUEST['rra_id'] = 'all';
+ }
+-if ($_GET["rra_id"] == "all") {
++if ($_REQUEST["rra_id"] == "all") {
+ $sql_where = " where id is not null";
+ }else{
+- $sql_where = " where id=" . $_GET["rra_id"];
++ $sql_where = " where id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"];
+ }
+ /* make sure the graph requested exists (sanity) */
+-if (!(db_fetch_cell("select local_graph_id from graph_templates_graph where local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"]))) {
++if (!(db_fetch_cell("select local_graph_id from graph_templates_graph where local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"]))) {
+ print "<strong><font size='+1' color='FF0000'>GRAPH DOES NOT EXIST</font></strong>"; exit;
+ }
+ /* take graph permissions into account here, if the user does not have permission
+ give an "access denied" message */
+ if (read_config_option("auth_method") != 0) {
+- $access_denied = !(is_graph_allowed($_GET["local_graph_id"]));
++ $access_denied = !(is_graph_allowed($_REQUEST["local_graph_id"]));
+ if ($access_denied == true) {
+ print "<strong><font size='+1' color='FF0000'>ACCESS DENIED</font></strong>"; exit;
+ }
+ }
+-$graph_title = get_graph_title($_GET["local_graph_id"]);
++$graph_title = get_graph_title($_REQUEST["local_graph_id"]);
+ if ($_REQUEST["view_type"] == "tree") {
+ print "<table width='100%' style='background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #ffffff;' align='center' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>";
+@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@
+ print "<table width='100%' style='background-color: #f5f5f5; border: 1px solid #bbbbbb;' align='center' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3'>";
+ }
+-$rras = get_associated_rras($_GET["local_graph_id"]);
++$rras = get_associated_rras($_REQUEST["local_graph_id"]);
+ switch ($_REQUEST["action"]) {
+ case 'view':
+ api_plugin_hook_function('page_buttons',
+- array('lgid' => $_GET["local_graph_id"],
++ array('lgid' => $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"],
+ 'leafid' => '',//$leaf_id,
+ 'mode' => 'mrtg',
+- 'rraid' => $_GET["rra_id"])
++ 'rraid' => $_REQUEST["rra_id"])
+ );
+ ?>
+ <tr class='tableHeader'>
+@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
+ <table width='1' cellpadding='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+- <img class='graphimage' id='graph_<?php print $_GET["local_graph_id"] ?>' src='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_image.php?action=view&local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"]);?>' border='0' alt='<?php print htmlspecialchars($graph_title, ENT_QUOTES);?>'>
++ <img class='graphimage' id='graph_<?php print $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] ?>' src='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_image.php?action=view&local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"]);?>' border='0' alt='<?php print htmlspecialchars($graph_title, ENT_QUOTES);?>'>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top' style='padding: 3px;' class='noprint'>
+- <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"]. "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='Zoom Graph' title='Zoom Graph' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
+- <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_xport.php?local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_query.png' border='0' alt='CSV Export' title='CSV Export' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
+- <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=properties&local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_properties.gif' border='0' alt='Graph Source/Properties' title='Graph Source/Properties' style='padding: 3px;'></a>
+- <?php api_plugin_hook('graph_buttons', array('hook' => 'view', 'local_graph_id' => $_GET['local_graph_id'], 'rra' => $rra['id'], 'view_type' => $_REQUEST['view_type'])); ?>
++ <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"]. "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='Zoom Graph' title='Zoom Graph' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
++ <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_xport.php?local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_query.png' border='0' alt='CSV Export' title='CSV Export' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
++ <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=properties&local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $rra["id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_properties.gif' border='0' alt='Graph Source/Properties' title='Graph Source/Properties' style='padding: 3px;'></a>
++ <?php api_plugin_hook('graph_buttons', array('hook' => 'view', 'local_graph_id' => $_REQUEST['local_graph_id'], 'rra' => $rra['id'], 'view_type' => $_REQUEST['view_type'])); ?>
+ <a href='#page_top'><img src='<?php print $config['url_path']; ?>images/graph_page_top.gif' border='0' alt='Page Top' title='Page Top' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
+ }
+ /* fetch information for the current RRA */
+- $rra = db_fetch_row("select id,timespan,steps,name from rra where id=" . $_GET["rra_id"]);
++ $rra = db_fetch_row("select id,timespan,steps,name from rra where id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"]);
+ /* define the time span, which decides which rra to use */
+ $timespan = -($rra["timespan"]);
+@@ -154,24 +154,24 @@
+ FROM (data_template_data,data_template_rrd,graph_templates_item)
+ AND data_template_rrd.local_data_id=data_template_data.local_data_id
+- AND graph_templates_item.local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] .
++ AND graph_templates_item.local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] .
+ " LIMIT 0,1");
+ $ds_step = empty($ds_step) ? 300 : $ds_step;
+ $seconds_between_graph_updates = ($ds_step * $rra["steps"]);
+ $now = time();
+- if (isset($_GET["graph_end"]) && ($_GET["graph_end"] <= $now - $seconds_between_graph_updates)) {
+- $graph_end = $_GET["graph_end"];
++ if (isset($_REQUEST["graph_end"]) && ($_REQUEST["graph_end"] <= $now - $seconds_between_graph_updates)) {
++ $graph_end = $_REQUEST["graph_end"];
+ }else{
+ $graph_end = $now - $seconds_between_graph_updates;
+ }
+- if (isset($_GET["graph_start"])) {
+- if (($graph_end - $_GET["graph_start"])>$max_timespan) {
++ if (isset($_REQUEST["graph_start"])) {
++ if (($graph_end - $_REQUEST["graph_start"])>$max_timespan) {
+ $graph_start = $now - $max_timespan;
+ }else {
+- $graph_start = $_GET["graph_start"];
++ $graph_start = $_REQUEST["graph_start"];
+ }
+ }else{
+ $graph_start = $now + $timespan;
+@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
+ graph_templates_graph.height,
+ graph_templates_graph.width
+ from graph_templates_graph
+- where graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"]);
++ where graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"]);
+ $graph_height = $graph["height"];
+ $graph_width = $graph["width"];
+@@ -214,12 +214,12 @@
+ <table width='1' cellpadding='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+- <img id='zoomGraphImage' class="graphimage" src='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_image.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_GET["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end . "&graph_height=" . $graph_height . "&graph_width=" . $graph_width . "&title_font_size=" . $title_font_size);?>' border='0' alt='<?php print htmlspecialchars($graph_title, ENT_QUOTES);?>'>
++ <img id='zoomGraphImage' class="graphimage" src='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_image.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end . "&graph_height=" . $graph_height . "&graph_width=" . $graph_width . "&title_font_size=" . $title_font_size);?>' border='0' alt='<?php print htmlspecialchars($graph_title, ENT_QUOTES);?>'>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top' style='padding: 3px;' class='noprint'>
+- <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=properties&local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_GET["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_properties.gif' border='0' alt='Graph Source/Properties' title='Graph Source/Properties' style='padding: 3px;'></a>
+- <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_xport.php?local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_GET["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"]);?>&graph_start=<?php print $graph_start;?>&graph_end=<?php print $graph_end;?>'><img src='images/graph_query.png' border='0' alt='CSV Export' title='CSV Export' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
+- <?php api_plugin_hook('graph_buttons', array('hook' => 'zoom', 'local_graph_id' => $_GET['local_graph_id'], 'rra' => $_GET['rra_id'], 'view_type' => $_REQUEST['view_type'])); ?>
++ <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=properties&local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . $graph_start . "&graph_end=" . $graph_end);?>'><img src='images/graph_properties.gif' border='0' alt='Graph Source/Properties' title='Graph Source/Properties' style='padding: 3px;'></a>
++ <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_xport.php?local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"]);?>&graph_start=<?php print $graph_start;?>&graph_end=<?php print $graph_end;?>'><img src='images/graph_query.png' border='0' alt='CSV Export' title='CSV Export' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
++ <?php api_plugin_hook('graph_buttons', array('hook' => 'zoom', 'local_graph_id' => $_REQUEST['local_graph_id'], 'rra' => $_REQUEST['rra_id'], 'view_type' => $_REQUEST['view_type'])); ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+@@ -249,17 +249,17 @@
+ <table width='1' cellpadding='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+- <img src='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_image.php?action=properties&local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_GET["rra_id"] . "&graph_start=" . (isset($_GET["graph_start"]) ? $_GET["graph_start"] : "0") . "&graph_end=" . (isset($_GET["graph_end"]) ? $_GET["graph_end"] : "0"));?>' border='0' alt='<?php print htmlspecialchars($graph_title);?>'>
++ <img src='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_image.php?action=properties&local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"] . "&graph_start=" . (isset($_REQUEST["graph_start"]) ? $_REQUEST["graph_start"] : "0") . "&graph_end=" . (isset($_REQUEST["graph_end"]) ? $_REQUEST["graph_end"] : "0"));?>' border='0' alt='<?php print htmlspecialchars($graph_title);?>'>
+ </td>
+ <td valign='top' style='padding: 3px;'>
+- <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"]. "&rra_id=" . $_GET["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . get_request_var("graph_start") . "&graph_end=" . get_request_var("graph_end"));?>'><img src='images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='Zoom Graph' title='Zoom Graph' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
+- <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_xport.php?local_graph_id=" . $_GET["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_GET["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"]);?>'><img src='images/graph_query.png' border='0' alt='CSV Export' title='CSV Export' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
+- <?php api_plugin_hook('graph_buttons', array('hook' => 'properties', 'local_graph_id' => $_GET['local_graph_id'], 'rra' => $_GET['rra_id'], 'view_type' => $_REQUEST['view_type'])); ?>
++ <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph.php?action=zoom&local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"]. "&rra_id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"] . "&graph_start=" . get_request_var("graph_start") . "&graph_end=" . get_request_var("graph_end"));?>'><img src='images/graph_zoom.gif' border='0' alt='Zoom Graph' title='Zoom Graph' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
++ <a href='<?php print htmlspecialchars("graph_xport.php?local_graph_id=" . $_REQUEST["local_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"] . "&view_type=" . $_REQUEST["view_type"]);?>'><img src='images/graph_query.png' border='0' alt='CSV Export' title='CSV Export' style='padding: 3px;'></a><br>
++ <?php api_plugin_hook('graph_buttons', array('hook' => 'properties', 'local_graph_id' => $_REQUEST['local_graph_id'], 'rra' => $_REQUEST['rra_id'], 'view_type' => $_REQUEST['view_type'])); ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan='2' align='center'>
+- <strong><?php print htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell("select name from rra where id=" . $_GET["rra_id"]));?></strong>
++ <strong><?php print htmlspecialchars(db_fetch_cell("select name from rra where id=" . $_REQUEST["rra_id"]));?></strong>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+--- a/include/top_graph_header.php
++++ b/include/top_graph_header.php
+@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@
+ $graph_data_array["print_source"] = true;
+ /* override: graph start time (unix time) */
+- if (!empty($_GET["graph_start"])) {
++ if (!empty($_REQUEST["graph_start"])) {
+ $graph_data_array["graph_start"] = get_request_var_request("graph_start");
+ }
+ /* override: graph end time (unix time) */
+- if (!empty($_GET["graph_end"])) {
++ if (!empty($_REQUEST["graph_end"])) {
+ $graph_data_array["graph_end"] = get_request_var_request("graph_end");
+ }