diff options
authorNicolas Bock <>2015-08-19 05:28:42 -0600
committerNicolas Bock <>2015-08-19 05:28:42 -0600
commit3f2f0620f34ab0c3e861658f9fcefa54579ac9fe (patch)
tree995eedee2ed20855e45a7267f2a806474de956c5 /sci-physics
parentapp-admin/keepass: remove old (diff)
sci-physics/lammps: Version bump.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-physics')
2 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-physics/lammps/Manifest b/sci-physics/lammps/Manifest
index db8ec1ef3f39..7ef6a6350d45 100644
--- a/sci-physics/lammps/Manifest
+++ b/sci-physics/lammps/Manifest
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ DIST lammps-10Feb15.tar.gz 62912048 SHA256 59373e9b5592f7b697a144bbce1fb742726e0
DIST lammps-15May15.tar.gz 63835027 SHA256 0233ea98c7d77d31bd0a538bb674c0ee8f000f1d0ee1b8c049072873192aa228 SHA512 a23c16b98117590b15ca7662b878fb2f76ec41399c329c98deb48e28a0ffce293443269513a96c2503389894b598787b19dadc210d4b4dbc6a7432caf633e7d1 WHIRLPOOL 4c4edfd772bbf534e42fc43e1feaf3b8f76e74c58ec1e985e3c29ee0d8e64aa8c501b8e45e078643409c320a1d834b0d5eb699e7d1ec29df06be0126d12492f1
DIST lammps-16Apr15.tar.gz 63842472 SHA256 65aecf6f25a055734ef113890a86ecbf7f8478105238c507e5f9bcbeb657bc99 SHA512 95639145db66e76bd27a865849dc0ad15d3920f7ca9f1fb9a426e457376d0c939c57440e89fa6903d1989ca5e5c6c97d8d283928e1dbf33dd94ba88dbb05a252 WHIRLPOOL 422f6814093f22820cfd8fada1d97735c1a8f0388b34e6bad49e361e411b254ea89e6bf7afa8390c0cba1371a6d038fa84cf93583568c5223e42d95210f13515
DIST lammps-18Apr15.tar.gz 63883297 SHA256 4ce74978da738383a1d808a37481c3c43d4f8f44d919770b3f2cdd4fcf03345b SHA512 be088ec59b7fe495fff3cdfcc5ccb52d2705eec20deb5c8694a215943786652c9dc22a81ba48324707495c3f56c0c347af964d1952ae077c8db02258cf31387a WHIRLPOOL c90403147cc4eda5b4f581cd1bd18bcc8f45a73b1d0e51dcd64c52fc636116c9d57337b89b5753c86e1bbf386f8a2391a9813a6e32154a819f3e35cfc816b5e2
+DIST lammps-18Aug15.tar.gz 87893731 SHA256 513237934cda7c1e026f4983096fd53cb510fadee12c55b13b4735086155245a SHA512 5816509f5b988dbe74c9f40a9faa42b3bcf260388dfe70703a1544517acd3f868d3bc398fb4c2fa7713d24409075d44ad80b8e91a25a28db783c2605aff30977 WHIRLPOOL 7022f3aabadffdfa2ef4c8219589e46fba2572d9ed4b52591f6516a61d4895b39d637d88535ba83881db5d48661e34ca6ff2f22a6819dbec015af979721a0f53
DIST lammps-18Jul15.tar.gz 66065642 SHA256 deb6625b7c21cf94fc7ee9aefb2edf55a6c8dc870e919028c9ffa1cd169d57ed SHA512 d26dd0084779e037af35bc26f81cdca5a7617f841860e6eab7d52f6c023d2c001075aad5dc3d656ceb6e92650589acc472fa5c8954fd9ab81ec0b737e377284b WHIRLPOOL 66794b7250cdb077bcbeb2b95a464aecc684f7592d81f3db4a3702195ef1d8404eb4b1f38e6c1dd859a42dd8ca1ebd039cbac4d9fd11be99a376168f2c498cdd
DIST lammps-21Jul15.tar.gz 66715434 SHA256 2e24a7b6131a35ef83cec08f4dc9f7cc5188c59a630ba61f2a8ac3cfbd284ef7 SHA512 cbf39b3559ac60d5ad92299370bf9af76c0bd7fec62dbaa429d5127d561978426d16b03510b815ffeb6b0acdb362523809adf7ac3fbc2fea8cc484010b1ef7bc WHIRLPOOL 41df92b1f5baf52e846032f12c80f813b84fcd1c71f8c7dad5594780da154345d1b1bdea6b68f4c4b71029346d74d4ff3a813f1101437a01be65df7cf6d0d246
DIST lammps-22Jul15.tar.gz 67275212 SHA256 b75cdf8ead17f20433737c203c8d29c0cc3e157c9b3d175093467873aea0b869 SHA512 f6e5eaf3ca8bcd25a580a4608e0aec0021f2ed5eb23cf9ccd0a707cb8bc320568504ccffc25cccb5acfe2fc3515c58f8afc8936aea63acb3062bdc897a5eb2ee WHIRLPOOL 13c09e1045a0bdabe15e2125ccef0ea622cb12fcce63d8441b7f9843b8f1a3f7aa0c13908a2e215c1fdba8a579a17a5833111b5cf31a2471bf66e781ef281c59
diff --git a/sci-physics/lammps/lammps-20150818.ebuild b/sci-physics/lammps/lammps-20150818.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a244c83975e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-physics/lammps/lammps-20150818.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_3} )
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic fortran-2 multilib python-r1
+convert_month() {
+ case $1 in
+ 01) echo Jan
+ ;;
+ 02) echo Feb
+ ;;
+ 03) echo Mar
+ ;;
+ 04) echo Apr
+ ;;
+ 05) echo May
+ ;;
+ 06) echo Jun
+ ;;
+ 07) echo Jul
+ ;;
+ 08) echo Aug
+ ;;
+ 09) echo Sep
+ ;;
+ 10) echo Oct
+ ;;
+ 11) echo Nov
+ ;;
+ 12) echo Dec
+ ;;
+ *) echo unknown
+ ;;
+ esac
+MY_P=${PN}-$((10#${PV:6:2}))$(convert_month ${PV:4:2})${PV:2:2}
+DESCRIPTION="Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="doc examples gzip lammps-memalign mpi python static-libs"
+ mpi? (
+ virtual/blas
+ virtual/lapack
+ virtual/mpi
+ )
+ gzip? ( app-arch/gzip )
+ sci-libs/voro++
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
+ "
+lmp_emake() {
+ LAMMPS_INCLUDEFLAGS+="$(usex lammps-memalign ' -DLAMMPS_MEMALIGN=64' '')"
+ # The lammps makefile uses CC to indicate the C++ compiler.
+ emake \
+ ARCHIVE=$(tc-getAR) \
+ CC=$(usex mpi "mpic++" "$(tc-getCXX)") \
+ F90=$(usex mpi "mpif90" "$(tc-getFC)") \
+ LINK=$(usex mpi "mpic++" "$(tc-getCXX)") \
+ MPI_INC=$(usex mpi "" "-I../STUBS") \
+ MPI_PATH=$(usex mpi "" "-L../STUBS") \
+ MPI_LIB=$(usex mpi "" "-lmpi_stubs") \
+ user-atc_SYSLIB="$(usex mpi "$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs blas) $($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs lapack)" '')"\
+ "$@"
+lmp_activate_packages() {
+ # Build packages
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-asphere
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-body
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-class2
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-colloid
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-coreshell
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-dipole
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-fld
+ #lmp_emake -C src yes-gpu
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-granular
+ # Need OpenKIM external dependency.
+ #lmp_emake -C src yes-kim
+ # Need Kokkos external dependency.
+ #lmp_emake -C src yes-kokkos
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-kspace
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-manybody
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-mc
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-meam
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-misc
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-molecule
+ #lmp_emake -C src yes-mpiio
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-opt
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-peri
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-poems
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-qeq
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-reax
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-replica
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-rigid
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-shock
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-snap
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-srd
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-voronoi
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-xtc
+ if use mpi; then
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-user-atc
+ fi
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-user-eff
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-user-fep
+ use mpi && lmp_emake -C src yes-user-lb
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-user-phonon
+ lmp_emake -C src yes-user-sph
+lmp_build_packages() {
+ lmp_emake -C lib/meam -j1 -f Makefile.gfortran
+ lmp_emake -C lib/poems -f Makefile.g++
+ lmp_emake -C lib/reax -j1 -f Makefile.gfortran
+ use mpi && lmp_emake -C lib/atc -f Makefile.g++
+lmp_clean_packages() {
+ lmp_emake -C lib/meam -f Makefile.gfortran clean
+ lmp_emake -C lib/poems -f Makefile.g++ clean
+ lmp_emake -C lib/reax -f Makefile.gfortran clean
+ use mpi && lmp_emake -C lib/atc -f Makefile.g++ clean
+src_prepare() {
+ # Fix inconsistent use of SHFLAGS.
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:voronoi_SYSINC\s\+=.*$:voronoi_SYSINC = -I/usr/include/voro++:' \
+ -e 's:voronoi_SYSPATH\s\+=.*$:voronoi_SYSPATH =:' \
+ lib/voronoi/Makefile.lammps || die
+ # Fix missing .so name.
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:SHLIBFLAGS\s\+=\s\+:SHLIBFLAGS = -Wl,-soname, :' \
+ src/MAKE/Makefile.serial || die
+ # Fix makefile in tools.
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:g++:$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS):' \
+ -e 's:gcc:$(CC) $(CCFLAGS):' \
+ -e 's:ifort:$(FC) $(FCFLAGS):' \
+ tools/Makefile || die
+ # Patch python.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/lammps-python3.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/python-shebang.patch"
+src_compile() {
+ # Fix atc...
+ append-cxxflags -I../../src
+ # Acticate packages.
+ elog "Activating lammps packages..."
+ lmp_activate_packages
+ # Compile stubs for serial version.
+ use mpi || lmp_emake -C src mpi-stubs
+ elog "Building packages..."
+ lmp_build_packages
+ if use static-libs; then
+ # Build static library.
+ elog "Building static library..."
+ lmp_emake -C src mode=lib serial
+ fi
+ # Clean out packages (that's not done by the build system with the clean
+ # target), so we can rebuild the packages with -fPIC.
+ elog "Cleaning packages..."
+ lmp_clean_packages
+ # The build system does not rebuild the packages with -fPIC, adding flag
+ # manually.
+ append-cxxflags -fPIC
+ append-fflags -fPIC
+ # Compile stubs for serial version.
+ use mpi || lmp_emake -C src mpi-stubs
+ elog "Building packages..."
+ lmp_build_packages
+ # Build shared library.
+ elog "Building shared library..."
+ lmp_emake -C src mode=shlib serial
+ # Compile main executable. The shared library is always built, and
+ # mode=shexe is simply a way to re-use the object files built in the
+ # "shlib" step when linking the executable. The executable is not actually
+ # using the shared library. If we have built the static library, then we
+ # link that into the executable.
+ elog "Linking executable..."
+ if use static-libs; then
+ lmp_emake -C src mode=exe serial
+ else
+ lmp_emake -C src mode=shexe serial
+ fi
+ # Compile tools.
+ elog "Building tools..."
+ lmp_emake -C tools binary2txt chain data2xmovie micelle2d
+src_install() {
+ use static-libs && newlib.a src/liblammps_serial.a liblammps.a
+ src/
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/
+ dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/
+ newbin src/lmp_serial lmp
+ dobin tools/binary2txt
+ dobin tools/chain
+ dobin tools/data2xmovie
+ dobin tools/micelle2d
+ # Don't forget to add header files of optional packages as they are added
+ # to this ebuild. There may also be .mod files from Fortran based
+ # packages.
+ insinto "/usr/include/${PN}"
+ doins -r src/*.h lib/meam/*.mod
+ local LAMMPS_POTENTIALS="usr/share/${PN}/potentials"
+ insinto "/${LAMMPS_POTENTIALS}"
+ doins potentials/*
+ doenvd 99lammps
+ # Install python script.
+ use python && python_foreach_impl python_domodule python/
+ if use examples; then
+ local LAMMPS_EXAMPLES="/usr/share/${PN}/examples"
+ insinto "${LAMMPS_EXAMPLES}"
+ doins -r examples/*
+ fi
+ dodoc README
+ if use doc; then
+ dodoc doc/Manual.pdf
+ dohtml -r doc/*
+ fi