diff options
authorSam James <>2022-02-22 00:35:29 +0000
committerSam James <>2022-02-22 00:41:22 +0000
commit08d38917b110ea52b3107556e283498a09a89a36 (patch)
tree1e22f92cde2672e94382e9d28d83a0c562fc0aa4 /dev-lang
parentdev-lang/ocaml: fix 4.09 with glibc 2.34 (diff)
dev-lang/ocaml: fix 4.10 with glibc 2.34
Bug: See: Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
2 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/ocaml/files/ocaml-4.10.2-glibc-2.34.patch b/dev-lang/ocaml/files/ocaml-4.10.2-glibc-2.34.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ce76701366a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/ocaml/files/ocaml-4.10.2-glibc-2.34.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+From 4b4c643d1d5d28738f6d900cd902851ed9dc5364 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Xavier Leroy <>
+Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2021 19:14:07 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Dynamically allocate the alternate signal stack
+In Glibc 2.34 and later, SIGSTKSZ may not be a compile-time constant.
+It is no longer possible to statically allocate the alternate signal
+stack for the main thread, as we've been doing for the last 25 years.
+This commit implements dynamic allocation of the alternate signal stack
+even for the main thread. It reuses the code already in place to allocate
+the alternate signal stack for other threads.
+The alternate signal stack is freed when the main OCaml code / an OCaml thread
+(partial back-port of PR#10266 and PR#10726)
+ otherlibs/systhreads/st_stubs.c | 2 +
+ runtime/fail_nat.c | 7 ++-
+ runtime/signals_nat.c | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
+ runtime/startup_nat.c | 7 ++-
+ runtime/sys.c | 5 ++
+ 5 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/otherlibs/systhreads/st_stubs.c b/otherlibs/systhreads/st_stubs.c
+index e46a67be9dc..0b441934ae9 100644
+--- a/otherlibs/systhreads/st_stubs.c
++++ b/otherlibs/systhreads/st_stubs.c
+@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ static st_retcode caml_threadstatus_wait (value);
+ #ifdef NATIVE_CODE
+ extern struct longjmp_buffer caml_termination_jmpbuf;
+ extern void (*caml_termination_hook)(void);
++extern int caml_stop_stack_overflow_detection(void);
+ #endif
+ /* Hook for scanning the stacks of the other threads */
+@@ -576,6 +577,7 @@ static ST_THREAD_FUNCTION caml_thread_start(void * arg)
+ caml_thread_stop();
+ #ifdef NATIVE_CODE
+ }
++ caml_stop_stack_overflow_detection();
+ #endif
+ /* The thread now stops running */
+ return 0;
+diff --git a/runtime/fail_nat.c b/runtime/fail_nat.c
+index 380578ac47b..4ea658684b4 100644
+--- a/runtime/fail_nat.c
++++ b/runtime/fail_nat.c
+@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
+ #include "caml/roots.h"
+ #include "caml/callback.h"
++extern void caml_terminate_signals(void);
+ /* The globals holding predefined exceptions */
+ typedef value caml_generated_constant[1];
+@@ -62,7 +64,10 @@ CAMLno_asan
+ void caml_raise(value v)
+ {
+ Unlock_exn();
+- if (Caml_state->exception_pointer == NULL) caml_fatal_uncaught_exception(v);
++ if (Caml_state->exception_pointer == NULL) {
++ caml_terminate_signals();
++ caml_fatal_uncaught_exception(v);
++ }
+ while (Caml_state->local_roots != NULL &&
+ (char *) Caml_state->local_roots < Caml_state->exception_pointer) {
+diff --git a/runtime/signals_nat.c b/runtime/signals_nat.c
+index 017298394e9..b4c58259fc2 100644
+--- a/runtime/signals_nat.c
++++ b/runtime/signals_nat.c
+@@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ DECLARE_SIGNAL_HANDLER(trap_handler)
+ #error "CONTEXT_SP is required if HAS_STACK_OVERFLOW_DETECTION is defined"
+ #endif
+-static char sig_alt_stack[SIGSTKSZ];
+ /* Code compiled with ocamlopt never accesses more than
+ EXTRA_STACK bytes below the stack pointer. */
+ #define EXTRA_STACK 256
+@@ -254,6 +252,10 @@ DECLARE_SIGNAL_HANDLER(segv_handler)
+ /* Initialization of signal stuff */
++static int setup_stack_overflow_detection(void);
+ void caml_init_signals(void)
+ {
+ /* Bound-check trap handling */
+@@ -278,28 +280,91 @@ void caml_init_signals(void)
+ #endif
+- {
+- stack_t stk;
++ if (setup_stack_overflow_detection() != -1) {
+ struct sigaction act;
+- stk.ss_sp = sig_alt_stack;
+- stk.ss_size = SIGSTKSZ;
+- stk.ss_flags = 0;
+ SET_SIGACT(act, segv_handler);
+ act.sa_flags |= SA_ONSTACK | SA_NODEFER;
+ sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);
+- if (sigaltstack(&stk, NULL) == 0) { sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); }
++ sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL);
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+-void caml_setup_stack_overflow_detection(void)
++/* Termination of signal stuff */
++#if defined(TARGET_power) || defined(TARGET_s390x) \
++static void set_signal_default(int signum)
++ struct sigaction act;
++ sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);
++ act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
++ act.sa_flags = 0;
++ sigaction(signum, &act, NULL);
++int caml_stop_stack_overflow_detection(void);
++void caml_terminate_signals(void)
+ {
++#if defined(TARGET_power)
++ set_signal_default(SIGTRAP);
++#if defined(TARGET_s390x)
++ set_signal_default(SIGFPE);
++ set_signal_default(SIGSEGV);
++ caml_stop_stack_overflow_detection();
++/* Allocate and select an alternate stack for handling signals,
++ especially SIGSEGV signals.
++ Each thread needs its own alternate stack.
++ The alternate stack used to be statically-allocated for the main thread,
++ but this is incompatible with Glibc 2.34 and newer, where SIGSTKSZ
++ may not be a compile-time constant (issue #10250). */
++static int setup_stack_overflow_detection(void)
+ stack_t stk;
+ stk.ss_sp = malloc(SIGSTKSZ);
++ if (stk.ss_sp == NULL) return -1;
+ stk.ss_size = SIGSTKSZ;
+ stk.ss_flags = 0;
+- if (stk.ss_sp)
+- sigaltstack(&stk, NULL);
++ if (sigaltstack(&stk, NULL) == -1) {
++ free(stk.ss_sp);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* Success (or stack overflow detection not available) */
++ return 0;
++CAMLexport void caml_setup_stack_overflow_detection(void)
++ setup_stack_overflow_detection();
++CAMLexport int caml_stop_stack_overflow_detection(void)
++ stack_t oldstk, stk;
++ stk.ss_flags = SS_DISABLE;
++ if (sigaltstack(&stk, &oldstk) == -1) return -1;
++ /* If caml_setup_stack_overflow_detection failed, we are not using
++ an alternate signal stack. SS_DISABLE will be set in oldstk,
++ and there is nothing to free in this case. */
++ if (! (oldstk.ss_flags & SS_DISABLE)) free(oldstk.ss_sp);
++ return 0;
++ return 0;
+ #endif
+ }
+diff --git a/runtime/startup_nat.c b/runtime/startup_nat.c
+index 91ff81b3fac..b80d0ffbd5e 100644
+--- a/runtime/startup_nat.c
++++ b/runtime/startup_nat.c
+@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ void (*caml_termination_hook)(void *) = NULL;
+ extern value caml_start_program (caml_domain_state*);
+ extern void caml_init_ieee_floats (void);
+ extern void caml_init_signals (void);
++extern void caml_terminate_signals(void);
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ extern void caml_win32_overflow_detection (void);
+ #endif
+@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ extern void caml_install_invalid_parameter_handler();
+ value caml_startup_common(char_os **argv, int pooling)
+ {
+ char_os * exe_name, * proc_self_exe;
++ value res;
+ char tos;
+ /* Initialize the domain */
+@@ -156,10 +158,13 @@ value caml_startup_common(char_os **argv, int pooling)
+ exe_name = caml_search_exe_in_path(exe_name);
+ caml_sys_init(exe_name, argv);
+ if (sigsetjmp(caml_termination_jmpbuf.buf, 0)) {
++ caml_terminate_signals();
+ if (caml_termination_hook != NULL) caml_termination_hook(NULL);
+ return Val_unit;
+ }
+- return caml_start_program(Caml_state);
++ res = caml_start_program(Caml_state);
++ caml_terminate_signals();
++ return res;
+ }
+ value caml_startup_exn(char_os **argv)
+diff --git a/runtime/sys.c b/runtime/sys.c
+index d5636199c9f..45f8c8e8100 100644
+--- a/runtime/sys.c
++++ b/runtime/sys.c
+@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ static void caml_sys_check_path(value name)
+ }
+ }
++extern void caml_terminate_signals(void);
+ CAMLprim value caml_sys_exit(value retcode_v)
+ {
+ int retcode = Int_val(retcode_v);
+@@ -156,6 +158,9 @@ CAMLprim value caml_sys_exit(value retcode_v)
+ caml_shutdown();
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ caml_restore_win32_terminal();
++#ifdef NATIVE_CODE
++ caml_terminate_signals();
+ #endif
+ exit(retcode);
+ }
diff --git a/dev-lang/ocaml/ocaml-4.10.2-r3.ebuild b/dev-lang/ocaml/ocaml-4.10.2-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b298bea0d51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/ocaml/ocaml-4.10.2-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit flag-o-matic
+SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+DESCRIPTION="Programming language supporting functional, imperative & object-oriented styles"
+SLOT="0/$(ver_cut 1-2)"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~sparc-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+IUSE="emacs flambda latex +ocamlopt spacetime xemacs"
+ spacetime? ( sys-libs/libunwind:= )"
+ virtual/pkgconfig"
+PDEPEND="emacs? ( app-emacs/ocaml-mode )
+ xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ocaml )"
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-cflags.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-glibc-2.34.patch
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/ocaml.conf "${T}" || die
+ # Broken until 4.12
+ # bug #818445
+ filter-flags '-flto*'
+ append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
+ # OCaml generates textrels on 32-bit arches
+ # We can't do anything about it, but disabling it means that tests
+ # for OCaml-based packages won't fail on unexpected output
+ # bug #773226
+ if use arm || use ppc || use x86 ; then
+ append-ldflags "-Wl,-z,notext"
+ fi
+ # Upstream build ignores LDFLAGS in several places.
+ sed -i -e 's/\(^MKDLL=.*\)/\1 $(LDFLAGS)/' \
+ -e 's/\(^OC_CFLAGS=.*\)/\1 $(LDFLAGS)/' \
+ -e 's/\(^OC_LDFLAGS=.*\)/\1 $(LDFLAGS)/' \
+ || die "LDFLAGS fix failed"
+ # ${P} overrides upstream build's own P due to a wrong assignment operator.
+ sed -i -e 's/^P ?=/P =/' stdlib/StdlibModules || die "P fix failed"
+src_configure() {
+ local opt=(
+ --bindir="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin"
+ --libdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml"
+ --mandir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/man"
+ --prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr"
+ $(use_enable flambda)
+ $(use_enable spacetime)
+ )
+ econf ${opt[@]}
+src_compile() {
+ if use ocamlopt ; then
+ emake world.opt
+ else
+ emake world
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ if use ocamlopt ; then
+ # OCaml tests only work when run sequentially
+ emake -j1 -C testsuite all
+ else
+ ewarn "${PN} was built without 'ocamlopt' USE flag; skipping tests."
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ default
+ dodir /usr/include
+ # Create symlink for header files
+ dosym "../$(get_libdir)/ocaml/caml" /usr/include/caml
+ dodoc Changes README.adoc
+ # Create envd entry for latex input files
+ if use latex ; then
+ echo "TEXINPUTS=\"${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml/ocamldoc:\"" > "${T}/99ocamldoc" || die
+ doenvd "${T}"/99ocamldoc
+ fi
+ sed -i -e "s:lib:$(get_libdir):" "${T}"/ocaml.conf || die
+ # Install ocaml-rebuild portage set
+ insinto /usr/share/portage/config/sets
+ doins "${T}"/ocaml.conf