diff options
authorArfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <Arfrever@Apache.Org>2018-04-16 18:17:41 +0200
committerMike Gilbert <>2018-04-16 14:27:28 -0400
commitcab46badda1d056395e99f342a1a4478bb46562e (patch)
parentnet-p2p/nicotine+: version bump (diff)
app-i18n/scim: Delete old version (1.4.14).
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/app-i18n/scim/Manifest b/app-i18n/scim/Manifest
index 4a8d1a6e784d..13684813add0 100644
--- a/app-i18n/scim/Manifest
+++ b/app-i18n/scim/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-DIST scim-1.4.14.tar.gz 1519287 BLAKE2B 6bd2f7328e9a75c392b0f8d1d096b09b55dc88489e4524213743a9be61b29b2d610d20394d59aa83001d17d7a210e30627ab06148a4677b02344a2872608babd SHA512 00fe7a1b40b69aae123c0a1e67eb3744ad1e6b1e66726bb011a7426bd28012c52b346c62f08c7ecf0977ac3e88ee416337c9fa89b39142d5eea338d99641f5df
DIST scim-1.4.17.tar.gz 1285383 BLAKE2B 95b9ecb0bb25a15876df8175ee0b9392c301e3b0c554ac6ccba6b863420828ce185d3454f2fef48c03e7451f01815020290be7611b8536d8a028153af3a3fe2b SHA512 a7e0696330bca6fdf929ec0565ab4af1b4d0e5f73592cf5cccf1af6412eb351cd5a5ec9a3e5b83b24d6abad89bbb38a375cbbb0fd978f2fa17f6d64b69da0e3a
DIST scim-1.4.18.tar.gz 1288060 BLAKE2B c2f1ce5608423734899aa6698060245c4ee253048d04d32bf5e853b8c68255340a8d35c0ebaaa50871b07c23ee9018b6bac03b18fbd4fa4dbea0e67c32c9ae30 SHA512 9a6090fc1ab950905a9c54d6678ce3d2a44297d1a992a3e933b0466688638e6cf470c1682daa58a6fbb6de3216b649273faf7edff1ac0ecca1c2c77fc19108fb
diff --git a/app-i18n/scim/scim-1.4.14.ebuild b/app-i18n/scim/scim-1.4.14.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ff91c1be7ca9..000000000000
--- a/app-i18n/scim/scim-1.4.14.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib gnome2-utils autotools-utils qmake-utils
-DESCRIPTION="Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) is an Input Method (IM) development platform"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="doc gtk3 qt4"
- dev-libs/glib:2
- gtk3? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3 )
- !gtk3? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
- qt4? (
- dev-qt/qtcore:4
- dev-qt/qtgui:4
- )
- >=dev-libs/atk-1
- >=x11-libs/pango-1
- !app-i18n/scim-cvs"
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen
- >=app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.73.1 )
- dev-lang/perl
- virtual/pkgconfig
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.33
- sys-devel/libtool"
- ChangeLog
- docs/developers
- docs/scim.cfg
-src_configure() {
- local gtk_version
- if use gtk3; then
- gtk_version="--with-gtk-version=3"
- else
- gtk_version="--with-gtk-version=2"
- fi
- # bug #83625
- filter-flags -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fvisibility=hidden
- local myeconfargs=(
- $(use_with doc doxygen)
- --enable-ld-version-script
- $gtk_version
- --disable-qt3-immodule
- $(use_enable qt4 qt4-immodule)
- --with-qt4-moc="$(qt4_get_bindir)/moc"
- )
- autotools-utils_src_configure
-src_compile() {
- autotools-utils_src_compile
- use doc && emake docs
-src_install() {
- use doc && HTML_DOCS=("${AUTOTOOLS_BUILD_DIR}/docs/html/")
- autotools-utils_src_install
- sed -e "s:@EPREFIX@:${EPREFIX}:" "${FILESDIR}/xinput-${PN}" > "${T}/${PN}.conf" || die
- insinto /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d
- doins "${T}/${PN}.conf"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog
- elog "To use SCIM with both GTK2 and XIM, you should use the following"
- elog "in your user startup scripts such as .gnomerc or .xinitrc:"
- elog
- elog "LANG='your_language' scim -d"
- elog "export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM"
- elog "export GTK_IM_MODULE=\"scim\""
- elog "export QT_IM_MODULE=\"scim\""
- elog
- elog "where 'your_language' can be zh_CN, zh_TW, ja_JP.eucJP or any other"
- elog "UTF-8 locale such as en_US.UTF-8 or ja_JP.UTF-8"
- elog
- elog "To use Chinese input methods:"
- elog " # emerge app-i18n/scim-tables app-i18n/scim-pinyin"
- elog "To use Korean input methods:"
- elog " # emerge app-i18n/scim-hangul"
- elog "To use Japanese input methods:"
- elog " # emerge app-i18n/scim-anthy"
- elog "To use various input methods (more than 30 languages):"
- elog " # emerge app-i18n/scim-m17n"
- elog
- elog "Please modify ${EPREFIX}/etc/scim/global and add your UTF-8 locale to"
- elog "/SupportedUnicodeLocales entry."
- elog
- ewarn
- ewarn "If you upgraded from scim-1.2.x or scim-1.0.x, you should remerge all SCIM modules."
- ewarn
- gnome2_query_immodules_gtk2
-pkg_postrm() {
- gnome2_query_immodules_gtk2