diff options
authorAlexis Ballier <>2017-04-01 16:29:32 +0200
committerAlexis Ballier <>2017-04-02 10:37:44 +0200
commit571764a836ccec45a8123c1f038183b71223e8b3 (patch)
parentdev-ml/stdio: Initial import. Ebuild by me. (diff)
dev-ml/ppx_core: Bump to 0.9.0
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.5, Repoman-2.3.2
4 files changed, 33 insertions, 830 deletions
diff --git a/dev-ml/ppx_core/Manifest b/dev-ml/ppx_core/Manifest
index 5491a6b6b75f..51fdf049cb7b 100644
--- a/dev-ml/ppx_core/Manifest
+++ b/dev-ml/ppx_core/Manifest
@@ -1 +1 @@
-DIST ppx_core-113.33.00.tar.gz 81206 SHA256 460e052c82b954506aead3b1102f8342954013642acbf81b75f0b5a53fb45e1c SHA512 bf4e4720f14bc8c23b7d517bccd2ef2894099bafbfa5c0e9adb70fd7881ac81787c0500050edd94716c32fd0f3e71d7f9c5e3d0e500c967c4feaeaa2db9fc924 WHIRLPOOL 3da6f5477f9b395bc5d31d208b120c696d9e30eaf606677ecdceeb2be07920d59681406acb06f0404e6db981601037137a5323424c0284b54dc8f28ddf21ece6
+DIST ppx_core-0.9.0.tar.gz 44525 SHA256 43c420b1d28628283ef7b5f645f02e5db1ccab51c2b0ddf6fe777cc3b123f0fe SHA512 04b0e096aa545c27f040feeea8745078e0fb9dbe4816ade6d3f39b6690da669c6c786334381dbccd74dfd46514ae88c6475b14db8c3216167a6acfea79601e06 WHIRLPOOL c5f8cbb61904ad32e611111ee4737554590d0e8180ae0d786e0bef4bdca53c3b5fb05dc031fe0bb4bd64ae542cbbf0105106ff0af07d049866a5c6556eb66b86
diff --git a/dev-ml/ppx_core/files/oc43.patch b/dev-ml/ppx_core/files/oc43.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ebc23efa4ba4..000000000000
--- a/dev-ml/ppx_core/files/oc43.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/js-utils/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/js-utils/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/js-utils/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/js-utils/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- |> (fun line -> Scanf.sscanf line "%[^=]=%S" (fun k v -> (k, v)))
- let remove_cwd =
-- let prefix = Sys.getcwd () ^ "/" in
-+ let prefix = Sys.getcwd () ^ Filename.dir_sep in
- let len_prefix = String.length prefix in
- fun fn ->
- let len = String.length fn in
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/_oasis ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/_oasis
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/_oasis 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/_oasis 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- OASISFormat: 0.4
--OCamlVersion: >= 4.02.3
-+OCamlVersion: >= 4.03.0
- FindlibVersion: >= 1.3.2
- Name: ppx_core
--Version: 113.33.00
-+Version: 113.33.01+4.03
- Synopsis: Standard library for ppx rewriters
- Authors: Jane Street Group, LLC <>
- Copyrights: (C) 2015-2016 Jane Street Group LLC <>
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/opam ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/opam
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/opam 2016-03-18 12:08:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/opam 2016-04-18 12:27:13.000000000 +0200
-@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
- "ocamlfind" {build & >= "1.3.2"}
- "ppx_tools" {>= "0.99.3"}
- ]
--available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.02.3" ]
-+available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.03.0" ]
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@
- val elist : (expression list -> expression) with_loc
- val plist : (pattern list -> pattern ) with_loc
-+ val pstr_value_list :
-+ loc:Location.t -> Asttypes.rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item list
-+ (** [pstr_value_list ~loc rf vbs] = [pstr_value ~loc rf vbs] if [vbs <> []], [[]]
-+ otherwise. *)
- val nonrec_type_declaration :
- (name:string Location.loc
- -> params:(core_type * Asttypes.variance) list
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -22,27 +22,31 @@
- include Ast_builder_generated.M
-+ let pstr_value_list ~loc rec_flag = function
-+ | [] -> []
-+ | vbs -> [pstr_value ~loc rec_flag vbs]
- let nonrec_type_declaration ~loc ~name ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~private_ ~manifest =
- let td = type_declaration ~loc ~name ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~private_ ~manifest in
- { td with ptype_attributes =
- ({ txt = "nonrec"; loc }, PStr []) :: td.ptype_attributes }
- ;;
-- let eint ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Const_int t)
-- let echar ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Const_char t)
-- let estring ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Const_string (t, None))
-- let efloat ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Const_float t)
-- let eint32 ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Const_int32 t)
-- let eint64 ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Const_int64 t)
-- let enativeint ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Const_nativeint t)
-- let pint ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Const_int t)
-- let pchar ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Const_char t)
-- let pstring ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Const_string (t, None))
-- let pfloat ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Const_float t)
-- let pint32 ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Const_int32 t)
-- let pint64 ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Const_int64 t)
-- let pnativeint ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Const_nativeint t)
-+ let eint ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (string_of_int t, None))
-+ let echar ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Pconst_char t)
-+ let estring ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Pconst_string (t, None))
-+ let efloat ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Pconst_float (t, None))
-+ let eint32 ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (Int32.to_string t, Some 'l'))
-+ let eint64 ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (Int64.to_string t, Some 'L'))
-+ let enativeint ~loc t = pexp_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (Nativeint.to_string t, Some 'n'))
-+ let pint ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (string_of_int t, None))
-+ let pchar ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_char t)
-+ let pstring ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_string (t, None))
-+ let pfloat ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_float (t, None))
-+ let pint32 ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (Int32.to_string t, Some 'l'))
-+ let pint64 ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (Int64.to_string t, Some 'L'))
-+ let pnativeint ~loc t = ppat_constant ~loc (Pconst_integer (Nativeint.to_string t, Some 'n'))
- let ebool ~loc t = pexp_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc (string_of_bool t)) None
- let pbool ~loc t = ppat_construct ~loc (Located.lident ~loc (string_of_bool t)) None
-@@ -77,10 +81,11 @@
- | _ -> pexp_apply ~loc e el
- ;;
-- let eapply ~loc e el = pexp_apply ~loc e ( el ~f:(fun e -> ("", e)))
-+ let eapply ~loc e el =
-+ pexp_apply ~loc e ( el ~f:(fun e -> (Asttypes.Nolabel, e)))
- let eabstract ~loc ps e =
-- List.fold_right ps ~init:e ~f:(fun p e -> pexp_fun ~loc "" None p e)
-+ List.fold_right ps ~init:e ~f:(fun p e -> pexp_fun ~loc Asttypes.Nolabel None p e)
- ;;
- let pconstruct cd arg = ppat_construct ~loc:cd.pcd_loc (Located.map_lident cd.pcd_name) arg
-@@ -111,6 +116,8 @@
- module Make(Loc : sig val loc : Location.t end) : S = struct
- include Ast_builder_generated.Make(Loc)
-+ let pstr_value_list = Default.pstr_value_list
- let nonrec_type_declaration ~name ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~private_ ~manifest =
- Default.nonrec_type_declaration ~loc ~name ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~private_ ~manifest
- ;;
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -80,6 +80,13 @@
- let ( >>| ) t f = map t ~f
-+let map0 (T func) ~f = T (fun ctx loc x k -> func ctx loc x ( k f ))
-+let map1 (T func) ~f = T (fun ctx loc x k -> func ctx loc x (fun a -> k (f a )))
-+let map2 (T func) ~f = T (fun ctx loc x k -> func ctx loc x (fun a b -> k (f a b)))
-+let alt_option some none =
-+ alt (map1 some ~f:(fun x -> Some x)) (map0 none ~f:None)
- let many (T f) = T (fun ctx loc l k ->
- k ( l ~f:(fun x -> f ctx loc x (fun x -> x))))
- ;;
-@@ -96,25 +103,37 @@
- let ( ^:: ) = cons
--let eint t = pexp_constant (const_int t)
--let echar t = pexp_constant (const_char t)
--let estring t = pexp_constant (const_string t drop)
--let efloat t = pexp_constant (const_float t)
--let eint32 t = pexp_constant (const_int32 t)
--let eint64 t = pexp_constant (const_int64 t)
-+let echar t = pexp_constant (pconst_char t )
-+let estring t = pexp_constant (pconst_string t drop)
-+let efloat t = pexp_constant (pconst_float t drop)
-+let pchar t = ppat_constant (pconst_char t )
-+let pstring t = ppat_constant (pconst_string t drop)
-+let pfloat t = ppat_constant (pconst_float t drop)
-+let int' (T f) = T (fun ctx loc x k -> f ctx loc (int_of_string x) k)
-+let int32' (T f) = T (fun ctx loc x k -> f ctx loc (Int32.of_string x) k)
-+let int64' (T f) = T (fun ctx loc x k -> f ctx loc (Int64.of_string x) k)
-+let nativeint' (T f) = T (fun ctx loc x k -> f ctx loc (Nativeint.of_string x) k)
-+let const_int t = pconst_integer (int' t) none
-+let const_int32 t = pconst_integer (int32' t) (some (char 'l'))
-+let const_int64 t = pconst_integer (int64' t) (some (char 'L'))
-+let const_nativeint t = pconst_integer (nativeint' t) (some (char 'n'))
-+let eint t = pexp_constant (const_int t)
-+let eint32 t = pexp_constant (const_int32 t)
-+let eint64 t = pexp_constant (const_int64 t)
- let enativeint t = pexp_constant (const_nativeint t)
--let pint t = ppat_constant (const_int t)
--let pchar t = ppat_constant (const_char t)
--let pstring t = ppat_constant (const_string t drop)
--let pfloat t = ppat_constant (const_float t)
--let pint32 t = ppat_constant (const_int32 t)
--let pint64 t = ppat_constant (const_int64 t)
-+let pint t = ppat_constant (const_int t)
-+let pint32 t = ppat_constant (const_int32 t)
-+let pint64 t = ppat_constant (const_int64 t)
- let pnativeint t = ppat_constant (const_nativeint t)
- let single_expr_payload t = pstr (pstr_eval t nil ^:: nil)
--let no_label t = string "" ** t
-+let no_label t = (cst Asttypes.Nolabel ~to_string:(fun _ -> "Nolabel")) ** t
- let attribute (T f1) (T f2) = T (fun ctx loc ((name : _ Location.loc), payload) k ->
- let k = f1 ctx name.loc name.txt k in
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ast_pattern.mli ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/ast_pattern.mli
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ast_pattern.mli 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/ast_pattern.mli 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@
- one. *)
- val alt : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
-+(** Same as [alt], for the common case where the left-hand-side captures a value but not
-+ the right-hand-side. *)
-+val alt_option : ('a, 'v -> 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'v option -> 'b, 'c) t
- (** Same as [alt] *)
- val ( ||| ) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
-@@ -125,6 +129,10 @@
- (** Same as [map] *)
- val ( >>| ) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('d -> 'b) -> ('a, 'd, 'c) t
-+val map0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> f: 'v -> ('a, 'v -> 'b, 'c) t
-+val map1 : ('a, 'v1 -> 'b, 'c) t -> f:('v1 -> 'v) -> ('a, 'v -> 'b, 'c) t
-+val map2 : ('a, 'v1 -> 'v2 -> 'b, 'c) t -> f:('v1 -> 'v2 -> 'v) -> ('a, 'v -> 'b, 'c) t
- val ( ^:: ) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a list, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a list, 'b, 'd) t
- val many : ('a, 'b -> 'b, 'c) t -> ('a list, 'c list -> 'd, 'd) t
-@@ -194,7 +202,7 @@
- val single_expr_payload : (expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (payload, 'a, 'b) t
--val no_label : (expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (string * expression, 'a, 'b) t
-+val no_label : (expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Asttypes.arg_label * expression, 'a, 'b) t
- val attribute : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (payload, 'b, 'c) t -> (attribute, 'a, 'c) t
- val extension : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (payload, 'b, 'c) t -> (attribute, 'a, 'c) t
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
- ; "ocaml.doc"
- ; "ocaml.text"
- ; "nonrec"
-+ ; "ocaml.noalloc"
-+ ; "ocaml.unboxed"
-+ ; "ocaml.untagged"
-+ ; "ocaml.inline"
- ]
- ;;
-@@ -74,6 +78,7 @@
- | Pstr_eval : structure_item t
- | Pstr_extension : structure_item t
- | Psig_extension : signature_item t
-+ | Row_field : row_field t
- let label_declaration = Label_declaration
- let constructor_declaration = Constructor_declaration
-@@ -100,6 +105,7 @@
- let pstr_eval = Pstr_eval
- let pstr_extension = Pstr_extension
- let psig_extension = Psig_extension
-+ let row_field = Row_field
- let get_pstr_eval st =
- match st.pstr_desc with
-@@ -116,6 +122,17 @@
- | Psig_extension (e, l) -> (e, l)
- | _ -> failwith "Attribute.Context.get_psig_extension"
-+ module Row_field = struct
-+ let get_attrs = function
-+ | Rinherit _ -> []
-+ | Rtag (_, attrs, _, _) -> attrs
-+ let set_attrs attrs = function
-+ | Rinherit _ -> invalid_arg "Row_field.set_attrs"
-+ | Rtag (lbl, _, can_be_constant, params_opts) ->
-+ Rtag (lbl, attrs, can_be_constant, params_opts)
-+ end
- let get_attributes : type a. a t -> a -> attributes = fun t x ->
- match t with
- | Label_declaration -> x.pld_attributes
-@@ -143,6 +160,7 @@
- | Pstr_eval -> snd (get_pstr_eval x)
- | Pstr_extension -> snd (get_pstr_extension x)
- | Psig_extension -> snd (get_psig_extension x)
-+ | Row_field -> Row_field.get_attrs x
- let set_attributes : type a. a t -> a -> attributes -> a = fun t x attrs ->
- match t with
-@@ -174,6 +192,7 @@
- { x with pstr_desc = Pstr_extension (get_pstr_extension x |> fst, attrs) }
- | Psig_extension ->
- { x with psig_desc = Psig_extension (get_psig_extension x |> fst, attrs) }
-+ | Row_field -> Row_field.set_attrs attrs x
- let desc : type a. a t -> string = function
- | Label_declaration -> "label declaration"
-@@ -201,6 +220,7 @@
- | Pstr_eval -> "toplevel expression"
- | Pstr_extension -> "toplevel extension"
- | Psig_extension -> "toplevel signature extension"
-+ | Row_field -> "row field"
- (*
- let pattern : type a b c d. a t
-@@ -480,6 +500,7 @@
- method! module_expr x = super#module_expr (self#check_node Context.Module_expr x)
- method! value_binding x = super#value_binding (self#check_node Context.Value_binding x)
- method! module_binding x = super#module_binding (self#check_node Context.Module_binding x)
-+ method! row_field x = super#row_field (self#check_node Context.Row_field x)
- method! class_field x =
- let x = self#check_node Context.Class_field x in
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/attribute.mli ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/attribute.mli
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/attribute.mli 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/attribute.mli 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
- val pstr_eval : structure_item t
- val pstr_extension : structure_item t
- val psig_extension : signature_item t
-+ val row_field : row_field t
- end
- (** [declare fully_qualified_name context payload_pattern k] declares an attribute. [k] is
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- List.fold_right
- (fun (tp, _variance) acc ->
- let loc = tp.ptyp_loc in
-- ptyp_arrow ~loc "" (f ~loc tp) acc)
-+ ptyp_arrow ~loc Nolabel (f ~loc tp) acc)
- td.ptype_params
- result_type
- ;;
-@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@
- method! constructor_declaration cd =
- (* Don't recurse through cd.pcd_res *)
-- List.iter (fun ty -> self#core_type ty) cd.pcd_args
-+ match cd.pcd_args with
-+ | Pcstr_tuple args -> List.iter (fun ty -> self#core_type ty) args
-+ | Pcstr_record _ -> failwith "Pcstr_record not supported"
- end
- let types_are_recursive ?(stop_on_functions = true) ?(short_circuit = fun _ -> None)
-@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@
- match payload with
- | PStr [] -> name.loc
- | PStr (x :: l) -> { x.pstr_loc with loc_end = (last x l).pstr_loc.loc_end }
-+ | PSig _ -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
- | PTyp t -> t.ptyp_loc
- | PPat (x, None) -> x.ppat_loc
- | PPat (x, Some e) -> { x.ppat_loc with loc_end = e.pexp_loc.loc_end }
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -70,8 +70,13 @@
- | Type_variant cds ->
- List.fold_left cds ~init:acc
- ~f:(fun acc (cd : Types.constructor_declaration) ->
-- List.fold_left cd.cd_args ~init:acc
-- ~f:(add_type_expr_dependencies env))
-+ match cd.cd_args with
-+ | Cstr_tuple typ_exprs ->
-+ List.fold_left typ_exprs ~init:acc ~f:(add_type_expr_dependencies env)
-+ | Cstr_record label_decls ->
-+ List.fold_left label_decls ~init:acc
-+ ~f:(fun acc (label_decl : Types.label_declaration) ->
-+ add_type_expr_dependencies env acc label_decl.ld_type))
- | Type_abstract ->
- match td.type_manifest with
- | None -> acc
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -121,57 +121,60 @@
- open M
- let gen_combinator_for_constructor ~wrapper:(wpath, wprefix, has_attrs) path ~prefix cd =
-- let args =
-- List.mapi cd.cd_args ~f:(fun i _ -> sprintf "x%d" i)
-- in
-- let exp =
-- Exp.construct ( (fqn_longident path cd.cd_id))
-- (match args with
-- | [] -> None
-- | [x] -> Some (evar x)
-- | _ -> Some (Exp.tuple ( args ~f:evar)))
-- in
-- let body =
-- let fields =
-- [ ( (fqn_longident' wpath (wprefix ^ "loc"))
-- , evar "loc"
-- )
-- ; ( (fqn_longident' wpath (wprefix ^ "desc"))
-- , exp
-- )
-- ]
-+ match cd.cd_args with
-+ | Cstr_record _ -> failwith "Cstr_record not supported"
-+ | Cstr_tuple cd_args ->
-+ let args =
-+ List.mapi cd_args ~f:(fun i _ -> sprintf "x%d" i)
-+ in
-+ let exp =
-+ Exp.construct ( (fqn_longident path cd.cd_id))
-+ (match args with
-+ | [] -> None
-+ | [x] -> Some (evar x)
-+ | _ -> Some (Exp.tuple ( args ~f:evar)))
- in
-- let fields =
-- if has_attrs then
-- ( (fqn_longident' wpath (wprefix ^ "attributes"))
-- , [%expr []]
-- )
-- :: fields
-+ let body =
-+ let fields =
-+ [ ( (fqn_longident' wpath (wprefix ^ "loc"))
-+ , evar "loc"
-+ )
-+ ; ( (fqn_longident' wpath (wprefix ^ "desc"))
-+ , exp
-+ )
-+ ]
-+ in
-+ let fields =
-+ if has_attrs then
-+ ( (fqn_longident' wpath (wprefix ^ "attributes"))
-+ , [%expr []]
-+ )
-+ :: fields
-+ else
-+ fields
-+ in
-+ Exp.record fields None
-+ in
-+ let body =
-+ (* match args with
-+ | [] -> [%expr fun () -> [%e body]]
-+ | _ ->*)
-+ List.fold_right args ~init:body ~f:(fun arg acc ->
-+ [%expr fun [%p pvar arg] -> [%e acc]])
-+ in
-+ (* let body =
-+ if not has_attrs then
-+ body
-+ else
-+ [%expr fun ?(attrs=[]) -> [%e body]]
-+ in*)
-+ let body =
-+ if fixed_loc then
-+ body
- else
-- fields
-+ [%expr fun ~loc -> [%e body]]
- in
-- Exp.record fields None
-- in
-- let body =
--(* match args with
-- | [] -> [%expr fun () -> [%e body]]
-- | _ ->*)
-- List.fold_right args ~init:body ~f:(fun arg acc ->
-- [%expr fun [%p pvar arg] -> [%e acc]])
-- in
--(* let body =
-- if not has_attrs then
-- body
-- else
-- [%expr fun ?(attrs=[]) -> [%e body]]
-- in*)
-- let body =
-- if fixed_loc then
-- body
-- else
-- [%expr fun ~loc -> [%e body]]
-- in
-- [%stri let [%p pvar (function_name_of_id ~prefix cd.cd_id)] = [%e body]]
-+ [%stri let [%p pvar (function_name_of_id ~prefix cd.cd_id)] = [%e body]]
- ;;
- let gen_combinator_for_record path ~prefix lds =
-@@ -189,10 +192,10 @@
- let body =
- let l = List.filter funcs ~f:(fun f -> f <> "loc" && f <> "attributes") in
- match l with
-- | [x] -> Exp.fun_ "" None (pvar x) body
-+ | [x] -> Exp.fun_ Nolabel None (pvar x) body
- | _ ->
- List.fold_right l ~init:body ~f:(fun func acc ->
-- Exp.fun_ func None (pvar func) acc
-+ Exp.fun_ (Labelled func) None (pvar func) acc
- )
- in
- (* let body =
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -157,66 +157,69 @@
- ]
- let gen_combinator_for_constructor ?wrapper path ~prefix cd =
-- let args =
-- List.mapi cd.cd_args ~f:(fun i _ -> sprintf "x%d" i)
-- in
-- let funcs =
-- List.mapi cd.cd_args ~f:(fun i _ -> sprintf "f%d" i)
-- in
-- let pat =
-- Pat.construct ( (fqn_longident path cd.cd_id))
-- (match args with
-- | [] -> None
-- | [x] -> Some (pvar x)
-- | _ -> Some (Pat.tuple ( args ~f:pvar)))
-- in
-- let exp =
-- apply_parsers funcs ( args ~f:evar) cd.cd_args
-- in
-- let expected = without_prefix ~prefix ( cd.cd_id) in
-- let body =
-- [%expr
-- match x with
-- | [%p pat] -> ctx.matched <- ctx.matched + 1; [%e exp]
-- | _ -> fail loc [%e Exp.constant (Const_string (expected, None))]
-- ]
-- in
-- let body =
-- match wrapper with
-- | None -> body
-- | Some (path, prefix, has_attrs) ->
-- let body =
-- [%expr
-- let loc = [%e Exp.field (evar "x")
-- ( @@ fqn_longident' path (prefix ^ "loc"))]
-- in
-- let x = [%e Exp.field (evar "x")
-- ( @@ fqn_longident' path (prefix ^ "desc"))]
-- in
-- [%e body]
-- ]
-- in
-- if has_attrs then
-- [%expr
-- [%e assert_no_attributes ~path ~prefix];
-- [%e body]
-- ]
-- else
-- body
-- in
-- let body =
-- let loc =
-+ match cd.cd_args with
-+ | Cstr_record _ -> failwith "Cstr_record not supported"
-+ | Cstr_tuple cd_args ->
-+ let args =
-+ List.mapi cd_args ~f:(fun i _ -> sprintf "x%d" i)
-+ in
-+ let funcs =
-+ List.mapi cd_args ~f:(fun i _ -> sprintf "f%d" i)
-+ in
-+ let pat =
-+ Pat.construct ( (fqn_longident path cd.cd_id))
-+ (match args with
-+ | [] -> None
-+ | [x] -> Some (pvar x)
-+ | _ -> Some (Pat.tuple ( args ~f:pvar)))
-+ in
-+ let exp =
-+ apply_parsers funcs ( args ~f:evar) cd_args
-+ in
-+ let expected = without_prefix ~prefix ( cd.cd_id) in
-+ let body =
-+ [%expr
-+ match x with
-+ | [%p pat] -> ctx.matched <- ctx.matched + 1; [%e exp]
-+ | _ -> fail loc [%e Exp.constant (Pconst_string (expected, None))]
-+ ]
-+ in
-+ let body =
- match wrapper with
-- | None -> [%pat? loc]
-- | Some _ -> [%pat? _loc]
-+ | None -> body
-+ | Some (path, prefix, has_attrs) ->
-+ let body =
-+ [%expr
-+ let loc = [%e Exp.field (evar "x")
-+ ( @@ fqn_longident' path (prefix ^ "loc"))]
-+ in
-+ let x = [%e Exp.field (evar "x")
-+ ( @@ fqn_longident' path (prefix ^ "desc"))]
-+ in
-+ [%e body]
-+ ]
-+ in
-+ if has_attrs then
-+ [%expr
-+ [%e assert_no_attributes ~path ~prefix];
-+ [%e body]
-+ ]
-+ else
-+ body
- in
-- [%expr T (fun ctx [%p loc] x k -> [%e body])]
-- in
-- let body =
-- List.fold_right funcs ~init:body ~f:(fun func acc ->
-- [%expr fun (T [%p pvar func]) -> [%e acc]])
-- in
-- [%stri let [%p pvar (function_name_of_id ~prefix cd.cd_id)] = [%e body]]
-+ let body =
-+ let loc =
-+ match wrapper with
-+ | None -> [%pat? loc]
-+ | Some _ -> [%pat? _loc]
-+ in
-+ [%expr T (fun ctx [%p loc] x k -> [%e body])]
-+ in
-+ let body =
-+ List.fold_right funcs ~init:body ~f:(fun func acc ->
-+ [%expr fun (T [%p pvar func]) -> [%e acc]])
-+ in
-+ [%stri let [%p pvar (function_name_of_id ~prefix cd.cd_id)] = [%e body]]
- ;;
- let gen_combinator_for_record path ~prefix ~has_attrs lds =
-@@ -241,7 +244,7 @@
- let body = [%expr T (fun ctx loc x k -> [%e body])] in
- let body =
- List.fold_right funcs ~init:body ~f:(fun func acc ->
-- Exp.fun_ func None [%pat? T [%p pvar func]] acc)
-+ Exp.fun_ (Labelled func) None [%pat? T [%p pvar func]] acc)
- in
- [%stri let [%p pvar (Common.function_name_of_path path)] = [%e body]]
- ;;
-diff -uNr ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/
---- ppx_core-113.33.00/src/gen/ 2016-03-09 16:44:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ ppx_core-113.33.01+4.03/src/gen/ 2016-04-18 12:14:21.000000000 +0200
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- method apply
- : Parsetree.expression
-- -> (string * Parsetree.expression) list
-+ -> (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) list
- -> Parsetree.expression
- method abstract
-@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
- method class_params = []
- method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr args
-- method abstract patt expr = Exp.fun_ "" None patt expr
-+ method abstract patt expr = Exp.fun_ Nolabel None patt expr
-- method typ ty = Typ.arrow "" ty ty
-+ method typ ty = Typ.arrow Nolabel ty ty
- method array = [%expr]
- method any = [%expr fun x -> x]
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- method class_params = []
- method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr args
-- method abstract patt expr = Exp.fun_ "" None patt expr
-+ method abstract patt expr = Exp.fun_ Nolabel None patt expr
- method typ ty = [%type: [%t ty] -> unit]
- method array = [%expr Array.iter]
-@@ -88,8 +88,9 @@
- method class_params = [(Typ.var "acc", Asttypes.Invariant)]
-- method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr (args @ [("", evar "acc")])
-- method abstract patt expr = Exp.fun_ "" None patt (Exp.fun_ "" None (pvar "acc") expr)
-+ method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr (args @ [(Asttypes.Nolabel, evar "acc")])
-+ method abstract patt expr =
-+ Exp.fun_ Nolabel None patt (Exp.fun_ Nolabel None (pvar "acc") expr)
- method typ ty = [%type: [%t ty] -> 'acc -> 'acc]
- method array =
-@@ -121,8 +122,9 @@
- method class_params = [(Typ.var "acc", Asttypes.Invariant)]
-- method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr (args @ [("", evar "acc")])
-- method abstract patt expr = Exp.fun_ "" None patt (Exp.fun_ "" None (pvar "acc") expr)
-+ method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr (args @ [(Asttypes.Nolabel, evar "acc")])
-+ method abstract patt expr =
-+ Exp.fun_ Nolabel None patt (Exp.fun_ Nolabel None (pvar "acc") expr)
- method typ ty = [%type: [%t ty] -> 'acc -> [%t ty] * 'acc]
- method array =
-@@ -180,12 +182,12 @@
- method class_params = [(Typ.var "ctx", Asttypes.Invariant)]
-- method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr (("", evar "ctx") :: args)
-+ method apply expr args = Exp.apply expr ((Asttypes.Nolabel, evar "ctx") :: args)
- method abstract patt expr =
- if uses_ctx expr then
-- Exp.fun_ "" None (pvar "ctx") (Exp.fun_ "" None patt expr)
-+ Exp.fun_ Nolabel None (pvar "ctx") (Exp.fun_ Nolabel None patt expr)
- else
-- Exp.fun_ "" None (pvar "_ctx") (Exp.fun_ "" None patt expr)
-+ Exp.fun_ Nolabel None (pvar "_ctx") (Exp.fun_ Nolabel None patt expr)
- method typ ty = [%type: 'ctx -> [%t ty] -> [%t ty]]
- method array = [%expr fun ctx a -> (f ctx) a]
-@@ -219,7 +221,7 @@
- let ty = Typ.constr ( ~loc (longident_of_path path)) params in
- let ty =
- List.fold_right
-- (fun param ty -> Typ.arrow "" (what#typ param) ty)
-+ (fun param ty -> Typ.arrow Nolabel (what#typ param) ty)
- params (what#typ ty)
- in
- Typ.poly vars ty
-@@ -244,7 +246,8 @@
- | _ ->
- Exp.apply map
- (
-- (fun te -> ("", type_expr_mapper ~what ~all_types ~var_mappers te))
-+ (fun te ->
-+ (Asttypes.Nolabel, type_expr_mapper ~what ~all_types ~var_mappers te))
- params)
- else
- what#any
-@@ -263,7 +266,8 @@
- List.map2
- (fun te var ->
- (var,
-- what#apply (type_expr_mapper ~what ~all_types ~var_mappers te) [("", evar var)]))
-+ what#apply (type_expr_mapper ~what ~all_types ~var_mappers te)
-+ [(Asttypes.Nolabel, evar var)]))
- tes vars
- ;;
-@@ -290,24 +294,27 @@
- let cases =
- (fun cd ->
-- let vars = vars_of_list cd.cd_args in
-- let cstr = ~loc (lident ( cd.cd_id)) in
-- let deconstruct =
-- Pat.construct cstr
-- (match vars with
-- | [] -> None
-- | _ -> Some (Pat.tuple ( pvar vars)))
-- in
-- let reconstruct =
-- Exp.construct cstr
-- (match vars with
-- | [] -> None
-- | _ -> Some (Exp.tuple ( evar vars)))
-- in
-- let mappers =
-- map_variables ~what ~all_types ~var_mappers vars cd.cd_args
-- in
-- deconstruct (what#combine mappers ~reconstruct))
-+ match cd.cd_args with
-+ | Cstr_tuple args ->
-+ let vars = vars_of_list args in
-+ let cstr = ~loc (lident ( cd.cd_id)) in
-+ let deconstruct =
-+ Pat.construct cstr
-+ (match vars with
-+ | [] -> None
-+ | _ -> Some (Pat.tuple ( pvar vars)))
-+ in
-+ let reconstruct =
-+ Exp.construct cstr
-+ (match vars with
-+ | [] -> None
-+ | _ -> Some (Exp.tuple ( evar vars)))
-+ in
-+ let mappers =
-+ map_variables ~what ~all_types ~var_mappers vars args
-+ in
-+ deconstruct (what#combine mappers ~reconstruct)
-+ | Cstr_record _ -> failwith "Cstr_record not supported")
- cds
- in
- what#abstract (pvar "x") (Exp.match_ (evar "x") cases)
-@@ -333,7 +340,7 @@
- | Some te -> type_expr_mapper ~what ~all_types ~var_mappers te
- in
- List.fold_right
-- (fun (_, v) acc -> Exp.fun_ "" None (pvar v) acc)
-+ (fun (_, v) acc -> Exp.fun_ Nolabel None (pvar v) acc)
- var_mappers body
- end
- ;;
diff --git a/dev-ml/ppx_core/ppx_core-0.9.0.ebuild b/dev-ml/ppx_core/ppx_core-0.9.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c4f8defb257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-ml/ppx_core/ppx_core-0.9.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+DESCRIPTION="Standard library for ppx rewriters"
+SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+ dev-lang/ocaml:=
+ dev-ml/base:=
+ dev-ml/ocaml-compiler-libs:=
+ dev-ml/ppx_ast:=
+ dev-ml/ppx_traverse_builtins:=
+ dev-ml/stdio:=
+DEPEND="${DEPEND} dev-ml/opam dev-ml/jbuilder"
+src_install() {
+ opam-installer -i \
+ --prefix="${ED}/usr" \
+ --libdir="${D}/$(ocamlc -where)" \
+ --docdir="${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
+ ${PN}.install || die
diff --git a/dev-ml/ppx_core/ppx_core-113.33.00.ebuild b/dev-ml/ppx_core/ppx_core-113.33.00.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d498cfc715dd..000000000000
--- a/dev-ml/ppx_core/ppx_core-113.33.00.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit oasis eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Standard library for ppx rewriters"
-DEPEND="${DEPEND} dev-ml/opam"
-src_prepare() {
- has_version '>=dev-lang/ocaml-4.03' && epatch "${FILESDIR}/oc43.patch"
-src_configure() {
- emake setup.exe
- OASIS_SETUP_COMMAND="./setup.exe" oasis_src_configure
-src_compile() {
- emake
-src_install() {
- opam-installer -i \
- --prefix="${ED}/usr" \
- --libdir="${D}/$(ocamlc -where)" \
- --docdir="${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
- ${PN}.install || die
- dodoc