diff options
5 files changed, 148 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/x11-misc/ly/Manifest b/x11-misc/ly/Manifest
index fbacb68e8..dd4b82ea6 100644
--- a/x11-misc/ly/Manifest
+++ b/x11-misc/ly/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-DIST ly-1.0.1.tar.gz 64004 BLAKE2B daf90c17ab467d71ba24f65ff42a36ca008c20a1b0706e158a580b1ee3c11bf0d93dacb3531359797d3c5cf2290daf792ef9c0621bbab8993b530536b2d08376 SHA512 a72ee6cda8849b2a7c249ba3abc5159e1f5ac9c220732513a331d50afef32ed6be04f7452f2995bc5783181b2f627d8a2299aad4504af946d7384d905b9727ca
-DIST zig-clap.tar.gz 22722 BLAKE2B 2a157daf2551e78fe441322f7ad071fb8fc44ca66e8400b54ab1f061197334b766460d2db6f78d4d9f74287fe0e45f327efff9b502da3f8846d18290ed3bf763 SHA512 5ea19e67ab0c6b4a2ea439d45ae578c68eff6e62275f7901ef94984fad3b0502cb596c656aa4dc5aae5ebfca75ef3d4f6e854d6c2899984b073d6b2a28750a88
-DIST zigini.tar.gz 5529 BLAKE2B 956c6d66e5a1040effd0ae465941c1740a16b66142414bc83143c3607a79d84103079858a8bd74865ea5340369baf684dcbfef44fddccf84774499e721713f70 SHA512 a90fe54560775bc96e7d97ccdc1bb45d3cd4becae0c28c0905a030e19956dc0c6a97f1207671a7c9759a226b055a62505f3c7440bea4926292cce53eabb5972c
-DIST ziglibini.tar.gz 6834 BLAKE2B 479f947b40c4e99340977bb5b5191ccaff5d47515d7dc7f0fdd1277883079cddcb4574929df03d5f0e135a9732b950f2c171809c62a6d73196ef44cb38b1d4d5 SHA512 3b3a604e7e4f26f4277a0aa0e347996bd059a45fc2ae8baad5d7b133698cdf972b889fe80d6032f1ad42a362314290177f014d2866627a48da7dd03e112f3bce
+DIST ly-1.0.2.tar.gz 64603 BLAKE2B a1521be4d1191c0b527867e77e6968142062948b2950ef96e3ba4c90bd14386fca4248ed9942959b530c17c1a0dfc3ffbec24b1275d70af5da9fbd6fa4f41da2 SHA512 9431abcb6d3662e74a39b6ba52f2d12de83607764c8cd6e41dda0ae0c71c9618596711e9dd1f519a61835a63ea6dda5bc083509a9757d232213ddf74df3513b7
+DIST zig-clap-8c98e6404b22aafc0184e999d8f068b81cc22fa1.tar.gz 22722 BLAKE2B 2a157daf2551e78fe441322f7ad071fb8fc44ca66e8400b54ab1f061197334b766460d2db6f78d4d9f74287fe0e45f327efff9b502da3f8846d18290ed3bf763 SHA512 5ea19e67ab0c6b4a2ea439d45ae578c68eff6e62275f7901ef94984fad3b0502cb596c656aa4dc5aae5ebfca75ef3d4f6e854d6c2899984b073d6b2a28750a88
+DIST zigini-0bba97a12582928e097f4074cc746c43351ba4c8.tar.gz 5797 BLAKE2B e5c4e20e7d23bb1096c9012acd19898fb0450d33c0ee78200ee817c3658d3cad048fe6a475977fa62ad0ba254d4a78b3b1181203fa7faf81b70ff75115552681 SHA512 7d2f2ccc9bf99cb2848c1059c34cd2163d48d6fa0a090f2c03cd92e2441dc0029868e28ac23a8a310941f969c5270ad26b5768a2a303bdccf35803ac027e7a88
+DIST ziglibini-e18d36665905c1e7ba0c1ce3e8780076b33e3002.tar.gz 7398 BLAKE2B e8f8a026c876d120340f57beb4fda3fba396fe4f1f0aa5515f76399a68291087aa0909dde69139e4153a60587e37dd8b4ba94c5f481ce42c60a0cfee5f31cbe6 SHA512 3d18368d5e0e06e24a580698bec9eb35d85dfc528d4b24a354e41b402b31c06a547a3e85d59254781b1e0eafe13c1db23bebbd4a531c6a6a789af2e833e5a693
diff --git a/x11-misc/ly/files/ly-build-zig-zon-1.0.1.patch b/x11-misc/ly/files/ly-build-zig-zon-1.0.1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b1e5698..000000000
--- a/x11-misc/ly/files/ly-build-zig-zon-1.0.1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/build.zig.zon b/build.zig.zon
-index 0594da1..d3e6a33 100644
---- a/build.zig.zon
-+++ b/build.zig.zon
-@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
- .version = "1.0.0",
- .dependencies = .{
- .clap = .{
-- .url = "https://github.com/Hejsil/zig-clap/archive/8c98e6404b22aafc0184e999d8f068b81cc22fa1.tar.gz",
-- .hash = "122014e73fd712190e109950837b97f6143f02d7e2b6986e1db70b6f4aadb5ba6a0d",
-+ .path = "./deps/zig-clap",
- },
- .zigini = .{
-- .url = "https://github.com/Kawaii-Ash/zigini/archive/ce1f322482099db058f5d9fdd05fbfa255d79723.tar.gz",
-- .hash = "1220e7a99793a0430e0a7c0b938cb3c98321035bc297e21cd0e2413cf740b4923b9f",
-+ .path = "./deps/zigini",
- },
- },
- .paths = .{""},
diff --git a/x11-misc/ly/files/ly-zigini-build-zig-zon-1.0.1.patch b/x11-misc/ly/files/ly-zigini-build-zig-zon-1.0.1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e0085da3..000000000
--- a/x11-misc/ly/files/ly-zigini-build-zig-zon-1.0.1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/deps/zigini/build.zig.zon b/deps/zigini/build.zig.zon
-index dac05b3..86a38f0 100644
---- a/deps/zigini/build.zig.zon
-+++ b/deps/zigini/build.zig.zon
-@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
- .version = "0.2.0",
- .dependencies = .{
- .ini = .{
-- .url = "https://github.com/ziglibs/ini/archive/19e1210063882ab7db73a8aaa60e733d4aaafe9f.tar.gz",
-- .hash = "1220f1b89fc24ced663baf8cb0d32d951497d88bbd5df8f6e26d7e5ea9579d684786",
-+ .path = "./ini",
- },
- },
- .paths = .{
diff --git a/x11-misc/ly/ly-1.0.1.ebuild b/x11-misc/ly/ly-1.0.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f37f4d665..000000000
--- a/x11-misc/ly/ly-1.0.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit systemd pam
-DESCRIPTION="Ly - a TUI display manager"
- https://github.com/fairyglade/ly/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
- https://github.com/Hejsil/zig-clap/archive/${CLAP}.tar.gz -> zig-clap.tar.gz
- https://github.com/Kawaii-Ash/zigini/archive/${ZIGINI}.tar.gz -> zigini.tar.gz
- https://github.com/ziglibs/ini/archive/${ZIGLIBINI}.tar.gz -> ziglibini.tar.gz
- || ( dev-lang/zig-bin:${EZIG_MIN} dev-lang/zig:${EZIG_MIN} )
- sys-libs/pam
- x11-libs/libxcb
- x11-base/xorg-server
- x11-apps/xauth
- sys-libs/ncurses
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-build-zig-zon-${PV}.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-zigini-build-zig-zon-${PV}.patch"
-src_unpack() {
- default
- # create a subdir for deps
- mkdir "${S}/deps" || die
- # move all deps to the subdir
- mv "zig-clap-${CLAP}" "${S}/deps/zig-clap" || die
- mv "zigini-${ZIGINI}" "${S}/deps/zigini" || die
- mv "ini-${ZIGLIBINI}" "${S}/deps/zigini/ini" || die
-src_compile() {
- zig build || die "Zig build failed"
-src_install() {
- dobin "${S}/zig-out/bin/${PN}"
- newinitd "${RES}/${PN}-openrc" ly
- systemd_dounit "${RES}/${PN}.service"
- insinto /etc/ly
- doins "${RES}/config.ini" "${RES}/xsetup.sh" "${RES}/wsetup.sh"
- insinto /etc/ly/lang
- doins "${RES}"/lang/*.ini
- newpamd "${RES}/pam.d/ly" ly
-pkg_postinst() {
- systemd_reenable "${PN}.service"
- ewarn
- ewarn "The init scripts are installed only for systemd/openrc"
- ewarn "If you are using something else like runit etc."
- ewarn "Please check upstream for get some help"
- ewarn "You may need to take a look at /etc/ly/config.ini"
- ewarn "If you are using a window manager as DWM"
- ewarn "Please make sure there is a .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions for it"
diff --git a/x11-misc/ly/ly-1.0.2.ebuild b/x11-misc/ly/ly-1.0.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28335a1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-misc/ly/ly-1.0.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright 2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit edo pam systemd
+DESCRIPTION="Ly - a TUI display manager"
+ https://github.com/fairyglade/ly/archive/v${PV}/${P}.tar.gz
+ https://github.com/Hejsil/zig-clap/archive/${CLAP}.tar.gz -> zig-clap-${CLAP}.tar.gz
+ https://github.com/Kawaii-Ash/zigini/archive/${ZIGINI}.tar.gz -> zigini-${ZIGINI}.tar.gz
+ https://github.com/ziglibs/ini/archive/${ZIGLIBINI}.tar.gz -> ziglibini-${ZIGLIBINI}.tar.gz
+ || ( dev-lang/zig-bin:${EZIG_MIN} dev-lang/zig:${EZIG_MIN} )
+ sys-libs/pam
+ x11-libs/libxcb
+ x11-base/xorg-server
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ sys-libs/ncurses
+# https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/3382
+# copied from sys-fs/ncdu::gentoo
+# Many thanks to Florian Schmaus (Flowdalic)!
+# Adapted from https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/28986
+# Set the EZIG environment variable.
+zig-set_EZIG() {
+ [[ -n ${EZIG} ]] && return
+ if [[ -n ${EZIG_OVERWRITE} ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local candidate selected selected_ver ver
+ for candidate in "${BROOT}"/usr/bin/zig-*; do
+ if [[ ! -L ${candidate} || ${candidate} != */zig?(-bin)-+([0-9.]) ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ ver=${candidate##*-}
+ if [[ -n ${EZIG_EXACT_VER} ]]; then
+ ver_test "${ver}" -ne "${EZIG_EXACT_VER}" && continue
+ selected="${candidate}"
+ selected_ver="${ver}"
+ break
+ fi
+ if [[ -n ${EZIG_MIN} ]] \
+ && ver_test "${ver}" -lt "${EZIG_MIN}"; then
+ # Candidate does not satisfy EZIG_MIN condition.
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ -n ${EZIG_MAX_EXCLUSIVE} ]] \
+ && ver_test "${ver}" -ge "${EZIG_MAX_EXCLUSIVE}"; then
+ # Candidate does not satisfy EZIG_MAX_EXCLUSIVE condition.
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ -n ${selected_ver} ]] \
+ && ver_test "${selected_ver}" -gt "${ver}"; then
+ # Candidate is older than the currently selected candidate.
+ continue
+ fi
+ selected="${candidate}"
+ selected_ver="${ver}"
+ done
+ if [[ -z ${selected} ]]; then
+ die "Could not find (suitable) zig installation in ${BROOT}/usr/bin"
+ fi
+ export EZIG="${selected}"
+ export EZIG_VER="${selected_ver}"
+ezig() {
+ zig-set_EZIG
+ edo "${EZIG}" "${@}"
+src_unpack() {
+ default
+ mkdir "${WORKDIR}/deps" || die
+ ezig fetch --global-cache-dir "${WORKDIR}/deps" "${DISTDIR}/zig-clap-${CLAP}.tar.gz"
+ ezig fetch --global-cache-dir "${WORKDIR}/deps" "${DISTDIR}/zigini-${ZIGINI}.tar.gz"
+ ezig fetch --global-cache-dir "${WORKDIR}/deps" "${DISTDIR}/ziglibini-${ZIGLIBINI}.tar.gz"
+src_compile() {
+ ezig build --system "${WORKDIR}/deps/p" -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe
+src_install() {
+ dobin "${S}/zig-out/bin/${PN}"
+ newinitd "${RES}/${PN}-openrc" ly
+ systemd_dounit "${RES}/${PN}.service"
+ insinto /etc/ly
+ doins "${RES}/config.ini" "${RES}/xsetup.sh" "${RES}/wsetup.sh"
+ insinto /etc/ly/lang
+ doins "${RES}"/lang/*.ini
+ newpamd "${RES}/pam.d/ly" ly
+ fperms +x /etc/${PN}/{x,w}setup.sh
+pkg_postinst() {
+ systemd_reenable "${PN}.service"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "The init scripts are installed only for systemd/openrc"
+ ewarn "If you are using something else like runit etc."
+ ewarn "Please check upstream for get some help"
+ ewarn "You may need to take a look at /etc/ly/config.ini"
+ ewarn "If you are using a window manager as DWM"
+ ewarn "Please make sure there is a .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions for it"