path: root/sys-fs
diff options
authorJustin Lecher <>2012-03-29 07:48:47 +0000
committerJustin Lecher <>2012-03-29 07:48:47 +0000
commit9e969c5f8c6c2b8d459ec3887338ce48b178c171 (patch)
tree80a78977edec3f56afc9040d0f783850c5d9aab7 /sys-fs
parentNon-maintainer Version Bump (diff)
Version Bump, #408181
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha96/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-fs')
5 files changed, 487 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/sys-fs/aufs3/ChangeLog b/sys-fs/aufs3/ChangeLog
index 6aad5d052cdf..1bb304df2b01 100644
--- a/sys-fs/aufs3/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-fs/aufs3/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-fs/aufs3
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/aufs3/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2012/03/19 21:25:20 jlec Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/aufs3/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2012/03/29 07:48:46 jlec Exp $
+*aufs3-3_p20120329 (29 Mar 2012)
+ 29 Mar 2012; Justin Lecher <> +aufs3-3_p20120329.ebuild,
+ +files/aufs3-base-3.patch, +files/aufs3-standalone-3.patch:
+ Version Bump, #408181
*aufs3-3_p20120319 (19 Mar 2012)
diff --git a/sys-fs/aufs3/Manifest b/sys-fs/aufs3/Manifest
index 7aaf982c1775..61b005b10cea 100644
--- a/sys-fs/aufs3/Manifest
+++ b/sys-fs/aufs3/Manifest
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ AUX aufs-util-31.patch 852 RMD160 bc4eaf23e62a0634e204cf25acb412b6c856c39b SHA1
AUX aufs3-base-0.patch 2711 RMD160 bf3995e925b25d97c02673dfad596ea35ee4f0f5 SHA1 f193efb6a1f44a0bb5630974e6b209877097970d SHA256 4d6e669f9bebc301d0acf3e0dedaaff84aaa19ef7633da3c11cc3430d232ce86
AUX aufs3-base-1.patch 2734 RMD160 cccc14c5711a120616d51573042ac32dfbf952f9 SHA1 5656c4f8728d9bad63a8c8652107e0b8e61b9273 SHA256 70c4c17b12ad6edb7e7f29f1643c0348fd8a961fc7f960740cb4d17f3e380e08
AUX aufs3-base-2.patch 2734 RMD160 fcefe81d9b434818384c5be063d0e33c35dae122 SHA1 c3885798cd739fd233c6dc73358adef1048dfd2f SHA256 2635ca013f170d4381826ec5b3aba3c15bfabd567df435df2c522c8ccd07ccb4
+AUX aufs3-base-3.patch 2734 RMD160 0ab24baec94e800f1ccb46b036bbd656edb13156 SHA1 b975f3937b3082c38632172a4857df122e5fa0cd SHA256 60f619c05540a42115044ba5bc752c1a5a8be905c55fbad3fd839114578c69c5
AUX aufs3-base-x-rcN.patch 2738 RMD160 4359520664ea91d16c784bb40721a05892bccb4a SHA1 0581a233c78b6c4da03f0b854f0b39a788fbb424 SHA256 981f9dffcc70b09b9620812a31abb8aaca0c7f59a0be0e3be54aaaf56eb90e80
AUX aufs3-fix-export-__devcgroup_inode_permission.patch 231 RMD160 d26cc80dd9d54429e4f244f51f54b7d6df074c55 SHA1 a588e94d58063faa3b239bf7a5eeff81b4963a25 SHA256 e2e18629401ecc1d8a89cc21f911c11c5e451161570cf36bff942a54ac523053
AUX aufs3-standalone-0.patch 7666 RMD160 0ae360744503d5628d74e57b093738d0377c347d SHA1 919caef16a4c277633c6ab6e79e1167eefd3736d SHA256 53a2613f6da1d418d55e20e5b3f020c3382be0789260a312b7ce97334939f203
AUX aufs3-standalone-1.patch 7510 RMD160 d227bb98522a39317f7e573f2667625282978af5 SHA1 20dd3049f775d8eb60aed1a70d85b35766312856 SHA256 63b08742aef9f34132fb7cc0caf107a9c7162665d24401573f12f8f96ad1407f
AUX aufs3-standalone-2.patch 7722 RMD160 2199a16b50fa785798dc92a139ca010d75965a6e SHA1 e6a2434c50855e41d899698c0519cfa7c7b3d837 SHA256 eb7f414f2a9f07e09c2c0eae9972b21a51ada5718a17e978aea1f39dd32bb0b3
+AUX aufs3-standalone-3.patch 7671 RMD160 4487131557b3e34cf06bba6642b4aab3e397e611 SHA1 3b91044c58416cd24123ac5d767a66e7e1535559 SHA256 e450fa66ebf041d10db5a594c87f83e47a39e29f6054310d6e56b44e31ad0971
AUX aufs3-standalone-x-rcN.patch 7675 RMD160 f25f6c78ce929f061fa0cbf5041a103e1bab40d4 SHA1 613c8936eb89f498790d849d7bd61e8f99f41ae1 SHA256 3467439a8ccb6b6abb815ed33fa596470b2d8f3d69bdf9ba2cd5aa8753d2be03
AUX pax.patch 4821 RMD160 9576b969b6c5d893b40c76e4bb297a34bcbf13e9 SHA1 bd06819d7b01959a8ed5756c78d29255923287c6 SHA256 c82946d79fd3826803aacf5533aa398c8c7e7516a0c8c88a56aa75e27af3c7ad
DIST aufs3-3_p20110815.tar.xz 391672 RMD160 f99b997401f1d983cb46ceb355445b94e6103c56 SHA1 f1d91e872cc75ee8bb76f6f4a08ddbe3c3a9c6b8 SHA256 e7d71097ba949c9a42b726f0e13ada8bed41f3630a4749f46a0eb7823851e337
@@ -18,18 +20,20 @@ DIST aufs3-3_p20111114.tar.xz 472760 RMD160 60c030fc9f7c5e5297a0c68efb6501039de2
DIST aufs3-3_p20111205.tar.xz 478084 RMD160 33a545ec241a855b5e1d675334da6cc77417b58d SHA1 bf4e4d728cfe8a551f334eef57c6d850c93b072d SHA256 c522eaf622d7efb9489cde47c6fe2ac49ffe24d86871191ab76bfb7684a4824b
DIST aufs3-3_p20120109.tar.xz 572140 RMD160 0e36afa641ea51bb1d102a6b4381573f6deb71a7 SHA1 5ad014f188b1673eaf1dba08d90ab56f9b88a392 SHA256 7d83bee04871def490193fd9c2e5af1b386caaedd980bee7856c7389db9c8444
DIST aufs3-3_p20120319.tar.xz 699072 RMD160 ffed47615fbbbe4b0746d1e5957737832b2f2e03 SHA1 a33d019c73a1b5a919b02bbb563700ebc4072ea9 SHA256 4eb25133344c329926813586adf6736dfe57ce2c64a940115dc71a1a2cc03da8
+DIST aufs3-3_p20120329.tar.xz 981864 RMD160 deea937b4f209282135fcb0dc139f7e89f250109 SHA1 b20ae435c2b70d933191f6336e7649fb709be2fd SHA256 e3de219bc7018c3e245131e85aa62f60230f654788c2eb72753c3c7e3d9a7004
EBUILD aufs3-3_p20110815.ebuild 3924 RMD160 3b62654d7c66a13a9b3c2a8ed7b0ab57d9d6699d SHA1 d1293e727a590619a42706cf6d63975681f14116 SHA256 1b83d7bc7f5a2779ddb0de7bcd19c9daae64278af9106cb41949be4c5bab51c0
EBUILD aufs3-3_p20111031.ebuild 4064 RMD160 ae385f7895de0b58d892e5a84669c8993a999417 SHA1 b871613ac5c22a410979edaef2d19c10ceed2941 SHA256 56405349d2dc3dad6eb4028d6048ff3e5b6b96c45fe7b7b5a68c2c474369b43f
EBUILD aufs3-3_p20111114.ebuild 4023 RMD160 ce04630f37c94af8b8bcd0311e497f9d1725b722 SHA1 6a197abdb447826b471262ba0b66fd3a8ece3a4d SHA256 d74a55ddb45e996ef1c853487e925d5d1e350a8b1b9cc51c04ec36bd6b0fabae
EBUILD aufs3-3_p20111205-r1.ebuild 4613 RMD160 0cbca3ae3b89b66f57e97597ffb050e72d814db9 SHA1 396cd1841bd8b833ef078391469f5bb4836bac3c SHA256 350e90ce6438697d39c462c660694bff82891553885be3db8446fa5c88b57c20
EBUILD aufs3-3_p20120109.ebuild 4610 RMD160 8f00fed5ca889b0a25b030ffaf5fdc5b4bd52750 SHA1 e6ace683cf41cd75f661552337b3ab89625ce94c SHA256 3951e04934f088cbf9ca97af9a8252618f592e03bb245d80a0bb12c20224a687
EBUILD aufs3-3_p20120319.ebuild 4486 RMD160 86910cd1b5d7af00f676224cb9309454c7b27165 SHA1 62c2f309d735862bd4c53f6acb086edb75e9da32 SHA256 5b6b41eff4a94ce64866e85c35981992abf768948304e7907efab80961f9b495
-MISC ChangeLog 2586 RMD160 30655f1c012a0c838424564452e09b4f969980eb SHA1 15b6884be2345a44a877981deaccb455ab3aa8f9 SHA256 2100f80bc968b143a64c510bfd8f0851a725fcee202bc14ee1ab808f8dcebd20
+EBUILD aufs3-3_p20120329.ebuild 4486 RMD160 49d3edb3d2f9036859ca4e1d0a944377570b445f SHA1 218d777e311ec20253a14beaa3a16a3c6bc79922 SHA256 803b3700ab3b596488cb57b845411f8b07070f4b02ee600ba76bd38224b30480
+MISC ChangeLog 2781 RMD160 4c6d307e830312cf84103e979db09d135201f4a0 SHA1 862b195487f10dae756ebd3af94ab738703d523c SHA256 d385eb7a426acfa9c406429b992bd043cbbf7978752cb86c30ac40fe4980051c
MISC metadata.xml 758 RMD160 f05821007d4e2f7d58dd9b3c8aac840f85ddb9dc SHA1 988f050899dfed3593cc5d3f65caa02275c4bdb9 SHA256 7107603a0759e5737aa5d9b674155f39b79695c4f582df4976b825be5e7b5536
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-fs/aufs3/aufs3-3_p20120329.ebuild b/sys-fs/aufs3/aufs3-3_p20120329.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..acb6421f240a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-fs/aufs3/aufs3-3_p20120329.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/aufs3/aufs3-3_p20120329.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/03/29 07:48:46 jlec Exp $
+inherit linux-mod multilib toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="An entirely re-designed and re-implemented Unionfs"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="debug doc fuse pax_kernel hfs inotify kernel-patch nfs ramfs"
+ !sys-fs/aufs
+ !sys-fs/aufs2"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # this is needed so merging a binpkg ${PN} is possible w/out a kernel unpacked on the system
+ [ -n "$PKG_SETUP_HAS_BEEN_RAN" ] && return
+ get_version
+ kernel_is lt 3 0 0 && die "kernel too old, Please use sys-fs/aufs2"
+ kernel_is gt 3 3 99 && die "kernel too new"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ if [[ "${KV_MINOR}" -gt "${PATCH_MAX_VER}" ]]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ if [[ "${PATCH_BRANCH}" == "x-rcN" ]]; then
+ elif [[ "${KV_MINOR}" -gt "${UTIL_MAX_VER}" ]]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ if ! ( patch -p1 --dry-run --force -R -d ${KV_DIR} < "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-standalone-${PATCH_BRANCH}.patch >/dev/null && \
+ patch -p1 --dry-run --force -R -d ${KV_DIR} < "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-base-${PATCH_BRANCH}.patch >/dev/null ); then
+ if use kernel-patch; then
+ cd ${KV_DIR}
+ ewarn "Patching your kernel..."
+ patch --no-backup-if-mismatch --force -p1 -R -d ${KV_DIR} < "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-standalone-${PATCH_BRANCH}.patch >/dev/null
+ patch --no-backup-if-mismatch --force -p1 -R -d ${KV_DIR} < "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-base-${PATCH_BRANCH}.patch >/dev/null
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-{base,standalone}-${PATCH_BRANCH}.patch
+ ewarn "You need to compile your kernel with the applied patch"
+ ewarn "to be able to load and use the aufs kernel module"
+ else
+ eerror "You need to apply a patch to your kernel to compile and run the ${PN} module"
+ eerror "Either enable the kernel-patch useflag to do it with this ebuild"
+ eerror "or apply ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-base-${PATCH_BRANCH}.patch and"
+ eerror "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-standalone-${PATCH_BRANCH}.patch by hand"
+ die "missing kernel patch, please apply it first"
+ fi
+ fi
+set_config() {
+ for option in $*; do
+ grep -q "^CONFIG_AUFS_${option} =" || die "${option} is not a valid config option"
+ sed "/^CONFIG_AUFS_${option}/s:=:= y:g" -i || die
+ done
+src_prepare() {
+ local module_branch=origin/${PN}.${PATCH_BRANCH}
+ local util_branch=origin/${PN}.${UTIL_BRANCH}
+ einfo "Using for module creation branch ${module_branch}"
+ git checkout -q -b local-gentoo ${module_branch} || die
+ # All config options to off
+ sed "s:= y:=:g" -i || die
+ set_config RDU BRANCH_MAX_127 SBILIST
+ use debug && set_config DEBUG
+ use fuse && set_config BR_FUSE POLL
+ use hfs && set_config BR_HFSPLUS
+ use inotify && set_config HNOTIFY HFSNOTIFY
+ use nfs && set_config EXPORT
+ use nfs && use amd64 && set_config INO_T_64
+ use ramfs && set_config BR_RAMFS
+ use pax_kernel && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/pax.patch
+ sed -i "s:aufs.ko usr/include/linux/aufs_type.h:aufs.ko:g" Makefile || die
+ sed -i "s:__user::g" include/linux/aufs_type.h || die
+ cd "${WORKDIR}"/${PN/3}-util
+ einfo "Using for utils building branch ${util_branch}"
+ git checkout -b local-gentoo ${util_branch} || die
+ sed -i "/LDFLAGS += -static -s/d" Makefile || die
+ sed -i -e "s:m 644 -s:m 644:g" -e "s:/usr/lib:/usr/$(get_libdir):g" libau/Makefile || die
+src_compile() {
+ local ARCH=x86
+ emake CC=$(tc-getCC) CONFIG_AUFS_FS=m KDIR=${KV_DIR}
+ cd "${WORKDIR}"/${PN/3}-util
+ emake CC=$(tc-getCC) AR=$(tc-getAR) KDIR=${KV_DIR} C_INCLUDE_PATH="${S}"/include
+src_install() {
+ linux-mod_src_install
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ use doc && doins -r Documentation
+ dodoc README
+ cd "${WORKDIR}"/${PN/3}-util
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" KDIR=${KV_DIR} install
+ newdoc README README-utils
diff --git a/sys-fs/aufs3/files/aufs3-base-3.patch b/sys-fs/aufs3/files/aufs3-base-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..99a63d024c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-fs/aufs3/files/aufs3-base-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+aufs3.3 base patch
+diff --git a/fs/namei.c b/fs/namei.c
+index 46ea9cc..f2dcf8d 100644
+--- a/fs/namei.c
++++ b/fs/namei.c
+@@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ static struct dentry *__lookup_hash(struct qstr *name,
+ * needs parent already locked. Doesn't follow mounts.
+ * SMP-safe.
+ */
+-static struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
++struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ return __lookup_hash(&nd->last, nd->path.dentry, nd);
+ }
+diff --git a/fs/splice.c b/fs/splice.c
+index 1ec0493..c599f73 100644
+--- a/fs/splice.c
++++ b/fs/splice.c
+@@ -1084,8 +1084,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(generic_splice_sendpage);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from pipe to file.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+- loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ ssize_t (*splice_write)(struct pipe_inode_info *, struct file *,
+ loff_t *, size_t, unsigned int);
+@@ -1112,9 +1112,9 @@ static long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from a file to a pipe.
+ */
+-static long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
+- struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
+- unsigned int flags)
++long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags)
+ {
+ ssize_t (*splice_read)(struct file *, loff_t *,
+ struct pipe_inode_info *, size_t, unsigned int);
+diff --git a/include/linux/namei.h b/include/linux/namei.h
+index ffc0213..ef35a31 100644
+--- a/include/linux/namei.h
++++ b/include/linux/namei.h
+@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ extern int vfs_path_lookup(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *,
+ extern struct file *lookup_instantiate_filp(struct nameidata *nd, struct dentry *dentry,
+ int (*open)(struct inode *, struct file *));
++extern struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd);
+ extern struct dentry *lookup_one_len(const char *, struct dentry *, int);
+ extern int follow_down_one(struct path *);
+diff --git a/include/linux/splice.h b/include/linux/splice.h
+index 26e5b61..3ffef2f 100644
+--- a/include/linux/splice.h
++++ b/include/linux/splice.h
+@@ -91,4 +91,10 @@ extern void splice_shrink_spd(struct pipe_inode_info *,
+ extern void spd_release_page(struct splice_pipe_desc *, unsigned int);
+ extern const struct pipe_buf_operations page_cache_pipe_buf_ops;
++extern long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
++ loff_t *ppos, size_t len, unsigned int flags);
++extern long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
++ struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, size_t len,
++ unsigned int flags);
+ #endif
diff --git a/sys-fs/aufs3/files/aufs3-standalone-3.patch b/sys-fs/aufs3/files/aufs3-standalone-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..584d592ef068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-fs/aufs3/files/aufs3-standalone-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+aufs3.3 standalone patch
+diff --git a/fs/file_table.c b/fs/file_table.c
+index 20002e3..6d792ad 100644
+--- a/fs/file_table.c
++++ b/fs/file_table.c
+@@ -443,6 +443,8 @@ void file_sb_list_del(struct file *file)
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+ /*
+diff --git a/fs/inode.c b/fs/inode.c
+index 83ab215..45242cd 100644
+--- a/fs/inode.c
++++ b/fs/inode.c
+@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ static struct hlist_head *inode_hashtable __read_mostly;
+ static __cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SPINLOCK(inode_hash_lock);
+ __cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SPINLOCK(inode_sb_list_lock);
+ /*
+ * Empty aops. Can be used for the cases where the user does not
+diff --git a/fs/namei.c b/fs/namei.c
+index f2dcf8d..bcccefd 100644
+--- a/fs/namei.c
++++ b/fs/namei.c
+@@ -1785,6 +1785,7 @@ struct dentry *lookup_hash(struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+ return __lookup_hash(&nd->last, nd->path.dentry, nd);
+ }
+ /**
+ * lookup_one_len - filesystem helper to lookup single pathname component
+diff --git a/fs/namespace.c b/fs/namespace.c
+index e608199..38fcc2e 100644
+--- a/fs/namespace.c
++++ b/fs/namespace.c
+@@ -1339,6 +1339,7 @@ int iterate_mounts(int (*f)(struct vfsmount *, void *), void *arg,
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void cleanup_group_ids(struct mount *mnt, struct mount *end)
+ {
+diff --git a/fs/notify/group.c b/fs/notify/group.c
+index 63fc294..6f4adca 100644
+--- a/fs/notify/group.c
++++ b/fs/notify/group.c
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <linux/srcu.h>
+ #include <linux/rculist.h>
+ #include <linux/wait.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/fsnotify_backend.h>
+ #include "fsnotify.h"
+@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ void fsnotify_put_group(struct fsnotify_group *group)
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&group->refcnt))
+ fsnotify_destroy_group(group);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Create a new fsnotify_group and hold a reference for the group returned.
+@@ -102,3 +104,4 @@ struct fsnotify_group *fsnotify_alloc_group(const struct fsnotify_ops *ops)
+ return group;
+ }
+diff --git a/fs/notify/mark.c b/fs/notify/mark.c
+index f104d56..54f36db 100644
+--- a/fs/notify/mark.c
++++ b/fs/notify/mark.c
+@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ void fsnotify_put_mark(struct fsnotify_mark *mark)
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&mark->refcnt))
+ mark->free_mark(mark);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Any time a mark is getting freed we end up here.
+@@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ void fsnotify_destroy_mark(struct fsnotify_mark *mark)
+ if (unlikely(atomic_dec_and_test(&group->num_marks)))
+ fsnotify_final_destroy_group(group);
+ }
+ void fsnotify_set_mark_mask_locked(struct fsnotify_mark *mark, __u32 mask)
+ {
+@@ -278,6 +280,7 @@ err:
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+ * clear any marks in a group in which mark->flags & flags is true
+@@ -333,6 +336,7 @@ void fsnotify_init_mark(struct fsnotify_mark *mark,
+ atomic_set(&mark->refcnt, 1);
+ mark->free_mark = free_mark;
+ }
+ static int fsnotify_mark_destroy(void *ignored)
+ {
+diff --git a/fs/open.c b/fs/open.c
+index 77becc0..f634f02 100644
+--- a/fs/open.c
++++ b/fs/open.c
+@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ int do_truncate(struct dentry *dentry, loff_t length, unsigned int time_attrs,
+ mutex_unlock(&dentry->d_inode->i_mutex);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ static long do_sys_truncate(const char __user *pathname, loff_t length)
+ {
+diff --git a/fs/splice.c b/fs/splice.c
+index c599f73..00303ba 100644
+--- a/fs/splice.c
++++ b/fs/splice.c
+@@ -1108,6 +1108,7 @@ long do_splice_from(struct pipe_inode_info *pipe, struct file *out,
+ return splice_write(pipe, out, ppos, len, flags);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Attempt to initiate a splice from a file to a pipe.
+@@ -1134,6 +1135,7 @@ long do_splice_to(struct file *in, loff_t *ppos,
+ return splice_read(in, ppos, pipe, len, flags);
+ }
+ /**
+ * splice_direct_to_actor - splices data directly between two non-pipes
+diff --git a/security/commoncap.c b/security/commoncap.c
+index 7ce191e..19a95be 100644
+--- a/security/commoncap.c
++++ b/security/commoncap.c
+@@ -965,3 +965,4 @@ int cap_file_mmap(struct file *file, unsigned long reqprot,
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+diff --git a/security/device_cgroup.c b/security/device_cgroup.c
+index 8b5b5d8..911850c 100644
+--- a/security/device_cgroup.c
++++ b/security/device_cgroup.c
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ #include <linux/device_cgroup.h>
+ #include <linux/cgroup.h>
+ #include <linux/ctype.h>
++#include <linux/export.h>
+ #include <linux/list.h>
+ #include <linux/uaccess.h>
+ #include <linux/seq_file.h>
+@@ -501,6 +502,7 @@ found:
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ int devcgroup_inode_mknod(int mode, dev_t dev)
+ {
+diff --git a/security/security.c b/security/security.c
+index d754249..1aa6154 100644
+--- a/security/security.c
++++ b/security/security.c
+@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ int security_path_rmdir(struct path *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_rmdir(dir, dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_unlink(struct path *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
+ {
+@@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ int security_path_symlink(struct path *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_symlink(dir, dentry, old_name);
+ }
+ int security_path_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct path *new_dir,
+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -416,6 +418,7 @@ int security_path_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct path *new_dir,
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_link(old_dentry, new_dir, new_dentry);
+ }
+ int security_path_rename(struct path *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct path *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+@@ -434,6 +437,7 @@ int security_path_truncate(struct path *path)
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_truncate(path);
+ }
+ int security_path_chmod(struct path *path, umode_t mode)
+ {
+@@ -441,6 +445,7 @@ int security_path_chmod(struct path *path, umode_t mode)
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_chmod(path, mode);
+ }
+ int security_path_chown(struct path *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
+ {
+@@ -448,6 +453,7 @@ int security_path_chown(struct path *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->path_chown(path, uid, gid);
+ }
+ int security_path_chroot(struct path *path)
+ {
+@@ -524,6 +530,7 @@ int security_inode_readlink(struct dentry *dentry)
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_readlink(dentry);
+ }
+ int security_inode_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
+ {
+@@ -538,6 +545,7 @@ int security_inode_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
+ return 0;
+ return security_ops->inode_permission(inode, mask);
+ }
+ int security_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr)
+ {
+@@ -653,6 +661,7 @@ int security_file_permission(struct file *file, int mask)
+ return fsnotify_perm(file, mask);
+ }
+ int security_file_alloc(struct file *file)
+ {
+@@ -680,6 +689,7 @@ int security_file_mmap(struct file *file, unsigned long reqprot,
+ return ret;
+ return ima_file_mmap(file, prot);
+ }
+ int security_file_mprotect(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long reqprot,
+ unsigned long prot)