diff options
authorJoshua Jackson <>2008-01-17 03:58:41 +0000
committerJoshua Jackson <>2008-01-17 03:58:41 +0000
commit9e44cf603cce480ccf9f57d1177713e1367c4386 (patch)
tree2f601d1593e92a882a801068417b4ac6a753fc46 /sci-misc/boinc
parentnew local use flag for x11-plugins/bfm, gkrellm. (diff)
fixing my breaking setiathome
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-misc/boinc')
6 files changed, 468 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sci-misc/boinc/ChangeLog b/sci-misc/boinc/ChangeLog
index 2cbef8314d7d..643c23315df2 100644
--- a/sci-misc/boinc/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-misc/boinc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-misc/boinc
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-misc/boinc/ChangeLog,v 1.35 2008/01/17 03:21:39 tsunam Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-misc/boinc/ChangeLog,v 1.36 2008/01/17 03:58:41 tsunam Exp $
+ 17 Jan 2008; Joshua Jackson <>
+ +boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild, +boinc-5.2.14.ebuild,
+ +boinc-5.4.11.ebuild, +boinc-5.5.6.ebuild:
+ I forgot about setiathome
*boinc-5.10.28 (17 Jan 2008)
diff --git a/sci-misc/boinc/Manifest b/sci-misc/boinc/Manifest
index 00a246c9e8b5..8a2c26d3529d 100644
--- a/sci-misc/boinc/Manifest
+++ b/sci-misc/boinc/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX 08_all_Makefile.patch 792 RMD160 b2126e243dc1c7b49e44740e67fe9b3b2aa9e6c3 SHA1 581132deec4ec3b305f8343aa4a12132e59d8e97 SHA256 bbbd219ac38491e0afb3d58d4a29eda79a30fdf4eed3f46cf18b66ce25f0b6df
MD5 52c02ebc56426be6995963efa6cdd075 files/08_all_Makefile.patch 792
RMD160 b2126e243dc1c7b49e44740e67fe9b3b2aa9e6c3 files/08_all_Makefile.patch 792
@@ -19,26 +22,66 @@ MD5 65f52ec0126ca93deeec92362b6a31fe files/boinc.init 1823
RMD160 946cd1f150fc0878dd3523142085147955709416 files/boinc.init 1823
SHA256 2eeb0a668dbe62905097e7a93acae854520ae0d939061543013a663c3ddf812a files/boinc.init 1823
DIST boinc-5.10.28.tar.bz2 17176403 RMD160 9165a68836384f13e29f82c120fb43eaafd5825e SHA1 b96c0be56c608f7db0ddba14f9f6b35b6575636a SHA256 7a9c1d02b7216e7c031e88bf4feec4fc399909cfb965be2de170489b232ace42
+DIST boinc-5.2.14-patches.tar.bz2 8906 RMD160 9cf31b1cb2f9744aaf931fd718349b8e9d2c9434 SHA1 0f454f394d94227d30fdce32ee9510e1ee3ce5f0 SHA256 b70fbb66d24226f59c0f97456bc5d264a22cd20295c320b0f5f33a712ef4aee6
+DIST boinc-5.2.14.tar.bz2 6493301 RMD160 e5a87514c9a1062d5b777c2ab008b3d253ccfe80 SHA1 733d94651f92e75cc8390b199782c1d0fdbc51ec SHA256 54625d44535534094e85d41172c3c30a12d114f074ac8dcbca07372c4d7c484d
+DIST boinc-5.4.11.tar.bz2 9604328 RMD160 5dc29d9720ca3bff6015991fbabe97929b4b1fb0 SHA1 3cca64c425f0ed6c4f511bb3537a59e0594db090 SHA256 cd67228ca08794714177e101f8a3b611a1f5e7d24506aaf3cf4edfa548c04a85
+DIST boinc-5.5.6.tar.bz2 9211643 RMD160 f1fc9405184146bce972002332b6271ab6940849 SHA1 ca51c621306d42a9a09e5949f9e86a2af1102267 SHA256 a23b01016c3c6664ad1ec21b8731a4a2648b47a8ceac8bcc13f09f86af017194
DIST boinc-5.8.15.tar.bz2 3544744 RMD160 cdeb0a544be911db3f1d505f6cd9eb7c8a4971cb SHA1 924af911f22ca175c78614a9da9177e430a9a61e SHA256 0e428af6a76dd41786f15c9de0a31a403613b2e366c0f5b950e2be266f82b902
+DIST boinc_public-cvs-2005-08-13.tar.gz 6054534 RMD160 2585effd13c1b6e093141dbc34bebd770c6041be SHA1 3c76cb8b00ad7e26fe05cfacfe135fd2fbaeb99d SHA256 3a8b7f3d462a0fa5f1d0ad14c77f790a3cf12b1237a09636cd82b9bfefc2afb7
+EBUILD boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild 2381 RMD160 ba808f490d8d3317a1a0bd79568859602d9d83ff SHA1 69c7a3a54f80cc4d982aea26b0ac8347fb86bcc5 SHA256 2182cf09fcd236f6f569e3db6f29b40fc5fd92b5ef57ceb8ac2d2480fb5702ad
+MD5 b0647daf7a267a33fe3e218d6a2db27d boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild 2381
+RMD160 ba808f490d8d3317a1a0bd79568859602d9d83ff boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild 2381
+SHA256 2182cf09fcd236f6f569e3db6f29b40fc5fd92b5ef57ceb8ac2d2480fb5702ad boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild 2381
EBUILD boinc-5.10.28.ebuild 3254 RMD160 2aa023b748e59d9eacc29ea08f218bea8ee8897e SHA1 57e5ff9a31a556bc2b0387aaa2fde5425bca14e3 SHA256 0af9f9f9b6407d981aa0e2215c70291a55b144fd477830eae7af8c85797dd191
MD5 59c6443730202c4ff794aff1828b2e47 boinc-5.10.28.ebuild 3254
RMD160 2aa023b748e59d9eacc29ea08f218bea8ee8897e boinc-5.10.28.ebuild 3254
SHA256 0af9f9f9b6407d981aa0e2215c70291a55b144fd477830eae7af8c85797dd191 boinc-5.10.28.ebuild 3254
+EBUILD boinc-5.2.14.ebuild 2838 RMD160 8e014e3c973b3cfbee10709274a0db3355d8a713 SHA1 a0eefc68ed227f30be26dd6ab20fcf0fe07ab169 SHA256 2027c512410c391f1007b5caa7a768ca57861c7b7c86fcf5d5fce0dec74d0cd7
+MD5 2a9ba41e63e21fb51a55b8809a79fccc boinc-5.2.14.ebuild 2838
+RMD160 8e014e3c973b3cfbee10709274a0db3355d8a713 boinc-5.2.14.ebuild 2838
+SHA256 2027c512410c391f1007b5caa7a768ca57861c7b7c86fcf5d5fce0dec74d0cd7 boinc-5.2.14.ebuild 2838
+EBUILD boinc-5.4.11.ebuild 2828 RMD160 3472379d420e1c2be7cc43870e5f5b2f9349e205 SHA1 3514e21cfc4b1bd3606bfb0d07bd564a3ac210b4 SHA256 e28a3ea0823416a6dc5f8b42c29919c7bd31bef4525d3b1fd1ca018c1dbba24f
+MD5 344e7bfe600365030b908c0e9943c47e boinc-5.4.11.ebuild 2828
+RMD160 3472379d420e1c2be7cc43870e5f5b2f9349e205 boinc-5.4.11.ebuild 2828
+SHA256 e28a3ea0823416a6dc5f8b42c29919c7bd31bef4525d3b1fd1ca018c1dbba24f boinc-5.4.11.ebuild 2828
+EBUILD boinc-5.5.6.ebuild 3061 RMD160 62507ae09a1caddb9f5ae75619088e8b9573a481 SHA1 1290ded5649213fdeb60c1ad2adfeab346823ad2 SHA256 0188195be5a80b8f14bef61d76267c06c2bd378b9a34eec3b2be82b0efc02911
+MD5 dfb3c4e073202edea837f509e81f5f4e boinc-5.5.6.ebuild 3061
+RMD160 62507ae09a1caddb9f5ae75619088e8b9573a481 boinc-5.5.6.ebuild 3061
+SHA256 0188195be5a80b8f14bef61d76267c06c2bd378b9a34eec3b2be82b0efc02911 boinc-5.5.6.ebuild 3061
EBUILD boinc-5.8.15.ebuild 3247 RMD160 1aef58cd676a578916ee6283ee6be3ef617edca8 SHA1 51ca2189d8c4ab3adf699d6d9cadc5af55ee458e SHA256 1776fe361478dd3f24e1b9a82223826fc4c434f049432887dad130990d103909
MD5 a4281af247d9a49c6ca793e5ce4c536b boinc-5.8.15.ebuild 3247
RMD160 1aef58cd676a578916ee6283ee6be3ef617edca8 boinc-5.8.15.ebuild 3247
SHA256 1776fe361478dd3f24e1b9a82223826fc4c434f049432887dad130990d103909 boinc-5.8.15.ebuild 3247
-MISC ChangeLog 7169 RMD160 44fe6dfad7bfa18721d909f3f47f1767a719fce8 SHA1 de4df56a73c4dd7b27d7ec3b99683d9335477c65 SHA256 6a54163f70d0b3296482bb015c508dd9e25edf0f0876bc32b3af0bc75fe13571
-MD5 d8b795d0e69eeb6757eac4a30a0f923f ChangeLog 7169
-RMD160 44fe6dfad7bfa18721d909f3f47f1767a719fce8 ChangeLog 7169
-SHA256 6a54163f70d0b3296482bb015c508dd9e25edf0f0876bc32b3af0bc75fe13571 ChangeLog 7169
+MISC ChangeLog 7349 RMD160 66b61ab630835364feaa7982b08001da34457907 SHA1 f24adc60e26495ecda249552efaff39cb010c5ba SHA256 c6380ab41a3bb10e88ab99883534e562ad3cd8b1c7a963e68f25ab2a3bf65391
+MD5 4f7263975fab9bbebd5dadaf6b5bee4b ChangeLog 7349
+RMD160 66b61ab630835364feaa7982b08001da34457907 ChangeLog 7349
+SHA256 c6380ab41a3bb10e88ab99883534e562ad3cd8b1c7a963e68f25ab2a3bf65391 ChangeLog 7349
MISC metadata.xml 420 RMD160 ebfdfbe98b4616e68514dece1809bae66cb1d354 SHA1 2f2b723edf9a8b6d20c595d966dba7fc51674313 SHA256 166699fb3c8d9d6a371af9275ac5d9198d354042a5b4e4377247e4639a6fb085
MD5 4b2e94b92c84896e0204d9e7710f9c6a metadata.xml 420
RMD160 ebfdfbe98b4616e68514dece1809bae66cb1d354 metadata.xml 420
SHA256 166699fb3c8d9d6a371af9275ac5d9198d354042a5b4e4377247e4639a6fb085 metadata.xml 420
+MD5 5e936d446a563e9c4b56554b046d525c files/digest-boinc-4.72.20050813-r3 286
+RMD160 a570847136bf8a9fd7f50dceba0f2229d9455a9d files/digest-boinc-4.72.20050813-r3 286
+SHA256 ceb466b973f945648acc1743a889b20604b070a12a827396388abeb3754a5ed4 files/digest-boinc-4.72.20050813-r3 286
MD5 4729c18e48559fa4724cd0bb8081ceff files/digest-boinc-5.10.28 250
RMD160 6c6501b4ca78c87d85a848f642f482bd44cba1fc files/digest-boinc-5.10.28 250
SHA256 a96901ae59e7acf367be7d651da871ef62c4d920741bbccd41eb08f7602bc269 files/digest-boinc-5.10.28 250
+MD5 05ea1b0ad42ab1cd7fa8ff83edd35afc files/digest-boinc-5.2.14 503
+RMD160 be1ad979628b2a10ebf0b48366cb9543e31fdd1f files/digest-boinc-5.2.14 503
+SHA256 c919bacbaed8a7ee6aefb68fa19758c2e1bb9bee0b19fe5e50aa2500209110c9 files/digest-boinc-5.2.14 503
+MD5 8b5a7418041e10bf6446c8115730c927 files/digest-boinc-5.4.11 244
+RMD160 1293db7af5bd77394ec8446c6fa4cab801a4bd0a files/digest-boinc-5.4.11 244
+SHA256 ca5be0553b7078656ccd39569fb253e7dbae5ba185b8e47d93a926809d7409e9 files/digest-boinc-5.4.11 244
+MD5 093d4029e7974135e22bba7b61b784b9 files/digest-boinc-5.5.6 241
+RMD160 3ff0e476b5a6fdd011bb28704684384fb417a823 files/digest-boinc-5.5.6 241
+SHA256 0f81bcb58aea62e2b96ad074dd84f9f428f52340eaa9b8875ebbd939411a0e20 files/digest-boinc-5.5.6 241
MD5 adade25947a97f6afcfcff9b5cf3e641 files/digest-boinc-5.8.15 244
RMD160 9069e63d279bcc50183c6153cc46490d76aa9f10 files/digest-boinc-5.8.15 244
SHA256 e61648bea5a90f411a609cea63bcb957cd358de4ecd60dab9200b2b7eaf6443b files/digest-boinc-5.8.15 244
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b832cd3f0f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-4.72.20050813-r3.ebuild,v 1.11 2008/01/17 03:58:41 tsunam Exp $
+inherit eutils wxwidgets
+DESCRIPTION="The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="server X"
+ X? ( =x11-libs/wxGTK-2.6* )
+ server? ( www-servers/apache
+ >=virtual/mysql-4.0
+ virtual/php
+ >=dev-lang/python-2.2.3
+ >=dev-python/mysql-python-0.9.2 )"
+ >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.59
+ >=sys-devel/automake-1.9.3
+ X? ( x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ virtual/glut
+ virtual/glu
+ media-libs/jpeg )
+ server? ( virtual/imap-c-client )
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ # GCC 4 patch, bug 112133.
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc4-fix.patch
+ # point to a proper mouse device
+ sed -e "s:/dev/mouse:/dev/input/mice:g" -i client/hostinfo_unix.C || die
+src_compile() {
+ if use X; then
+ WX_GTK_VER=2.6
+ need-wxwidgets gtk2
+ wxconf="--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG}"
+ fi
+ econf \
+ --enable-client \
+ --disable-static-client \
+ ${wxconf} \
+ $(use_enable server) \
+ $(use_with X x) || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ make install DESTDIR=${D} || die "make install failed"
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.init boinc
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.conf boinc
+ make_desktop_entry boinc_gui BOINC boinc Science /var/lib/boinc
+pkg_preinst() {
+ enewgroup boinc
+ enewuser boinc -1 -1 /var/lib/boinc boinc
+pkg_postinst() {
+ echo
+ einfo "You need to attach to a project to do anything useful with boinc."
+ einfo "You can do this by running /etc/init.d/boinc attach"
+ einfo "BOINC The howto for configuration is located at:"
+ einfo ""
+ if use server;then
+ echo
+ einfo "You have chosen to enable server mode. this ebuild has installed"
+ einfo "the necessary packages to be a server. You will need to have a"
+ einfo "project. Contact BOINC directly for further information."
+ fi
+ echo
diff --git a/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.2.14.ebuild b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.2.14.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8c138ae6bcaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.2.14.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.2.14.ebuild,v 1.13 2008/01/17 03:58:41 tsunam Exp $
+inherit eutils wxwidgets
+DESCRIPTION="The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches.tar.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="server X unicode"
+ >=net-misc/curl-7.15.0
+ >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7
+ X? ( =x11-libs/wxGTK-2.6* )
+ server? ( www-servers/apache
+ >=virtual/mysql-4.0
+ virtual/php
+ >=dev-lang/python-2.2.3
+ >=dev-python/mysql-python-0.9.2 )"
+ >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.59
+ >=sys-devel/automake-1.9.3
+ X? ( x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ virtual/glut
+ virtual/glu
+ media-libs/jpeg )
+ server? ( virtual/imap-c-client )
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ # Apply patches, most of which from Debian
+ EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/08_all_Makefile.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc-4.1.patch
+ # point to a proper mouse device
+ sed -e "s:/dev/mouse:/dev/input/mice:g" -i client/hostinfo_unix.C || die
+src_compile() {
+ if use X; then
+ WX_GTK_VER=2.6
+ if use unicode; then
+ need-wxwidgets unicode
+ else
+ need-wxwidgets gtk2
+ fi
+ wxconf="--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG}"
+ fi
+ econf \
+ --enable-client \
+ --disable-static-client \
+ ${wxconf} \
+ $(use_enable unicode) \
+ $(use_enable server) \
+ $(use_with X x) || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ make install DESTDIR=${D} || die "make install failed"
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.init boinc
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.conf boinc
+ make_desktop_entry boinc_gui BOINC boinc Science /var/lib/boinc
+pkg_preinst() {
+ enewgroup boinc
+ enewuser boinc -1 -1 /var/lib/boinc boinc
+pkg_postinst() {
+ echo
+ einfo "You need to attach to a project to do anything useful with boinc."
+ einfo "You can do this by running /etc/init.d/boinc attach"
+ einfo "BOINC The howto for configuration is located at:"
+ einfo ""
+ if use server;then
+ echo
+ einfo "You have chosen to enable server mode. this ebuild has installed"
+ einfo "the necessary packages to be a server. You will need to have a"
+ einfo "project. Contact BOINC directly for further information."
+ fi
+ echo
+ # Add warning about the new password for the client, bug 121896.
+ einfo "If you need to use the graphical client the password is in "
+ einfo "/var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg which is randomly generated "
+ einfo "by BOINC. You can change this to something more memorable."
+ echo
diff --git a/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.4.11.ebuild b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.4.11.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de61068e7198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.4.11.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.4.11.ebuild,v 1.8 2008/01/17 03:58:41 tsunam Exp $
+inherit eutils wxwidgets
+DESCRIPTION="The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="server X unicode"
+ >=net-misc/curl-7.15.0
+ >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7
+ X? ( =x11-libs/wxGTK-2.6* )
+ server? ( www-servers/apache
+ >=virtual/mysql-4.0
+ virtual/php
+ >=dev-lang/python-2.2.3
+ >=dev-python/mysql-python-0.9.2 )"
+ >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.58
+ >=sys-devel/automake-1.8
+ >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15
+ >=sys-devel/m4-1.4
+ X? ( x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ virtual/glut
+ virtual/glu
+ media-libs/jpeg )
+ server? ( virtual/imap-c-client )
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ # point to a proper mouse device
+ sed -e "s:/dev/mouse:/dev/input/mice:g" -i client/hostinfo_unix.C || die
+src_compile() {
+ if use X; then
+ WX_GTK_VER=2.6
+ if use unicode; then
+ need-wxwidgets unicode
+ else
+ need-wxwidgets gtk2
+ fi
+ wxconf="--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG}"
+ fi
+ econf \
+ --enable-client \
+ --disable-static-client \
+ ${wxconf} \
+ $(use_enable unicode) \
+ $(use_enable server) \
+ $(use_with X x) || die "econf failed"
+ # Make it link to the compiled libs, not the installed ones
+ sed -e "s|LDFLAGS = |LDFLAGS = -L../lib |g" -i */Makefile || \
+ die "sed failed"
+ # Force -j1 - bug 136374.
+ emake -j1 || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ make install DESTDIR=${D} || die "make install failed"
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.init boinc
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.conf boinc
+ make_desktop_entry boinc_gui BOINC boinc Science /var/lib/boinc
+pkg_preinst() {
+ enewgroup boinc
+ enewuser boinc -1 -1 /var/lib/boinc boinc
+pkg_postinst() {
+ echo
+ einfo "You need to attach to a project to do anything useful with boinc."
+ einfo "You can do this by running /etc/init.d/boinc attach"
+ einfo "BOINC The howto for configuration is located at:"
+ einfo ""
+ if use server;then
+ echo
+ einfo "You have chosen to enable server mode. this ebuild has installed"
+ einfo "the necessary packages to be a server. You will need to have a"
+ einfo "project. Contact BOINC directly for further information."
+ fi
+ echo
+ # Add warning about the new password for the client, bug 121896.
+ einfo "If you need to use the graphical client the password is in "
+ einfo "/var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg which is randomly generated "
+ einfo "by BOINC. You can change this to something more memorable."
+ echo
diff --git a/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.5.6.ebuild b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.5.6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c35b0841eef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.5.6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-misc/boinc/boinc-5.5.6.ebuild,v 1.11 2008/01/17 03:58:41 tsunam Exp $
+inherit eutils wxwidgets
+DESCRIPTION="The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="server X unicode"
+ >=net-misc/curl-7.15.0
+ >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7
+ X? ( =x11-libs/wxGTK-2.6* )
+ server? ( www-servers/apache
+ >=virtual/mysql-4.0
+ virtual/php
+ >=dev-lang/python-2.2.3
+ >=dev-python/mysql-python-0.9.2 )"
+ >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.58
+ >=sys-devel/automake-1.8
+ >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15
+ >=sys-devel/m4-1.4
+ X? ( x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-proto/xproto
+ virtual/glut
+ virtual/glu
+ media-libs/jpeg )
+ server? ( virtual/imap-c-client )
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ # point to a proper mouse device
+ sed -e "s:/dev/mouse:/dev/input/mice:g" -i client/hostinfo_unix.C || die
+src_compile() {
+ if use X; then
+ WX_GTK_VER=2.6
+ if use unicode; then
+ need-wxwidgets unicode
+ else
+ need-wxwidgets gtk2
+ fi
+ wxconf="--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG}"
+ fi
+ # Just run the necessary tools directly
+ einfo "Running necessary autotools..."
+ aclocal -I m4 || die "aclocal failed."
+ autoheader || die "autoheader failed."
+ automake || die "automake failed."
+ autoconf || die "autoconf failed."
+ econf \
+ --enable-client \
+ --disable-static-client \
+ ${wxconf} \
+ $(use_enable unicode) \
+ $(use_enable server) \
+ $(use_with X x) || die "econf failed"
+ # Make it link to the compiled libs, not the installed ones
+ sed -e "s|LDFLAGS = |LDFLAGS = -L../lib |g" -i */Makefile || \
+ die "sed failed"
+ # Force -j1 - bug 136374.
+ emake -j1 || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ make install DESTDIR=${D} || die "make install failed"
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.init boinc
+ newconfd ${FILESDIR}/boinc.conf boinc
+ make_desktop_entry boinc_gui BOINC boinc Science /var/lib/boinc
+pkg_preinst() {
+ enewgroup boinc
+ enewuser boinc -1 -1 /var/lib/boinc boinc
+pkg_postinst() {
+ echo
+ einfo "You need to attach to a project to do anything useful with boinc."
+ einfo "You can do this by running /etc/init.d/boinc attach"
+ einfo "BOINC The howto for configuration is located at:"
+ einfo ""
+ if use server;then
+ echo
+ einfo "You have chosen to enable server mode. this ebuild has installed"
+ einfo "the necessary packages to be a server. You will need to have a"
+ einfo "project. Contact BOINC directly for further information."
+ fi
+ echo
+ # Add warning about the new password for the client, bug 121896.
+ einfo "If you need to use the graphical client the password is in "
+ einfo "/var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg which is randomly generated "
+ einfo "by BOINC. You can change this to something more memorable."
+ echo