diff options
authorMichael Sterrett <>2011-04-29 17:29:30 +0000
committerMichael Sterrett <>2011-04-29 17:29:30 +0000
commit49c863cfce9f00a9f097014cb4c838f93b710853 (patch)
treec31e05e95a8e0bd37e97fb546466da8fb8fb4d3f /licenses/PDFLite
parentold, wont build with libnotify-0.7 which will be lowest version available lat... (diff)
remove unused licenses
Diffstat (limited to 'licenses/PDFLite')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/PDFLite b/licenses/PDFLite
deleted file mode 100644
index 82aab631ca69..000000000000
--- a/licenses/PDFLite
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-PDFlib Lite License Agreement
-PDFlib GmbH (Licensor), Tal 40, 80331 Munich, Germany
-phone +49.89.29 16 46 87, fax +49.89.29 16 46 86,,
-Note: this license is substantially different than the license for other products of PDFlib GmbH. This li-
-cense does not cover products other than those mentioned in section 1.
-1. Definitions
-This agreement defines the licensing terms for the software product called PDFlib Lite 7.0.1. This prod-
-uct will be referred to as "the program" in this agreement. The program is a copyrighted work whose
-copyright is held by the licensor.
-The program is delivered with a digital manual which describes its programming features and their
-usage ("the documentation"). "Programming samples" shall mean the sample code which demon-
-strates use of the program, and which is part of the distribution. "Original distribution" shall mean
-the set of all files comprising the source code package for the program as made available by licensor.
-The term "integrated product" shall be used in this agreement to designate any product that is made
-up of both the program and software or hardware developed or marketed by any other individual or
-organization. Integrated product shall mean all components which are required to make reasonable
-use of the aggregate software, even if such components are not directly attached to the program. For
-example, if integrated product is a virtual printer driver integrated product means the complete oper-
-ating system; if integrated product is a word processor integrated product means the full word proces-
-sor plus auxiliary components; if integrated product is a Web application integrated product means all
-components for retrieving, processing, and presenting data. (This is not an exhaustive enumeration.)
-By using, modifying or distributing the program (or any work based on the program), you indicate
-your acceptance of this license to do so, and all its terms and conditions for using, copying, distribut-
-ing or modifying the program or works based on it. Nothing other than this license grants you permis-
-sion to use, modify or distribute the program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by
-law. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, do not use, modify or distribute the program.
-2. Using the Program
-Functional use (running) of the program requires a commercial license which is outside the scope of
-this agreement. However, exempt users listed below are granted a world-wide, royalty-free, non-
-exclusive license to use the program.
-2.1 Open Source Developer Exemption
-Use of the program as part of an integrated product is exempt from commercial licensing provided the
-integrated product is available under a license which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative
-OSI (, complete source code for the integrated product is available to anyone
-free of charge, and the availability of source code is announced on a publicly accessible Web site.
-Source code means the preferred machine-readable form in which a programmer would modify the
-2.2 Private non-Profit User Exemption
-Non-profit uses of the program by a private individual are exempt from commercial licensing. For-
-profit use by individuals and non-profit use by organizations do not fall under this exemption.
-2.3 Educational and Research Exemption
-Use of the program by educational institutions and individuals for educational and research purposes
-is exempt from commercial licensing. Other uses (e.g., administrative) by educational institutions do
-not fall under this exemption.
-3. Redistribution
-Redistribution in binary or source form by a commercial organization to any third party are permitted
-provided that all of the following conditions are met. Redistributing the program under these condi-
-tions does not necessarily give the recipient the right to use the program; using the program is always
-subject to the conditions in section 2.
-3.1 Modifications
-If you have modified the program, you must include prominent notices in stating that you have modi-
-fied the programÕs files, your name, your e-mail address (if any) and the date and purpose of any
-PDF files generated with the program must include the same Producer entry in the document info
-field as those generated with the original (unmodified) program. Changing the Producer entry renders
-this license invalid.
-3.2 Source Code Redistribution
-Redistributions of source code must include all files which are part of the original distribution. Omit-
-ting one or more files would result in a distribution which is not compliant with this license.
-3.3 Binary Redistribution
-Redistributions in binary (compiled) form must include this license, the documentation, and program-
-ming samples. Not all programming samples must be included, but only the samples for program-
-ming languages which are actually supported by the binary distribution. As an alternative to including
-the documentation in a binary distribution, the documentation may also be made available separately
-for free download on the Internet in unmodified form. This ÈdownloadÇ exception does not apply to
-other files which are part of the original distribution.
-4. Reservation of Rights
-No rights are granted to the program except as expressly set forth herein. You may not use, copy, mod-
-ify, sublicense, or distribute the program except as expressly provided under this license. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the program is void, and will automatically termi-
-nate your rights under this license.
-5. Warranty
-The program is provided to you Èas isÇ, without warranty. There is no warranty for the program, either
-expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fit-
-ness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third party rights. The entire risk as to the qual-
-ity and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the
-cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
-In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will licensor, or any other party
-who may modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, in-
-cluding any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to
-use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses
-sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even
-if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
-6. General
-This license is governed by the laws of Germany, excluding choice of law rules. If any part of this li-
-cense is found to be in conflict with the law, that part shall be interpreted in its broadest meaning con-
-sistent with the law, and no other parts of the license shall be affected.
-PDFlib Lite License Agreement (created March 6, 2007)