diff options
authorJeremy Huddleston <>2005-11-30 21:42:05 +0000
committerJeremy Huddleston <>2005-11-30 21:42:05 +0000
commit25906d239cbb72e982bfaabad6b865118d6c527e (patch)
tree6eb2012dfdffe60beecc79ea2e2ea05069a55ae9 /app-admin/webmin
parentRemove x86-fbsd keyword and profile, let people on Gentoo/FreeBSD use the pat... (diff)
Version bump for security bug #113888.
Package-Manager: portage-2.0.53_rc7
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin/webmin')
4 files changed, 170 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/webmin/ChangeLog b/app-admin/webmin/ChangeLog
index e9429b456025..04f921739bf2 100644
--- a/app-admin/webmin/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-admin/webmin/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for app-admin/webmin
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/webmin/ChangeLog,v 1.104 2005/10/03 14:38:36 matsuu Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/webmin/ChangeLog,v 1.105 2005/11/30 21:42:05 eradicator Exp $
+*webmin-1.250 (30 Nov 2005)
+ 30 Nov 2005; Jeremy Huddleston <>
+ +webmin-1.250.ebuild:
+ Version bump for security bug #113888.
03 Oct 2005; MATSUU Takuto <> webmin-1.230.ebuild:
Stable on sh.
diff --git a/app-admin/webmin/Manifest b/app-admin/webmin/Manifest
index 22c5440f0db5..620e687f3262 100644
--- a/app-admin/webmin/Manifest
+++ b/app-admin/webmin/Manifest
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
-MD5 c175a83cebd240b2c52e5890de97c0cf webmin-1.230.ebuild 4102
-MD5 c6d3309b62a5ba19e3aa3893e0cca346 webmin-1.170-r3.ebuild 3681
MD5 f858b0268004dd4d6832997b69aab46f ChangeLog 3595
-MD5 3923b6ae9bc25fc124e24e7747c8a802 metadata.xml 226
-MD5 512204473654b6eb41308d3319ba6144 files/webmin-1.170-setup-nocheck.patch 943
-MD5 cc16dcb159f84c912365504002444a08 files/virtual-server-2.31-namevirtual.patch 2951
-MD5 6a55026b21c4da9284b31236deeceda7 files/webmin-gentoo-init 864
+MD5 6d9dfc76f788500ff3c85cbb42667487 files/digest-webmin-1.170-r3 209
+MD5 1b791b42466b4d6db599c2b8fed29871 files/digest-webmin-1.230 210
+MD5 960512668a4e3d56a9e2ad43881852fc files/digest-webmin-1.250 210
+MD5 54dc8937e05bd76ad86a6c5f5ae6a333 files/init.d.webmin 859
MD5 bc8eb1c9de103599fc00b140b0ed1f9f files/ 260
+MD5 082b9fc08240293b2b7b3609ba8e0cfd files/virtual-server-2.31-checkip.patch 607
+MD5 cc16dcb159f84c912365504002444a08 files/virtual-server-2.31-namevirtual.patch 2951
MD5 cad6a5577a4c4b3773702ab1bd8d6461 files/virtual-server-2.31-nocgibin.patch 1073
-MD5 1b791b42466b4d6db599c2b8fed29871 files/digest-webmin-1.230 210
MD5 4f5dc10c2c1d19218cecfc2a678a0ce4 files/virtual-server-2.31-pgsql.patch 579
-MD5 395e49092aa7b9e808d3e9d723508884 files/webmin-1.140-apache2.patch 1250
MD5 5a13292127e1353674038bffda8e4a70 files/virtual-server-2.60-nocgibin.patch 1277
-MD5 082b9fc08240293b2b7b3609ba8e0cfd files/virtual-server-2.31-checkip.patch 607
MD5 bb2acab90ada721c723d91a5a97c193c files/webmin-1.130-webalizer.patch 615
-MD5 6d9dfc76f788500ff3c85cbb42667487 files/digest-webmin-1.170-r3 209
+MD5 395e49092aa7b9e808d3e9d723508884 files/webmin-1.140-apache2.patch 1250
MD5 0ebd73f1cd5948ec1c3532a2f59f2c53 files/webmin-1.170-postfix.patch 868
-MD5 7d80c86adbd36eeb8f220b9efdd30819 files/webmin-pam 101
-MD5 54dc8937e05bd76ad86a6c5f5ae6a333 files/init.d.webmin 859
+MD5 512204473654b6eb41308d3319ba6144 files/webmin-1.170-setup-nocheck.patch 943
MD5 c53333c5a45f347207179bd957253b86 files/webmin-1.230-ldap-useradmin.patch 905
+MD5 6a55026b21c4da9284b31236deeceda7 files/webmin-gentoo-init 864
+MD5 7d80c86adbd36eeb8f220b9efdd30819 files/webmin-pam 101
+MD5 3923b6ae9bc25fc124e24e7747c8a802 metadata.xml 226
+MD5 c6d3309b62a5ba19e3aa3893e0cca346 webmin-1.170-r3.ebuild 3681
+MD5 c175a83cebd240b2c52e5890de97c0cf webmin-1.230.ebuild 4102
+MD5 c8356f0ac12c05be1434ab9939687f00 webmin-1.250.ebuild 4108
diff --git a/app-admin/webmin/files/digest-webmin-1.250 b/app-admin/webmin/files/digest-webmin-1.250
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2ec8b1122e60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/webmin/files/digest-webmin-1.250
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 9382484a3fa0b094af2ba38125721c16 virtual-server-2.609.wbm.gz 281789
+MD5 ba79db046d5ee96ff22033a8c8e6e5ef webmin-1.250-minimal.tar.gz 1269765
+MD5 521fcf66588f0c0c5cca229b932820fd webmin-1.250.tar.gz 8928214
diff --git a/app-admin/webmin/webmin-1.250.ebuild b/app-admin/webmin/webmin-1.250.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..982c84f248e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/webmin/webmin-1.250.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/webmin/webmin-1.250.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/11/30 21:42:05 eradicator Exp $
+IUSE="apache2 postgres ssl webmin-minimal"
+inherit eutils pam
+DESCRIPTION="Webmin, a web-based system administration interface"
+SRC_URI="webmin-minimal? ( mirror://sourceforge/webadmin/${P}-minimal.tar.gz )
+ !webmin-minimal? ( mirror://sourceforge/webadmin/${P}.tar.gz
+${VM_V}.wbm.gz )"
+# ~mips removed because of broken deps. Bug #86085
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86"
+ ssl? ( dev-perl/Net-SSLeay )
+ postgres? ( dev-perl/DBD-Pg )
+ dev-perl/XML-Generator"
+# See bug #62123
+# pam? ( dev-perl/Authen-PAM )
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ # in webmin-minimal apache2 are not present
+ if ! use webmin-minimal ; then
+ # Bug #50810, #51943
+ if use apache2; then
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.140-apache2.patch
+ fi
+ # Correct ldapness
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.230-ldap-useradmin.patch
+ # Postfix should modify the last entry of the maps file
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.170-postfix.patch
+ mv ${WORKDIR}/virtual-server-${VM_V}.wbm ${T}/vs.tar
+ tar -xf ${T}/vs.tar
+ # Don't create ${HOME}/cgi-bin on new accounts
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/virtual-server-2.60-nocgibin.patch
+ # Check if a newly added IP is already active
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/virtual-server-2.31-checkip.patch
+ # Verify Postgres usernames
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/virtual-server-2.31-pgsql.patch
+ # Fix some all name virtual items
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/virtual-server-2.31-namevirtual.patch
+ fi
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.170-setup-nocheck.patch
+src_install() {
+ # Bug #97212
+ addpredict /var/lib/rpm
+ rm -f mount/freebsd-mounts*
+ rm -f mount/openbsd-mounts*
+ rm -f mount/macos-mounts*
+ (find . -name '*.cgi' ; find . -name '*.pl') | perl /usr/bin/perl -
+ dodir /usr/libexec/webmin
+ dodir /var
+ cp -rp * ${D}/usr/libexec/webmin
+ # in webmin-minimal openslp is not present
+ if [ ! -f "${D}/usr/libexec/webmin/openslp/config-gentoo-linux" ] ; then
+ cp ${D}/usr/libexec/webmin/openslp/config \
+ ${D}/usr/libexec/webmin/openslp/config-gentoo-linux
+ fi
+ newinitd ${FILESDIR}/init.d.webmin webmin
+ newpamd ${FILESDIR}/webmin-pam webmin
+ echo gentoo > ${D}/usr/libexec/webmin/install-type
+ # Fix ownership
+ chown -R root:0 ${D}
+ dodir /etc/webmin
+ dodir /var/log/webmin
+ config_dir=${D}/etc/webmin
+ var_dir=${D}/var/log/webmin
+ perl=${ROOT}/usr/bin/perl
+ autoos=1
+ port=10000
+ login=root
+ crypt="XXX"
+ host=`hostname`
+ use ssl && ssl=1 || ssl=0
+ atboot=0
+ nostart=1
+ nochown=1
+ autothird=1
+ nouninstall=1
+ noperlpath=1
+ tempdir="${T}"
+ export config_dir var_dir perl autoos port login crypt host ssl atboot nostart nochown autothird nouninstall noperlpath tempdir
+ ${D}/usr/libexec/webmin/ > ${T}/webmin-setup.out 2>&1 || die "Failed to create initial webmin configuration."
+ # Fixup the config files to use their real locations
+ sed -i -e "s:^pidfile=.*$:pidfile=${ROOT}/var/run/" ${D}/etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
+ find ${D}/etc/webmin -type f | xargs sed -i -e "s:${D}:${ROOT}:g"
+ # Cleanup from the config script
+ rm -rf ${D}/var/log/webmin
+ keepdir /var/log/webmin/
+ # Get rid of this crap...
+ rm -rf ${D}/usr/libexec/webmin/acl/Authen-SolarisRBAC-0.1
+ rm -f ${D}/usr/libexec/webmin/acl/Authen-SolarisRBAC-0.1.tar.gz
+pkg_postinst() {
+ local crypt=$(grep "^root:" ${ROOT}/etc/shadow | cut -f 2 -d :)
+ crypt=${crypt//\\/\\\\}
+ crypt=${crypt//\//\\\/}
+ sed -i -e "s/root:XXX/root:${crypt}/" /etc/webmin/miniserv.users
+ einfo "To make webmin start at boot time, run: 'rc-update add webmin default'."
+ use ssl && einfo "Point your web browser to https://localhost:10000 to use webmin."
+ use ssl || einfo "Point your web browser to http://localhost:10000 to use webmin."
+pkg_prerm() {
+ ${ROOT}/etc/init.d/webmin stop >& /dev/null