diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/android-tools')
4 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/android-tools/Manifest b/dev-util/android-tools/Manifest
index 05c7de00a279..15a69b3f57d6 100644
--- a/dev-util/android-tools/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/android-tools/Manifest
@@ -8,3 +8,10 @@ DIST android-tools-6.0.1_r79-core.tar.gz 1186562 BLAKE2B 473454d340e65f98201508c
DIST android-tools-6.0.1_r79-extras.tar.gz 648657 BLAKE2B 4582ddd57b729492e08987e17304c62778504ffc316ab26df8c83fff1aed33226106474131d5ad0e3e302b577c83a2b78d0be04fef9711e39861a223580ab1b9 SHA512 e10694737c518f591eff4e808bb826c83bf45dc44c5c1ee8a4082a6e0653350ffe2986e299348cb4a1219203192d01546a05e9354ce05e29897f856c147de8c3
DIST android-tools-6.0.1_r79-f2fs-tools.tar.gz 70255 BLAKE2B ab9ce3efd33c28a1a0a9cb8a5415057498dd493e059183cc9d3fcc9de1b5ca4d7488c75695c94700fc6a4e5503beb8647576c7096fa50229f98485d2983ce152 SHA512 0871f99f78006028889b42668ec627b6515bb812ad3ec4a489f62187a79f64d2a74f66556698a5f05fc99932f75fefd8810dedceeab744b212beb764e97b82c8
DIST android-tools-6.0.1_r79-libselinux.tar.gz 50814 BLAKE2B f09f26c801be83bc97f4b18606f513ce0fae791126a30c90067e3b2066c991fa1390ab2d0fac2475f755f3245179718204d5014f47ece46801dc0f80caf9758b SHA512 686557271271c4d59fb968c5aa76b433955009733f3151c4c86faa996ce846088d6632b0969b23699822b7a6f09eae60abedba6abb0edc9d444159bbdb5c6f91
+DIST android-tools-8.1.0_r1-arch.tar.gz 6250 BLAKE2B 65447517a33438c8531a9d707c6107703eaccb558e505e51a88ef51e70f83488620f76eb0240dc0899211cf120e9e1ffbea041086f1d8133f30b56358aba76d6 SHA512 5746e0b2f6aae37ebe60b7b1e939699a11de2f44286497f77d700c3896e02559d55002f036ecdc1c412844bfce4ab245b9086193dc982e6be74bcaea61010c5c
+DIST android-tools-8.1.0_r1-core.tar.gz 5227179 BLAKE2B afb280d67fe1b926e1f1ad68409584ad0209eb48921542e2bd490448c888cdf4bf6fb4c6f9552d580c7a396e79c2c85019e79a9a6c9881ea962c2f1064c33d82 SHA512 2c8e67232ca6348a4fd4b5d7077715491d2168c46fc8e336635a961bbbed156ef480718ee58393501196e9315c6c1bda807f8966944e3bc209dd5a0f7088642e
+DIST android-tools-8.1.0_r1-extras.tar.xz 275952 BLAKE2B 0fd3c536fee6ffbe2cdd4321604d32dc3a2b48a1b3edcb9121e83ceea760e491b47b301c3d8126565efd6b11adabd4f89c79bbe8731585660ce395af9e643fe7 SHA512 bfe3af89eadf38ce6805637e41f3fb15feb85455902f6a43e52a2f95dd1595cc896a9f46ccc82ab8db433f56a05f2f4c0ba85b77f40b03d5d69c8fec4082a2da
+DIST android-tools-8.1.0_r1-f2fs-tools.tar.xz 93924 BLAKE2B b8b6c7ba4c3f5309bfcfc91bd57d018d7af66f8dd25590207fd545f0dba02961826bf9963a56c7994feea5db8f9caedfe4fe62870420d9544283f87ec337cfb8 SHA512 de726be0691c58a5093098bd30cfc06c4312c44bec040cbecd594694cb7b38742dafd1f00b08c18f1b70abf56571738eb3e85e612f082e09e51a98980444e069
+DIST android-tools-8.1.0_r1-selinux.tar.xz 3188060 BLAKE2B 8c513d858e8dcaed705975ad61f362d7b1c2252685a63a1ad6035f36b0b402f1857ac5d2635d35ffa10f05b4a2605f30f27dcc5e9d91930eb0656f3ce2da036d SHA512 8799f10b4dba840ecea8f6abb8166c2e137eb3f0d9c5cfb132c661cf17800f2eeaafb1b4ec9e8974fc3324fae99e3654e52397c987faf1d48ab6148152d84f11
+DIST 2740 BLAKE2B 34473e33970cefdaf82bbe4524665fd50e6617cf867757ca07cdccc2e7356f43ef4bb455080ef4bac516ddba3c4e4120f0b27306e84725f8d5738a81800e3a53 SHA512 707e0e1c53832a42384e93d363f80007b76f18166b9f3f7d516431410b05319b1acc804daa1fddc218e11feb48de48683efb5203f4fa6d80646dcb1a2953139f
+DIST boringssl-14308731e5446a73ac2258688a9688b524483cb6.tar.gz 13030361 BLAKE2B 6982416b6e193e7faccd41fff3bd35f80b11d7495251d876e6b081bd94a887ec3c6bf5b7852d9595594fc2bdc57353f268272ef01fb79f7c93b52d46cbda69ac SHA512 171b524b0452a48853b2c8010ff5e14d5d720e69eeaf1d3b79f675838f3afa94aee9de2f47b37303feb2d92cbf77639efe585786625b7b37b8cc2ba727c37fdc
diff --git a/dev-util/android-tools/android-tools-8.1.0_p1.ebuild b/dev-util/android-tools/android-tools-8.1.0_p1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1e81887fcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/android-tools/android-tools-8.1.0_p1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_{4,5,6} )
+inherit flag-o-matic bash-completion-r1 ninja-utils toolchain-funcs cmake-utils python-r1 python-utils-r1
+DESCRIPTION="Android platform tools (adb, fastboot, and mkbootimg)"
+# See helper scripts in files/ for creating these tarballs and getting this hash.
+# The ninja file was created by running the ruby script from archlinux by hand and fixing the build vars.
+# No point in depending on something large/uncommon like ruby just to generate a ninja file.
+SRC_URI=" -> ${MY_P}-arch.tar.gz
+${MY_PV}.tar.gz -> ${MY_P}-core.tar.gz
+${BORINGSSL_SHA1}.tar.gz -> boringssl-${BORINGSSL_SHA1}.tar.gz
+ mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}-extras.tar.xz${MY_P}-extras.tar.xz
+ mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}-selinux.tar.xz${MY_P}-selinux.tar.xz
+ mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}-f2fs-tools.tar.xz${MY_P}-f2fs-tools.tar.xz
+ mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}.ninja.xz${MY_P}.ninja.xz"
+# The entire source code is Apache-2.0, except for fastboot which is BSD-2.
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 BSD-2"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86 ~arm-linux ~x86-linux"
+ dev-libs/libpcre2:=
+ virtual/libusb:1="
+ python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )"
+ dev-lang/go"
+unpack_into() {
+ local archive="$1"
+ local dir="$2"
+ mkdir -p "${dir}"
+ pushd "${dir}" >/dev/null || die
+ unpack "${archive}"
+ if [[ ${dir} != ./* ]] ; then
+ mv */* ./ || die
+ fi
+ popd >/dev/null
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack_into "${MY_P}-arch.tar.gz" arch
+ unpack_into "${MY_P}-core.tar.gz" core
+ unpack_into "${MY_P}-extras.tar.xz" extras
+ unpack_into "${MY_P}-f2fs-tools.tar.xz" ./f2fs-tools
+ unpack_into "${MY_P}-selinux.tar.xz" ./selinux
+ unpack_into boringssl-${BORINGSSL_SHA1}.tar.gz boringssl
+ unpack "${MY_P}.ninja.xz"
+ mv "${MY_P}.ninja" "" || die
+ # Avoid depending on gtest just for its prod headers when boringssl bundles it.
+ ln -s ../../boringssl/third_party/googletest/include/gtest core/include/ || die
+src_prepare() {
+ cd "${S}"/core
+ eapply "${WORKDIR}"/arch/trunk/fix_build_core.patch
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-build.patch
+ sed -i '1i#include <sys/sysmacros.h>' adb/client/usb_linux.cpp || die #616508
+ cd "${S}"/selinux
+ eapply "${WORKDIR}"/arch/trunk/fix_build_selinux.patch
+ cd "${S}"/extras
+ sed -e 's|^#include <sys/cdefs.h>$|/*\0*/|' \
+ -e 's|^__BEGIN_DECLS$|#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern "C" {\n#endif|' \
+ -e 's|^__END_DECLS$|#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif|' \
+ -i ext4_utils/sha1.{c,h} || die #580686
+ cd "${S}"
+ default
+ # The pregenerated ninja file expects the build/ dir.
+ cmake-utils_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ append-lfs-flags
+ cmake-utils_src_configure
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:@CC@:$(tc-getCC):g" \
+ -e "s:@CXX@:$(tc-getCXX):g" \
+ -e "s:@CFLAGS@:${CFLAGS}:g" \
+ -e "s:@CPPFLAGS@:${CPPFLAGS}:g" \
+ -e "s:@CXXFLAGS@:${CXXFLAGS}:g" \
+ -e "s:@LDFLAGS@:${LDFLAGS}:g" \
+ -e "s:@PV@:${PV}:g" \
+ || die
+src_compile() {
+ # We only need a few libs from boringssl.
+ cmake-utils_src_compile libcrypto.a libssl.a
+ eninja
+src_install() {
+ dobin adb fastboot
+ dodoc core/adb/*.{txt,TXT} core/fastboot/
+ use python && python_foreach_impl python_doexe core/mkbootimg/mkbootimg
+ newbashcomp arch/trunk/bash_completion.fastboot fastboot
diff --git a/dev-util/android-tools/files/android-tools-8.1.0_p1-build.patch b/dev-util/android-tools/files/android-tools-8.1.0_p1-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f3d664ef70a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/android-tools/files/android-tools-8.1.0_p1-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+--- a/adb/sysdeps.h
++++ b/adb/sysdeps.h
+@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@
+ #endif
+ #endif
++#ifndef __clang__
++#define _Nonnull
++#define _Nullable
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ // Clang-only nullability specifiers
+--- a/libcutils/include/cutils/trace.h
++++ b/libcutils/include/cutils/trace.h
+@@ -18,7 +18,13 @@
+ #include <inttypes.h>
++#ifdef __cplusplus
++#include <atomic>
++using namespace std;
+ #include <stdatomic.h>
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
diff --git a/dev-util/android-tools/files/ b/dev-util/android-tools/files/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5a0a775c1290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/android-tools/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Create the various tarballs we need. GoB does not provide stable archives (unlike github),
+# and some repos are uselessly fat, so we have to create things by hand. Fun times.
+set -e
+die() {
+ echo "error: $*" >&2
+ exit 1
+fetch_boringssl() {
+ local ver=$1 tag=$2
+ local content hash
+ echo "checking boringssl in ${tag}"
+ content=$(wget -nv "${tag}/BORINGSSL_REVISION?format=TEXT" -O -)
+ hash=$(echo "${content}" | base64 -d)
+ echo "using boringssl ${hash}"
+ local tar="${DISTDIR}/boringssl-${hash}.tar.gz"
+ if [[ ! -e ${tar} ]] ; then
+ # We use github as it provides stable tarballs. GoB does not (includes timestamps).
+ #${hash}.tar.gz
+ wget -c "${hash}.tar.gz" -O "${tar}"
+ fi
+ du -h "${tar}"
+# The extras repo has ballooned to ~200MB, so we have to strip the large useless
+# files and random binaries.
+fetch_extras() {
+ local ver=$1 tag=$2
+ local tar="${DISTDIR}/android-tools-${ver}-extras.tar.xz"
+ if [[ ! -e ${tar} ]] ; then
+ local prune=(
+ ioshark
+ memory_replay
+ perfprofd
+ simpleperf
+ )
+ local dir="${tag}-extras"
+ rm -rf "${dir}"
+ mkdir "${dir}"
+ cd "${dir}"
+ wget "${tag}.tar.gz" -O extras.tar.gz
+ tar xf extras.tar.gz
+ rm -rf "${prune[@]}" extras.tar.gz
+ cd ..
+ tar cf - "${dir}" | xz -9 > "${dir}.tar.xz"
+ rm -rf "${dir}"
+ mv "${dir}.tar.xz" "${tar}"
+ fi
+ du -h "${tar}"
+# Since the GoB archive is unstable, we might as well rewrite it into xz to shrink.
+fetch_selinux() {
+ local ver=$1 tag=$2
+ local tar="${DISTDIR}/android-tools-${ver}-selinux.tar.xz"
+ if [[ ! -e ${tar} ]] ; then
+ wget "${tag}.tar.gz" -O - | zcat | xz > "${tar}"
+ fi
+ du -h "${tar}"
+# Since the GoB archive is unstable, we might as well rewrite it into xz to shrink.
+fetch_f2fs() {
+ local ver=$1 tag=$2
+ local tar="${DISTDIR}/android-tools-${ver}-f2fs-tools.tar.xz"
+ if [[ ! -e ${tar} ]] ; then
+ wget "${tag}.tar.gz" -O - | zcat | xz > "${tar}"
+ fi
+ du -h "${tar}"
+usage() {
+ local status=$1
+ [[ ${status} -eq 1 ]] && exec 1>&2
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: $0 <android version>
+ To find the next available version, consult:
+ They have some helper scripts for building the files directly.
+ Example:
+ $0 android-8.1.0_r1
+ exit ${status}
+main() {
+ [[ $# -ne 1 ]] && usage 1
+ [[ $1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help" ]] && usage 0
+ if [[ -z ${DISTDIR} ]] ; then
+ eval $(portageq -v envvar DISTDIR)
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${DISTDIR} ]] ; then
+ die "Please set \$DISTDIR first"
+ fi
+ local ver="${1#android-}"
+ local tag="android-${ver}"
+ fetch_boringssl "${ver}" "${tag}"
+ fetch_extras "${ver}" "${tag}"
+ fetch_selinux "${ver}" "${tag}"
+ fetch_f2fs "${ver}" "${tag}"
+main "$@"