diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-qt/qtwebengine')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwebengine/Manifest b/dev-qt/qtwebengine/Manifest
index 6213478463cd..2545ebb4d0e7 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtwebengine/Manifest
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwebengine/Manifest
@@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ DIST qtwebengine-6.7-patchset-13.tar.xz 8312 BLAKE2B 8483dff26fdc1479d72bf77d176
DIST qtwebengine-6.8-patchset-4.tar.xz 7612 BLAKE2B 400bc156b54bf00956ce4ab9b2ef070fcb31636184ecaee6b763f5dec4355274bde049bd6d3bb67923c8fdc202eeb26eee1664f7cca7c9cdcf7f24123a1cc760 SHA512 6f99a24ff4c7b61e9f855ab9eb8d31b73030291a5609b03fa92d3c44a200d5db9c7a75c7c70393fca1f542bc548ff588b3ab0c62a80feeacd4b42096ec3b889f
DIST qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.7.2.tar.xz 550888844 BLAKE2B 2de049c9284583940bd1a9611a00c88a4f330a3b0bab8291d11296b8532d9f4e41be0d019045aca3d5983c3cfd6254d9e50c1133a497d03ef615fb74973e10f0 SHA512 5e1f65b5c0cecd62623ac386bbc89b1222f41b8c17cec1dd43851692d21f56e8b2dba45dab9405c33e88e1d1b24998d93dbcbf371a6504a1c8cdb1a6b5a94bf7
DIST qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.7.3.tar.xz 550988288 BLAKE2B e506e8bd950be478a9d0ecf69c66f7c56dab3c7a1503c5534f0ed5a770ed4d009935ca6905a1255701750cc8d5b790b895eb4f1d6f994ea8231d57c461c22da9 SHA512 f20769ac9b3f4a9fda9865c86d9dd2c779e404823d85aaf12cbbc425880352c19352ed39eb804a80a06a99e13582d22d45dbf2a8d7bbefea3592ff965b863cbe
-DIST qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.8.0-rc.tar.xz 566568800 BLAKE2B f0dbd495b8431dd8b8aa2a1119759a1ae2dada7fbdb65cab807b8722aa7435dcb732ca10870019ee41d0e3b8752b8a37eb32fb268a9258d746a4179f4d5d0b4a SHA512 3b3070bbc1c4c459a3620dd1167f5efc407d4c76e1ecf45637de5a1cfa9c7e8f9c3d7447a669852fab7198b383308e17e4857443f149bec121915f79d60bdf7f
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwebengine/qtwebengine-6.8.0_rc.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtwebengine/qtwebengine-6.8.0_rc.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b40caa515b0..000000000000
--- a/dev-qt/qtwebengine/qtwebengine-6.8.0_rc.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} )
-inherit check-reqs flag-o-matic multiprocessing optfeature
-inherit prefix python-any-r1 qt6-build toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Library for rendering dynamic web content in Qt6 C++ and QML applications"
-if [[ ${QT6_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]]; then
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64"
- accessibility +alsa bindist custom-cflags designer geolocation
- +jumbo-build kerberos opengl pdfium pulseaudio qml screencast
- +system-icu vaapi vulkan webdriver +widgets
- designer? ( qml widgets )
-# dlopen: krb5, libva, pciutils, udev
-# gcc: for -latomic
- app-arch/snappy:=
- dev-libs/expat
- dev-libs/libevent:=
- dev-libs/libxml2[icu]
- dev-libs/libxslt
- dev-libs/nspr
- dev-libs/nss
- ~dev-qt/qtbase-${PV}:6[accessibility=,gui,opengl=,vulkan?,widgets?]
- ~dev-qt/qtdeclarative-${PV}:6[widgets?]
- ~dev-qt/qtwebchannel-${PV}:6[qml?]
- media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype
- media-libs/harfbuzz:=
- media-libs/lcms:2
- media-libs/libjpeg-turbo:=
- media-libs/libpng:=
- media-libs/libwebp:=
- media-libs/mesa[gbm(+)]
- media-libs/openjpeg:2=
- media-libs/opus
- media-libs/tiff:=
- sys-apps/dbus
- sys-apps/pciutils
- sys-devel/gcc:*
- sys-libs/zlib:=[minizip]
- virtual/libudev
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXcomposite
- x11-libs/libXdamage
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXfixes
- x11-libs/libXrandr
- x11-libs/libXtst
- x11-libs/libdrm
- x11-libs/libxcb:=
- x11-libs/libxkbcommon
- x11-libs/libxkbfile
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- designer? ( ~dev-qt/qttools-${PV}:6[designer] )
- geolocation? ( ~dev-qt/qtpositioning-${PV}:6 )
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- pulseaudio? ( media-libs/libpulse[glib] )
- screencast? (
- dev-libs/glib:2
- media-video/pipewire:=
- )
- system-icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
- vaapi? ( media-libs/libva:=[X] )
- media-libs/libglvnd
- x11-base/xorg-proto
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libxshmfence
- opengl? ( media-libs/libglvnd[X] )
- screencast? ( media-libs/libepoxy[egl(+)] )
- test? (
- widgets? ( app-text/poppler[cxx(+)] )
- )
- vaapi? (
- vulkan? ( dev-util/vulkan-headers )
- )
- $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/html5lib[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]')
- dev-util/gperf
- net-libs/nodejs[ssl]
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
-PATCHES=( "${WORKDIR}"/patches/${PN} )
-[[ ${PV} == 6.9999 ]] || # too fragile for 6.9999, but keep for 6.x.9999
- PATCHES+=( "${WORKDIR}"/patches/chromium )
- # add extras as needed here, may merge in set if carries across versions
-python_check_deps() {
- python_has_version "dev-python/html5lib[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
-qtwebengine_check-reqs() {
- [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} == binary ]] && return
- if is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([1-9])'; then #307861
- ewarn
- ewarn "Used CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS seem to enable debug info (-g or -ggdb), which"
- ewarn "is non-trivial with ${PN}. May experience extended compilation"
- ewarn "times, increased disk/memory usage, and potentially link failure."
- ewarn
- ewarn "If run into issues, please try disabling before reporting a bug."
- fi
- if ! has distcc ${FEATURES}; then #830661
- # assume ~2GB per job or 1.5GB if clang, possible with less
- # depending on free memory and *FLAGS, but prefer being safe as
- # users having OOM issues with qtwebengine been rather common
- tc-is-clang && : 15 || : 20
- local CHECKREQS_MEMORY=$(($(makeopts_jobs)*_/10))G
- fi
- check-reqs_${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC} #570534
-pkg_pretend() {
- qtwebengine_check-reqs
-pkg_setup() {
- qtwebengine_check-reqs
- python-any-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- qt6-build_src_prepare
- # for www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins (widevine) search paths on prefix
- hprefixify -w /Gentoo/ src/core/content_client_qt.cpp
- # store chromium versions, only used in postinst for a warning
- local chromium
- mapfile -t chromium < CHROMIUM_VERSION || die
- [[ ${chromium[1]} =~ ^Based.*:[^0-9]+([0-9.]+$) ]] &&
- [[ ${chromium[2]} =~ ^Patched.+:[^0-9]+([0-9.]+$) ]] &&
-src_configure() {
- local mycmakeargs=(
- $(qt_feature pdfium qtpdf_build)
- $(qt_feature qml qtpdf_quick_build)
- $(qt_feature webdriver webenginedriver)
- $(qt_feature widgets qtpdf_widgets_build)
- $(usev pdfium -DQT_FEATURE_pdf_v8=ON)
- -DQT_FEATURE_qtwebengine_build=ON
- $(qt_feature qml qtwebengine_quick_build)
- $(qt_feature widgets qtwebengine_widgets_build)
- $(cmake_use_find_package designer Qt6Designer)
- $(qt_feature alsa webengine_system_alsa)
- $(qt_feature !bindist webengine_proprietary_codecs)
- $(qt_feature geolocation webengine_geolocation)
- $(qt_feature jumbo-build webengine_jumbo_build)
- $(qt_feature kerberos webengine_kerberos)
- $(qt_feature pulseaudio webengine_system_pulseaudio)
- $(qt_feature screencast webengine_webrtc_pipewire)
- $(qt_feature system-icu webengine_system_icu)
- $(qt_feature vaapi webengine_vaapi)
- $(qt_feature vulkan webengine_vulkan)
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_embedded_build=OFF
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_extensions=ON
- # TODO: it may be possible to make x11 optional since 6.8+
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_ozone_x11=ON
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_pepper_plugins=ON
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_printing_and_pdf=ON
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_spellchecker=ON
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_webchannel=ON
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_webrtc=ON
- # needs a modified ffmpeg to be usable, and even then it may not
- # cooperate with new major ffmpeg versions (bug #831487)
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_ffmpeg=OFF
- # use bundled re2 to avoid complications, Qt has also disabled
- # this by default in 6.7.3+ (bug #913923)
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_re2=OFF
- # system_libvpx=ON is intentionally ignored with USE=vaapi which leads
- # to using system's being less tested, prefer disabling for now until
- # vaapi can use it as well
- -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_libvpx=OFF
- # not necessary to pass these (default), but in case detection fails
- $(printf -- '-DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_%s=ON ' \
- freetype gbm glib harfbuzz lcms2 libevent libjpeg \
- libopenjpeg2 libpci libpng libtiff libwebp libxml \
- minizip opus poppler snappy zlib)
- # TODO: fixup gn cross, or package dev-qt/qtwebengine-gn with =ON
- # (see also BUILD_ONLY_GN option added in 6.8+ for the latter)
- )
- local mygnargs=(
- # prefer no dlopen where possible
- $(usev pulseaudio link_pulseaudio=true)
- $(usev screencast rtc_link_pipewire=true)
- # reduce default disk space usage
- symbol_level=0
- )
- if use !custom-cflags; then
- strip-flags # fragile
- if is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([2-9])'; then #914475
- replace-flags '-g?(gdb)?([2-9])' -g1
- ewarn "-g2+/-ggdb* *FLAGS replaced with -g1 (enable USE=custom-cflags to keep)"
- fi
- # Built helpers segfault when using (at least) -march=armv8-a+pauth
- # (bug #920555, #920568 -- suspected gcc bug). For now, filter all
- # for simplicity. Override with USE=custom-cflags if wanted, please
- # report if above -march works again so can cleanup.
- use arm64 && tc-is-gcc && filter-flags '-march=*' '-mcpu=*'
- fi
- [[ ${NINJA_VERBOSE^^} == OFF ]] || NINJAFLAGS+=" -v"
- local -x EXTRA_GN="${mygnargs[*]} ${EXTRA_GN}"
- einfo "Extra Gn args: ${EXTRA_GN}"
- qt6-build_src_configure
-src_compile() {
- # tentatively work around a possible (rare) race condition (bug #921680)
- cmake_build WebEngineCore_sync_all_public_headers
- cmake_src_compile
-src_test() {
- if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]]; then
- # almost every tests fail, so skip entirely
- ewarn "Skipping tests due to running as root (chromium refuses this configuration)."
- return
- fi
- # fails with network sandbox
- tst_certificateerror
- tst_loadsignals
- tst_qquickwebengineview
- tst_qwebengineglobalsettings
- tst_qwebengineview
- # fails with offscreen rendering, may be worth retrying if the issue
- # persist given these are rather major tests (or consider virtx)
- tst_qmltests
- tst_qwebenginepage
- # certs verfication seems flaky and gives expiration warnings
- tst_qwebengineclientcertificatestore
- # test is misperformed when qtbase is built USE=-test?
- tst_touchinput
- # currently requires webenginedriver to be already installed
- tst_webenginedriver
- )
- # prevent using the system's qtwebengine
- # (use glob to avoid unnecessary complications with arch dir)
- local resources=( "${BUILD_DIR}/src/core/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}/"* )
- [[ -d ${resources[0]} ]] || die "invalid resources path: ${resources[0]}"
- local -x QTWEBENGINE_LOCALES_PATH=${resources[0]}/qtwebengine_locales
- local -x QTWEBENGINE_RESOURCES_PATH=${resources[0]}
- # random failures in several tests without -j1
- qt6-build_src_test -j1
-src_install() {
- qt6-build_src_install
- [[ -e ${D}${QT6_LIBDIR}/ ]] || #601472
- die "${CATEGORY}/${PF} failed to build anything. Please report to"
- if use test && use webdriver; then
- rm -- "${D}${QT6_BINDIR}"/testbrowser || die
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- # plugin may also be found in $HOME if provided by chrome or firefox
- use amd64 &&
- optfeature "Widevine DRM support (protected media playback)" \
- www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins
- elog
- elog "This version of Qt WebEngine is based on Chromium version ${QT6_CHROMIUM_VER}, with"
- elog "additional security fixes up to ${QT6_CHROMIUM_PATCHES_VER}. Extensive as it is, the"
- elog "list of backports is impossible to evaluate, but always bound to be behind"
- elog "Chromium's release schedule."
- elog
- elog "In addition, various online services may deny service based on an outdated"
- elog "user agent version (and/or other checks). Google is already known to do so."
- elog
- elog "tl;dr your web browsing experience will be compromised."