diff options
authorAlexis Ballier <>2016-05-01 20:46:12 +0200
committerAlexis Ballier <>2016-05-03 11:13:52 +0200
commitfde940cd10dd7ac97fa741dc85fcdc5a2e4b5c1f (patch)
tree39ca2ccc3e959aa45fe478b3588da6e377fcb8e2 /dev-ml/js_of_ocaml/files
parentdev-ml/ocaml-pcap: bump to 0.4.0 (diff)
dev-ml/js_of_ocaml: fix build with ocaml 4.03
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.28 Signed-off-by: Alexis Ballier <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-ml/js_of_ocaml/files')
1 files changed, 1418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-ml/js_of_ocaml/files/oc43.patch b/dev-ml/js_of_ocaml/files/oc43.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..face8101603f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-ml/js_of_ocaml/files/oc43.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1418 @@
+commit 3e4d39ece5a67bfc17f47c3da8a95ccca789abd5
+Author: Hugo Heuzard <>
+Date: Mon Mar 28 23:35:47 2016 +0100
+ Deriving_json for ocaml 4.03
+ move
+diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
+index 71e4ccf..ccbb796 100644
+--- a/.gitignore
++++ b/.gitignore
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ benchmarks/results
+ benchmarks/config
+ lib/deriving_json/
+ lib/ppx/
+ lib/ppx/ppx_js
+ Makefile.local
+diff --git a/lib/ppx/ b/lib/ppx/
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..814ed99
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/ppx/
+@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
++(* Js_of_ocaml
++ *
++ * Copyright Vasilis Papavasileiou 2015
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
++ * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++ *)
++let deriver = "json"
++(* Copied (and adapted) this from ppx_deriving repo (commit
++ e2079fa8f3460055bf990461f295c6c4b391fafc) ; we get an empty set of
++ let bindings with ppx_deriving 3.0 *)
++let sanitize expr = [%expr
++ (let open! Ppx_deriving_runtime in [%e expr]) [@ocaml.warning "-A"]]
++let var_ptuple l =
++ Ast_convenience.pvar l |> Ast_helper.Pat.tuple
++let map_loc f {Location.txt; loc} =
++ {Location.txt = f txt; loc}
++let suffix_lid {Location.txt; loc} ~suffix =
++ let txt = Ppx_deriving.mangle_lid (`Suffix suffix) txt in
++ Ast_helper.Exp.ident {txt; loc} ~loc
++let suffix_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc = loc} as d) ~suffix =
++ (let s =
++ Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix suffix) d |>
++ Longident.parse
++ in
++ Location.mkloc s loc) |> Ast_helper.Exp.ident ~loc
++let suffix_decl_p ({Parsetree.ptype_loc = loc} as d) ~suffix =
++ (let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix suffix) d in
++ Location.mkloc s loc) |> Ast_helper.Pat.var ~loc
++let rec fresh_vars ?(acc = []) n =
++ if n <= 0 then
++ List.rev acc
++ else
++ let acc = Ppx_deriving.fresh_var acc :: acc in
++ fresh_vars ~acc (n - 1)
++let unreachable_case () =
++ [%pat? _ ] [%expr assert false]
++let label_of_constructor = map_loc (fun c -> Longident.Lident c)
++let wrap_write r ~pattern = [%expr fun buf [%p pattern] -> [%e r]]
++let buf_expand r = [%expr fun buf -> [%e r]]
++let seqlist = function
++ | h :: l ->
++ let f acc e = [%expr [%e acc]; [%e e]] in
++ List.fold_left f h l
++ | [] ->
++ [%expr ()]
++let check_record_fields =
++ List.iter @@ function
++ | {Parsetree.pld_mutable = Mutable} ->
++ Location.raise_errorf
++ "%s cannot be derived for mutable records" deriver
++ | {pld_type = {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_poly _}} ->
++ Location.raise_errorf
++ "%s cannot be derived for polymorphic records" deriver
++ | _ ->
++ ()
++let maybe_tuple_type = function
++ | [y] -> y
++ | l -> Ast_helper.Typ.tuple l
++let rec write_tuple_contents l ly ~tag ~poly =
++ let e =
++ let f v y =
++ let arg = Ast_convenience.evar v in
++ let e = write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly in
++ [%expr Buffer.add_string buf ","; [%e e]]
++ in
++ List.map2 f l ly |> seqlist
++ and s = Ast_convenience.str ("[" ^ string_of_int tag) in [%expr
++ Buffer.add_string buf [%e s];
++ [%e e];
++ Buffer.add_string buf "]"]
++and write_body_of_tuple_type l ~arg ~poly ~tag =
++ let n = List.length l in
++ let vars = fresh_vars n in
++ let e = write_tuple_contents vars l ~tag ~poly
++ and p = var_ptuple vars in
++ [%expr let [%p p] = [%e arg] in [%e e]]
++and write_poly_case r ~arg ~poly =
++ match r with
++ | Parsetree.Rtag (label, _, _, l) ->
++ let i = Ppx_deriving.hash_variant label
++ and n = List.length l in
++ let v = Ppx_deriving.fresh_var [] in
++ let lhs =
++ (if n = 0 then None else Some (Ast_convenience.pvar v)) |>
++ Ast_helper.Pat.variant label
++ and rhs =
++ match l with
++ | [] ->
++ let e = i in
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int.write buf [%e e]]
++ | _ ->
++ let l = [[%type: int]; maybe_tuple_type l]
++ and arg = Ast_helper.Exp.tuple Ast_convenience.[int i; evar v] in
++ write_body_of_tuple_type l ~arg ~poly ~tag:0
++ in
++ lhs rhs
++ | Rinherit ({ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, _)} as y) ->
++ (Ast_helper.Pat.type_ lid)
++ (write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly)
++ | Rinherit {ptyp_loc} ->
++ Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
++ "%s write case cannot be derived" deriver
++and write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly =
++ match y with
++ | [%type: unit] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_unit.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: int] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: int32] | [%type: Int32.t] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int32.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: int64] | [%type: Int64.t] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int64.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: nativeint] | [%type: Nativeint.t] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_nativeint.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: float] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_float.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: bool] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_bool.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: char] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_char.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: string] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_string.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: bytes] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_bytes.write buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] list] ->
++ let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.write_list [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] ref] ->
++ let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.write_ref [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] option] ->
++ let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.write_option [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] array] ->
++ let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.write_array [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_var v } when poly ->
++ [%expr [%e Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ v)] buf [%e arg]]
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple l } ->
++ write_body_of_tuple_type l ~arg ~poly ~tag:0
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (l, _, _); ptyp_loc = loc } ->
++ (write_poly_case ~arg ~poly) l @ [unreachable_case ()] |>
++ Ast_helper.Exp.match_ arg
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, l) } ->
++ let e = suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"to_json"
++ and l = (write_of_type ~poly) l in
++ [%expr [%e e l] buf [%e arg]]
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_loc } ->
++ Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
++ "%s_write cannot be derived for %s"
++ deriver (Ppx_deriving.string_of_core_type y)
++and write_of_type y ~poly =
++ let v = "a" in
++ let arg = Ast_convenience.evar v
++ and pattern = Ast_convenience.pvar v in
++ wrap_write (write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly) ~pattern
++and write_of_record ?(tag=0) d l =
++ let pattern =
++ let l =
++ let f {Parsetree.pld_name} =
++ label_of_constructor pld_name,
++ Ast_helper.Pat.var pld_name
++ in
++ f l
++ in
++ Ast_helper.Pat.record l Asttypes.Closed
++ and e =
++ let l =
++ let f {Parsetree.pld_name = {txt}} = txt in
++ f l
++ and ly =
++ let f {Parsetree.pld_type} = pld_type in
++ f l
++ in
++ write_tuple_contents l ly ~tag ~poly:true
++ in
++ wrap_write e ~pattern
++let recognize_case_of_constructor i l =
++ let lhs =
++ match l with
++ | [] -> [%pat? `Cst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i]]
++ | _ -> [%pat? `NCst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i]]
++ in
++ lhs [%expr true]
++let recognize_body_of_poly_variant l ~loc =
++ let l =
++ let f = function
++ | Parsetree.Rtag (label, _, _, l) ->
++ let i = Ppx_deriving.hash_variant label in
++ recognize_case_of_constructor i l
++ | Rinherit {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, _)} ->
++ let guard = [%expr [%e suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"recognize"] x] in
++ ~guard [%pat? x] [%expr true]
++ | _ ->
++ Location.raise_errorf ~loc
++ "%s_recognize cannot be derived" deriver
++ and default = [%pat? _] [%expr false] in
++ f l @ [default]
++ in
++ Ast_helper.Exp.function_ l
++let tag_error_case ?(typename="") () =
++ let y = Ast_convenience.str typename in
++ [%pat? _]
++ [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.tag_error ~typename:[%e y] buf]
++let maybe_tuple_type = function
++ | [y] -> y
++ | l -> Ast_helper.Typ.tuple l
++let rec read_poly_case ?decl y = function
++ | Parsetree.Rtag (label, _, _, l) ->
++ let i = Ppx_deriving.hash_variant label |> Ast_convenience.pint in
++ (match l with
++ | [] ->
++ [%pat? `Cst [%p i]]
++ (Ast_helper.Exp.variant label None)
++ | l ->
++ [%pat? `NCst [%p i]] [%expr
++ Deriving_Json_lexer.read_comma buf;
++ let v = [%e read_body_of_type ?decl (maybe_tuple_type l)] in
++ Deriving_Json_lexer.read_rbracket buf;
++ [%e Ast_helper.Exp.variant label (Some [%expr v])]])
++ | Rinherit {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, l)} ->
++ let guard = [%expr [%e suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"recognize"] x]
++ and e =
++ let e = suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"of_json_with_tag"
++ and l = (read_of_type ?decl) l in
++ [%expr ([%e e l] buf x :> [%t y])]
++ in
++ ~guard [%pat? x] e
++ | Rinherit {ptyp_loc} ->
++ Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
++ "%s read case cannot be derived" deriver
++and read_of_poly_variant ?decl l y ~loc =
++ (read_poly_case ?decl y) l @ [tag_error_case ()] |>
++ Ast_helper.Exp.function_ |>
++ buf_expand
++and read_tuple_contents ?decl l ~f =
++ let n = List.length l in
++ let lv = fresh_vars n in
++ let f v y acc =
++ let e = read_body_of_type ?decl y in [%expr
++ Deriving_Json_lexer.read_comma buf;
++ let [%p Ast_convenience.pvar v] = [%e e] in
++ [%e acc]]
++ and acc = Ast_convenience.evar lv |> f in
++ let acc = [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.read_rbracket buf; [%e acc]] in
++ List.fold_right2 f lv l acc
++and read_body_of_tuple_type ?decl l = [%expr
++ Deriving_Json_lexer.read_lbracket buf;
++ ignore (Deriving_Json_lexer.read_tag_1 0 buf);
++ [%e read_tuple_contents ?decl l ~f:Ast_helper.Exp.tuple]]
++and read_of_record_raw ?decl l =
++ let f =
++ let f {Parsetree.pld_name} e = label_of_constructor pld_name, e in
++ fun l' -> Ast_helper.Exp.record (List.map2 f l l') None
++ and l =
++ let f {Parsetree.pld_type} = pld_type in
++ f l
++ in
++ read_tuple_contents l ?decl ~f
++and read_of_record decl l =
++ let e = read_of_record_raw ~decl l in
++ [%expr
++ Deriving_Json_lexer.read_lbracket buf;
++ ignore (Deriving_Json_lexer.read_tag_2 0 254 buf);
++ [%e e]] |> buf_expand
++and read_body_of_type ?decl y =
++ let poly = match decl with Some _ -> true | _ -> false in
++ match y with
++ | [%type: unit] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: int] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: int32] | [%type: Int32.t] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: int64] | [%type: Int64.t] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: nativeint] | [%type: Nativeint.t] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: float] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: bool] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: char] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: string] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: bytes] ->
++ [%expr buf]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] list] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.read_list [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] ref] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.read_ref [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] option] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.read_option [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
++ | [%type: [%t? y] array] ->
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.read_array [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple l } ->
++ read_body_of_tuple_type l ?decl
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (l, _, _); ptyp_loc = loc } ->
++ let e =
++ (match decl with
++ | Some decl ->
++ let e = suffix_decl decl ~suffix:"of_json_with_tag"
++ and l =
++ let {Parsetree.ptype_params = l} = decl
++ and f (y, _) = read_of_type y ~decl in
++ f l
++ in
++ e l
++ | None ->
++ read_of_poly_variant l y ~loc)
++ and tag = [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.read_vcase buf] in
++ [%expr [%e e] buf [%e tag]]
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_var v } when poly ->
++ [%expr [%e Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ v)] buf]
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, l) } ->
++ let e = suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"of_json"
++ and l = (read_of_type ?decl) l in
++ [%expr [%e e l] buf]
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_loc } ->
++ Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
++ "%s_read cannot be derived for %s" deriver
++ (Ppx_deriving.string_of_core_type y)
++and read_of_type ?decl y =
++ read_body_of_type ?decl y |> buf_expand
++let json_of_type ?decl y =
++ let read = read_of_type ?decl y
++ and write =
++ let poly = match decl with Some _ -> true | _ -> false in
++ write_of_type y ~poly in
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.make [%e write] [%e read]]
++let fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix =
++ let e = Ppx_deriving.poly_fun_of_type_decl d e |> sanitize
++ and v = suffix_decl_p d ~suffix
++ and y = Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y in
++ Ast_helper.( (Pat.constraint_ v y) e)
++let read_str_wrap d e =
++ let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]]
++ and suffix = "of_json" in
++ let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
++ fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix
++let read_tag_str_wrap d e =
++ let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]]
++ and suffix = "of_json_with_tag"
++ and y =
++ let y = Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d in
++ [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf ->
++ [`NCst of int | `Cst of int] -> [%t y]]
++ in
++ fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix
++let write_str_wrap d e =
++ let f y = [%type: Buffer.t -> [%t y] -> unit]
++ and suffix = "to_json" in
++ let y =
++ let y = Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d in
++ (match d with
++ | {ptype_manifest =
++ Some {ptyp_desc = Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (_, _, _)}} ->
++ [%type: [> [%t y]]]
++ | _ ->
++ y) |> f
++ in
++ fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix
++let recognize_str_wrap d e =
++ let v = suffix_decl_p d ~suffix:"recognize"
++ and y = [%type: [`NCst of int | `Cst of int] -> bool] in
++ Ast_helper.( (Pat.constraint_ v y) e)
++let json_poly_type d =
++ let f y = [%type: [%t y] Deriving_Json.t] in
++ let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
++ Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
++let json_str_wrap d e =
++ let v = suffix_decl_p d ~suffix:"json"
++ and e = Ppx_deriving.(poly_fun_of_type_decl d e)
++ and y = json_poly_type d in
++ Ast_helper.( (Pat.constraint_ v y) e)
++let json_str d =
++ let write =
++ let f acc id =
++ let poly = Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ id) in
++ [%expr [%e acc] (Deriving_Json.write [%e poly])]
++ and acc = suffix_decl d ~suffix:"to_json" in
++ Ppx_deriving.fold_left_type_decl f acc d
++ and read =
++ let f acc id =
++ let poly = Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ id) in
++ [%expr [%e acc] ( [%e poly])]
++ and acc = suffix_decl d ~suffix:"of_json" in
++ Ppx_deriving.fold_left_type_decl f acc d
++ in
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.make [%e write] [%e read]] |>
++ json_str_wrap d
++let write_decl_of_type d y =
++ (let e =
++ let arg = Ast_convenience.evar "a" in
++ write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly:true
++ in
++ [%expr fun buf a -> [%e e]]) |> write_str_wrap d
++let read_decl_of_type decl y =
++ read_body_of_type y ~decl |> buf_expand |> read_str_wrap decl
++let json_decls_of_type decl y =
++ let recognize, read_tag =
++ match y with
++ | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (l, _, _);
++ ptyp_loc = loc } ->
++ Some (recognize_body_of_poly_variant l ~loc
++ |> recognize_str_wrap decl),
++ Some (read_of_poly_variant l y ~decl ~loc
++ |> read_tag_str_wrap decl)
++ | _ ->
++ None, None
++ in
++ write_decl_of_type decl y,
++ read_decl_of_type decl y,
++ json_str decl,
++ recognize, read_tag
++let write_case (i, i', l) {Parsetree.pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_loc} =
++ let i, i', lhs, rhs =
++ match pcd_args with
++#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
++ | Pcstr_tuple [] | Pcstr_record [] ->
++ | [] ->
++ i + 1,
++ i',
++ None,
++ [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int.write buf
++ [%e i]]
++#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
++ | Pcstr_tuple ([ _ ] as args) ->
++ | [ _ ] as args ->
++ let v = Ppx_deriving.fresh_var [] in
++ i,
++ i' + 1,
++ Some (Ast_convenience.pvar v),
++ write_tuple_contents [v] args ~tag:i' ~poly:true
++#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
++ | Pcstr_tuple args ->
++ | args ->
++ let vars = fresh_vars (List.length args) in
++ i,
++ i' + 1,
++ Some (var_ptuple vars),
++ write_tuple_contents vars args ~tag:i' ~poly:true
++#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
++ | Pcstr_record args ->
++ let vars = fresh_vars (List.length args) in
++ i,
++ i' + 1,
++ Some (var_ptuple vars),
++ write_of_record vars args ~tag:i'
++ in
++ i, i',
++ Ast_helper.
++ ( (Pat.construct (label_of_constructor pcd_name) lhs)
++ rhs) :: l
++let write_decl_of_variant d l =
++ (let _, _, l = List.fold_left write_case (0, 0, []) l in
++ Ast_helper.Exp.function_ l) |> buf_expand |>
++ write_str_wrap d
++let read_case ?decl (i, i', l)
++ {Parsetree.pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_loc} =
++ match pcd_args with
++#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
++ | Pcstr_tuple [] | Pcstr_record [] ->
++ | [] ->
++ i + 1, i',
++ [%pat? `Cst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i]]
++ (Ast_helper.Exp.construct (label_of_constructor pcd_name) None)
++ :: l
++#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
++ | Pcstr_tuple pcd_args ->
++ | pcd_args ->
++ let f l =
++ let args =
++ match l with
++ | [] -> None
++ | [e] -> Some e
++ | l -> Some (Ast_helper.Exp.tuple l)
++ in Ast_helper.Exp.construct (label_of_constructor pcd_name) args
++ in
++ let expr = read_tuple_contents ?decl pcd_args ~f in
++ let case = [%pat? `NCst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i']] expr in
++ i, i' + 1, case :: l
++#if OCAML_VERSION >= (4, 03, 0)
++ | Pcstr_record pcd_args ->
++ let expr = read_of_record_raw ?decl pcd_args in
++ let case = [%pat? `NCst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i']] expr in
++ i, i' + 1, case :: l
++let read_decl_of_variant decl l =
++ (let _, _, l = List.fold_left (read_case ~decl) (0, 0, []) l
++ and e = [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.read_case buf] in
++ Ast_helper.Exp.match_ e (l @ [tag_error_case ()])) |>
++ buf_expand |>
++ read_str_wrap decl
++let json_decls_of_variant d l =
++ write_decl_of_variant d l, read_decl_of_variant d l, json_str d,
++ None, None
++let write_decl_of_record d l =
++ write_of_record d l |> write_str_wrap d
++let read_decl_of_record d l =
++ read_of_record d l |> read_str_wrap d
++let json_decls_of_record d l =
++ check_record_fields l;
++ write_decl_of_record d l, read_decl_of_record d l, json_str d,
++ None, None
++let json_str_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
++ Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptype_loc @@ fun () ->
++ match d with
++ | { Parsetree.ptype_manifest = Some y } ->
++ json_decls_of_type d y
++ | { ptype_kind = Ptype_variant l } ->
++ json_decls_of_variant d l
++ | { ptype_kind = Ptype_record l } ->
++ json_decls_of_record d l
++ | _ ->
++ Location.raise_errorf "%s cannot be derived for %s" deriver
++ (Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "") d)
++let read_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
++ (let s =
++ let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "of_json") d in
++ Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
++ and y =
++ let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]] in
++ let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
++ Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
++ in
++ s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
++let recognize_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
++ (let s =
++ let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "recognize") d in
++ Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
++ and y = [%type: [ `NCst of int | `Cst of int ] -> bool] in
++ s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
++let read_with_tag_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
++ (let s =
++ let s =
++ Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "of_json_with_tag") d
++ in
++ Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
++ and y =
++ let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]] in
++ let y =
++ let y = Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d in
++ f [%type: [ `NCst of int | `Cst of int ] -> [%t y]]
++ in
++ Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
++ in
++ s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
++let write_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
++ (let s =
++ let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "to_json") d in
++ Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
++ and y =
++ let f y = [%type: Buffer.t -> [%t y] -> unit] in
++ let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
++ Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
++ in
++ s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
++let json_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
++ (let s =
++ let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "json") d in
++ Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
++ and y =
++ let f y = [%type: [%t y] Deriving_Json.t] in
++ let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
++ Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
++ in
++ s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
++let sigs_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
++ Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptype_loc @@ fun () ->
++ let l = [
++ read_sig_of_decl d;
++ write_sig_of_decl d;
++ json_sig_of_decl d
++ ] in
++ match d with
++ | { Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
++ Some {Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Parsetree.Ptyp_variant _}} ->
++ read_with_tag_sig_of_decl d :: recognize_sig_of_decl d :: l
++ | _ ->
++ l
++let register_for_expr s f =
++ let core_type ({Parsetree.ptyp_loc} as y) =
++ let f () = f y |> sanitize in
++ Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptyp_loc f
++ in
++ Ppx_deriving.(create s ~core_type () |> register)
++let _ =
++ register_for_expr "of_json" @@ fun y -> [%expr
++ fun s ->
++ [%e read_of_type y]
++ (Deriving_Json_lexer.init_lexer (Lexing.from_string s))]
++let _ =
++ register_for_expr "to_json" @@ fun y -> [%expr
++ fun x ->
++ let buf = Buffer.create 50 in
++ [%e write_of_type y ~poly:false] buf x;
++ Buffer.contents buf]
++let _ =
++ let core_type ({Parsetree.ptyp_loc} as y) =
++ let f () = json_of_type y |> sanitize in
++ Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptyp_loc f
++ and type_decl_str ~options ~path l =
++ let lw, lr, lj, lp, lrv =
++ let f d (lw, lr, lj, lp, lrv) =
++ let w, r, j, p, rv = json_str_of_decl d in
++ w :: lw, r :: lr, j :: lj,
++ (match p with Some p -> p :: lp | None -> lp),
++ (match rv with Some rv -> rv :: lrv | None -> lrv)
++ and acc = [], [], [], [], [] in
++ List.fold_right f l acc
++ and f = Ast_helper.Str.value Asttypes.Recursive
++ and f' = Ast_helper.Str.value Asttypes.Nonrecursive in
++ let l = [f (lrv @ lr); f lw; f' lj] in
++ match lp with [] -> l | _ -> f lp :: l
++ and type_decl_sig ~options ~path l =
++ sigs_of_decl l |> List.flatten
++ in
++ Ppx_deriving.
++ (create "json" ~core_type ~type_decl_str ~type_decl_sig ()
++ |> register)
+diff --git a/lib/ppx/ b/lib/ppx/
+deleted file mode 100644
+index e96ce3f..0000000
+--- a/lib/ppx/
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
+-(* Js_of_ocaml
+- *
+- * Copyright Vasilis Papavasileiou 2015
+- *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation, with linking exception;
+- * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+- *)
+-let deriver = "json"
+-(* Copied (and adapted) this from ppx_deriving repo (commit
+- e2079fa8f3460055bf990461f295c6c4b391fafc) ; we get an empty set of
+- let bindings with ppx_deriving 3.0 *)
+-let sanitize expr = [%expr
+- (let open! Ppx_deriving_runtime in [%e expr]) [@ocaml.warning "-A"]]
+-let var_ptuple l =
+- Ast_convenience.pvar l |> Ast_helper.Pat.tuple
+-let map_loc f {Location.txt; loc} =
+- {Location.txt = f txt; loc}
+-let suffix_lid {Location.txt; loc} ~suffix =
+- let txt = Ppx_deriving.mangle_lid (`Suffix suffix) txt in
+- Ast_helper.Exp.ident {txt; loc} ~loc
+-let suffix_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc = loc} as d) ~suffix =
+- (let s =
+- Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix suffix) d |>
+- Longident.parse
+- in
+- Location.mkloc s loc) |> Ast_helper.Exp.ident ~loc
+-let suffix_decl_p ({Parsetree.ptype_loc = loc} as d) ~suffix =
+- (let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix suffix) d in
+- Location.mkloc s loc) |> Ast_helper.Pat.var ~loc
+-let rec fresh_vars ?(acc = []) n =
+- if n <= 0 then
+- List.rev acc
+- else
+- let acc = Ppx_deriving.fresh_var acc :: acc in
+- fresh_vars ~acc (n - 1)
+-let unreachable_case () =
+- [%pat? _ ] [%expr assert false]
+-let label_of_constructor = map_loc (fun c -> Longident.Lident c)
+-let wrap_write r ~pattern = [%expr fun buf [%p pattern] -> [%e r]]
+-let buf_expand r = [%expr fun buf -> [%e r]]
+-let seqlist = function
+- | h :: l ->
+- let f acc e = [%expr [%e acc]; [%e e]] in
+- List.fold_left f h l
+- | [] ->
+- [%expr ()]
+-let check_record_fields =
+- List.iter @@ function
+- | {Parsetree.pld_mutable = Mutable} ->
+- Location.raise_errorf
+- "%s cannot be derived for mutable records" deriver
+- | {pld_type = {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_poly _}} ->
+- Location.raise_errorf
+- "%s cannot be derived for polymorphic records" deriver
+- | _ ->
+- ()
+-let maybe_tuple_type = function
+- | [y] -> y
+- | l -> Ast_helper.Typ.tuple l
+-let rec write_tuple_contents l ly tag ~poly =
+- let e =
+- let f v y =
+- let arg = Ast_convenience.evar v in
+- let e = write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly in
+- [%expr Buffer.add_string buf ","; [%e e]]
+- in
+- List.map2 f l ly |> seqlist
+- and s = Ast_convenience.str ("[" ^ string_of_int tag) in [%expr
+- Buffer.add_string buf [%e s];
+- [%e e];
+- Buffer.add_string buf "]"]
+-and write_body_of_tuple_type l ~arg ~poly ~tag =
+- let n = List.length l in
+- let vars = fresh_vars n in
+- let e = write_tuple_contents vars l tag ~poly
+- and p = var_ptuple vars in
+- [%expr let [%p p] = [%e arg] in [%e e]]
+-and write_poly_case r ~arg ~poly =
+- match r with
+- | Parsetree.Rtag (label, _, _, l) ->
+- let i = Ppx_deriving.hash_variant label
+- and n = List.length l in
+- let v = Ppx_deriving.fresh_var [] in
+- let lhs =
+- (if n = 0 then None else Some (Ast_convenience.pvar v)) |>
+- Ast_helper.Pat.variant label
+- and rhs =
+- match l with
+- | [] ->
+- let e = i in
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int.write buf [%e e]]
+- | _ ->
+- let l = [[%type: int]; maybe_tuple_type l]
+- and arg = Ast_helper.Exp.tuple Ast_convenience.[int i; evar v] in
+- write_body_of_tuple_type l ~arg ~poly ~tag:0
+- in
+- lhs rhs
+- | Rinherit ({ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, _)} as y) ->
+- (Ast_helper.Pat.type_ lid)
+- (write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly)
+- | Rinherit {ptyp_loc} ->
+- Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
+- "%s write case cannot be derived" deriver
+-and write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly =
+- match y with
+- | [%type: unit] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_unit.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: int] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: int32] | [%type: Int32.t] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int32.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: int64] | [%type: Int64.t] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int64.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: nativeint] | [%type: Nativeint.t] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_nativeint.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: float] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_float.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: bool] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_bool.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: char] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_char.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: string] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_string.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: bytes] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_bytes.write buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] list] ->
+- let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.write_list [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] ref] ->
+- let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.write_ref [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] option] ->
+- let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.write_option [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] array] ->
+- let e = write_of_type y ~poly in
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.write_array [%e e] buf [%e arg]]
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_var v } when poly ->
+- [%expr [%e Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ v)] buf [%e arg]]
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple l } ->
+- write_body_of_tuple_type l ~arg ~poly ~tag:0
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (l, _, _); ptyp_loc = loc } ->
+- (write_poly_case ~arg ~poly) l @ [unreachable_case ()] |>
+- Ast_helper.Exp.match_ arg
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, l) } ->
+- let e = suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"to_json"
+- and l = (write_of_type ~poly) l in
+- [%expr [%e e l] buf [%e arg]]
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_loc } ->
+- Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
+- "%s_write cannot be derived for %s"
+- deriver (Ppx_deriving.string_of_core_type y)
+-and write_of_type y ~poly =
+- let v = "a" in
+- let arg = Ast_convenience.evar v
+- and pattern = Ast_convenience.pvar v in
+- wrap_write (write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly) ~pattern
+-and write_of_record d l =
+- let pattern =
+- let l =
+- let f {Parsetree.pld_name} =
+- label_of_constructor pld_name,
+- Ast_helper.Pat.var pld_name
+- in
+- f l
+- in
+- Ast_helper.Pat.record l Asttypes.Closed
+- and e =
+- let l =
+- let f {Parsetree.pld_name = {txt}} = txt in
+- f l
+- and ly =
+- let f {Parsetree.pld_type} = pld_type in
+- f l
+- in
+- write_tuple_contents l ly 0 ~poly:true
+- in
+- wrap_write e ~pattern
+-let recognize_case_of_constructor i l =
+- let lhs =
+- match l with
+- | [] -> [%pat? `Cst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i]]
+- | _ -> [%pat? `NCst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i]]
+- in
+- lhs [%expr true]
+-let recognize_body_of_poly_variant l ~loc =
+- let l =
+- let f = function
+- | Parsetree.Rtag (label, _, _, l) ->
+- let i = Ppx_deriving.hash_variant label in
+- recognize_case_of_constructor i l
+- | Rinherit {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, _)} ->
+- let guard = [%expr [%e suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"recognize"] x] in
+- ~guard [%pat? x] [%expr true]
+- | _ ->
+- Location.raise_errorf ~loc
+- "%s_recognize cannot be derived" deriver
+- and default = [%pat? _] [%expr false] in
+- f l @ [default]
+- in
+- Ast_helper.Exp.function_ l
+-let tag_error_case ?(typename="") () =
+- let y = Ast_convenience.str typename in
+- [%pat? _]
+- [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.tag_error ~typename:[%e y] buf]
+-let maybe_tuple_type = function
+- | [y] -> y
+- | l -> Ast_helper.Typ.tuple l
+-let rec read_poly_case ?decl y = function
+- | Parsetree.Rtag (label, _, _, l) ->
+- let i = Ppx_deriving.hash_variant label |> Ast_convenience.pint in
+- (match l with
+- | [] ->
+- [%pat? `Cst [%p i]]
+- (Ast_helper.Exp.variant label None)
+- | l ->
+- [%pat? `NCst [%p i]] [%expr
+- Deriving_Json_lexer.read_comma buf;
+- let v = [%e read_body_of_type ?decl (maybe_tuple_type l)] in
+- Deriving_Json_lexer.read_rbracket buf;
+- [%e Ast_helper.Exp.variant label (Some [%expr v])]])
+- | Rinherit {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, l)} ->
+- let guard = [%expr [%e suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"recognize"] x]
+- and e =
+- let e = suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"of_json_with_tag"
+- and l = (read_of_type ?decl) l in
+- [%expr ([%e e l] buf x :> [%t y])]
+- in
+- ~guard [%pat? x] e
+- | Rinherit {ptyp_loc} ->
+- Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
+- "%s read case cannot be derived" deriver
+-and read_of_poly_variant ?decl l y ~loc =
+- (read_poly_case ?decl y) l @ [tag_error_case ()] |>
+- Ast_helper.Exp.function_ |>
+- buf_expand
+-and read_tuple_contents ?decl l ~f =
+- let n = List.length l in
+- let lv = fresh_vars n in
+- let f v y acc =
+- let e = read_body_of_type ?decl y in [%expr
+- Deriving_Json_lexer.read_comma buf;
+- let [%p Ast_convenience.pvar v] = [%e e] in
+- [%e acc]]
+- and acc = Ast_convenience.evar lv |> f in
+- let acc = [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.read_rbracket buf; [%e acc]] in
+- List.fold_right2 f lv l acc
+-and read_body_of_tuple_type ?decl l = [%expr
+- Deriving_Json_lexer.read_lbracket buf;
+- ignore (Deriving_Json_lexer.read_tag_1 0 buf);
+- [%e read_tuple_contents ?decl l ~f:Ast_helper.Exp.tuple]]
+-and read_of_record decl l =
+- let e =
+- let f =
+- let f {Parsetree.pld_name} e = label_of_constructor pld_name, e in
+- fun l' -> Ast_helper.Exp.record (List.map2 f l l') None
+- and l =
+- let f {Parsetree.pld_type} = pld_type in
+- f l
+- in
+- read_tuple_contents l ~decl ~f
+- in [%expr
+- Deriving_Json_lexer.read_lbracket buf;
+- ignore (Deriving_Json_lexer.read_tag_2 0 254 buf);
+- [%e e]] |> buf_expand
+-and read_body_of_type ?decl y =
+- let poly = match decl with Some _ -> true | _ -> false in
+- match y with
+- | [%type: unit] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: int] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: int32] | [%type: Int32.t] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: int64] | [%type: Int64.t] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: nativeint] | [%type: Nativeint.t] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: float] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: bool] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: char] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: string] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: bytes] ->
+- [%expr buf]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] list] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.read_list [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] ref] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.read_ref [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] option] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.read_option [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
+- | [%type: [%t? y] array] ->
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.read_array [%e read_of_type ?decl y] buf]
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_tuple l } ->
+- read_body_of_tuple_type l ?decl
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (l, _, _); ptyp_loc = loc } ->
+- let e =
+- (match decl with
+- | Some decl ->
+- let e = suffix_decl decl ~suffix:"of_json_with_tag"
+- and l =
+- let {Parsetree.ptype_params = l} = decl
+- and f (y, _) = read_of_type y ~decl in
+- f l
+- in
+- e l
+- | None ->
+- read_of_poly_variant l y ~loc)
+- and tag = [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.read_vcase buf] in
+- [%expr [%e e] buf [%e tag]]
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_var v } when poly ->
+- [%expr [%e Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ v)] buf]
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, l) } ->
+- let e = suffix_lid lid ~suffix:"of_json"
+- and l = (read_of_type ?decl) l in
+- [%expr [%e e l] buf]
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_loc } ->
+- Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ptyp_loc
+- "%s_read cannot be derived for %s" deriver
+- (Ppx_deriving.string_of_core_type y)
+-and read_of_type ?decl y =
+- read_body_of_type ?decl y |> buf_expand
+-let json_of_type ?decl y =
+- let read = read_of_type ?decl y
+- and write =
+- let poly = match decl with Some _ -> true | _ -> false in
+- write_of_type y ~poly in
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.make [%e write] [%e read]]
+-let fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix =
+- let e = Ppx_deriving.poly_fun_of_type_decl d e |> sanitize
+- and v = suffix_decl_p d ~suffix
+- and y = Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y in
+- Ast_helper.( (Pat.constraint_ v y) e)
+-let read_str_wrap d e =
+- let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]]
+- and suffix = "of_json" in
+- let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
+- fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix
+-let read_tag_str_wrap d e =
+- let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]]
+- and suffix = "of_json_with_tag"
+- and y =
+- let y = Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d in
+- [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf ->
+- [`NCst of int | `Cst of int] -> [%t y]]
+- in
+- fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix
+-let write_str_wrap d e =
+- let f y = [%type: Buffer.t -> [%t y] -> unit]
+- and suffix = "to_json" in
+- let y =
+- let y = Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d in
+- (match d with
+- | {ptype_manifest =
+- Some {ptyp_desc = Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (_, _, _)}} ->
+- [%type: [> [%t y]]]
+- | _ ->
+- y) |> f
+- in
+- fun_str_wrap d e y ~f ~suffix
+-let recognize_str_wrap d e =
+- let v = suffix_decl_p d ~suffix:"recognize"
+- and y = [%type: [`NCst of int | `Cst of int] -> bool] in
+- Ast_helper.( (Pat.constraint_ v y) e)
+-let json_poly_type d =
+- let f y = [%type: [%t y] Deriving_Json.t] in
+- let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
+- Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
+-let json_str_wrap d e =
+- let v = suffix_decl_p d ~suffix:"json"
+- and e = Ppx_deriving.(poly_fun_of_type_decl d e)
+- and y = json_poly_type d in
+- Ast_helper.( (Pat.constraint_ v y) e)
+-let json_str d =
+- let write =
+- let f acc id =
+- let poly = Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ id) in
+- [%expr [%e acc] (Deriving_Json.write [%e poly])]
+- and acc = suffix_decl d ~suffix:"to_json" in
+- Ppx_deriving.fold_left_type_decl f acc d
+- and read =
+- let f acc id =
+- let poly = Ast_convenience.evar ("poly_" ^ id) in
+- [%expr [%e acc] ( [%e poly])]
+- and acc = suffix_decl d ~suffix:"of_json" in
+- Ppx_deriving.fold_left_type_decl f acc d
+- in
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.make [%e write] [%e read]] |>
+- json_str_wrap d
+-let write_decl_of_type d y =
+- (let e =
+- let arg = Ast_convenience.evar "a" in
+- write_body_of_type y ~arg ~poly:true
+- in
+- [%expr fun buf a -> [%e e]]) |> write_str_wrap d
+-let read_decl_of_type decl y =
+- read_body_of_type y ~decl |> buf_expand |> read_str_wrap decl
+-let json_decls_of_type decl y =
+- let recognize, read_tag =
+- match y with
+- | { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Ptyp_variant (l, _, _);
+- ptyp_loc = loc } ->
+- Some (recognize_body_of_poly_variant l ~loc
+- |> recognize_str_wrap decl),
+- Some (read_of_poly_variant l y ~decl ~loc
+- |> read_tag_str_wrap decl)
+- | _ ->
+- None, None
+- in
+- write_decl_of_type decl y,
+- read_decl_of_type decl y,
+- json_str decl,
+- recognize, read_tag
+-let write_case (i, i', l) {Parsetree.pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_loc} =
+- let n = List.length pcd_args in
+- let vars = fresh_vars n in
+- let i, i', lhs, rhs =
+- match vars with
+- | [] ->
+- i + 1,
+- i',
+- None,
+- [%expr Deriving_Json.Json_int.write buf
+- [%e i]]
+- | [v] ->
+- i,
+- i' + 1,
+- Some (Ast_convenience.pvar v),
+- write_tuple_contents vars pcd_args i' ~poly:true
+- | _ ->
+- i,
+- i' + 1,
+- Some (var_ptuple vars),
+- write_tuple_contents vars pcd_args i' ~poly:true
+- in
+- i, i',
+- Ast_helper.
+- ( (Pat.construct (label_of_constructor pcd_name) lhs)
+- rhs) :: l
+-let write_decl_of_variant d l =
+- (let _, _, l = List.fold_left write_case (0, 0, []) l in
+- Ast_helper.Exp.function_ l) |> buf_expand |>
+- write_str_wrap d
+-let read_case ?decl (i, i', l)
+- {Parsetree.pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_loc} =
+- match pcd_args with
+- | [] ->
+- i + 1, i',
+- [%pat? `Cst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i]]
+- (Ast_helper.Exp.construct (label_of_constructor pcd_name) None)
+- :: l
+- | _ ->
+- i, i' + 1,
+- ((let f l =
+- (match l with
+- | [] -> None
+- | [e] -> Some e
+- | l -> Some (Ast_helper.Exp.tuple l)) |>
+- Ast_helper.Exp.construct (label_of_constructor pcd_name)
+- in
+- read_tuple_contents ?decl pcd_args ~f) |>
+- [%pat? `NCst [%p Ast_convenience.pint i']])
+- :: l
+-let read_decl_of_variant decl l =
+- (let _, _, l = List.fold_left (read_case ~decl) (0, 0, []) l
+- and e = [%expr Deriving_Json_lexer.read_case buf] in
+- Ast_helper.Exp.match_ e (l @ [tag_error_case ()])) |>
+- buf_expand |>
+- read_str_wrap decl
+-let json_decls_of_variant d l =
+- write_decl_of_variant d l, read_decl_of_variant d l, json_str d,
+- None, None
+-let write_decl_of_record d l =
+- write_of_record d l |> write_str_wrap d
+-let read_decl_of_record d l =
+- read_of_record d l |> read_str_wrap d
+-let json_decls_of_record d l =
+- check_record_fields l;
+- write_decl_of_record d l, read_decl_of_record d l, json_str d,
+- None, None
+-let json_str_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
+- Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptype_loc @@ fun () ->
+- match d with
+- | { Parsetree.ptype_manifest = Some y } ->
+- json_decls_of_type d y
+- | { ptype_kind = Ptype_variant l } ->
+- json_decls_of_variant d l
+- | { ptype_kind = Ptype_record l } ->
+- json_decls_of_record d l
+- | _ ->
+- Location.raise_errorf "%s cannot be derived for %s" deriver
+- (Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "") d)
+-let read_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
+- (let s =
+- let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "of_json") d in
+- Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
+- and y =
+- let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]] in
+- let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
+- Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
+- in
+- s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
+-let recognize_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
+- (let s =
+- let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "recognize") d in
+- Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
+- and y = [%type: [ `NCst of int | `Cst of int ] -> bool] in
+- s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
+-let read_with_tag_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
+- (let s =
+- let s =
+- Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "of_json_with_tag") d
+- in
+- Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
+- and y =
+- let f y = [%type: Deriving_Json_lexer.lexbuf -> [%t y]] in
+- let y =
+- let y = Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d in
+- f [%type: [ `NCst of int | `Cst of int ] -> [%t y]]
+- in
+- Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
+- in
+- s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
+-let write_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
+- (let s =
+- let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "to_json") d in
+- Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
+- and y =
+- let f y = [%type: Buffer.t -> [%t y] -> unit] in
+- let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
+- Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
+- in
+- s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
+-let json_sig_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
+- (let s =
+- let s = Ppx_deriving.mangle_type_decl (`Suffix "json") d in
+- Location.mkloc s ptype_loc
+- and y =
+- let f y = [%type: [%t y] Deriving_Json.t] in
+- let y = f (Ppx_deriving.core_type_of_type_decl d) in
+- Ppx_deriving.poly_arrow_of_type_decl f d y
+- in
+- s y) |> Ast_helper.Sig.value
+-let sigs_of_decl ({Parsetree.ptype_loc} as d) =
+- Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptype_loc @@ fun () ->
+- let l = [
+- read_sig_of_decl d;
+- write_sig_of_decl d;
+- json_sig_of_decl d
+- ] in
+- match d with
+- | { Parsetree.ptype_manifest =
+- Some {Parsetree.ptyp_desc = Parsetree.Ptyp_variant _}} ->
+- read_with_tag_sig_of_decl d :: recognize_sig_of_decl d :: l
+- | _ ->
+- l
+-let register_for_expr s f =
+- let core_type ({Parsetree.ptyp_loc} as y) =
+- let f () = f y |> sanitize in
+- Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptyp_loc f
+- in
+- Ppx_deriving.(create s ~core_type () |> register)
+-let _ =
+- register_for_expr "of_json" @@ fun y -> [%expr
+- fun s ->
+- [%e read_of_type y]
+- (Deriving_Json_lexer.init_lexer (Lexing.from_string s))]
+-let _ =
+- register_for_expr "to_json" @@ fun y -> [%expr
+- fun x ->
+- let buf = Buffer.create 50 in
+- [%e write_of_type y ~poly:false] buf x;
+- Buffer.contents buf]
+-let _ =
+- let core_type ({Parsetree.ptyp_loc} as y) =
+- let f () = json_of_type y |> sanitize in
+- Ast_helper.with_default_loc ptyp_loc f
+- and type_decl_str ~options ~path l =
+- let lw, lr, lj, lp, lrv =
+- let f d (lw, lr, lj, lp, lrv) =
+- let w, r, j, p, rv = json_str_of_decl d in
+- w :: lw, r :: lr, j :: lj,
+- (match p with Some p -> p :: lp | None -> lp),
+- (match rv with Some rv -> rv :: lrv | None -> lrv)
+- and acc = [], [], [], [], [] in
+- List.fold_right f l acc
+- and f = Ast_helper.Str.value Asttypes.Recursive
+- and f' = Ast_helper.Str.value Asttypes.Nonrecursive in
+- let l = [f (lrv @ lr); f lw; f' lj] in
+- match lp with [] -> l | _ -> f lp :: l
+- and type_decl_sig ~options ~path l =
+- sigs_of_decl l |> List.flatten
+- in
+- Ppx_deriving.
+- (create "json" ~core_type ~type_decl_str ~type_decl_sig ()
+- |> register)