diff options
authorChristian Heim <>2006-09-25 08:32:38 +0000
committerChristian Heim <>2006-09-25 08:32:38 +0000
commite33c12cf9bad943089a0b279fd67d1478110043a (patch)
parentFixing the digest(s)/Manifest. (diff)
Testing ebuilds for util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1 and _rc2.
svn path=/; revision=55
8 files changed, 876 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/Manifest b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ae5e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+AUX 210_all_gentoo-tools.patch 2711 RMD160 fe002bca926d63eda9189a13fdeb91782275e8ee SHA1 1f74660333f5d69c1b8bcee12964a72359b3cd3f SHA256 a23b42f7aadac8c7f14bb2cc0f3a1c05add46b917dc3b31c7ecc954e7afd1710
+MD5 554686ab3a343db1a2af83224f418208 files/210_all_gentoo-tools.patch 2711
+RMD160 fe002bca926d63eda9189a13fdeb91782275e8ee files/210_all_gentoo-tools.patch 2711
+SHA256 a23b42f7aadac8c7f14bb2cc0f3a1c05add46b917dc3b31c7ecc954e7afd1710 files/210_all_gentoo-tools.patch 2711
+AUX 215_all_shell-completion.patch 12784 RMD160 62be0af2d1fe0db1100ed489f2f155219624ac56 SHA1 399bbdda4cefdef99a667893f4079bd2fb883e86 SHA256 d479014ceb13641a8c85f548b23c38391ddcaed62807f681e728424e25cb0366
+MD5 06c58107961869adcab5f3f687d66ba8 files/215_all_shell-completion.patch 12784
+RMD160 62be0af2d1fe0db1100ed489f2f155219624ac56 files/215_all_shell-completion.patch 12784
+SHA256 d479014ceb13641a8c85f548b23c38391ddcaed62807f681e728424e25cb0366 files/215_all_shell-completion.patch 12784
+AUX README 437 RMD160 6cf4e053f1646decb9763c4f8cb119a045753044 SHA1 6e8250f11e433ba80d2ab2d42020602072554df2 SHA256 cc541bc6f45bc8cd0f7008ec2e3c78008f045e184687bb0fe3b5fcd3836bed5a
+MD5 ab15ca5582528cb0f5de8889eaf27cdd files/README 437
+RMD160 6cf4e053f1646decb9763c4f8cb119a045753044 files/README 437
+SHA256 cc541bc6f45bc8cd0f7008ec2e3c78008f045e184687bb0fe3b5fcd3836bed5a files/README 437
+DIST util-vserver-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 625758 RMD160 d6c5df8bcf3129663d85e4aab3b385284a198294 SHA1 fb4ddbf710860820b625a4fd9739a287458e9c10 SHA256 33e90da130569cfbc20f3c18fe5f19201ebb2d3a3139051087a4f73c97f96d24
+DIST util-vserver-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 630830 RMD160 cc11f7feb8388f3bbaff1500d978078f6c181328 SHA1 3354e512415c60b3a8b95a9f4a91be8148ab9de8 SHA256 e0556d51c5a4374cb64bfd55a5455308f00b7f053b0938c06da2073d73bf6ca9
+DIST util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 8455 RMD160 94b42ea50a7124f2534d9c9208893069a419eebd SHA1 1547988dff3f97cf449f85e5539b86a40cc29e5b SHA256 80177d2fceed3dae7ab58efda8b7ff102096297db4b61e2f6e85befe011237a6
+DIST util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 8455 RMD160 324afb36ef1a096c043698964efa4ebb414ff694 SHA1 d2bbfd950cd0fbbea6702fa302070fad1094fa81 SHA256 48ef909a048a8abc1667de5f102bdb759cdb330e9292bc126f00f5708f09e549
+EBUILD util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1.ebuild 3331 RMD160 a95e84d98d7bc8e3baf5723490257cb22c7a64bc SHA1 4b8706de409f90fe77db2d900dfbf95f22dcf90b SHA256 5f8e2a79b4628a2ec279b8f077feba722033bda003926015c67db18c26bc2976
+MD5 e4ef224e1a57fc15d0759a2263e88039 util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1.ebuild 3331
+RMD160 a95e84d98d7bc8e3baf5723490257cb22c7a64bc util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1.ebuild 3331
+SHA256 5f8e2a79b4628a2ec279b8f077feba722033bda003926015c67db18c26bc2976 util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1.ebuild 3331
+EBUILD util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2.ebuild 3331 RMD160 a95e84d98d7bc8e3baf5723490257cb22c7a64bc SHA1 4b8706de409f90fe77db2d900dfbf95f22dcf90b SHA256 5f8e2a79b4628a2ec279b8f077feba722033bda003926015c67db18c26bc2976
+MD5 e4ef224e1a57fc15d0759a2263e88039 util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2.ebuild 3331
+RMD160 a95e84d98d7bc8e3baf5723490257cb22c7a64bc util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2.ebuild 3331
+SHA256 5f8e2a79b4628a2ec279b8f077feba722033bda003926015c67db18c26bc2976 util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2.ebuild 3331
+MD5 7357caca90e5b3432ee31105c0c8ee08 files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1 578
+RMD160 0c2bc903c1b70e07555a524556b214bdd5e95b61 files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1 578
+SHA256 b0cc34e26110753abb1dce2cefa71edc20e192a253fcc14835f76987500239e3 files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1 578
+MD5 85dfc508f9dc17cecbf9a843393f3ba5 files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2 578
+RMD160 af71413175a1b0caed198df90a9f7be82e496639 files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2 578
+SHA256 1008c422d42ac5fba55941a1219fa8bf33afbc563ac693330e65ad4149952081 files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2 578
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/210_all_gentoo-tools.patch b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/210_all_gentoo-tools.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab120f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/210_all_gentoo-tools.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Index: util-vserver/scripts/Makefile-files
+--- util-vserver.orig/scripts/Makefile-files
++++ util-vserver/scripts/Makefile-files
+ scripts_pkglib_src_DTA = scripts/functions \
++ scripts/ \
+ scripts/magic.mime \
+ scripts/vserver-build.apt-rpm \
+ scripts/vserver-build.skeleton \
+@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ scripts_pkglib_src_SCRPTS = scripts/pkgm
+ scripts/ \
+ scripts/vshelper \
+ scripts/vsysvwrapper \
++ scripts/vschedcalc \
+ scripts/vyum-worker
+ scripts_legacy_src_SCRPTS = scripts/legacy/save_s_context \
+@@ -89,7 +91,12 @@ scripts_sbin_src_PRGS = scripts/chconte
+ scripts/vserver \
+ scripts/vsomething \
+ scripts/vtop \
+- scripts/vyum
++ scripts/vyum \
++ scripts/vdispatch-conf \
++ scripts/vemerge \
++ scripts/vesync \
++ scripts/vserver-new \
++ scripts/vupdateworld
+ scripts_sbin_gen_PRGS =
+ scripts_sbincfg_gen_DTA =
+Index: util-vserver/scripts/util-vserver-vars.pathsubst
+--- util-vserver.orig/scripts/util-vserver-vars.pathsubst
++++ util-vserver/scripts/util-vserver-vars.pathsubst
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ _INITSYNC_MINIT_START=:
+ _KEEP_CTX_ALIVE="$__PKGLIBDIR/keep-ctx-alive"
+ _LIB_VSERVER_SETUP_FUNCTIONS="$__PKGLIBDIR/vserver-setup.functions"
+ _LIB_VSERVER_BUILD_FUNCTIONS="$__PKGLIBDIR/vserver-build.functions"
+ _LIB_VSERVER_BUILD_FUNCTIONS_APT="$__PKGLIBDIR/vserver-build.functions.apt"
+@@ -69,6 +70,9 @@ _VAPT_GET_WORKER="$__PKGLIBDIR/vapt-get-
+ _VATTRIBUTE="$__SBINDIR/vattribute"
+ _VCONTEXT="$__SBINDIR/vcontext"
+ _VDLIMIT="$__SBINDIR/vdlimit"
+ _VDU="$__SBINDIR/vdu"
+ _VHASHIFY="$__PKGLIBDIR/vhashify"
+ _VKILL="$__SBINDIR/vkill"
+@@ -82,7 +86,9 @@ _VRPM="$__SBINDIR/vrpm"
+ _VRPM_PRELOAD="$__PKGLIBDIR/vrpm-preload"
+ _VRPM_WORKER="$__PKGLIBDIR/vrpm-worker"
+ _VSCHED="$__SBINDIR/vsched"
+ _VSERVER="$__SBINDIR/vserver"
+ _VSERVER_BUILD="$__PKGLIBDIR/vserver-build"
+ _VSERVER_INFO="$__SBINDIR/vserver-info"
+@@ -93,6 +99,7 @@ _VSOMETHING="$__SBINDIR/vsomething"
+ _VWAIT="$__SBINDIR/vwait"
+ _VUNAME="$__SBINDIR/vuname"
+ _VUNIFY="$__PKGLIBDIR/vunify"
+ _VYUM="$__SBINDIR/vyum"
+ _VYUM_WORKER="$__PKGLIBDIR/vyum-worker"
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/215_all_shell-completion.patch b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/215_all_shell-completion.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eda118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/215_all_shell-completion.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+Index: util-vserver/bash_completion
+--- /dev/null
++++ util-vserver/bash_completion
+@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
++# Completion for the vserver command. Source this file (or on some systems
++# add it to ~/.bash_completion and start a new shell) and bash's completion
++# mechanism will know all about vserver's options!
++# Copyright (C) Thomas Champagne <>
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
++# any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
++# version 0.4.0
++have vserver-info && {
++: ${UTIL_VSERVER_VARS:=$(vserver-info - SYSINFO |grep prefix: | awk '{ print $2}')/lib/util-vserver/util-vserver-vars}
++test -e "$UTIL_VSERVER_VARS" && {
++_vserver() {
++ local cur cmds cmdOpts cmdMethodOpts helpCmds names names_pipe func i j method
++ # find available vServers:
++ # call function getAllVservers in vserver library
++ getAllVservers names
++ names_pipe=`echo ${names[@]} | sed 's/ /|/g'`
++ # available commands
++ cmds='start stop restart condrestart suexec exec enter chkconfig \
++ running status unify pkg apt-get apt-config apt-cache \
++ rpm pkgmgmt delete'
++ # options (long and short name)
++ cmdOpts='--help --version --debug --defaulttty -s --sync -v \
++ --verbose --silent --'
++ cmdMethodOpts='-m -n --context --confdir --lockfile \
++ --hostname --netdev --netbcast --netmask \
++ --netprefix --interface --cpuset \
++ --cpusetcpus --cpusetmems --cpusetvirt \
++ --initstyle --flags --help --'
++ # if the previous option is a single option
++ helpCmds='--help|--version'
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} == @($helpCmds) ]] ; then
++ return 0
++ fi
++ # lookup the vServer name
++ for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )); do
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == @($names_pipe) ]] ; then
++ # found it!
++ break
++ fi
++ done
++ #a vserver has been found
++ if (( $i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1 )) ; then
++ # Show the vserver command without build
++ case "${COMP_WORDS[i+1]}" in
++ start)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--rescue --rescue-cmd" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ # No completion for apt-config
++ stop|restart|condrestart|enter|running|status|apt-config|delete)
++ ;;
++ suexec)
++ # I don't know how to do
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ exec)
++ #I don't know how to do
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ unify)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "-R" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ apt-get|apt-cache)
++ func=${COMP_WORDS[i+1]}
++ COMP_WORDS=( ${COMP_WORDS[@]:$((i+1))} )
++ declare -f _${func//-/_} > /dev/null && _${func//-/_}
++ ;;
++ *)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmds" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ esac
++ return 0
++ else
++ #no vserver name found
++ #search the new name of vserver
++ for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )) ; do
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == !(vserver|-*) ]] ; then
++ # found it!
++ break
++ fi
++ done
++ if (( $i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1 )) ; then
++ j=$i
++ i=${#COMP_WORDS[@]}
++ for (( ; j < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; j++ )) ; do
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[j]} == "--" ]]; then
++ # method's parameter
++ case "$method" in
++ legacy|copy)
++ ;;
++ apt-rpm)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "-d" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ yum)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "-d" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ rpm)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "-d --empty --force --nodeps" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ skeleton)
++ ;;
++ debootstrap)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "-d -m -s --" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ *)
++ ;;
++ esac
++ return 0
++ break
++ fi
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[j]} == @(build|-m) ]]; then
++ i=$j
++ if (( $j+1 < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1 )) ; then
++ method=${COMP_WORDS[j+1]}
++ fi
++ fi
++ done
++ if (( $i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1 )) ; then
++ case $prev in
++ --help)
++ ;;
++ -n|--context|--confdir|--lockfile|--hostname|--netdev|--netbcast|--netmask|--netprefix|--interface|--cpuset|--cpusetcpus|--cpusetmems|--cpusetvirt|--initstyle|--flags)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ -m)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "legacy copy apt-rpm yum rpm skeleton debootstrap" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ *)
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdMethodOpts" -- $cur ) )
++ ;;
++ esac
++ else
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "build" -- $cur ) )
++ fi
++ else
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${names[@]} $cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
++ fi
++ return 0
++ fi
++ return 0
++complete -F _vserver vserver
++ local cur cmds cmdOpts helpCmds names func i
++ # options (long and short name)
++ cmdOpts='--help --version --quiet -q --all'
++ # if the previous option is a single option
++ helpCmds='--help|--version'
++ if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[1]}" == "@($helpCmds)" ]] ; then
++ return 0
++ fi
++ # search --
++ for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )) ; do
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} = "--" ]] ; then
++ # found it!
++ break
++ fi
++ done
++ # find available vServers
++ # call function getAllVservers in vserver library
++ getAllVservers names
++ names_pipe=`echo ${names[@]}" --all" | sed 's/ /|/g'`
++ if (( $i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1 )) && (( $i < $COMP_CWORD )) ; then
++ func=${COMP_WORDS[0]:1}
++ COMP_WORDS=( $func ${COMP_WORDS[@]:$((i+1))} )
++ declare -f _${func//-/_} > /dev/null && _${func//-/_}
++ else
++ # search vServer name
++ for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )) ; do
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == @($names_pipe) ]] ; then
++ # found it!
++ break
++ fi
++ done
++ if (( $i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1 )) ; then
++ if [[ "${COMP_WORDS[i]}" = "--all" ]] ; then
++ cmdOpts='--'
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
++ else
++ cmdOpts='--'
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${names[@]} $cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
++ fi
++ else
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${names[@]} $cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
++ fi
++ fi
++ return 0
++ local cur prev cmdOpts helpCmds confCmds names names_pipe i
++ # find available vServers
++ # call function getAllVservers in vserver library
++ getAllVservers names
++ names_pipe=`echo ${names[@]} | sed 's/ /|/g'`
++ # options (long and short name)
++ cmdOpts='--help -h --version -V --verbose -v --quiet -q \
++ --vsroot -r --rsh -R --stopstart -s \
++ --domain -d --ip -i'
++ # if the previous option is a single option
++ helpCmds='--help|-h|--version|-V'
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[1]} == @($helpCmds) ]] ; then
++ return 0
++ fi
++ confCmds='--ip|-i|--domain|-d'
++ if [[ $prev == @($confCmds) ]] ; then
++ return 0
++ fi
++ # search a vServer name
++ for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )); do
++ if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == @($names_pipe) ]] ; then
++ # found it!
++ break
++ fi
++ done
++ if (( $i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1 )) ; then
++ return 0
++ else
++ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${names[@]} $cmdOpts" -- $cur ) )
++ fi
++ return 0
++complete -F _vapt_rpm_yum vapt-get
++complete -F _vapt_rpm_yum vrpm
++complete -F _vapt_rpm_yum vyum
++complete -F _vserver_copy vserver-copy
+Index: util-vserver/zsh_completion
+--- /dev/null
++++ util-vserver/zsh_completion
+@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
++#compdef vserver
++# Copyright (C) 2005 - property is theft !
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++# ,----
++# | NOTES
++# `----
++# - SVN version: $Id$
++# - $URL$
++# - Tested on Debian GNU/Linux with util-vserver 0.30.209.
++# ,----
++# | TODO
++# `----
++# - Use util-vserver shell functions library, as does the Bash
++# completion script found on /usr/lib/util-vserver/functions
++# - Implement commands arguments completion.
++### Main completion function
++_vserver () {
++ # local variables
++ local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl ret=1
++ local cmd=$words[3]
++ # dispatch
++ case "$cmd" in
++ apt-cache|apt-config|apt-get)
++ compset -n 3
++ _dispatch $cmd:t $cmd $cmd:t -default- && ret=0
++ ;;
++ exec)
++ _arguments -C \
++ '1: :->vsnames' \
++ '2: :->cmds' \
++ '3:command name: _command_names -e' \
++ '*::arguments: _normal' && ret=0
++ ;;
++ stop|restart|condrestart|enter|running|status)
++ _arguments -C \
++ '1: :->vsnames' \
++ '2: :->cmds' \
++ '*::arguments: _message "no more arguments"' && ret=0
++ ;;
++ *)
++ _arguments -C \
++ '(-)--help[print help information]' \
++ '(- *)--version[print client version information]' \
++ '1: :->vsnames' \
++ '2: :->cmds' \
++ '*:: :->args' && ret=0
++ ;;
++ esac
++ # cache initialization
++ if [[ -n "$state" ]]; then
++ if (( ! $+_cache_vserver_cfgdir )); then
++ typeset -g _cache_vserver_cfgdir_initialized
++ _vserver_cache_cfgdir
++ fi
++ if (( ! $+_cache_vserver_vsnames )); then
++ typeset -g _cache_vserver_vsnames_initialized
++ _vserver_cache_vsnames
++ fi
++ if (( ! $+_cache_vserver_cmds )); then
++ typeset -g _cache_vserver_cmds_initialized
++ _vserver_cache_cmds
++ fi
++ fi
++ case "$state" in
++ vsnames)
++ _wanted commands expl 'vserver name' _vserver_vsnames && ret=0
++ ;;
++ cmds)
++ _wanted commands expl 'vserver command' _vserver_commands && ret=0
++ ;;
++ args)
++ local args
++ if $+args; then
++ _arguments "$args[@]" && ret=0
++ else
++ ret=0
++ fi
++ ;;
++ esac
++ return ret
++### Auxiliary completion functions
++(( $+functions[_vserver_commands] )) ||
++_vserver_commands() {
++ compadd "$@" -k _cache_vserver_cmds || compadd "$@" ${(s.:.)_cache_vserver_cmds}
++(( $+functions[_vserver_vsnames] )) ||
++_vserver_vsnames() {
++ local expl
++ _wanted vserver expl 'vserver name' compadd -S '' $_cache_vserver_vsnames[@]
++### Cache functions
++(( $+functions[_vserver_cache_cfgdir] )) ||
++_vserver_cache_cfgdir() {
++ if [[ "$_cache_vserver_cfgdir_initialized" != true ]]; then
++ typeset -ga _cache_vserver_cfgdir
++ _cache_vserver_cfgdir=`vserver-info info SYSINFO | grep '^ *cfg-Directory' | awk '{print $2}'`
++ _cache_vserver_cfgdir_initialized=true
++ fi
++(( $+functions[_vserver_cache_vsnames] )) ||
++_vserver_cache_vsnames() {
++ if [[ "$_cache_vserver_vsnames_initialized" != true ]]; then
++ typeset -ga _cache_vserver_vsnames
++ _cache_vserver_vsnames=( $(ls -d $_cache_vserver_cfgdir/*/ | sed -e s,$_cache_vserver_cfgdir,, | tr -d '/') )
++ _cache_vserver_vsnames_initialized=true
++ fi
++(( $+functions[_vserver_cache_cmds] )) ||
++_vserver_cache_cmds() {
++ if [[ "$_cache_vserver_cmds_initialized" != true ]]; then
++ typeset -ga _cache_vserver_cmds
++ _cache_vserver_cmds=(
++ start
++ stop
++ restart
++ condrestart
++ suexec
++ exec
++ enter
++ chkconfig
++ running
++ status
++ build
++ unify
++ pkg
++ apt-get
++ apt-config
++ apt-cache
++ rpm
++ pkgmgmt
++ )
++ _cache_vserver_cmds_initialized=true
++ fi
++### Main function call
++_vserver "$@"
++### Emacs variables
++# Local Variables:
++# mode:sh
++# sh-basic-offset: 2
++# End:
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/README b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e83810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/README
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Numbering scheme
+000_all - 195_all
+200_all - 395_all
+Patch descriptions:
+Patch: 210_all_gentoo-tools.patch
+From: Benedikt Boehm and Christian Heim
+Desc: Adding various Gentoo related scripts (vemerge, vdispatch-conf, ...)
+Patch: 215_all_shell-completion.patch
+From: Thomas Champagne and Ben Voui(?)
+Desc: Adding bash/zsh completion scripts
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1 b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8af0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 125d116ba524c3682c927b162e317550 util-vserver-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 625758
+RMD160 d6c5df8bcf3129663d85e4aab3b385284a198294 util-vserver-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 625758
+SHA256 33e90da130569cfbc20f3c18fe5f19201ebb2d3a3139051087a4f73c97f96d24 util-vserver-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 625758
+MD5 83866ac89b02612f9fc0ead3315f3b11 util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 8455
+RMD160 94b42ea50a7124f2534d9c9208893069a419eebd util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 8455
+SHA256 80177d2fceed3dae7ab58efda8b7ff102096297db4b61e2f6e85befe011237a6 util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc1.tar.bz2 8455
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2 b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4161d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/files/digest-util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 c2388d115b6649d4f5b5779f0cd0e17b util-vserver-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 630830
+RMD160 cc11f7feb8388f3bbaff1500d978078f6c181328 util-vserver-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 630830
+SHA256 e0556d51c5a4374cb64bfd55a5455308f00b7f053b0938c06da2073d73bf6ca9 util-vserver-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 630830
+MD5 abfa965f0ca262eccb3e29a86997a419 util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 8455
+RMD160 324afb36ef1a096c043698964efa4ebb414ff694 util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 8455
+SHA256 48ef909a048a8abc1667de5f102bdb759cdb330e9292bc126f00f5708f09e549 util-vserver-patches-0.30.211-rc2.tar.bz2 8455
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1.ebuild b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b44f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/util-vserver-0.30.211_rc1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils bash-completion
+DESCRIPTION="Linux-VServer admin utilities"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+ dev-libs/beecrypt
+ net-firewall/iptables
+ net-misc/vconfig
+ sys-apps/iproute2
+ sys-process/procps"
+ net-misc/vconfig
+ net-firewall/iptables
+ dev-libs/beecrypt
+ sys-process/procps"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [[ -z "${VDIRBASE}" ]]; then
+ einfo
+ einfo "You can change the default vserver base directory (/vservers)"
+ einfo "by setting the VDIRBASE environment variable."
+ fi
+ : ${VDIRBASE:=/vservers}
+ einfo
+ einfo "Using \"${VDIRBASE}\" as vserver base directory"
+ einfo
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-vrootdir=${VDIRBASE}"
+ # default paths
+ myconf="${myconf} --localstatedir=/var"
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-initrddir=/etc/init.d"
+ # needed for older vserver kernels not in portage (default: v13,net)
+ # we provide this just for convenience for people using self-made kernels
+ use legacy && myconf="${myconf} --enable-apis=compat,v11,fscompat,v13,net"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ cp "${WORKDIR}"/tools/* scripts/ || die "failed to copy gentoo tools"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/*.patch
+src_compile() {
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "install failed"
+ # keep dirs
+ keepdir /var/run/vservers
+ keepdir /var/run/vservers.rev
+ keepdir /var/run/vshelper
+ keepdir /var/lock/vservers
+ keepdir /var/cache/vservers
+ keepdir "${VDIRBASE}"
+ fperms 000 "${VDIRBASE}"
+ # remove the non-gentoo init-scripts:
+ rm -f "${D}"/etc/init.d/*
+ # and install gentoo'ized ones:
+ doinitd "${WORKDIR}"/init.d/vservers
+ doconfd "${WORKDIR}"/conf.d/vservers
+ # bash-completion
+ dobashcompletion contrib/bash_completion util-vserver
+ newdoc "${FILESDIR}"/README ${PN}-patches
+ dodoc README ChangeLog NEWS AUTHORS THANKS util-vserver.spec
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo
+ einfo "You have to run the vprocunhide command after every reboot"
+ einfo "in order to setup /proc permissions correctly for vserver"
+ einfo "use. An init script has been installed by this package."
+ einfo "To use it you should add it to a runlevel:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " rc-update add vservers default"
+ einfo
+ einfo "This init script will also help you to start/stop your vservers"
+ einfo "on reboot. See ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/vserver for details"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You should definitly fix up the barrier of your vserver"
+ ewarn "base directory by using the following command in a root shell:"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " setattr --barrier ${VDIRBASE}"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Since 0.30.208-r3 the vprocunhide init-script has been merged"
+ ewarn "with the vservers init script. The following steps are"
+ ewarn "required to keep current behaviour:"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " rc-update del vprocunhide"
+ ewarn " rc-update add vservers default"
+ ewarn
diff --git a/sys-cluster/util-vserver/util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2.ebuild b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b44f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-cluster/util-vserver/util-vserver-0.30.211_rc2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils bash-completion
+DESCRIPTION="Linux-VServer admin utilities"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+ dev-libs/beecrypt
+ net-firewall/iptables
+ net-misc/vconfig
+ sys-apps/iproute2
+ sys-process/procps"
+ net-misc/vconfig
+ net-firewall/iptables
+ dev-libs/beecrypt
+ sys-process/procps"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [[ -z "${VDIRBASE}" ]]; then
+ einfo
+ einfo "You can change the default vserver base directory (/vservers)"
+ einfo "by setting the VDIRBASE environment variable."
+ fi
+ : ${VDIRBASE:=/vservers}
+ einfo
+ einfo "Using \"${VDIRBASE}\" as vserver base directory"
+ einfo
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-vrootdir=${VDIRBASE}"
+ # default paths
+ myconf="${myconf} --localstatedir=/var"
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-initrddir=/etc/init.d"
+ # needed for older vserver kernels not in portage (default: v13,net)
+ # we provide this just for convenience for people using self-made kernels
+ use legacy && myconf="${myconf} --enable-apis=compat,v11,fscompat,v13,net"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ cp "${WORKDIR}"/tools/* scripts/ || die "failed to copy gentoo tools"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/*.patch
+src_compile() {
+ econf ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "install failed"
+ # keep dirs
+ keepdir /var/run/vservers
+ keepdir /var/run/vservers.rev
+ keepdir /var/run/vshelper
+ keepdir /var/lock/vservers
+ keepdir /var/cache/vservers
+ keepdir "${VDIRBASE}"
+ fperms 000 "${VDIRBASE}"
+ # remove the non-gentoo init-scripts:
+ rm -f "${D}"/etc/init.d/*
+ # and install gentoo'ized ones:
+ doinitd "${WORKDIR}"/init.d/vservers
+ doconfd "${WORKDIR}"/conf.d/vservers
+ # bash-completion
+ dobashcompletion contrib/bash_completion util-vserver
+ newdoc "${FILESDIR}"/README ${PN}-patches
+ dodoc README ChangeLog NEWS AUTHORS THANKS util-vserver.spec
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo
+ einfo "You have to run the vprocunhide command after every reboot"
+ einfo "in order to setup /proc permissions correctly for vserver"
+ einfo "use. An init script has been installed by this package."
+ einfo "To use it you should add it to a runlevel:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " rc-update add vservers default"
+ einfo
+ einfo "This init script will also help you to start/stop your vservers"
+ einfo "on reboot. See ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/vserver for details"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You should definitly fix up the barrier of your vserver"
+ ewarn "base directory by using the following command in a root shell:"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " setattr --barrier ${VDIRBASE}"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Since 0.30.208-r3 the vprocunhide init-script has been merged"
+ ewarn "with the vservers init script. The following steps are"
+ ewarn "required to keep current behaviour:"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " rc-update del vprocunhide"
+ ewarn " rc-update add vservers default"
+ ewarn