diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/target-old')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/target-old b/bin/target-old
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4613abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/target-old
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Written by Robert Buchholz <rbu@gentoo.org>
+import string
+import sys
+import os
+cc_release = False
+def print_targets(version, liaisons, prestable, bugno, username):
+ keywords = os.popen('adjutrix --log-level silent -k').readlines()
+ if cc_release:
+ target_keywords = set(("release",))
+ else:
+ target_keywords = set()
+ marker = 0
+ to_stable_line = 0
+ package = ''
+ target_version = None
+ for lineno, line in enumerate(keywords):
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ if not marker and line[0] == 'K':
+ import re
+ matcher = re.compile("Keywords for (.*):")
+ match = matcher.match(line)
+ package = match.group(1)
+ if line[0] == '-':
+ if marker > 0:
+ print "Warning! These ebuilds are SLOTed\n\n"
+ else:
+ marker = lineno
+ if marker and line[0] not in (" ", "\n", "-"):
+ # we have a keyword line
+ line_stables = get_stable_arches(keywords, marker, line)
+ target_keywords = target_keywords.union(line_stables)
+ line_version = get_version(line)
+ if (version and line_version == version) or ((not version) and line_version != "9999"):
+ to_stable_line = lineno
+ target_version = line_version
+ if not target_version:
+ print "Target version '%s' not found!" % (version)
+ return
+ if not prestable:
+ stabled_keywords = get_stable_arches(keywords, marker, keywords[to_stable_line])
+ else:
+ stabled_keywords = []
+ missing_keywords = target_keywords.difference(stabled_keywords)
+ target_keywords_str = listsort(target_keywords)
+ stabled_keywords_str = listsort(stabled_keywords)
+ missing_keywords_str = listsort(missing_keywords)
+ output = []
+ if prestable:
+ output.append("Arch Security Liaisons, please test the attached ebuild and report it stable on this bug.")
+ elif liaisons and not prestable:
+ output.append("Arch Security Liaisons, please test and mark stable:\n=%s-%s" % (package, target_version))
+ else:
+ output.append("Arches, please test and mark stable:\n=%s-%s" % (package, target_version))
+ output.append('Target keywords : "%s"' % (target_keywords_str))
+ if stabled_keywords:
+ output.append('Already stabled : "%s"' % (stabled_keywords_str))
+ output.append('Missing keywords: "%s"' % (missing_keywords_str))
+ mails = []
+ if liaisons:
+ import liaisons
+ archlist = list(missing_keywords)
+ archlist.sort()
+ output.append("\nCC'ing current Liaisons:")
+ for arch in archlist:
+ liaison = liaisons.get(arch)
+ if not liaison:
+ continue
+ output.append(" %7s : %s" % (arch, ', '.join(liaison)))
+ mails.extend("%s@gentoo.org" % (l,) for l in liaison)
+ elif missing_keywords:
+ # not in liaison mode and missing keywords exist
+ mails = ["%s@gentoo.org" % (mail) for mail in missing_keywords]
+ message = "\n".join(output)
+ print message
+ if mails:
+ cc_add = listsort(mails, ',')
+ print "\nCC: %s" % (cc_add)
+ if bugno:
+ cc_arches_to(bugno, username, message, mails, liaisons)
+def cc_arches_to(bugno, username, message, cc_add, auth):
+ try:
+ try:
+ import bugz.bugzilla as bugz
+ except ImportError:
+ import bugz
+ import re
+ except:
+ return
+ bz = bugz.Bugz(base = "https://bugs.gentoo.org",
+ user = username,
+ password = None,
+ forget = False)
+ if auth:
+ pass
+ # bz.auth()
+ bug_xml = bz.get(bugno)
+ if not bug_xml:
+ print "Could not find bug %s" % (bugno)
+ return
+ if not bug_xml.find('//group') is None:
+ print ' ! You cannot modify restricted bugs with this tool.'
+ print ' ! Exiting.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ whiteboard = bug_xml.find('//status_whiteboard')
+ if not whiteboard is None:
+ whiteboard = whiteboard.text
+ new_whiteboard = re.sub("(ebuild\+?|upstream\+?|stable)\??", "stable", whiteboard)
+ new_whiteboard = re.sub("stable/stable", "stable", new_whiteboard)
+ else:
+ whiteboard = "(empty)"
+ new_whiteboard = "?? [stable]"
+ if (whiteboard == new_whiteboard):
+ print "Not changing whiteboard: %s" % (whiteboard)
+ else:
+ print 'Setting whiteboard "%s" to "%s"' % (whiteboard, new_whiteboard)
+ keywords = bug_xml.find('//keywords')
+ if not keywords is None:
+ keywords = "%s %s" % (keywords.text, "STABLEREQ")
+ else:
+ keywords = "STABLEREQ"
+ print "Go ahead? [y/n]: ",
+ answer = sys.stdin.readline()
+ if answer[0] == "y" or answer[0] == "Y":
+ print "Modifying bug https://bugs.gentoo.org/%s ..." % (bugno),
+ if bz.modify(bugno, comment = message, add_cc = cc_add, whiteboard = new_whiteboard, keywords = keywords):
+ print "successful"
+ else:
+ print "error"
+def listsort(set, joinchar = ' '):
+ mylist = list(set)
+ mylist.sort()
+ return joinchar.join(mylist)
+def get_version(line):
+ start = line.find('|')
+ if not start:
+ return None
+ return line[0:start-1].strip()
+def get_stable_arches(keywords, marker, line):
+ start = line.find('|')
+ arches = set()
+ if not start:
+ return
+ for column, char in enumerate(line[start:]):
+ if char == '+':
+ arch = get_arch(keywords, marker, start + column)
+ if arch not in ("mips"):
+ arches.add(arch)
+ return arches
+def get_arch(keywords, marker, column):
+ arch = ''
+ for lineno in range(marker - 1, 0, -1):
+ char = keywords[lineno][column]
+ if char != ' ':
+ arch += char
+ else:
+ break
+ # return the reverse string
+ return arch[::-1]
+def usage(programname):
+ """ Print usage information """
+ print "Usage: %s [-v version] [-l] [-p] [-b bugid] [-u bugz_username]" % (programname)
+ print '''
+This script prints target keywords for the latest ebuild in CWD, or version.
+def main():
+ import getopt
+ try:
+ optlist, list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+ 'v:lpb:u:')
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage(sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(2)
+ version = None
+ liaisons = False
+ prestable = False
+ bugno = None
+ user = None
+ for opt, arg in optlist:
+ if opt == '-v':
+ version = arg
+ if opt == '-p':
+ prestable = True
+ if opt == '-l':
+ liaisons = True
+ if opt == '-b':
+ bugno = int(arg)
+ if opt == '-u':
+ user = arg
+ if prestable and not bugno is None:
+ print ' ! Cannot use -p together with -b. Edit the bug manually.'
+ print ' ! Exiting.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print_targets(version, liaisons, prestable, bugno, user)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ main()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print '\n ! Exiting.'