diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts.new/bin/tree.sh')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts.new/bin/tree.sh b/scripts.new/bin/tree.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00eb870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts.new/bin/tree.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# start from the root of a maven artifact and recursively resolve its
+# dependencies.
+source $CONFIG
+tsh_log() {
+ [[ ! -z "${TSH_NODEBUG}" ]] || echo [x] $@
+tsh_err() {
+ echo -e "\033[31m[!]" $@ "\033[0m" 1>&2
+# convert MavenVersion to PortageVersion
+sver() {
+ PV=$1
+ # com.github.lindenb:jbwa:1.0.0_ppc64
+ PV=${PV/_/.}
+ # plexus-container-default 1.0-alpha-9-stable-1
+ PV=${PV/-stable-/.}
+ PV=$(sed -r 's/[.-]?alpha[-.]?/_alpha/' <<< ${PV})
+ # wagon-provider-api 1.0-beta-7
+ # com.google.cloud.datastore:datastore-v1beta3-proto-client:1.0.0-beta.2
+ # com.google.cloud.datastore:datastore-v1beta3-protos:1.0.0-beta
+ PV=$(sed -r 's/[.-]?beta[-.]?/_beta/' <<< ${PV})
+ # aopalliance-repackaged 2.5.0-b16
+ PV=${PV/-b/_beta}
+ # com.google.auto.service:auto-service:1.0-rc2
+ PV=${PV/-rc/_rc}
+ # cdi-api 1.0-SP4
+ PV=${PV/-SP/_p}
+ # org.seqdoop:cofoja:1.1-r150
+ PV=${PV/-rev/_p}
+ PV=${PV/-r/_p}
+ PV=${PV/.v/_p}
+ # javax.xml.stream:stax-api:1.0-2
+ PV=${PV//-/.}
+ # .Final .GA -incubating means nothing
+ PV=${PV%.[a-zA-Z]*}
+ # com.google.cloud.genomics:google-genomics-dataflow:v1beta2-0.15 ->
+ # plexus-container-default 1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 ->
+ while [[ ${PV} != ${PV0} ]]; do
+ PV0=${PV}
+ PV=$(sed -r 's/_(rc|beta|alpha|p)(.*\..*)/.\2/' <<< ${PV0})
+ done
+ # remove all non-numeric charactors before _
+ # org.scalamacros:quasiquotes_2.10:2.0.0-M8
+ if [[ ${PV} = *_* ]]; then
+ PV=$(sed 's/[^.0-9]//g' <<< ${PV/_*/})_${PV/*_/}
+ else
+ PV=$(sed 's/[^.0-9]//g' <<< ${PV})
+ fi
+ # if it generates multiple dots, reduce them into single dot
+ PV=$(sed 's/\.\+/\./g' <<< ${PV})
+ # if it ends with ".", delete the "."
+ sed 's/\.$//' <<< ${PV}
+# get an existing maven version
+# if MAVEN_FORCE_VERSION is not set,
+# it will try to get the latest version via metadata.xml
+get_maven() {
+ tsh_log get_maven: MV_RANGE = ${MV}, MID = ${PG}:${MA}
+ if [[ -z "${MAVEN_FORCE_VERSION}" ]]; then
+ local nversions=$(xmllint --xpath\
+ "/metadata/versioning/versions/version/text()"\
+ | wc -l)
+ else
+ local nversions=1
+ fi
+ for line_number in $(seq ${nversions} -1 1); do
+ if [[ -z "${MAVEN_FORCE_VERSION}" ]]; then
+ MV=$(xmllint --xpath "/metadata/versioning/versions/version/text()"\
+ | awk "NR==${line_number}{print $1}")
+ if compare-maven-version 2>&1 1>/dev/null; then
+ TMP_SLOT=$(compare-maven-version --dep "${MV_RANGE}" --maven-version ${MV}) || continue
+ fi
+ eval $TMP_SLOT
+ [[ ! -z ${TMP_SLOT} ]] \
+ && tsh_log "Setting SLOT of $MA to $TMP_SLOT, because dependency ${MV_RANGE} incicates so..."
+ fi
+ MID=${PG}:${MA}:${MV}
+ PV=$(sver ${MV})
+ M=${MA}-${MV}
+ SRC_URI="${REPOSITORY}/${WORKDIR}/${MV}/${M}-sources.jar"
+ if ! wget -q --spider ${SRC_URI}; then
+ TMP_SRC_URI=${SRC_URI/-sources.jar/.jar}
+ if wget -q --spider ${TMP_SRC_URI}; then
+ PA=${PA}
+ return 0
+ fi
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ # if we cannot found a suitble version
+ return 1
+# generate ebuild file
+gebd() {
+ tsh_log "gebd: MID is $PG:$MA:$MV"
+ local WORKDIR=${PG//./\/}/${MA} MID
+ # spark-launcher_2.11 for scala 2.11
+ eval $(sed -nr 's,([^_]*)(_(.*))?,PA=\1 SLOT=\3,p' <<< ${MA})
+ [[ -z "${SLOT}" ]] && eval $(sed -nr 's,(.*)-(([0-9]+\.)?[0-9]+),PA=\1 SLOT=\2,p' <<< ${MA})
+ [[ -z "${SLOT}" ]] && PA=${MA}
+ PA=${PA//./-}
+ PA=${PA//_/-}
+ # override PA and SLOT if MAVEN_FORCE_PA and MAVEN_FORCE_SLOT by our own
+ [[ ! -z "${MAVEN_FORCE_PA}" ]] && PA=${MAVEN_FORCE_PA} && unset MAVEN_FORCE_PA
+ # assign a category if it exists in cache
+ CATEGORY=$(grep "${PG}:${MA}:" "${CACHEDIR}"/${CUR_STAGE}-cache | awk -F: 'NR==1{print $1}')
+ tsh_log "gebd: CATEGORY is ${CATEGORY}, PA is ${PA}"
+ if grep -q "${CATEGORY}:${PA}:" \
+ "${CACHEDIR}"/${CUR_STAGE}-maven-cache 2>/dev/null; then
+ if ! grep -q "${CATEGORY}:${PA}:.*:${PG}:${MA}" \
+ "${CACHEDIR}"/${CUR_STAGE}-maven-cache 2>/dev/null ; then
+ local pa_prefix=${PG//./-}
+ pa_prefix=${pa_prefix//_/-}
+ PA="${pa_prefix}-${PA}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ local METADATA_URI="${REPOSITORY}/${WORKDIR}/maven-metadata.xml"
+ local ARTIFACT_METADATA="${POMDIR}/metadata-${PG}-${MA}.xml"
+ if [[ ! -f ${ARTIFACT_METADATA} ]]; then
+ pushd "${POMDIR}" > /dev/null
+ popd > /dev/null
+ fi
+ # resolve exactly the Maven version required by maven
+ # if it failed, try to get an available maven artifact from metadata.xml
+ MAVEN_FORCE_VERSION=1 get_maven || get_maven
+ if [[ ! -f "${POMDIR}"/${M}.pom ]]; then
+ pushd "${POMDIR}" > /dev/null
+ wget ${POM_URI}
+ # 3rd party plugin not needed here
+ # distributionManagement is invalid for maven 3
+ # net.sf.jtidy:jtidy:r938 version is not maven-compliant
+ sed -e '/<packaging>bundle/d' \
+ -e '/<distributionManagement>/,/<\/distributionManagement>/d' \
+ -e '/<build>/,/<\/build>/d' \
+ -e '/<modules>/,/<\/modules>/d' \
+ -e 's,<version>r938</version>,<version>1.0</version>,' \
+ -i ${M}.pom
+ popd > /dev/null
+ fi
+ local P=${PA}-${PV}
+ local cur_stage_ebd="${CUR_STAGE_DIR}"/${CATEGORY}/${PA}/${P}.ebuild
+ local final_stage_ebd="${MAVEN_OVERLAY_DIR}"/${CATEGORY}/${PA}/${P}.ebuild
+ # refresh cache before execute java-ebuilder
+ pushd "${CACHEDIR}" > /dev/null
+ cat "${GENTOO_CACHE}" ${CUR_STAGE}-maven-cache > ${CUR_STAGE}-cache
+ popd > /dev/null
+ # generate ebuild file if it does not exist
+ if [[ ! -f "${cur_stage_ebd}" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p $(dirname ${cur_stage_ebd})
+ tsh_log "java-ebuilder: generage ebuild files for ${MID} in ${CUR_STAGE}"
+ java-ebuilder -p "${POMDIR}"/${M}.pom -e "${cur_stage_ebd}" -g --workdir "${POMDIR}" \
+ -u ${SRC_URI} --slot ${SLOT:-0} --keywords ~amd64 \
+ --cache-file "${CACHEDIR}"/${CUR_STAGE}-cache
+ if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
+ tsh_log "java-ebuilder Returns $?"
+ else
+ tsh_err "java-ebuilder Returns $?"
+ # trigger cache-rebuild
+ touch "${CACHE_TIMESTAMP}"
+ # Remove lines that triggers mfill() to avoid meeting the problematic artifact again
+ find "${CUR_STAGE_DIR}" -type f -name \*.ebuild \
+ -exec sed -i "s/^.*${MID}.*not-found.*$//" {} \;
+ tsh_err "The problematic artifact is ${MID},"
+ tsh_err "please write it (or its parent) a functional ebuild,"
+ tsh_err "make it a part of your overlay (the overlay does not need to be ${MAVEN_OVERLAY_DIR}),"
+ tsh_err "and run \`movl build\` afterwards"
+ tsh_err ""
+ tsh_err "P.S. DO NOT forget to assign a MAVEN_ID to the ebuild"
+ tsh_err "P.P.S. To make \`movl build\` deal with the dependency of ${MID},"
+ tsh_err "you need to add MAVEN_IDs of the dependencies to"
+ tsh_err "your MAVEN_ARTS variable in ${CONFIG}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # update maven-cache after java-ebuilder generate the corresponding ebuild
+ line=${CATEGORY}:${PA}:${PV}:${SLOT:-0}::${MID}
+ if ! grep -q ${line} "${CACHEDIR}"/${CUR_STAGE}-maven-cache 2>/dev/null ; then
+ pushd "${CACHEDIR}" > /dev/null
+ echo ${line} >> ${CUR_STAGE}-maven-cache
+ popd > /dev/null
+ fi
+ # filling parent target_line
+ [[ ! -z ${MAKEFILE_DEP} ]] && target_line+="${final_stage_ebd} "
+ [[ -z ${MAKEFILE_DEP} ]] && local target_line+="all: ${final_stage_ebd}\n"
+ # filling my target_line
+ local target_line+="#${final_stage_ebd}"
+ target_line+="\n"
+ target_line+="${final_stage_ebd}: "
+ # resolve the reverse dependency
+ [[ -z "${MAVEN_NODEP}" ]] && MAKEFILE_DEP=1 mfill "${cur_stage_ebd}"
+ target_line+="\n"
+ target_line+="\tmkdir -p $(dirname ${final_stage_ebd})\n"
+ target_line+="\tjava-ebuilder -p \"${POMDIR}\"/${M}.pom -e \"${final_stage_ebd}\" -g --workdir \"${POMDIR}\""
+ target_line+=" -u ${SRC_URI} --slot ${SLOT:-0} --keywords ~amd64"
+ target_line+=" --cache-file \"${CACHEDIR}\"/post-${CUR_STAGE}-cache"
+ if [[ ${SRC_URI} = *-sources.jar ]]; then
+ # inherit java-maven-central to handle src_unpack
+ target_line+=" --from-maven-central --binjar-uri ${SRC_URI/-sources.jar/.jar}\n"
+ target_line+="\n"
+ else
+ # inherit "java-pkg-binjar" if SRC_URI does not point to source code
+ target_line+="\n"
+ target_line+="\tsed -i \"/inherit/s/java-pkg-simple/java-pkg-binjar/\" \"${final_stage_ebd}\"\n"
+ target_line+="\n"
+ fi
+ if ! grep -q "#${final_stage_ebd}" ${TARGET_MAKEFILE} 2>/dev/null ; then
+ echo -e $target_line >> ${TARGET_MAKEFILE}
+ fi
+# filling dependencies
+mfill() {
+ # recursively fill missing dependencies
+ arts=$(sed -n -r 's,# (test\? )?(.*) -> !!!.*-not-found!!!,\2,p' < $1)
+ tsh_log "mfill: dealing with $1"
+ if [[ -z "${arts}" ]]; then
+ return # no need to java-ebuilder again
+ else
+ for a in ${arts}; do
+ eval $(awk -F":" '{print "PG="$1, "MA="$2, "MV=""\x27"$3"\x27"}' <<< ${a})
+ gebd
+ done
+ return
+ fi
+if [[ ! -z ${JUST_MFILL} ]]; then
+ mfill $1
+ exit $?
+elif [[ $1 == *.ebuild ]]; then
+ eval $(grep MAVEN_ID $1)
+ eval $(grep MAVEN_FORCE_PA $1)
+ eval $(grep MAVEN_FORCE_CATEGORY $1)
+ #rm -f $1
+eval $(awk -F":" '{print "PG="$1, "MA="$2, "MV="$3}' <<< ${MAVEN_ID})
+tsh_log "Tree.sh: reaching the end of the script"