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Diffstat (limited to 'cvs2svn_lib/svn_revision_range.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/cvs2svn_lib/svn_revision_range.py b/cvs2svn_lib/svn_revision_range.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ba7fa..0000000
--- a/cvs2svn_lib/svn_revision_range.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
-# ====================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2008 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
-# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
-# newer version instead, at your option.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
-# ====================================================================
-"""This module contains the SVNRevisionRange class."""
-import bisect
-from cvs2svn_lib.common import SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
-class SVNRevisionRange:
- """The range of subversion revision numbers from which a path can be
- copied. self.opening_revnum is the number of the earliest such
- revision, and self.closing_revnum is one higher than the number of
- the last such revision. If self.closing_revnum is None, then no
- closings were registered."""
- def __init__(self, source_lod, opening_revnum):
- self.source_lod = source_lod
- self.opening_revnum = opening_revnum
- self.closing_revnum = None
- def add_closing(self, closing_revnum):
- # When we have a non-trunk default branch, we may have multiple
- # closings--only register the first closing we encounter.
- if self.closing_revnum is None:
- self.closing_revnum = closing_revnum
- def __contains__(self, revnum):
- """Return True iff REVNUM is contained in the range."""
- return (
- self.opening_revnum <= revnum \
- and (self.closing_revnum is None or revnum < self.closing_revnum)
- )
- def __str__(self):
- if self.closing_revnum is None:
- return '[%d:]' % (self.opening_revnum,)
- else:
- return '[%d:%d]' % (self.opening_revnum, self.closing_revnum,)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
-class RevisionScores:
- """Represent the scores for a range of revisions."""
- def __init__(self, svn_revision_ranges):
- """Initialize based on SVN_REVISION_RANGES.
- SVN_REVISION_RANGES is a list of SVNRevisionRange objects.
- The score of an svn source is defined to be the number of
- SVNRevisionRanges on that LOD that include the revision. A score
- thus indicates that copying the corresponding revision (or any
- following revision up to the next revision in the list) of the
- object in question would yield that many correct paths at or
- underneath the object. There may be other paths underneath it
- that are not correct and would need to be deleted or recopied;
- those can only be detected by descending and examining their
- scores.
- If SVN_REVISION_RANGES is empty, then all scores are undefined."""
- deltas_map = {}
- for range in svn_revision_ranges:
- source_lod = range.source_lod
- try:
- deltas = deltas_map[source_lod]
- except:
- deltas = []
- deltas_map[source_lod] = deltas
- deltas.append((range.opening_revnum, +1))
- if range.closing_revnum is not None:
- deltas.append((range.closing_revnum, -1))
- # A map:
- #
- # {SOURCE_LOD : [(REV1 SCORE1), (REV2 SCORE2), (REV3 SCORE3), ...]}
- #
- # where the tuples are sorted by revision number and the revision
- # numbers are distinct. Score is the number of correct paths that
- # would result from using the specified SOURCE_LOD and revision
- # number (or any other revision preceding the next revision
- # listed) as a source. For example, the score of any revision REV
- # in the range REV2 <= REV < REV3 is equal to SCORE2.
- self._scores_map = {}
- for (source_lod,deltas) in deltas_map.items():
- # Sort by revision number:
- deltas.sort()
- # Initialize output list with zeroth element of deltas. This
- # element must exist, because it was verified that
- # svn_revision_ranges (and therefore openings) is not empty.
- scores = [ deltas[0] ]
- total = deltas[0][1]
- for (rev, change) in deltas[1:]:
- total += change
- if rev == scores[-1][0]:
- # Same revision as last entry; modify last entry:
- scores[-1] = (rev, total)
- else:
- # Previously-unseen revision; create new entry:
- scores.append((rev, total))
- self._scores_map[source_lod] = scores
- def get_score(self, range):
- """Return the score for RANGE's opening revision.
- If RANGE doesn't appear explicitly in self.scores, use the score
- of the higest revision preceding RANGE. If there are no preceding
- revisions, then the score for RANGE is unknown; in this case,
- return -1."""
- try:
- scores = self._scores_map[range.source_lod]
- except KeyError:
- return -1
- # Remember, according to the tuple sorting rules,
- #
- # (revnum, anything,) < (revnum+1,) < (revnum+1, anything,)
- predecessor_index = bisect.bisect_right(
- scores, (range.opening_revnum + 1,)
- ) - 1
- if predecessor_index < 0:
- return -1
- return scores[predecessor_index][1]
- def get_best_revnum(self):
- """Find the revnum with the highest score.
- Return (revnum, score) for the revnum with the highest score. If
- the highest score is shared by multiple revisions, select the
- oldest revision."""
- best_source_lod = None
- best_revnum = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
- best_score = 0
- source_lods = self._scores_map.keys()
- source_lods.sort()
- for source_lod in source_lods:
- for revnum, score in self._scores_map[source_lod]:
- if score > best_score:
- best_source_lod = source_lod
- best_score = score
- best_revnum = revnum
- return best_source_lod, best_revnum, best_score