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Diffstat (limited to 'cvs2svn_lib/repository_mirror.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 897 deletions
diff --git a/cvs2svn_lib/repository_mirror.py b/cvs2svn_lib/repository_mirror.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e2ba1..0000000
--- a/cvs2svn_lib/repository_mirror.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,897 +0,0 @@
-# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
-# ====================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
-# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
-# newer version instead, at your option.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
-# ====================================================================
-"""This module contains the RepositoryMirror class and supporting classes.
-RepositoryMirror represents the skeleton of a versioned file tree with
-multiple lines of development ('LODs'). It records the presence or
-absence of files and directories, but not their contents. Given three
-values (revnum, lod, cvs_path), it can tell you whether the specified
-CVSPath existed on the specified LOD in the given revision number.
-The file trees corresponding to the most recent revision can be
-The individual file trees are stored using immutable tree structures.
-Each directory node is represented as a MirrorDirectory instance,
-which is basically a map {cvs_path : node_id}, where cvs_path is a
-CVSPath within the directory, and node_id is an integer ID that
-uniquely identifies another directory node if that node is a
-CVSDirectory, or None if that node is a CVSFile. If a directory node
-is to be modified, then first a new node is created with a copy of the
-original node's contents, then the copy is modified. A reference to
-the copy also has to be stored in the parent node, meaning that the
-parent node needs to be modified, and so on recursively to the root
-node of the file tree. This data structure allows cheap deep copies,
-which is useful for tagging and branching.
-The class must also be able to find the root directory node
-corresponding to a particular (revnum, lod). This is done by keeping
-an LODHistory instance for each LOD, which can determine the root
-directory node ID for that LOD for any revnum. It does so by
-recording changes to the root directory node ID only for revisions in
-which it changed. Thus it stores two arrays, revnums (a list of the
-revision numbers when the ID changed), and ids (a list of the
-corresponding IDs). To find the ID for a particular revnum, first a
-binary search is done in the revnums array to find the index of the
-last change preceding revnum, then the corresponding ID is read from
-the ids array. Since most revisions change only one LOD, this allows
-storage of the history of potentially tens of thousands of LODs over
-hundreds of thousands of revisions in an amount of space that scales
-as O(numberOfLODs + numberOfRevisions), rather than O(numberOfLODs *
-numberOfRevisions) as would be needed if the information were stored
-in the equivalent of a 2D array.
-The internal operation of these classes is somewhat intricate, but the
-interface attempts to hide the complexity, enforce the usage rules,
-and allow efficient access. The most important facts to remember are
-(1) that a directory node can be used for multiple purposes (for
-multiple branches and for multiple revisions on a single branch), (2)
-that only a node that has been created within the current revision is
-allowed to be mutated, and (3) that the current revision can include
-nodes carried over from prior revisions, which are immutable.
-This leads to a bewildering variety of MirrorDirectory classes. The
-most important distinction is between OldMirrorDirectories and
-CurrentMirrorDirectories. A single node can be represented multiple
-ways in memory at the same time, depending on whether it was looked up
-as part of the current revision or part of an old revision:
- MirrorDirectory -- the base class for all MirrorDirectory nodes.
- This class allows lookup of subnodes and iteration over
- subnodes.
- OldMirrorDirectory -- a MirrorDirectory that was looked up for an
- old revision. These instances are immutable, as only the
- current revision is allowed to be modified.
- CurrentMirrorDirectory -- a MirrorDirectory that was looked up for
- the current revision. Such an instance is always logically
- mutable, though mutating it might require the node to be
- copied first. Such an instance might represent a node that
- has already been copied during this revision and can therefore
- be modified freely (such nodes implement
- _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin), or it might represent a node
- that was carried over from an old revision and hasn't been
- copied yet (such nodes implement
- _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin). If the latter, then the node
- copies itself (and bubbles up the change) before allowing
- itself to be modified. But the distinction is managed
- internally; client classes should not have to worry about it.
- CurrentMirrorLODDirectory -- A CurrentMirrorDirectory representing
- the root directory of a line of development in the current
- revision. This class has two concrete subclasses,
- _CurrentMirrorReadOnlyLODDirectory and
- _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory, depending on whether the
- node has already been copied during this revision.
- CurrentMirrorSubdirectory -- A CurrentMirrorDirectory representing
- a subdirectory within a line of development's directory tree
- in the current revision. This class has two concrete
- subclasses, _CurrentMirrorReadOnlySubdirectory and
- _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory, depending on whether the
- node has already been copied during this revision.
- DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory -- a MirrorDirectory that has been
- deleted. Such an instance is disabled so that it cannot
- accidentally be used.
-While a revision is being processed, RepositoryMirror._new_nodes holds
-every writable CurrentMirrorDirectory instance (i.e., every node that
-has been created in the revision). Since these nodes are mutable, it
-is important that there be exactly one instance associated with each
-node; otherwise there would be problems keeping the instances
-synchronized. These are written to the database by
-OldMirrorDirectory and read-only CurrentMirrorDirectory instances are
-*not* cached; they are recreated whenever they are referenced. There
-might be multiple instances referring to the same node. A read-only
-CurrentMirrorDirectory instance is mutated in place into a writable
-CurrentMirrorDirectory instance if it needs to be modified.
-FIXME: The rules for when a MirrorDirectory instance can continue to
-be used vs. when it has to be read again (because it has been modified
-indirectly and therefore copied) are confusing and error-prone.
-Probably the semantics should be changed.
-import bisect
-from cvs2svn_lib import config
-from cvs2svn_lib.common import DB_OPEN_NEW
-from cvs2svn_lib.common import InternalError
-from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log
-from cvs2svn_lib.context import Ctx
-from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_file import CVSFile
-from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_file import CVSDirectory
-from cvs2svn_lib.key_generator import KeyGenerator
-from cvs2svn_lib.artifact_manager import artifact_manager
-from cvs2svn_lib.serializer import MarshalSerializer
-from cvs2svn_lib.database import IndexedDatabase
-class RepositoryMirrorError(Exception):
- """An error related to the RepositoryMirror."""
- pass
-class LODExistsError(RepositoryMirrorError):
- """The LOD already exists in the repository.
- Exception raised if an attempt is made to add an LOD to the
- repository mirror and that LOD already exists in the youngest
- revision of the repository."""
- pass
-class PathExistsError(RepositoryMirrorError):
- """The path already exists in the repository.
- Exception raised if an attempt is made to add a path to the
- repository mirror and that path already exists in the youngest
- revision of the repository."""
- pass
-class DeletedNodeReusedError(RepositoryMirrorError):
- """The MirrorDirectory has already been deleted and shouldn't be reused."""
- pass
-class CopyFromCurrentNodeError(RepositoryMirrorError):
- """A CurrentMirrorDirectory cannot be copied to the current revision."""
- pass
-class MirrorDirectory(object):
- """Represent a node within the RepositoryMirror.
- Instances of this class act like a map {CVSPath : MirrorDirectory},
- where CVSPath is an item within this directory (i.e., a file or
- subdirectory within this directory). The value is either another
- MirrorDirectory instance (for directories) or None (for files)."""
- def __init__(self, repo, id, entries):
- # The RepositoryMirror containing this directory:
- self.repo = repo
- # The id of this node:
- self.id = id
- # The entries within this directory, stored as a map {CVSPath :
- # node_id}. The node_ids are integers for CVSDirectories, None
- # for CVSFiles:
- self._entries = entries
- def __getitem__(self, cvs_path):
- """Return the MirrorDirectory associated with the specified subnode.
- Return a MirrorDirectory instance if the subnode is a
- CVSDirectory; None if it is a CVSFile. Raise KeyError if the
- specified subnode does not exist."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def __len__(self):
- """Return the number of CVSPaths within this node."""
- return len(self._entries)
- def __contains__(self, cvs_path):
- """Return True iff CVS_PATH is contained in this node."""
- return cvs_path in self._entries
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate over the CVSPaths within this node."""
- return self._entries.__iter__()
- def _format_entries(self):
- """Format the entries map for output in subclasses' __repr__() methods."""
- def format_item(key, value):
- if value is None:
- return str(key)
- else:
- return '%s -> %x' % (key, value,)
- items = self._entries.items()
- items.sort()
- return '{%s}' % (', '.join([format_item(*item) for item in items]),)
- def __str__(self):
- """For convenience only. The format is subject to change at any time."""
- return '%s<%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id,)
-class OldMirrorDirectory(MirrorDirectory):
- """Represent a historical directory within the RepositoryMirror."""
- def __getitem__(self, cvs_path):
- id = self._entries[cvs_path]
- if id is None:
- # This represents a leaf node.
- return None
- else:
- return OldMirrorDirectory(self.repo, id, self.repo._node_db[id])
- def __repr__(self):
- """For convenience only. The format is subject to change at any time."""
- return '%s(%s)' % (self, self._format_entries(),)
-class CurrentMirrorDirectory(MirrorDirectory):
- """Represent a directory that currently exists in the RepositoryMirror."""
- def __init__(self, repo, id, lod, cvs_path, entries):
- MirrorDirectory.__init__(self, repo, id, entries)
- self.lod = lod
- self.cvs_path = cvs_path
- def __getitem__(self, cvs_path):
- id = self._entries[cvs_path]
- if id is None:
- # This represents a leaf node.
- return None
- else:
- try:
- return self.repo._new_nodes[id]
- except KeyError:
- return _CurrentMirrorReadOnlySubdirectory(
- self.repo, id, self.lod, cvs_path, self,
- self.repo._node_db[id]
- )
- def __setitem__(self, cvs_path, node):
- """Create or overwrite a subnode of this node.
- CVS_PATH is the path of the subnode. NODE will be the new value
- of the node; for CVSDirectories it should be a MirrorDirectory
- instance; for CVSFiles it should be None."""
- if isinstance(node, DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory):
- raise DeletedNodeReusedError(
- '%r has already been deleted and should not be reused' % (node,)
- )
- elif isinstance(node, CurrentMirrorDirectory):
- raise CopyFromCurrentNodeError(
- '%r was created in the current node and cannot be copied' % (node,)
- )
- else:
- self._set_entry(cvs_path, node)
- def __delitem__(self, cvs_path):
- """Remove the subnode of this node at CVS_PATH.
- If the node does not exist, then raise a KeyError."""
- node = self[cvs_path]
- self._del_entry(cvs_path)
- if isinstance(node, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin):
- node._mark_deleted()
- def mkdir(self, cvs_directory):
- """Create an empty subdirectory of this node at CVS_PATH.
- Return the CurrentDirectory that was created."""
- assert isinstance(cvs_directory, CVSDirectory)
- if cvs_directory in self:
- raise PathExistsError(
- 'Attempt to create directory \'%s\' in %s in repository mirror '
- 'when it already exists.'
- % (cvs_directory, self.lod,)
- )
- new_node = _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory(
- self.repo, self.repo._key_generator.gen_id(), self.lod, cvs_directory,
- self, {}
- )
- self._set_entry(cvs_directory, new_node)
- self.repo._new_nodes[new_node.id] = new_node
- return new_node
- def add_file(self, cvs_file):
- """Create a file within this node at CVS_FILE."""
- assert isinstance(cvs_file, CVSFile)
- if cvs_file in self:
- raise PathExistsError(
- 'Attempt to create file \'%s\' in %s in repository mirror '
- 'when it already exists.'
- % (cvs_file, self.lod,)
- )
- self._set_entry(cvs_file, None)
- def __repr__(self):
- """For convenience only. The format is subject to change at any time."""
- return '%s(%r, %r, %s)' % (
- self, self.lod, self.cvs_path, self._format_entries(),
- )
-class DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory(object):
- """A MirrorDirectory that has been deleted.
- A MirrorDirectory that used to be a _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin
- but then was deleted. Such instances are turned into this class so
- that nobody can accidentally mutate them again."""
- pass
-class _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin:
- """Mixin for MirrorDirectories that are already writable.
- A MirrorDirectory is writable if it has already been recreated
- during the current revision."""
- def _set_entry(self, cvs_path, node):
- """Create or overwrite a subnode of this node, with no checks."""
- if node is None:
- self._entries[cvs_path] = None
- else:
- self._entries[cvs_path] = node.id
- def _del_entry(self, cvs_path):
- """Remove the subnode of this node at CVS_PATH, with no checks."""
- del self._entries[cvs_path]
- def _mark_deleted(self):
- """Mark this object and any writable descendants as being deleted."""
- self.__class__ = DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory
- for (cvs_path, id) in self._entries.iteritems():
- if id in self.repo._new_nodes:
- node = self[cvs_path]
- if isinstance(node, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin):
- # Mark deleted and recurse:
- node._mark_deleted()
-class _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin:
- """Mixin for a CurrentMirrorDirectory that hasn't yet been made writable."""
- def _make_writable(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _set_entry(self, cvs_path, node):
- """Create or overwrite a subnode of this node, with no checks."""
- self._make_writable()
- self._set_entry(cvs_path, node)
- def _del_entry(self, cvs_path):
- """Remove the subnode of this node at CVS_PATH, with no checks."""
- self._make_writable()
- self._del_entry(cvs_path)
-class CurrentMirrorLODDirectory(CurrentMirrorDirectory):
- """Represent an LOD's main directory in the mirror's current version."""
- def __init__(self, repo, id, lod, entries):
- CurrentMirrorDirectory.__init__(
- self, repo, id, lod, lod.project.get_root_cvs_directory(), entries
- )
- def delete(self):
- """Remove the directory represented by this object."""
- lod_history = self.repo._get_lod_history(self.lod)
- assert lod_history.exists()
- lod_history.update(self.repo._youngest, None)
- self._mark_deleted()
-class _CurrentMirrorReadOnlyLODDirectory(
- CurrentMirrorLODDirectory, _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin
- ):
- """Represent an LOD's main directory in the mirror's current version."""
- def _make_writable(self):
- self.__class__ = _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory
- # Create a new ID:
- self.id = self.repo._key_generator.gen_id()
- self.repo._new_nodes[self.id] = self
- self.repo._get_lod_history(self.lod).update(self.repo._youngest, self.id)
- self._entries = self._entries.copy()
-class _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory(
- CurrentMirrorLODDirectory, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin
- ):
- pass
-class CurrentMirrorSubdirectory(CurrentMirrorDirectory):
- """Represent a subdirectory in the mirror's current version."""
- def __init__(self, repo, id, lod, cvs_path, parent_mirror_dir, entries):
- CurrentMirrorDirectory.__init__(self, repo, id, lod, cvs_path, entries)
- self.parent_mirror_dir = parent_mirror_dir
- def delete(self):
- """Remove the directory represented by this object."""
- del self.parent_mirror_dir[self.cvs_path]
-class _CurrentMirrorReadOnlySubdirectory(
- CurrentMirrorSubdirectory, _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin
- ):
- """Represent a subdirectory in the mirror's current version."""
- def _make_writable(self):
- self.__class__ = _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory
- # Create a new ID:
- self.id = self.repo._key_generator.gen_id()
- self.repo._new_nodes[self.id] = self
- self.parent_mirror_dir._set_entry(self.cvs_path, self)
- self._entries = self._entries.copy()
-class _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory(
- CurrentMirrorSubdirectory, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin
- ):
- pass
-class LODHistory(object):
- """The history of root nodes for a line of development.
- Members:
- _mirror -- (RepositoryMirror) the RepositoryMirror that manages
- this LODHistory.
- lod -- (LineOfDevelopment) the LOD described by this LODHistory.
- revnums -- (list of int) the revision numbers in which the id
- changed, in numerical order.
- ids -- (list of (int or None)) the ID of the node describing the
- root of this LOD starting at the corresponding revision
- number, or None if the LOD did not exist in that revision.
- To find the root id for a given revision number, a binary search is
- done within REVNUMS to find the index of the most recent revision at
- the time of REVNUM, then that index is used to read the id out of
- IDS.
- A sentry is written at the zeroth index of both arrays to describe
- the initial situation, namely, that the LOD doesn't exist in
- revision r0."""
- __slots__ = ['_mirror', 'lod', 'revnums', 'ids']
- def __init__(self, mirror, lod):
- self._mirror = mirror
- self.lod = lod
- self.revnums = [0]
- self.ids = [None]
- def get_id(self, revnum):
- """Get the ID of the root path for this LOD in REVNUM.
- Raise KeyError if this LOD didn't exist in REVNUM."""
- index = bisect.bisect_right(self.revnums, revnum) - 1
- id = self.ids[index]
- if id is None:
- raise KeyError()
- return id
- def get_current_id(self):
- """Get the ID of the root path for this LOD in the current revision.
- Raise KeyError if this LOD doesn't currently exist."""
- id = self.ids[-1]
- if id is None:
- raise KeyError()
- return id
- def exists(self):
- """Return True iff LOD exists in the current revision."""
- return self.ids[-1] is not None
- def update(self, revnum, id):
- """Indicate that the root node of this LOD changed to ID at REVNUM.
- REVNUM is a revision number that must be the same as that of the
- previous recorded change (in which case the previous change is
- overwritten) or later (in which the new change is appended).
- ID can be a node ID, or it can be None to indicate that this LOD
- ceased to exist in REVNUM."""
- if revnum < self.revnums[-1]:
- raise KeyError()
- elif revnum == self.revnums[-1]:
- # This is an attempt to overwrite an entry that was already
- # updated during this revision. Don't allow the replacement
- # None -> None or allow one new id to be replaced with another:
- old_id = self.ids[-1]
- if old_id is None and id is None:
- raise InternalError(
- 'ID changed from None -> None for %s, r%d' % (self.lod, revnum,)
- )
- elif (old_id is not None and id is not None
- and old_id in self._mirror._new_nodes):
- raise InternalError(
- 'ID changed from %x -> %x for %s, r%d'
- % (old_id, id, self.lod, revnum,)
- )
- self.ids[-1] = id
- else:
- self.revnums.append(revnum)
- self.ids.append(id)
-class _NodeDatabase(object):
- """A database storing all of the directory nodes.
- The nodes are written in groups every time write_new_nodes() is
- called. To the database is written a dictionary {node_id :
- [(cvs_path.id, node_id),...]}, where the keys are the node_ids of
- the new nodes. When a node is read, its whole group is read and
- cached under the assumption that the other nodes in the group are
- likely to be needed soon. The cache is retained across revisions
- and cleared when _cache_max_size is exceeded.
- The dictionaries for nodes that have been read from the database
- during the current revision are cached by node_id in the _cache
- member variable. The corresponding dictionaries are *not* copied
- when read. To avoid cross-talk between distinct MirrorDirectory
- instances that have the same node_id, users of these dictionaries
- have to copy them before modification."""
- # How many entries should be allowed in the cache for each
- # CVSDirectory in the repository. (This number is very roughly the
- # number of complete lines of development that can be stored in the
- # cache at one time.)
- # But the cache will never be limited to less than this number:
- def __init__(self):
- self.cvs_file_db = Ctx()._cvs_file_db
- self.db = IndexedDatabase(
- artifact_manager.get_temp_file(config.MIRROR_NODES_STORE),
- artifact_manager.get_temp_file(config.MIRROR_NODES_INDEX_TABLE),
- DB_OPEN_NEW, serializer=MarshalSerializer(),
- )
- # A list of the maximum node_id stored by each call to
- # write_new_nodes():
- self._max_node_ids = [0]
- # A map {node_id : {cvs_path : node_id}}:
- self._cache = {}
- # The number of directories in the repository:
- num_dirs = len([
- cvs_path
- for cvs_path in self.cvs_file_db.itervalues()
- if isinstance(cvs_path, CVSDirectory)
- ])
- self._cache_max_size = max(
- int(self.CACHE_SIZE_MULTIPLIER * num_dirs),
- )
- def _load(self, items):
- retval = {}
- for (id, value) in items:
- retval[self.cvs_file_db.get_file(id)] = value
- return retval
- def _dump(self, node):
- return [
- (cvs_path.id, value)
- for (cvs_path, value) in node.iteritems()
- ]
- def _determine_index(self, id):
- """Return the index of the record holding the node with ID."""
- return bisect.bisect_left(self._max_node_ids, id)
- def __getitem__(self, id):
- try:
- items = self._cache[id]
- except KeyError:
- index = self._determine_index(id)
- for (node_id, items) in self.db[index].items():
- self._cache[node_id] = self._load(items)
- items = self._cache[id]
- return items
- def write_new_nodes(self, nodes):
- """Write NODES to the database.
- NODES is an iterable of writable CurrentMirrorDirectory instances."""
- if len(self._cache) > self._cache_max_size:
- # The size of the cache has exceeded the threshold. Discard the
- # old cache values (but still store the new nodes into the
- # cache):
- Log().debug('Clearing node cache')
- self._cache.clear()
- data = {}
- max_node_id = 0
- for node in nodes:
- max_node_id = max(max_node_id, node.id)
- data[node.id] = self._dump(node._entries)
- self._cache[node.id] = node._entries
- self.db[len(self._max_node_ids)] = data
- if max_node_id == 0:
- # Rewrite last value:
- self._max_node_ids.append(self._max_node_ids[-1])
- else:
- self._max_node_ids.append(max_node_id)
- def close(self):
- self._cache.clear()
- self.db.close()
- self.db = None
-class RepositoryMirror:
- """Mirror a repository and its history.
- Mirror a repository as it is constructed, one revision at a time.
- For each LineOfDevelopment we store a skeleton of the directory
- structure within that LOD for each revnum in which it changed.
- For each LOD that has been seen so far, an LODHistory instance is
- stored in self._lod_histories. An LODHistory keeps track of each
- revnum in which files were added to or deleted from that LOD, as
- well as the node id of the root of the node tree describing the LOD
- contents at that revision.
- The LOD trees themselves are stored in the _node_db database, which
- maps node ids to nodes. A node is a map from CVSPath to ids of the
- corresponding subnodes. The _node_db is stored on disk and each
- access is expensive.
- The _node_db database only holds the nodes for old revisions. The
- revision that is being constructed is kept in memory in the
- _new_nodes map, which is cheap to access.
- You must invoke start_commit() before each commit and end_commit()
- afterwards."""
- def register_artifacts(self, which_pass):
- """Register the artifacts that will be needed for this object."""
- artifact_manager.register_temp_file(
- config.MIRROR_NODES_INDEX_TABLE, which_pass
- )
- artifact_manager.register_temp_file(
- config.MIRROR_NODES_STORE, which_pass
- )
- def open(self):
- """Set up the RepositoryMirror and prepare it for commits."""
- self._key_generator = KeyGenerator()
- # A map from LOD to LODHistory instance for all LODs that have
- # been referenced so far:
- self._lod_histories = {}
- # This corresponds to the 'nodes' table in a Subversion fs. (We
- # don't need a 'representations' or 'strings' table because we
- # only track file existence, not file contents.)
- self._node_db = _NodeDatabase()
- # Start at revision 0 without a root node.
- self._youngest = 0
- def start_commit(self, revnum):
- """Start a new commit."""
- assert revnum > self._youngest
- self._youngest = revnum
- # A map {node_id : _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin}.
- self._new_nodes = {}
- def end_commit(self):
- """Called at the end of each commit.
- This method copies the newly created nodes to the on-disk nodes
- db."""
- # Copy the new nodes to the _node_db
- self._node_db.write_new_nodes([
- node
- for node in self._new_nodes.values()
- if not isinstance(node, DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory)
- ])
- del self._new_nodes
- def _get_lod_history(self, lod):
- """Return the LODHistory instance describing LOD.
- Create a new (empty) LODHistory if it doesn't yet exist."""
- try:
- return self._lod_histories[lod]
- except KeyError:
- lod_history = LODHistory(self, lod)
- self._lod_histories[lod] = lod_history
- return lod_history
- def get_old_lod_directory(self, lod, revnum):
- """Return the directory for the root path of LOD at revision REVNUM.
- Return an instance of MirrorDirectory if the path exists;
- otherwise, raise KeyError."""
- lod_history = self._get_lod_history(lod)
- id = lod_history.get_id(revnum)
- return OldMirrorDirectory(self, id, self._node_db[id])
- def get_old_path(self, cvs_path, lod, revnum):
- """Return the node for CVS_PATH from LOD at REVNUM.
- If CVS_PATH is a CVSDirectory, then return an instance of
- OldMirrorDirectory. If CVS_PATH is a CVSFile, return None.
- If CVS_PATH does not exist in the specified LOD and REVNUM, raise
- KeyError."""
- node = self.get_old_lod_directory(lod, revnum)
- for sub_path in cvs_path.get_ancestry()[1:]:
- node = node[sub_path]
- return node
- def get_current_lod_directory(self, lod):
- """Return the directory for the root path of LOD in the current revision.
- Return an instance of CurrentMirrorDirectory. Raise KeyError if
- the path doesn't already exist."""
- lod_history = self._get_lod_history(lod)
- id = lod_history.get_current_id()
- try:
- return self._new_nodes[id]
- except KeyError:
- return _CurrentMirrorReadOnlyLODDirectory(
- self, id, lod, self._node_db[id]
- )
- def get_current_path(self, cvs_path, lod):
- """Return the node for CVS_PATH from LOD in the current revision.
- If CVS_PATH is a CVSDirectory, then return an instance of
- CurrentMirrorDirectory. If CVS_PATH is a CVSFile, return None.
- If CVS_PATH does not exist in the current revision of the
- specified LOD, raise KeyError."""
- node = self.get_current_lod_directory(lod)
- for sub_path in cvs_path.get_ancestry()[1:]:
- node = node[sub_path]
- return node
- def add_lod(self, lod):
- """Create a new LOD in this repository.
- Return the CurrentMirrorDirectory that was created. If the LOD
- already exists, raise LODExistsError."""
- lod_history = self._get_lod_history(lod)
- if lod_history.exists():
- raise LODExistsError(
- 'Attempt to create %s in repository mirror when it already exists.'
- % (lod,)
- )
- new_node = _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory(
- self, self._key_generator.gen_id(), lod, {}
- )
- lod_history.update(self._youngest, new_node.id)
- self._new_nodes[new_node.id] = new_node
- return new_node
- def copy_lod(self, src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum):
- """Copy all of SRC_LOD at SRC_REVNUM to DST_LOD.
- In the youngest revision of the repository, the destination LOD
- *must not* already exist.
- Return the new node at DEST_LOD, as a CurrentMirrorDirectory."""
- # Get the node of our src_path
- src_node = self.get_old_lod_directory(src_lod, src_revnum)
- dest_lod_history = self._get_lod_history(dest_lod)
- if dest_lod_history.exists():
- raise LODExistsError(
- 'Attempt to copy to %s in repository mirror when it already exists.'
- % (dest_lod,)
- )
- dest_lod_history.update(self._youngest, src_node.id)
- # Return src_node, except packaged up as a CurrentMirrorDirectory:
- return self.get_current_lod_directory(dest_lod)
- def close(self):
- """Free resources and close databases."""
- self._lod_histories = None
- self._node_db.close()
- self._node_db = None