'', 'formhash' => '', 'autoresize' => true, 'height' => '500', 'header' => 'show', ), $atts ); // Check username and formhash to ensure they only have alphanumeric characters or underscores, and aren't empty. if ( ! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/', $attr['username'] ) || ! preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/', $attr['formhash'] ) ) { /** * Return an error to the users with instructions if one of these params is invalid * They don't have default values because they are user/form-specific */ $return_error = sprintf( __( 'Something is wrong with your Wufoo shortcode. If you copy and paste it from the %1$sWufoo Code Manager%2$s, you should be golden.', 'jetpack' ), '', '' ); return '

Uh oh!

' . $return_error . '

'; } /** * Placeholder which will tell Wufoo where to render the form. */ $js_embed_placeholder = '
'; /** * Required parameters are present. * An error will be returned inside the form if they are invalid. */ $js_embed = '(function(){try{var wufoo_' . $attr['formhash'] . ' = new WufooForm();'; $js_embed .= 'wufoo_' . $attr['formhash'] . '.initialize({'; $js_embed .= "'userName':'" . $attr['username'] . "', "; $js_embed .= "'formHash':'" . $attr['formhash'] . "', "; $js_embed .= "'autoResize':" . (bool) ( $attr['autoresize'] ) . ','; $js_embed .= "'height':'" . (int) $attr['height'] . "',"; $js_embed .= "'header':'" . esc_js( $attr['header'] ) . "',"; $js_embed .= "'ssl':true,'async':true});"; $js_embed .= 'wufoo_' . $attr['formhash'] . '.display();'; $js_embed .= '}catch(e){}})();'; /** * iframe embed, loaded inside