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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/class-import.php')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/class-import.php b/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/class-import.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99afd74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/class-import.php
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * Import sync module.
+ *
+ * @package automattic/jetpack-sync
+ */
+namespace Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Modules;
+use Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Settings;
+ * Class to handle sync for imports.
+ */
+class Import extends Module {
+ /**
+ * Tracks which actions have already been synced for the import
+ * to prevent the same event from being triggered a second time.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $synced_actions = array();
+ /**
+ * A mapping of action types to sync action name.
+ * Keys are the name of the import action.
+ * Values are the resulting sync action.
+ *
+ * Note: import_done and import_end both intentionally map to
+ * jetpack_sync_import_end, as they both track the same type of action,
+ * the successful completion of an import. Different import plugins use
+ * differently named actions, and this is an attempt to consolidate.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private static $import_sync_action_map = array(
+ 'import_start' => 'jetpack_sync_import_start',
+ 'import_done' => 'jetpack_sync_import_end',
+ 'import_end' => 'jetpack_sync_import_end',
+ );
+ /**
+ * Sync module name.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function name() {
+ return 'import';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize imports action listeners.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ *
+ * @param callable $callable Action handler callable.
+ */
+ public function init_listeners( $callable ) {
+ add_action( 'export_wp', $callable );
+ add_action( 'jetpack_sync_import_start', $callable, 10, 2 );
+ add_action( 'jetpack_sync_import_end', $callable, 10, 2 );
+ // WordPress.
+ add_action( 'import_start', array( $this, 'sync_import_action' ) );
+ // Movable type, RSS, Livejournal.
+ add_action( 'import_done', array( $this, 'sync_import_action' ) );
+ // WordPress, Blogger, Livejournal, woo tax rate.
+ add_action( 'import_end', array( $this, 'sync_import_action' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set module defaults.
+ * Define an empty list of synced actions for us to fill later.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ */
+ public function set_defaults() {
+ $this->synced_actions = array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generic handler for import actions.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ *
+ * @param string $importer Either a string reported by the importer, the class name of the importer, or 'unknown'.
+ */
+ public function sync_import_action( $importer ) {
+ $import_action = current_filter();
+ // Map action to event name.
+ $sync_action = self::$import_sync_action_map[ $import_action ];
+ // Only sync each action once per import.
+ if ( array_key_exists( $sync_action, $this->synced_actions ) && $this->synced_actions[ $sync_action ] ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Mark this action as synced.
+ $this->synced_actions[ $sync_action ] = true;
+ // Prefer self-reported $importer value.
+ if ( ! $importer ) {
+ // Fall back to inferring by calling class name.
+ $importer = self::get_calling_importer_class();
+ }
+ // Get $importer from known_importers.
+ $known_importers = Settings::get_setting( 'known_importers' );
+ if ( isset( $known_importers[ $importer ] ) ) {
+ $importer = $known_importers[ $importer ];
+ }
+ $importer_name = $this->get_importer_name( $importer );
+ switch ( $sync_action ) {
+ case 'jetpack_sync_import_start':
+ /**
+ * Used for syncing the start of an import
+ *
+ * @since 7.3.0
+ *
+ * @module sync
+ *
+ * @param string $importer Either a string reported by the importer, the class name of the importer, or 'unknown'.
+ * @param string $importer_name The name reported by the importer, or 'Unknown Importer'.
+ */
+ do_action( 'jetpack_sync_import_start', $importer, $importer_name );
+ break;
+ case 'jetpack_sync_import_end':
+ /**
+ * Used for syncing the end of an import
+ *
+ * @since 7.3.0
+ *
+ * @module sync
+ *
+ * @param string $importer Either a string reported by the importer, the class name of the importer, or 'unknown'.
+ * @param string $importer_name The name reported by the importer, or 'Unknown Importer'.
+ */
+ do_action( 'jetpack_sync_import_end', $importer, $importer_name );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the name of the importer.
+ *
+ * @access private
+ *
+ * @param string $importer Either a string reported by the importer, the class name of the importer, or 'unknown'.
+ * @return string Name of the importer, or "Unknown Importer" if importer is unknown.
+ */
+ private function get_importer_name( $importer ) {
+ $importers = get_importers();
+ return isset( $importers[ $importer ] ) ? $importers[ $importer ][0] : 'Unknown Importer';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the class that extends `WP_Importer` which is responsible for
+ * the current action. Designed to be used within an action handler.
+ *
+ * @access private
+ * @static
+ *
+ * @return string The name of the calling class, or 'unknown'.
+ */
+ private static function get_calling_importer_class() {
+ // If WP_Importer doesn't exist, neither will any importer that extends it.
+ if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Importer', false ) ) {
+ return 'unknown';
+ }
+ $action = current_filter();
+ $backtrace = debug_backtrace( false ); //phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.NewFunctionParameters.debug_backtrace_optionsFound,WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_debug_backtrace
+ $do_action_pos = -1;
+ $backtrace_len = count( $backtrace );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $backtrace_len; $i++ ) {
+ // Find the location in the stack of the calling action.
+ if ( 'do_action' === $backtrace[ $i ]['function'] && $action === $backtrace[ $i ]['args'][0] ) {
+ $do_action_pos = $i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the action wasn't called, the calling class is unknown.
+ if ( -1 === $do_action_pos ) {
+ return 'unknown';
+ }
+ // Continue iterating the stack looking for a caller that extends WP_Importer.
+ for ( $i = $do_action_pos + 1; $i < $backtrace_len; $i++ ) {
+ // If there is no class on the trace, continue.
+ if ( ! isset( $backtrace[ $i ]['class'] ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $class_name = $backtrace[ $i ]['class'];
+ // Check if the class extends WP_Importer.
+ if ( class_exists( $class_name, false ) ) {
+ $parents = class_parents( $class_name, false );
+ if ( $parents && in_array( 'WP_Importer', $parents, true ) ) {
+ return $class_name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we've exhausted the stack without a match, the calling class is unknown.
+ return 'unknown';
+ }