diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/widget-visibility/widget-conditions/widget-conditions.js')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/widget-visibility/widget-conditions/widget-conditions.js b/plugins/jetpack/modules/widget-visibility/widget-conditions/widget-conditions.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2feca3f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/widget-visibility/widget-conditions/widget-conditions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+/* jshint onevar: false, smarttabs: true */
+/* global isRtl */
+/* global widget_conditions_parent_pages */
+/* global widget_conditions_data */
+/* global jQuery */
+jQuery( function( $ ) {
+ var widgets_shell = $( 'div#widgets-right' );
+ if ( ! widgets_shell.length || ! $( widgets_shell ).find( '.widget-control-actions' ).length ) {
+ widgets_shell = $( 'form#customize-controls' );
+ }
+ function setWidgetMargin( $widget ) {
+ var currentWidth, extra;
+ if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'wp-customizer' ) ) {
+ // set the inside widget 2 top this way we can see the widget settings
+ $widget.find( '.widget-inside' ).css( 'top', 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $widget.hasClass( 'expanded' ) ) {
+ // The expanded widget must be at least 400px wide in order to
+ // contain the visibility settings. IE wasn't handling the
+ // margin-left value properly.
+ if ( $widget.attr( 'style' ) ) {
+ $ 'original-style', $widget.attr( 'style' ) );
+ }
+ currentWidth = $widget.width();
+ if ( currentWidth < 400 ) {
+ extra = 400 - currentWidth;
+ if ( isRtl ) {
+ $widget
+ .css( 'position', 'relative' )
+ .css( 'right', '-' + extra + 'px' )
+ .css( 'width', '400px' );
+ } else {
+ $widget
+ .css( 'position', 'relative' )
+ .css( 'left', '-' + extra + 'px' )
+ .css( 'width', '400px' );
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( $ 'original-style' ) ) {
+ // Restore any original inline styles when visibility is toggled off.
+ $widget.attr( 'style', $ 'original-style' ) ).data( 'original-style', null );
+ } else {
+ $widget.removeAttr( 'style' );
+ }
+ }
+ function moveWidgetVisibilityButton( $widget ) {
+ var $displayOptionsButton = $widget.find( 'a.display-options' ).first();
+ $displayOptionsButton.insertBefore( $widget.find( 'input.widget-control-save' ) );
+ // Widgets with no configurable options don't show the Save button's container.
+ $displayOptionsButton
+ .parent()
+ .removeClass( 'widget-control-noform' )
+ .find( '.spinner' )
+ .remove()
+ .css( 'float', 'left' )
+ .prependTo( $displayOptionsButton.parent() );
+ }
+ $( '.widget' ).each( function() {
+ moveWidgetVisibilityButton( $( this ) );
+ } );
+ $( document ).on( 'widget-added', function( e, $widget ) {
+ if ( $widget.find( 'div.widget-control-actions a.display-options' ).length === 0 ) {
+ moveWidgetVisibilityButton( $widget );
+ }
+ } );
+ widgets_shell.on( 'click.widgetconditions', 'a.add-condition', function( e ) {
+ var $condition = $( this ).closest( 'div.condition' ),
+ $conditionClone = $condition
+ .clone()
+ .data( 'rule-major', '' )
+ .data( 'rule-minor', '' )
+ .data( 'has-children', '' )
+ .insertAfter( $condition );
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $conditionClone.find( 'select.conditions-rule-major' ).val( '' );
+ $conditionClone
+ .find( 'select.conditions-rule-minor' )
+ .html( '' )
+ .attr( 'disabled' );
+ $conditionClone
+ .find( 'span.conditions-rule-has-children' )
+ .hide()
+ .find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' )
+ .removeAttr( 'checked' );
+ resetRuleIndexes( $conditionClone.closest( '.conditions' ) );
+ } );
+ widgets_shell.on( 'click.widgetconditions', 'a.display-options', function( e ) {
+ var $displayOptionsButton = $( this ),
+ $widget = $displayOptionsButton.closest( 'div.widget' );
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $widget.find( 'div.widget-conditional' ).toggleClass( 'widget-conditional-hide' );
+ $( this ).toggleClass( 'active' );
+ $widget.toggleClass( 'expanded' );
+ setWidgetMargin( $widget );
+ if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'active' ) ) {
+ $widget.find( 'input[name=widget-conditions-visible]' ).val( '1' );
+ $widget.find( '.condition' ).each( function() {
+ buildMinorConditions( $( this ) );
+ } );
+ } else {
+ $widget.find( 'input[name=widget-conditions-visible]' ).val( '0' );
+ }
+ } );
+ widgets_shell.on( 'click.widgetconditions', 'a.delete-condition', function( e ) {
+ var $condition = $( this ).closest( 'div.condition' );
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if ( $ ':first-child' ) && $ ':last-child' ) ) {
+ $( this )
+ .closest( 'div.widget' )
+ .find( 'a.display-options' )
+ .click();
+ $condition
+ .find( 'select.conditions-rule-major' )
+ .val( '' )
+ .change();
+ } else {
+ $condition.find( 'select.conditions-rule-major' ).change();
+ $condition.detach();
+ }
+ resetRuleIndexes( $condition.closest( '.conditions' ) );
+ } );
+ widgets_shell.on( 'click.widgetconditions', 'div.widget-top', function() {
+ var $widget = $( this ).closest( 'div.widget' ),
+ $displayOptionsButton = $widget.find( 'a.display-options' );
+ if ( $displayOptionsButton.hasClass( 'active' ) ) {
+ $displayOptionsButton.attr( 'opened', 'true' );
+ }
+ if ( $displayOptionsButton.attr( 'opened' ) ) {
+ $displayOptionsButton.removeAttr( 'opened' );
+ $widget.toggleClass( 'expanded' );
+ setWidgetMargin( $widget );
+ }
+ } );
+ widgets_shell.on( 'change.widgetconditions', 'input.conditions-match-all', function() {
+ $( this )
+ .parents( '.widget-conditional' )
+ .toggleClass( 'conjunction' )
+ .toggleClass( 'intersection' );
+ } );
+ $( document ).on( 'change.widgetconditions', 'select.conditions-rule-major', function() {
+ var $conditionsRuleMajor = $( this ),
+ $conditionsRuleMinor = $conditionsRuleMajor.siblings( 'select.conditions-rule-minor:first' ),
+ $conditionsRuleHasChildren = $conditionsRuleMajor.siblings(
+ 'span.conditions-rule-has-children'
+ ),
+ $condition = $conditionsRuleMinor.closest( '.condition' );
+ $ 'rule-minor', '' ).data( 'rule-major', $conditionsRuleMajor.val() );
+ if ( $conditionsRuleMajor.val() ) {
+ buildMinorConditions( $condition );
+ } else {
+ $conditionsRuleMajor
+ .siblings( 'select.conditions-rule-minor' )
+ .attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' )
+ .html( '' );
+ $conditionsRuleHasChildren
+ .hide()
+ .find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' )
+ .removeAttr( 'checked' );
+ }
+ } );
+ $( document ).on( 'change.widgetconditions', 'select.conditions-rule-minor', function() {
+ var $conditionsRuleMinor = $( this ),
+ $conditionsRuleMajor = $conditionsRuleMinor.siblings( 'select.conditions-rule-major' ),
+ $conditionsRuleHasChildren = $conditionsRuleMinor.siblings(
+ 'span.conditions-rule-has-children'
+ ),
+ $condition = $conditionsRuleMinor.closest( '.condition' );
+ $ 'rule-minor', $conditionsRuleMinor.val() );
+ if ( $conditionsRuleMajor.val() === 'page' ) {
+ if ( $conditionsRuleMinor.val() in widget_conditions_parent_pages ) {
+ $;
+ } else {
+ $conditionsRuleHasChildren
+ .hide()
+ .find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' )
+ .removeAttr( 'checked' );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $conditionsRuleHasChildren
+ .hide()
+ .find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' )
+ .removeAttr( 'checked' );
+ }
+ } );
+ $( document ).on( 'widget-updated widget-synced', function( e, widget ) {
+ widget.find( '.condition' ).each( function() {
+ buildMinorConditions( $( this ) );
+ } );
+ } );
+ function buildMinorConditions( condition ) {
+ var minor,
+ hasChildren,
+ majorData,
+ i,
+ j,
+ key,
+ val,
+ _len,
+ _jlen,
+ subkey,
+ subval,
+ optgroup,
+ select = condition.find( '.conditions-rule-minor' ).html( '' ),
+ major = 'rule-major' );
+ // Disable the select, if major rule is empty or if it's a `post_type`.
+ // "Post Type" rule has been removed in Jetpack 4.7, and
+ // because it breaks all other rules we should `return`.
+ if ( ! major || 'post_type' === major ) {
+ select.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
+ return;
+ }
+ minor = 'rule-minor' );
+ hasChildren = 'rule-has-children' );
+ majorData = widget_conditions_data[ major ];
+ for ( i = 0, _len = majorData.length; i < _len; i++ ) {
+ key = majorData[ i ][ 0 ];
+ val = majorData[ i ][ 1 ];
+ if ( typeof val === 'object' ) {
+ optgroup = $( '<optgroup/>' ).attr( 'label', key );
+ for ( j = 0, _jlen = val.length; j < _jlen; j++ ) {
+ subkey = majorData[ i ][ 1 ][ j ][ 0 ];
+ subval = majorData[ i ][ 1 ][ j ][ 1 ];
+ optgroup.append(
+ $( '<option/>' )
+ .val( subkey )
+ .text( decodeEntities( subval.replace( /&nbsp;/g, '\xA0' ) ) )
+ );
+ }
+ select.append( optgroup );
+ } else {
+ select.append(
+ $( '<option/>' )
+ .val( key )
+ .text( decodeEntities( val.replace( /&nbsp;/g, '\xA0' ) ) )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ select.removeAttr( 'disabled' );
+ select.val( minor );
+ if ( 'page' === major && minor in widget_conditions_parent_pages ) {
+ select.siblings( 'span.conditions-rule-has-children' ).show();
+ if ( hasChildren ) {
+ select
+ .siblings( 'span.conditions-rule-has-children' )
+ .find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' )
+ .attr( 'checked', 'checked' );
+ }
+ } else {
+ select
+ .siblings( 'span.conditions-rule-has-children' )
+ .hide()
+ .find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' )
+ .removeAttr( 'checked' );
+ }
+ }
+ function resetRuleIndexes( widget ) {
+ var index = 0;
+ widget
+ .find( 'span.conditions-rule-has-children' )
+ .find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' )
+ .each( function() {
+ $( this ).attr( 'name', 'conditions[page_children][' + index + ']' );
+ index++;
+ } );
+ }
+ function decodeEntities( encodedString ) {
+ var textarea = document.createElement( 'textarea' );
+ textarea.innerHTML = encodedString;
+ return textarea.value;
+ }
+} );