diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/js/editor-view.js')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/js/editor-view.js b/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/js/editor-view.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b62d92f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/js/editor-view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+/* global grunionEditorView, tinyMCE, QTags, wp */
+( function( $, wp, grunionEditorView ) {
+ wp.mce = wp.mce || {};
+ if ( 'undefined' === typeof wp.mce.views ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wp.mce.grunion_wp_view_renderer = {
+ shortcode_string: 'contact-form',
+ template: wp.template( 'grunion-contact-form' ),
+ field_templates: {
+ email: wp.template( 'grunion-field-email' ),
+ telephone: wp.template( 'grunion-field-telephone' ),
+ textarea: wp.template( 'grunion-field-textarea' ),
+ radio: wp.template( 'grunion-field-radio' ),
+ checkbox: wp.template( 'grunion-field-checkbox' ),
+ 'checkbox-multiple': wp.template( 'grunion-field-checkbox-multiple' ),
+ select: wp.template( 'grunion-field-select' ),
+ date: wp.template( 'grunion-field-date' ),
+ text: wp.template( 'grunion-field-text' ),
+ name: wp.template( 'grunion-field-text' ),
+ url: wp.template( 'grunion-field-url' ),
+ },
+ edit_template: wp.template( 'grunion-field-edit' ),
+ editor_inline: wp.template( 'grunion-editor-inline' ),
+ editor_option: wp.template( 'grunion-field-edit-option' ),
+ getContent: function() {
+ var content = this.shortcode.content,
+ index = 0,
+ field,
+ named,
+ body = '';
+ // If it's the legacy `[contact-form /]` syntax, populate default fields.
+ if ( ! content ) {
+ content = grunionEditorView.default_form;
+ }
+ // Render the fields.
+ while ( ( field = 'contact-field', content, index ) ) ) {
+ index = field.index + field.content.length;
+ named = field.shortcode.attrs.named;
+ if ( ! named.type || ! this.field_templates[ named.type ] ) {
+ named.type = 'text';
+ }
+ if ( named.required ) {
+ named.required = grunionEditorView.labels.required_field_text;
+ }
+ if ( named.options && 'string' === typeof named.options ) {
+ named.options = named.options.split( ',' );
+ }
+ body += this.field_templates[ named.type ]( named );
+ }
+ var options = {
+ body: body,
+ submit_button_text: grunionEditorView.labels.submit_button_text,
+ };
+ return this.template( options );
+ },
+ edit: function( data, update_callback ) {
+ var shortcode_data = this.shortcode_string, data ),
+ shortcode = shortcode_data.shortcode,
+ $tinyMCE_document = $( tinyMCE.activeEditor.getDoc() ),
+ $view = $tinyMCE_document.find( '.wpview.wpview-wrap' ).filter( function() {
+ return $( this ).attr( 'data-mce-selected' );
+ } ),
+ $editframe = $( '<iframe scrolling="no" class="inline-edit-contact-form" />' ),
+ index = 0,
+ named,
+ fields = '',
+ field;
+ if ( ! shortcode.content ) {
+ shortcode.content = grunionEditorView.default_form;
+ }
+ // Render the fields.
+ while ( ( field = 'contact-field', shortcode.content, index ) ) ) {
+ index = field.index + field.content.length;
+ named = field.shortcode.attrs.named;
+ if ( named.options && 'string' === typeof named.options ) {
+ named.options = named.options.split( ',' );
+ }
+ fields += this.edit_template( named );
+ }
+ $editframe.on( 'checkheight', function() {
+ var innerDoc = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : this.contentWindow.document;
+ = '10px';
+ = 5 + innerDoc.body.scrollHeight + 'px';
+ tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand( 'wpAutoResize' );
+ } );
+ $editframe.on( 'load', function() {
+ var stylesheet_url =
+ 1 === window.isRtl
+ ? grunionEditorView.inline_editing_style_rtl
+ : grunionEditorView.inline_editing_style,
+ $stylesheet = $( '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + stylesheet_url + '" />' ),
+ $dashicons_css = $(
+ '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + grunionEditorView.dashicons_css_url + '" />'
+ );
+ $stylesheet.on( 'load', function() {
+ $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'body' )
+ .css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ } );
+ $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'head' )
+ .append( $stylesheet )
+ .append( $dashicons_css );
+ $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'body' )
+ .html(
+ wp.mce.grunion_wp_view_renderer.editor_inline( {
+ to:,
+ subject: shortcode.attrs.named.subject,
+ fields: fields,
+ } )
+ )
+ .css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
+ $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'input:first' )
+ .focus();
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ }, 250 );
+ // Add a second timeout for super long forms racing, and to not slow it down for shorter forms unnecessarily.
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ }, 500 );
+ var $editfields = $editframe.contents().find( '.grunion-fields' ),
+ $buttons = $editframe.contents().find( '.grunion-controls' );
+ $editfields.sortable();
+ // Now, add all the listeners!
+ $editfields.on( 'change select', 'select[name=type]', function() {
+ $( this ).closest( '.grunion-field-edit' )[ 0 ].className =
+ 'card is-compact grunion-field-edit grunion-field-' + $( this ).val();
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ } );
+ $editfields.on( 'click', '.delete-option', function( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $( this )
+ .closest( 'li' )
+ .remove();
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ } );
+ $editfields.on( 'click', '.add-option', function( e ) {
+ var $new_option = $( wp.mce.grunion_wp_view_renderer.editor_option() );
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $( this )
+ .closest( 'li' )
+ .before( $new_option );
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ $new_option.find( 'input:first' ).focus();
+ } );
+ $editfields.on( 'click', '.delete-field', function( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $( this )
+ .closest( '.card' )
+ .remove();
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ } );
+ $buttons.find( 'input[name=submit]' ).on( 'click', function() {
+ var new_data = shortcode;
+ new_data.type = 'closed';
+ new_data.attrs = {};
+ new_data.content = '';
+ $editfields.children().each( function() {
+ var field_shortcode = {
+ tag: 'contact-field',
+ type: 'single',
+ attrs: {
+ label: $( this )
+ .find( 'input[name=label]' )
+ .val(),
+ type: $( this )
+ .find( 'select[name=type]' )
+ .val(),
+ },
+ },
+ options = [];
+ if ( $( this ).find( 'input[name=required]:checked' ).length ) {
+ field_shortcode.attrs.required = '1';
+ }
+ $( this )
+ .find( 'input[name=option]' )
+ .each( function() {
+ if ( $( this ).val() ) {
+ options.push( $( this ).val() );
+ }
+ } );
+ if ( options.length ) {
+ field_shortcode.attrs.options = options.join( ',' );
+ }
+ new_data.content += wp.shortcode.string( field_shortcode );
+ } );
+ if (
+ $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'input[name=to]' )
+ .val()
+ ) {
+ = $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'input[name=to]' )
+ .val();
+ }
+ if (
+ $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'input[name=subject]' )
+ .val()
+ ) {
+ new_data.attrs.subject = $editframe
+ .contents()
+ .find( 'input[name=subject]' )
+ .val();
+ }
+ update_callback( wp.shortcode.string( new_data ) );
+ } );
+ $buttons.find( 'input[name=cancel]' ).on( 'click', function() {
+ update_callback( wp.shortcode.string( shortcode ) );
+ } );
+ $buttons.find( 'input[name=add-field]' ).on( 'click', function() {
+ var $new_field = $( wp.mce.grunion_wp_view_renderer.edit_template( {} ) );
+ $editfields.append( $new_field );
+ $editfields.sortable( 'refresh' );
+ $editframe.trigger( 'checkheight' );
+ $new_field.find( 'input:first' ).focus();
+ } );
+ } );
+ $view.html( $editframe );
+ },
+ };
+ wp.mce.views.register( 'contact-form', wp.mce.grunion_wp_view_renderer );
+ // Add the 'text' editor button.
+ QTags.addButton( 'grunion_shortcode', grunionEditorView.labels.quicktags_label, function() {
+ QTags.insertContent( '[contact-form]' + grunionEditorView.default_form + '[/contact-form]' );
+ } );
+ var $wp_content_wrap = $( '#wp-content-wrap' );
+ $( '#insert-jetpack-contact-form' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if ( $wp_content_wrap.hasClass( 'tmce-active' ) ) {
+ tinyMCE.execCommand( 'grunion_add_form' );
+ } else if ( $wp_content_wrap.hasClass( 'html-active' ) ) {
+ QTags.insertContent( '[contact-form]' + grunionEditorView.default_form + '[/contact-form]' );
+ } else {
+ window.console.error( 'Neither TinyMCE nor QuickTags is active. Unable to insert form.' );
+ }
+ } );
+} )( jQuery, wp, grunionEditorView );