diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-backup/src/js/hooks/useConnection.js')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-backup/src/js/hooks/useConnection.js b/plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-backup/src/js/hooks/useConnection.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd7b34a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-backup/src/js/hooks/useConnection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { useState, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
+import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
+import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
+import { ConnectScreenRequiredPlan, CONNECTION_STORE_ID } from '@automattic/jetpack-connection';
+import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import { STORE_ID } from '../store';
+ * Expose the `connectionStatus` state object and `renderConnectScreen()` to show a component used for connection.
+ *
+ * @returns {Array} connectionStatus, renderConnectScreen
+ */
+export default function useConnection() {
+ const APINonce = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getAPINonce(), [] );
+ const APIRoot = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getAPIRoot(), [] );
+ const registrationNonce = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getRegistrationNonce(), [] );
+ const connectionStatus = useSelect(
+ select => select( CONNECTION_STORE_ID ).getConnectionStatus(),
+ []
+ );
+ const [ price, setPrice ] = useState( 0 );
+ const [ priceAfter, setPriceAfter ] = useState( 0 );
+ useEffect( () => {
+ apiFetch( { path: '/jetpack/v4/backup-promoted-product-info' } ).then( res => {
+ setPrice( res.cost / 12 );
+ if ( res.introductory_offer ) {
+ setPriceAfter( res.introductory_offer.cost_per_interval / 12 );
+ } else {
+ setPriceAfter( res.cost / 12 );
+ }
+ } );
+ }, [] );
+ const renderConnectScreen = () => {
+ return (
+ <ConnectScreenRequiredPlan
+ buttonLabel={ __( 'Get Jetpack Backup', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }
+ priceAfter={ priceAfter }
+ priceBefore={ price }
+ pricingIcon="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='32' height='32' fill='none' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='m21.092 15.164.019-1.703v-.039c0-1.975-1.803-3.866-4.4-3.866-2.17 0-3.828 1.351-4.274 2.943l-.426 1.524-1.581-.065a2.92 2.92 0 0 0-.12-.002c-1.586 0-2.977 1.344-2.977 3.133 0 1.787 1.388 3.13 2.973 3.133H22.399c1.194 0 2.267-1.016 2.267-2.4 0-1.235-.865-2.19-1.897-2.368l-1.677-.29Zm-10.58-3.204a4.944 4.944 0 0 0-.201-.004c-2.75 0-4.978 2.298-4.978 5.133s2.229 5.133 4.978 5.133h12.088c2.357 0 4.267-1.97 4.267-4.4 0-2.18-1.538-3.99-3.556-4.339v-.06c0-3.24-2.865-5.867-6.4-5.867-2.983 0-5.49 1.871-6.199 4.404Z' fill='%23000'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"
+ pricingTitle={ __( 'Jetpack Backup', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }
+ title={ __( 'The best real‑time WordPress backups', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }
+ apiRoot={ APIRoot }
+ apiNonce={ APINonce }
+ registrationNonce={ registrationNonce }
+ from="jetpack-backup"
+ redirectUri="admin.php?page=jetpack-backup"
+ >
+ <h3>
+ { __(
+ 'Save every change and get back online quickly with one‑click restores.',
+ 'jetpack-backup-pkg'
+ ) }
+ </h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{ __( 'Automated real-time backups', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li>
+ <li>{ __( 'Easy one-click restores', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li>
+ <li>{ __( 'Complete list of all site changes', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li>
+ <li>{ __( 'Global server infrastructure', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li>
+ <li>{ __( 'Best-in-class support', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</li>
+ </ul>
+ </ConnectScreenRequiredPlan>
+ );
+ };
+ return [ connectionStatus, renderConnectScreen ];