diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/files.txt')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/files.txt b/docs/files.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e3c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/files.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ ******************************
+ * Gentoo Anaconda port *
+ ******************************
+ Description of the tree
+ by wiktor w brodlo <wiktor@brodlo.net>
+Below is a description of every directory and the more important files in the
+source tree.
+/ The files in the main directory are various helpers, and
+| scripts that implement top-level functionality.
++-anaconda This python file is the core Anaconda. It implements the
+| anaconda class which contains the various options that the
+| user can select.
++-dispatch.py The dispatcher controls the order of the screens.
++-gui.py This file controls the GUI installer. It contains a list of
+| the GUI screens that can be displayed.
++-installclass.py This file describes the Install Class. Gentoo only has a
+| single install class, "gentoo_corecd" This file contains a
+| list of screens in the class.
++-command-stubs/ Various utility scripts.
++-docs/ Documentation.
++-gentoo/ Scripts for the Gentoo install class.
+| +-__init__.py Portage interface class.
+| +-const.py Various constants used by the installer.
+| +-livecd.py Helper functions for the LiveDVD install.
+| +-utils.py The main install class file, performs the actual operations on
+| the new system.
++-gptsync/ GPT helper.
++-installclasses/ This directory contains the install classes available for the
+| | installer.
+| +-corecd.py The "gentoo_corecd" install class.
++-iw/ Implements the screens.
++-liveinst/ Starts the installation from a live system (LiveDVD).
++-m4/ autom4te files.
++-pixmaps/ Pixmaps for the installer (banner, icons and such).
++-po/ Translations.
++-scripts/ Various helper scripts.
++-storage/ Storage (HDD etc.) helper scripts.
++-tests/ Anaconda self-tests.
++-ui/ Glade files for the GUI.
++-utils/ Some more helper utilities.