diff options
authorAndré Erdmann <dywi@mailerd.de>2013-07-11 18:26:44 +0200
committerAndré Erdmann <dywi@mailerd.de>2013-07-11 18:26:44 +0200
commit16774bb3da7a2b0073bd4857812b82c38715aa46 (patch)
tree01fadd9af589c6d56b7777e7da6d825334ec4f85 /roverlay/config
parentroverlay/config: update description (diff)
mkconfig, roverlay/config: generate config file
Diffstat (limited to 'roverlay/config')
2 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roverlay/config/defconfig.py b/roverlay/config/defconfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..733a108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roverlay/config/defconfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# R overlay -- config package, data for config file creation
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013 André Erdmann <dywi@mailerd.de>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
+# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+import os.path
+import re
+import textwrap
+from .entryutil import deref_entry_safe, find_config_path
+from . import entrymap
+from . import tree
+RE_WS = re.compile ( '\s+' )
+COMMENT_WRAPPER = textwrap.TextWrapper (
+ initial_indent='# ', subsequent_indent='# ', width=70,
+wrap_comment = lambda a: '\n'.join (
+ COMMENT_WRAPPER.wrap ( RE_WS.sub ( ' ', str ( a ) ) )
+listlike = lambda b: (
+ hasattr ( b, '__iter__' ) and not isinstance ( b, str )
+do_iterate = lambda c: c if listlike ( c ) else ( c, )
+iter_lines = lambda d: map ( str, do_iterate ( d ) )
+wrap_comment_lines = lambda e: '\n'.join (
+ map ( wrap_comment, do_iterate ( e ) )
+class ConfigOptionMissing ( KeyError ):
+ def __init__ ( self, key ):
+ super ( ConfigOptionMissing, self ).__init__ (
+ "{!r} has to be added first".format ( key )
+ )
+class ConfigValueError ( ValueError ):
+ def __init__ ( self, key, value ):
+ super ( ConfigValueError, self ).__init__ (
+ "invalid value {!r} for option {!r}".format ( value, key )
+ )
+class ConfigOption ( object ):
+ def __init__ ( self,
+ name, default=None, required=None, recommended=False, description=None,
+ use_default_desc=True, comment_default=False, append_newline=True,
+ defaults_to=None
+ ):
+ self.name = name
+ self.map_entry = deref_entry_safe ( name )
+ self.default = default
+ self.required = required or (
+ not recommended if required is None else False
+ )
+ self.recommended = recommended
+ self.description = description
+ self.use_default_desc = use_default_desc
+ self.comment_default = comment_default
+ self.append_newline = append_newline
+ self.value = None
+ self.defaults_to = defaults_to
+ # --- end of __init__ (...) ---
+ def gen_str ( self ):
+ entry = self.map_entry[1]
+ if self.value is None:
+ using_default = True
+ self.value = self.default
+ elif self.value == self.default:
+ using_default = True
+ else:
+ using_default = False
+ if using_default and self.comment_default:
+ if self.required:
+ yield wrap_comment ( "{} has to be set".format ( self.name ) )
+ elif self.recommended:
+ yield wrap_comment ( "{} should be set".format ( self.name ) )
+ if self.use_default_desc:
+ desc = entry.get ( 'description' ) or entry.get ( 'desc' )
+ if desc:
+ yield wrap_comment_lines ( desc )
+ if self.description is True:
+ yield wrap_comment ( self.name )
+ elif self.description:
+ yield wrap_comment_lines ( self.description )
+ if self.defaults_to:
+ if self.defaults_to is True:
+ yield '# Defaults to \"{}\".'.format ( self.default )
+ elif listlike ( self.defaults_to ):
+ yield '# Defaults to \"{}\" ({}).'.format ( *self.defaults_to )
+ else:
+ yield '# Defaults to \"{}\".'.format ( self.defaults_to )
+ if self.comment_default and using_default:
+ yield "#{k}=\"{v}\"".format ( k=self.name, v=self.value )
+ else:
+ yield "{k}=\"{v}\"".format ( k=self.name, v=self.value )
+ if self.append_newline:
+ yield EMPTY_STR
+ # --- end of gen_str (...) ---
+ def __str__ ( self ):
+ return '\n'.join ( self.gen_str() )
+def CommentedConfigOption (
+ name, default=None, required=False,
+ use_default_desc=False, append_newline=False, **kw
+ return ConfigOption (
+ name, default=default, comment_default=True, required=required,
+ use_default_desc=use_default_desc, append_newline=append_newline, **kw
+ )
+class RoverlayConfigCreation ( object ):
+ def __init__ ( self,
+ work_root = '~/roverlay',
+ data_root = '/usr/share/roverlay',
+ conf_root = '/etc/roverlay',
+ ):
+ self.work_root = work_root
+ self.data_root = data_root
+ self.conf_root = conf_root
+ self._ctree = tree.ConfigTree()
+ self._cloader = self._ctree.get_loader()
+ self._verify_value = self._cloader._make_and_verify_value
+ self.reset()
+ def get_workdir ( self, p ):
+ return os.path.join ( self.work_root, p ).rstrip ( os.path.sep )
+ def get_datadir ( self, p ):
+ return os.path.join ( self.data_root, p ).rstrip ( os.path.sep )
+ def get_confdir ( self, p ):
+ return os.path.join ( self.conf_root, p ).rstrip ( os.path.sep )
+ def iter_options ( self ):
+ for item in self.config:
+ if isinstance ( item, ConfigOption ):
+ yield item
+ def set_option ( self, key, value ):
+ if key in self._cmap:
+ option = self._cmap [key]
+ if isinstance ( value, str ):
+ if len ( value ) > 2 and value[1] == ',':
+ v = value[0].lower()
+ if v == 'w':
+ svalue = self.get_workdir ( value[2:] )
+ elif v == 'd':
+ svalue = self.get_datadir ( value[2:] )
+ elif v == 'c':
+ svalue = self.get_confdir ( value[2:] )
+ else:
+ svalue = value
+ else:
+ svalue = value
+ elif value:
+ svalue = str ( value )
+ else:
+ svalue = None
+ # -- end if, get value
+ try:
+ converted_value = self._verify_value (
+ option.map_entry[1].get ( 'value_type' ), svalue
+ )
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ raise ConfigValueError ( key, value )
+ if converted_value:
+ option.value = svalue
+ else:
+ raise ConfigValueError ( key, value )
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ConfigOptionMissing ( key )
+ def reset ( self ):
+ workdir = self.get_workdir
+ datadir = self.get_datadir
+ confdir = self.get_confdir
+ self.config = [
+ '# R-overlay.conf',
+ '# This is roverlay\'s main config file',
+ '#',
+ '',
+ '# --- Required Configuration ---',
+ '',
+ ConfigOption ( 'DISTFILES', workdir ( 'distfiles' ) ),
+ ConfigOption ( 'OVERLAY_DIR', workdir ( 'overlay' ) ),
+ ConfigOption ( 'DISTDIR', workdir ( 'distdir' ) ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'LOG_FILE', workdir ( 'log/roverlay.log' ), recommended=True,
+ use_default_desc=False
+ ),
+ ConfigOption ( 'CACHEDIR', workdir ( 'cache' ) ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'PORTDIR', '/usr/portage', use_default_desc=False,
+ description=(
+ "portage directory",
+ " used to scan for valid licenses",
+ ),
+ ),
+ '',
+ '# --- Logging Configuration (optional) ---',
+ '',
+ CommentedConfigOption ( 'LOG_LEVEL', 'WARNING',
+ use_default_desc=True, append_newline=True,
+ ),
+ CommentedConfigOption ( 'LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE', 'INFO' ),
+ CommentedConfigOption ( 'LOG_LEVEL_FILE', 'ERROR' ),
+ '',
+ CommentedConfigOption ( 'LOG_FILE_ROTATE', 'yes',
+ description='this enables per-run log files',
+ append_newline=True, # defaults_to="no",
+ ),
+ CommentedConfigOption ( 'LOG_FILE_ROTATE_COUNT', '5',
+ description='number of backup log files to keep',
+ append_newline=True,
+ ),
+ '',
+ '# --- Other Configuration Options ---',
+ '',
+ # ADDITIONS_DIR: confdir or workdir?
+ ConfigOption ( 'ADDITIONS_DIR', confdir ( 'files' ), ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'USE_EXPAND_RENAME', confdir ( 'files/use_expand.rename' ),
+ comment_default=True, required=False,
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'USE_EXPAND_DESC', confdir ( 'file/use_expand.desc' ),
+ comment_default=True, required=False,
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'SIMPLE_RULES_FILE', confdir ( 'simple-deprules.d' ),
+ use_default_desc=True, recommended=True,
+ description=(
+ 'using the default dependency rule files',
+ 'Can be extended by appending other directories/files'
+ ),
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'PACKAGE_RULES', confdir ( 'package-rules.d' ),
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'EVENT_HOOK', datadir ( 'hooks/mux.sh' ),
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'EVENT_HOOK_RESTRICT', '-* overlay_success',
+ comment_default=True, required=False,
+ defaults_to=( "*", "allow all" ),
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'LICENSE_MAP', confdir ( 'license.map' )
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'OVERLAY_ECLASS', datadir ( 'eclass/R-packages.eclass' ),
+ use_default_desc=False, recommended=True,
+ description=(
+ 'Not required but ebuilds won\'t be functional '
+ 'without the eclass'
+ )
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'OVERLAY_CATEGORY', 'sci-R', defaults_to=True,
+ comment_default=True, required=False, use_default_desc=False,
+ description="default category for created ebuilds",
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'REPO_CONFIG', confdir ( 'repo.list' ),
+ use_default_desc=False,
+ description='using the default repo list'
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'FIELD_DEFINITION', confdir ( 'description_fields.conf' ),
+ use_default_desc=False,
+ description='using the default field definition file',
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'DISTDIR_STRATEGY', 'hardlink symlink',
+ use_default_desc=False,
+ description=(
+ 'using the default distdir strategy',
+ ' try hard links first, then fall back to symbolic ones'
+ ),
+ ),
+ CommentedConfigOption (
+ 'DISTDIR_VERIFY', 'no', use_default_desc=True,
+ description=' usually not needed',
+ append_newline=True,
+ ),
+ CommentedConfigOption (
+ 'DISTMAP_COMPRESSION', 'bzip2', use_default_desc=True,
+ append_newline=True, defaults_to=True,
+ ),
+ CommentedConfigOption (
+ 'DISTMAP_FILE', '', use_default_desc=True, append_newline=True,
+ defaults_to="<CACHEDIR>/distmap.db"
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'NOSYNC', 'yes', required=False, comment_default=True,
+ defaults_to="no",
+ ),
+ ConfigOption (
+ 'MANIFEST_IMPLEMENTATION', "ebuild", required=False,
+ use_default_desc=False, comment_default=True, defaults_to="next",
+ description=(
+ "Manifest file creation",
+ ' Available choices are \'next\' (internal, fast)',
+ ' and \'ebuild\' (using ebuild(1), slow, but failsafe).',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ]
+ self._cmap = {
+ c.name: c for c in self.config if isinstance ( c, ConfigOption )
+ }
+ # --- end of reset (...) ---
+ def __str__ ( self ):
+ return '\n'.join ( map ( str, self.config ) )
diff --git a/roverlay/config/mkconfig.py b/roverlay/config/mkconfig.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c69a969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roverlay/config/mkconfig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# R overlay -- config package, config file creation
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013 André Erdmann <dywi@mailerd.de>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
+# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+import sys
+import os.path
+import argparse
+from .entryutil import deref_entry_safe
+from .defconfig import RoverlayConfigCreation
+def get_parser():
+ def couldbe_fs_file ( value ):
+ if value:
+ f = os.path.abspath ( value )
+ if not os.path.exists ( f ) or os.path.isfile ( f ):
+ return f
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (
+ "{!r} is not a file.".format ( value )
+ )
+ def couldbe_stdout_or_file ( value ):
+ return value if value == "-" else couldbe_fs_file ( value )
+ def dirstr ( value ):
+ if value:
+ if value[0] == '~':
+ return value.rstrip ( os.path.sep )
+ else:
+ return os.path.sep + value.strip ( os.path.sep )
+ else:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (
+ "cannot create dir-string for {!r}".format ( value )
+ )
+ def is_config_opt ( value ):
+ try:
+ k = value.partition ( '=' ) [0]
+ map_entry = deref_entry_safe ( k )
+ except KeyError:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (
+ "no such config option: {!r}".format ( k )
+ )
+ else:
+ return value
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (
+ description='create roverlay config file',
+ add_help=True,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ arg = parser.add_argument
+ arg (
+ 'variables', nargs="*", metavar='<option>=\"<value>\"', type=is_config_opt,
+ help='config variables to set',
+ )
+ arg (
+ '--output', '-O', metavar="<file>",
+ default='-', type=couldbe_stdout_or_file,
+ help='output file/stream for config (use \'-\' for stdout)',
+ )
+ arg (
+ '--work-root', '-W', metavar="<dir>",
+ default="~/roverlay", type=dirstr,
+ help='root directory for variable data (distfiles, overlay,...)',
+ )
+ arg (
+ '--data-root', '-D', metavar="<dir>",
+ default="/usr/share/roverlay", type=dirstr,
+ help='root directory for static data (eclass, hook scripts,...)',
+ )
+ arg (
+ '--conf-root', '-C', metavar="<dir>",
+ default="/etc/roverlay", type=dirstr,
+ help='root directory for config files (dependency rules,...)',
+ )
+ return parser
+# --- end of get_parser (...) ---
+def make_config():
+ parser = get_parser()
+ arg_config = parser.parse_args()
+ conf_creator = RoverlayConfigCreation (
+ work_root=arg_config.work_root, data_root=arg_config.data_root,
+ conf_root=arg_config.conf_root
+ )
+ for kv in arg_config.variables:
+ key, sepa, value = kv.partition ( '=' )
+ if not sepa:
+ raise Exception ( "bad variable given: {!r}".format ( kv ) )
+ else:
+ conf_creator.set_option ( key, value )
+ config_str = str ( conf_creator ).rstrip() + '\n'
+ if arg_config.output == '-':
+ sys.stdout.write ( config_str )
+ else:
+ with open ( arg_config.output, 'wt' ) as FH:
+ FH.write ( config_str )