diff options
authorYu Watanabe <watanabe.yu+github@gmail.com>2018-09-12 12:36:22 +0900
committerYu Watanabe <watanabe.yu+github@gmail.com>2018-09-12 14:17:22 +0900
commitf28255e2d5695b0d060558ff8cbb2b526fc94cc0 (patch)
parentbus-util: make --property= optionally take value (diff)
bash-completion: systemctl: re-implement __filter_units_by_properties()
This also unifies __filter_units_by_property() and __filter_units_by_properties(), and makes completion for 'restart', 'reload' or 'stop' show more candidates.
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/shell-completion/bash/systemctl.in b/shell-completion/bash/systemctl.in
index ba51ae0d3..933bb1844 100644
--- a/shell-completion/bash/systemctl.in
+++ b/shell-completion/bash/systemctl.in
@@ -21,44 +21,34 @@ __contains_word () {
-__filter_units_by_property () {
- local mode=$1 property=$2 value=$3 ; shift 3
- local units=("$@")
- local props i
- IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a props < \
- <(__systemctl $mode show --property "$property" -- "${units[@]}")
- for ((i=0; $i < ${#units[*]}; i++)); do
- if [[ "${props[i]}" = "$property=$value" ]]; then
- echo " ${units[i]}"
- fi
- done
__filter_units_by_properties () {
- local mode=$1 properties=$2 values=$3 ; shift 3
+ local mode=$1 properties=$2; shift 2
local units=("$@")
- local props i j conditions=()
- IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a props < \
- <(__systemctl $mode show --property "$properties" -- "${units[@]}")
- IFS=$',' read -r -a properties < <(echo $properties)
- IFS=$',' read -r -a values < <(echo $values)
- for ((i=0; i < ${#properties[*]}; i++)); do
- for ((j=0; j < ${#properties[*]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${props[i]%%=*} == ${properties[j]} ]]; then
- conditions+=( "${properties[j]}=${values[j]}" )
+ local props i p n
+ local names= count=0
+ IFS=$',' read -r -a p < <(echo "Names,$properties")
+ n=${#p[*]}
+ readarray -t props < \
+ <(__systemctl $mode show --property "Names,$properties" -- "${units[@]}")
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#props[*]}; i++)); do
+ if [[ -z ${props[i]} ]]; then
+ if (( count == n )) && [[ -n $names ]]; then
+ echo $names
- done
- done
- for ((i=0; i < ${#units[*]}; i++)); do
- for ((j=0; j < ${#conditions[*]}; j++)); do
- if [[ "${props[i * ${#conditions[*]} + j]}" != "${conditions[j]}" ]]; then
- break
+ names=
+ count=0
+ else
+ (( count++ ))
+ if [[ ${props[i]%%=*} == 'Names' ]]; then
+ names=${props[i]#*=}
- done
- if (( j == ${#conditions[*]} )); then
- echo " ${units[i]}"
+ if (( count == n )) && [[ -n $names ]]; then
+ echo $names
+ fi
__get_all_units () { { __systemctl $1 list-unit-files "$2*"; __systemctl $1 list-units --all "$2*"; } \
@@ -67,26 +57,47 @@ __get_non_template_units() { { __systemctl $1 list-unit-files "$2*"; __systemctl
| { while read -r a b; do [[ $a =~ @\. ]] || echo " $a"; done; }; }
__get_template_names () { __systemctl $1 list-unit-files "$2*" \
| { while read -r a b; do [[ $a =~ @\. ]] && echo " ${a%%@.*}@"; done; }; }
__get_active_units () { __systemctl $1 list-units "$2*" \
| { while read -r a b; do echo " $a"; done; }; }
+__get_not_masked_unit_files() {
+ # filter out masked, not-found, or template units.
+ __systemctl $1 list-unit-files --state enabled,enabled-runtime,linked,linked-runtime,static,indirect,disabled,generated,transient "$2*" | \
+ { while read -r a b; do [[ $a =~ @\. ]] || echo " $a"; done; }
__get_startable_units () {
- # find startable inactive units
- __filter_units_by_properties $1 ActiveState,CanStart inactive,yes $(
- { __systemctl $1 list-unit-files --state enabled,enabled-runtime,linked,linked-runtime,static,indirect,disabled,generated,transient "$2*" | \
- { while read -r a b; do [[ $a =~ @\. ]] || echo " $a"; done; }
- __systemctl $1 list-units --state inactive,failed "$2*" | \
+ __filter_units_by_properties $1 ActiveState=inactive,CanStart=yes $(
+ { __get_not_masked_unit_files $1 $2
+ # get inactive template units
+ __systemctl $1 list-units --state inactive,failed "$2*" | \
{ while read -r a b c; do [[ $b == "loaded" ]] && echo " $a"; done; }
- } | sort -u )
+ } | sort -u )
__get_restartable_units () {
# filter out masked and not-found
- __filter_units_by_property $1 CanStart yes $(
- __systemctl $1 list-unit-files --state enabled,disabled,static "$2*" | \
- { while read -r a b; do [[ $a =~ @\. ]] || echo " $a"; done; }
- __systemctl $1 list-units "$2*" | \
- { while read -r a b; do echo " $a"; done; } )
+ __filter_units_by_properties $1 CanStart=yes $(
+ { __get_not_masked_unit_files $1 $2
+ __get_active_units $1 $2
+ } | sort -u )
+__get_stoppable_units () {
+ # filter out masked and not-found
+ __filter_units_by_properties $1 ActiveState=active,CanStop=yes $(
+ { __get_not_masked_unit_files $1 $2
+ __get_active_units $1 $2
+ } | sort -u )
+__get_reloadable_units () {
+ # filter out masked and not-found
+ __filter_units_by_properties $1 ActiveState=active,CanReload=yes $(
+ { __get_not_masked_unit_files $1 $2
+ __get_active_units $1 $2
+ } | sort -u )
__get_failed_units () { __systemctl $1 list-units "$2*" \
| { while read -r a b c d; do [[ $c == "failed" ]] && echo " $a"; done; }; }
__get_enabled_units () { __systemctl $1 list-unit-files "$2*" \
@@ -243,17 +254,15 @@ _systemctl () {
compopt -o filenames
elif __contains_word "$verb" ${VERBS[STOPPABLE_UNITS]}; then
- comps=$( __filter_units_by_property $mode CanStop yes \
- $( __get_active_units $mode "$cur" ) )
+ comps=$( __get_stoppable_units $mode "$cur" )
compopt -o filenames
elif __contains_word "$verb" ${VERBS[RELOADABLE_UNITS]}; then
- comps=$( __filter_units_by_property $mode CanReload yes \
- $( __get_active_units $mode "$cur" ) )
+ comps=$( __get_reloadable_units $mode "$cur" )
compopt -o filenames
elif __contains_word "$verb" ${VERBS[ISOLATABLE_UNITS]}; then
- comps=$( __filter_units_by_property $mode AllowIsolate yes \
+ comps=$( __filter_units_by_properties $mode AllowIsolate=yes \
$( __get_all_units $mode "$cur" ) )
compopt -o filenames