diff options
authorSitaram Chamarty <sitaram@atc.tcs.com>2014-08-02 06:11:22 +0530
committerSitaram Chamarty <sitaram@atc.tcs.com>2014-08-02 06:50:55 +0530
commit8f4a899e57a207628969049a4cc19ebec2c55bd1 (patch)
treeb558c4fd573499f47720d59ce8c6ee203b65f141 /contrib
parentexpand-deny-messages learns to print more info for VREFs (diff)
mirroring to arbitrary external servers using arbitrary commands
(This was started off by someone on irc wanting to backup his repos to s3 using jgit.)
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/triggers/file_mirror b/contrib/triggers/file_mirror
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3d083b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/triggers/file_mirror
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Use an external (non-gitolite) mirror to backup gitolite repos. They will
+# be automatically kept uptodate as people push to your gitolite server. If
+# your server should die and you create a new one, you can quickly and easily
+# get everything back from the external mirror with a few simple commands.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
+use Gitolite::Easy;
+my ( $trigger, $repo, $dummy, $op ) = @ARGV;
+exit 0 unless $trigger eq 'POST_GIT' or $trigger eq 'POST_CREATE';
+exit 0 if $trigger eq 'POST_GIT' and $op ne 'W';
+chdir("$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git") or _die "chdir failed: $!\n";
+my %config = config( $repo, "gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extslave" );
+for my $slave ( values %config ) {
+ _do($slave);
+ # processing one slave is sufficient for restoring!
+ last if $trigger eq 'POST_CREATE';
+# in shell, that would be something like:
+# gitolite git-config -r $repo gitolite-options\\.mirror\\.extslave | cut -f3 | while read slave
+# do
+# ...
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub _do {
+ my $url = shift;
+ if ( $trigger eq 'POST_CREATE' ) {
+ # brand new repo just created; needs to be populated from mirror
+ # For your urls you will need a way to somehow query the server and
+ # ask if the repo is present; it's upto you how you do it.
+ my $path = $url;
+ $path =~ s(^file://)();
+ return unless -d $path;
+ # now fetch. Maybe we can put a "-q" in there?
+ system( "git", "fetch", $url, "+refs/*:refs/*" );
+ } elsif ( $trigger eq 'POST_GIT' ) {
+ # someone just pushed; we need to update our mirrors
+ # need to create the repo on the mirror. Again, it's upto you how you
+ # make sure there's a repo on the mirror that can receive the push.
+ make_repo($url); # in case it doesn't already exist
+ # now push
+ system( "git", "push", "--mirror", $url );
+ }
+sub make_repo {
+ my $url = shift;
+ # in this example, the URL is 'file:///...'; for other urls, presumably
+ # the url tells you enough about how to *create* a repo.
+ my $path = $url;
+ $path =~ s(^file://)();
+ return if -d $path;
+ system( "git", "init", "--bare", $path );
+1. THIS IS SAMPLE CODE. You will AT LEAST have to customise the _do() and
+ make_repo() functions above based on what your remote URLs are. For
+ example, I don't even know how to create a repo from the command line if
+ your external store is, say, github!
+2. THIS DOES NOT WORK FOR WILD REPOs. It can be made to work, with a few
+ extra steps to backup and restore the "gl-perms" and "gl-creator" files.
+ "Left as an exercise for the reader!"
+This is really just a combination of "upstream" (see src/triggers/upstream)
+and mirroring (gitolite mirroring does allow a slave to be non-gitolite, as
+long as the ssh stuff is done the same way).
+The main difference is that gitolite mirroring expects peers to all talk ssh,
+whereas this method lets you use other protocols. Specifically, since this
+whole thing was started off by someone wanting to put his repos on s3
+(apparently jgit can talk to s3 directly), you can modify the two functions to
+deal with whatever remote server you have.
+This doesn't have to be in perl. Shell equivalent for the only gitolite
+specific code is supplied; the rest of the code is fairly straightforward.
+1. Put this code into your LOCAL_CODE directory under "triggers"; see
+ non-core.html for details.
+2. Add these lines to your rc file, just before the ENABLE line. (I'm
+ assuming a v3.4 or later installation here).
+ POST_CREATE => [ 'file_mirror' ],
+ POST_GIT => [ 'file_mirror' ],
+3. Backup your rc file, since you may have other changes in it that you'll
+ want to preserve.
+4. Do something like this in your gitolite.conf file:
+ repo @all
+ option mirror.extslave-1 = file:///tmp/he1/%GL_REPO.git
+ option mirror.extslave-2 = file:///tmp/he2/%GL_REPO.git
+ As you can see, since this is just for demo/test, we're using a couple of
+ temp directories to serve as our "remotes" using the file:// protocol.
+5. Do a one-time manual sync of all the repos (subsequent syncs happen on
+ each push):
+ gitolite list-phy-repos | xargs -I xx gitolite trigger POST_GIT xx admin W
+ (This is a little trick we're playing on the trigger stuff, but it should
+ work fine. Just make sure that, if you have other things in your POST_GIT
+ trigger list, they're not affected in some way. 'gitolite query-rc
+ POST_GIT' will tell you what else you have.)
+That takes care of the "setup" and "regular backup".
+1. Install gitolite normally. You'll get the usual two repos.
+2. Restore the previously backed up rc file to replace the default one that
+ gitolite created. At the very least, the rc file should have the
+ POST_CREATE and POST_GIT entries.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+3. Clone the admin repo from one of your backup servers to some temp dir. In
+ our example,
+ git clone /tmp/he1/gitolite-admin.git old-ga
+4. 'cd' to that clone and force push to your *new* admin repo:
+ cd old-ga
+ git push -f admin:gitolite-admin
+That's it. As each repo gets created by the admin push, they'll get populated
+by the backed up stuff due to the POST_CREATE trigger.