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authorMichał Górny <>2017-09-14 23:14:39 +0200
committerUlrich Müller <>2017-10-09 12:08:51 +0200
commitc6fe2071a2e83be2203196ad7f9459941821a034 (patch)
treed81e1d9898c05917e05203af9803b581dff0d915 /glep-0033.rst
parentglep-0045: Mark Final since GLEP 1 now uses ISO 8601 dates (diff)
Rename all GLEPs to .rst
Diffstat (limited to 'glep-0033.rst')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/glep-0033.rst b/glep-0033.rst
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--- /dev/null
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+GLEP: 33
+Title: Eclass Restructure/Redesign
+Version: $Revision$
+Last-Modified: $Date$
+Author: Brian Harring <>, John Mylchreest <>
+Status: Deferred
+Type: Standards Track
+Content-Type: text/x-rst
+Created: 29-Jan-2005
+Post-History: 29-Jan-2005 6-Mar-2005 15-Sep-2005 5-Sep-2006
+Approved by the Gentoo Council on 15 September 2005. As of Sept. 2006
+this GLEP is on hold, pending future revisions.
+For any design, the transition from theoretical to applied exposes inadequacies
+in the original design. This document is intended to document, and propose a
+revision of the current eclass setup to address current eclass inadequacies.
+This document proposes several things- the creation of ebuild libraries, 'elibs',
+a narrowing of the focus of eclasses, a move of eclasses w/in the tree, the
+addition of changelogs, and a way to allow for simple eclass gpg signing.
+In general, a large scale restructuring of what eclasses are and how they're
+implemented. Essentially version two of the eclass setup.
+From this point on, the proposed eclass setup will be called 'new eclasses', the
+existing crop (as of this writing) will be referenced as 'old eclasses'. The
+distinction is elaborated on within this document.
+Motivation and Rationale
+Eclasses within the tree currently are a bit of a mess- they're forced to
+maintain backwards compatibility w/ all previous functionality. In effect,
+their api is constant, and can only be added to- never changing the existing
+functionality. This obviously is quite limiting, and leads to cruft accruing in
+eclasses as a eclasses design is refined. This needs to be dealt with prior to
+eclass code reaching a critical mass where they become unmanageable/fragile
+(recent pushes for eclass versioning could be interpreted as proof of this).
+Beyond that, eclasses were originally intended as a method to allow for ebuilds
+to use a pre-existing block of code, rather then having to duplicate the code in
+each ebuild. This is a good thing, but there are ill effects that result from
+the current design. Eclasses inherit other eclasses to get a single function- in
+doing so, modifying the the exported 'template' (default src_compile, default
+src_unpack, various vars, etc). All the eclass designer was after was reusing a
+function, not making their eclass sensitive to changes in the template of the
+eclass it's inheriting. The eclass designer -should- be aware of changes in the
+function they're using, but shouldn't have to worry about their default src_*
+and pkg_* functions being overwritten, let alone the env changes.
+Addressing up front why a collection of eclass refinements are being rolled into
+a single set of changes, parts of this proposal -could- be split into multiple
+phases. Why do it though? It's simpler for developers to know that the first
+eclass specification was this, and that the second specification is that,
+rather then requiring them to be aware of what phase of eclass changes is in
+By rolling all changes into one large change, a line is intentionally drawn in
+the sand. Old eclasses allowed for this, behaved this way. New eclasses allow
+for that, and behave this way. This should reduce misconceptions about what is
+allowed/possible with eclasses, thus reducing bugs that result from said
+A few words on elibs- think of them as a clear definition between behavioral
+functionality of an eclass, and the library functionality. Eclass's modify
+template data, and are the basis for other ebuilds- elibs, however are *just*
+common bash functionality.
+Consider the majority of the portage bin/* scripts- these all are candidates for
+being added to the tree as elibs, as is the bulk of eutils.
+The various parts of this proposal are broken down into a set of changes and
+elaborations on why a proposed change is preferable. It's advisable to the
+reader that this be read serially, rather then jumping around.
+Ebuild Libraries (elibs for short)
+As briefly touched upon in Motivation and Rationale, the original eclass design
+allowed for the eclass to modify the metadata of an ebuild, metadata being the
+DEPENDS, RDEPENDS, SRC_URI, IUSE, etc, vars that are required to be constant,
+and used by portage for dep resolution, fetching, etc. Using the earlier
+example, if you're after a single function from an eclass (say epatch from
+eutils), you -don't- want the metadata modifications the eclass you're
+inheriting might do. You want to treat the eclass you're pulling from as a
+library, pure and simple.
+A new directory named elib should be added to the top level of the tree to serve
+as a repository of ebuild function libraries. Rather then relying on using the
+source command, an 'elib' function should be added to portage to import that
+libraries functionality. The reason for the indirection via the function is
+mostly related to portage internals, but it does serve as an abstraction such
+that (for example) zsh compatibility hacks could be hidden in the elib function.
+Elib's will be collections of bash functions- they're not allowed to do anything
+in the global scope aside from function definition, and any -minimal-
+initialization of the library that is absolutely needed. Additionally, they
+cannot modify any ebuild template functions- src_compile, src_unpack. Since they are
+required to not modify the metadata keys, nor in any way affect the ebuild aside
+from providing functionality, they can be conditionally pulled in. They also
+are allowed to pull in other elibs, but strictly just elibs- no eclasses, just
+other elibs. A real world example would be the eutils eclass.
+Portage, since the elib's don't modify metadata, isn't required to track elibs
+as it tracks eclasses. Thus a change in an elib doesn't result in half the tree
+forced to be regenerated/marked stale when changed (this is more of an infra
+benefit, although regen's that take too long due to eclass changes have been
+known to cause rsync issues due to missing timestamps).
+Elibs will not be available in the global scope of an eclass, or ebuild- nor during the
+depends phase (basically a phase that sources the ebuild, to get its metadata). Elib
+calls in the global scope will be tracked, but the elib will not be loaded till just before
+the setup phase (pkg_setup). There are two reasons for this- first, it ensures elibs are
+completely incapable of modifying metadata. There is no room for confusion, late loading
+of elibs gives you the functionality for all phases, except for depends- depends being the
+only phase that is capable of specifying metadata. Second, as an added bonus, late
+loading reduces the amount of bash sourced for a regen- faster regens. This however is minor,
+and is an ancillary benefit of the first reason.
+There are a few further restrictions with elibs--mainly, elibs to load can only be specified
+in either global scope, or in the setup, unpack, compile, test, and install phases. You can
+not load elibs in prerm, postrm, preinst, and postinst. The reason being, for \*rm phases,
+installed pkgs will have to look to the tree for the elib, which allows for api drift to cause
+breakage. For \*inst phases, same thing, except the culprit is binpkgs.
+There is a final restriction--elibs cannot change their exported api dependent on the api
+(as some eclass do for example). The reason mainly being that elibs are loaded once--not
+multiple times, as eclasses are.
+To clarify, for example this is invalid.
+ if [[ -n ${SOME_VAR} ]]; then
+ func x() { echo "I'm accessible only via tweaking some var";}
+ else
+ func x() { echo "this is invalid, do not do it."; }
+ fi
+Regarding maintainability of elibs, it should be a less of a load then old
+eclasses. One of the major issues with old eclasses is that their functions are
+quite incestuous- they're bound tightly to the env they're defined in. This
+makes eclass functions a bit fragile- the restrictions on what can, and cannot
+be done in elibs will address this, making functionality less fragile (thus a
+bit more maintainable).
+There is no need for backwards compatibility with elibs- they just must work
+against the current tree. Thus elibs can be removed when the tree no longer
+needs them. The reasons for this are explained below.
+Structuring of the elibs directory will be exactly the same as that of the new
+eclass directory (detailed below), sans a different extension.
+As to why there are so many restrictions, the answer is simple- the definition of
+what elibs are, what they are capable of, and how to use them is nailed down as much as
+possible to avoid *any* ambiguity related to them. The intention is to make it clear,
+such that no misconceptions occur, resulting in bugs.
+The reduced role of Eclasses, and a clarification of existing Eclass requirements
+Since elibs are now intended on holding common bash functionality, the focus of
+eclasses should be in defining an appropriate template for ebuilds. For example,
+defining common DEPENDS, RDEPENDS, src_compile functions, src_unpack, etc.
+Additionally, eclasses should pull in any elibs they need for functionality.
+Eclass functionality that isn't directly related to the metadata, or src_* and
+pkg_* funcs should be shifted into elibs to allow for maximal code reuse. This
+however isn't a hard requirement, merely a strongly worded suggestion.
+Previously, it was 'strongly' suggested by developers to avoid having any code
+executed in the global scope that wasn't required. This suggestion is now a
+requirement. Execute only what must be executed in the global scope. Any code
+executed in the global scope that is related to configuring/building the package
+must be placed in pkg_setup. Metadata keys (already a rule, but now stated as
+an absolute requirement to clarify it) *must* be constant. The results of
+metadata keys exported from an ebuild on system A, must be *exactly* the same as
+the keys exported on system B.
+If an eclass (or ebuild for that matter) violates this constant requirement, it
+leads to portage doing the wrong thing for rsync users- for example, wrong deps
+pulled in, leading to compilation failure, or dud deps.
+If the existing metadata isn't flexible enough for what is required for a
+package, the parsing of the metadata is changed to address that. Cases where
+the constant requirement is violated are known, and a select few are allowed-
+these are exceptions to the rule that are required due to inadequacies in
+portage. Any case where it's determined the constant requirement may need to be
+violated the dev must make it aware to the majority of devs, along with the portage
+devs. This should be done prior to committing.
+It's quite likely there is a way to allow what you're attempting- if you just go
+and do it, the rsync users (our user base) suffer the results of compilation
+failures and unneeded deps being pulled in.
+After that stern reminder, back to new eclasses. Defining INHERITED and ECLASS
+within the eclass is no longer required. Portage already handles those vars if
+they aren't defined.
+As with elibs, it's no longer required that backwards compatibility be maintained
+indefinitely- compatibility must be maintained against the current tree, but
+just that. As such new eclasses (the true distinction of new vs old is
+elaborated in the next section) can be removed from the tree once they're no
+longer in use.
+The end of backwards compatibility...
+With current eclasses, once the eclass is in use, its api can no longer be
+changed, nor can the eclass ever be removed from the tree. This is why we still
+have *ancient* eclasses that are completely unused sitting in the tree, for
+example inherit.eclass. The reason for this, not surprisingly, is a portage
+deficiency: on unmerging an installed ebuild, portage used the eclass from the
+current tree.
+For a real world example of this, if you merged a glibc 2 years back, whatever
+eclasses it used must still be compatible, or you may not be able to unmerge the
+older glibc version during an upgrade to a newer version. So either the glibc
+maintainer is left with the option of leaving people using ancient versions out
+in the rain, or maintaining an ever increasing load of backwards compatibility
+cruft in any used eclasses.
+Binpkgs suffer a similar fate. Merging of a binpkg pulls needed eclasses from
+the tree, so you may not be able to even merge a binpkg if the eclasses api has
+changed. If the eclass was removed, you can't even merge the binpkg, period.
+The next major release of portage will address this- the environment that the
+ebuild was built in already contains the eclasses functions, as such the env can
+be re-used rather then relying on the eclass. In other words, binpkgs and
+installed ebuilds will no longer go and pull needed eclasses from the tree,
+they'll use the 'saved' version of the eclass they were built/merged with.
+So the backwards compatibility requirement for users of the next major portage
+version (and beyond) isn't required. All the cruft can be dropped.
+The problem is that there will be users using older versions of portage that don't
+support this functionality- these older installations *cannot* use the
+new eclasses, due to the fact that their portage version is incapable of
+properly relying on the env- in other words, the varying api of the eclass will
+result in user-visible failures during unmerging.
+So we're able to do a clean break of all old eclasses, and api cruft, but we need
+a means to basically disallow access to the new eclasses for all portage versions
+incapable of properly handling the env requirements.
+Unfortunately, we cannot just rely on a different grouping/naming convention within
+the old eclass directory. The new eclasses must be inaccessible, and portage throws
+a snag into this- the existing inherit function that is used to handle existing
+eclasses. Basically, whatever it's passed (inherit kernel or inherit
+kernel/kernel) it will pull in (kernel.eclass, and kernel/kernel.eclass
+respectively). So even if the new eclasses were implemented within a
+subdirectory of the eclass dir in the tree, all current portage versions would
+still be able to access them.
+In other words, these new eclasses would in effect, be old eclasses since older
+portage versions could still access them.
+Tree restructuring
+There are only two way to block the existing (as of this writing) inherit
+functionality from accessing the new eclasses- either change the extension of
+eclasses to something other then 'eclass', or to have them stored in a separate
+subdirectory of the tree then eclass.
+The latter is preferable, and the proposed solution. Reasons are- the current
+eclass directory is already overgrown. Structuring of the new eclass dir
+(clarified below) will allow for easier signing, ChangeLogs, and grouping of
+eclasses. New eclasses allow for something akin to a clean break and have new
+capabilities/requirements, thus it's advisable to start with a clean directory,
+devoid of all cruft from the old eclass implementation.
+If it's unclear as to why the old inherit function *cannot* access the new
+eclasses, please reread the previous section. It's unfortunately a requirement
+to take advantage of all that the next major portage release will allow.
+The proposed directory structure is ${PORTDIR}/include/{eclass,elib}.
+Something like ${PORTDIR}/new-eclass, or ${PORTDIR}/eclass-ng could be used
+(although many would cringe at the -ng), but such a name is unwise. Consider the
+possibility (likely a fact) that new eclasses someday may be found lacking, and
+refined further (version three as it were). Or perhaps we want to add yet more
+functionality with direct relation to sourcing new files, and we would then need
+to further populate ${PORTDIR}.
+The new-eclass directory will be (at least) 2 levels deep- for example:
+ kernel/
+ kernel/linux-info.eclass
+ kernel/linux-mod.eclass
+ kernel/kernel-2.6.eclass
+ kernel/kernel-2.4.eclass
+ kernel/ChangeLog
+ kernel/Manifest
+No eclasses will be allowed in the base directory- grouping of new eclasses will
+be required to help keep things tidy, and for the following reasons. Grouping
+of eclasses allows for the addition of ChangeLogs that are specific to that
+group of eclasses, grouping of files/patches as needed, and allows for
+saner/easier signing of eclasses- you can just stick a signed
+Manifest file w/in that grouping, thus providing the information portage needs
+to ensure no files are missing, and that nothing has been tainted.
+The elib directory will be structured in the same way, for the same reasons.
+Repoman will have to be extended to work within new eclass and elib groups, and
+to handle signing and committing. This is intentional, and a good thing. This
+gives repoman the possibility of doing sanity checks on elibs/new eclasses.
+Note these checks will not prevent developers from doing dumb things with eclass-
+these checks would only be capable of doing basic sanity checks, such as syntax checks.
+There is no way to prevent people from doing dumb things (exempting perhaps repeated
+applications of a cattle prod)- these are strictly automatic checks, akin to repoman's
+dependency checks.
+The start of a different phase of backwards compatibility
+As clarified above, new eclasses will exist in a separate directory that will be
+intentionally inaccessible to the inherit function. As such, users of older
+portage versions *will* have to upgrade to merge any ebuild that uses elibs/new
+eclasses. A depend on the next major portage version would transparently handle
+this for rsync users.
+There still is the issue of users who haven't upgraded to the required portage
+version. This is a minor concern frankly- portage releases include new
+functionality, and bug fixes. If they won't upgrade, it's assumed they have
+their reasons and are big boys, thus able to handle the complications themselves.
+The real issue is broken envs, whether in binpkgs, or for installed packages.
+Two options exist- either the old eclasses are left in the tree indefinitely, or
+they're left for N months, then shifted out of the tree, and into a tarball that
+can be merged.
+Shifting them out of the tree is advisable for several reasons- less cruft in
+the tree, but more importantly the fact that they are not signed (thus an angle
+for attack). Note that the proposed method of eclass signing doesn't even try
+to address them. Frankly, it's not worth the effort supporting two variations
+of eclass signing, when the old eclass setup isn't designed to allow for easy
+If this approach is taken, then either the old eclasses would have to be merged
+to an overlay directory's eclass directory (ugly), or to a safe location that
+portage's inherit function knows to look for (less ugly).
+For users who do not upgrade within the window of N months while the old
+eclasses are in the tree, as stated, it's assumed they know what they are doing.
+If they specifically block the new portage version, as the ebuilds in the tree
+migrate to the new eclasses, they will have less and less ebuilds available to
+them. If they tried injecting the new portage version (lying to portage,
+essentially), portage would bail since it cannot find the new eclass.
+For ebuilds that use the new eclasses, there really isn't any way to sidestep
+the portage version requirement- same as it has been for other portage features.
+What is a bit more annoying is that once the old eclasses are out of the tree,
+if a user has not upgraded to a portage version supporting env processing, they
+will lose the ability to unmerge any installed ebuild that used an old
+eclass. Same cause, different symptom being they will lose the ability to merge
+any tbz2 that uses old eclasses also.
+There is one additional case that is a rarity, but should be noted- if a user
+has suffered significant corruption of their installed package database (vdb). This is
+ignoring the question of whether the vdb is even usable at this point, but the possibility
+exists for the saved envs to be non usable due to either A) missing, or B) corrupted.
+In such a case, even with the new portage capabilities, they would need
+the old eclass compat ebuild.
+Note for this to happen requires either rather... unwise uses of root, or significant
+fs corruption. Regardless of the cause, it's quite likely for this to even become an
+issue, the system's vdb is completely unusable. It's a moot issue at that point.
+If you lose your vdb, or it gets seriously damaged, it's akin to lobotomizing portage-
+it doesn't know what's installed, it doesn't know of its own files, and in general,
+a rebuilding of the system is about the only sane course of action. The missing env is
+truly the least of the users concern in such a case.
+Continuing with the more likely scenario, users unwilling to upgrade portage will
+*not* be left out in the rain. Merging the old eclass compat ebuild will provide
+the missing eclasses, thus providing that lost functionality.
+Note the intention isn't to force them to upgrade, hence the ability to restore the
+lost functionality. The intention is to clean up the existing mess, and allow us
+to move forward. The saying "you've got to break a few eggs to make an omelet"
+is akin, exempting the fact we're providing a way to make the eggs whole again
+(the king's men would've loved such an option).
+Migrating to the new setup
+As has been done in the past whenever a change in the tree results in ebuilds
+requiring a specific version of portage, as ebuilds migrate to the new eclasses,
+they should depend on a version of portage that supports it. From the users
+viewpoint, this transparently handles the migration.
+This isn't so transparent for devs or a particular infrastructure server however.
+Devs, due to them using cvs for their tree, lack the pregenerated cache rsync
+users have. Devs will have to be early adopters of the new portage. Older
+portage versions won't be able to access the new eclasses, thus the local cache
+generation for that ebuild will fail, ergo the depends on a newer portage
+version won't transparently handle it for them.
+Additionally, prior to any ebuilds in the tree using the new eclasses, the
+infrastructure server that generates the cache for rsync users will have to
+either be upgraded to a version of portage supporting new eclasses, or patched.
+The former being much more preferable then the latter for the portage devs.
+Beyond that, an appropriate window for old eclasses to exist in the tree must be
+determined, and prior to that window passing, an ebuild must be added to the tree
+so users can get the old eclasses if needed.
+For eclass devs to migrate from old to new, it is possible for them to just
+transfer the old eclass into an appropriate grouping in the new eclass directory,
+although it's advisable they cleanse all cruft out of the eclass. You can
+migrate ebuilds gradually over to the new eclass, and don't have to worry about
+having to support ebuilds from X years back.
+Essentially, you have a chance to nail the design perfectly/cleanly, and have a
+window in which to redesign it. It's humbly suggested eclass devs take
+advantage of it. :)
+Backwards Compatibility
+All backwards compatibility issues are addressed in line, but a recap is offered-
+it's suggested that if the a particular compatibility issue is
+questioned/worried over, the reader read the relevant section. There should be
+a more in depth discussion of the issue, along with a more extensive explanation
+of the potential solutions, and reasons for the chosen solution.
+To recap:
+ New eclasses and elib functionality will be tied to a specific portage
+ version. A DEPENDs on said portage version should address this for rsync
+ users who refuse to upgrade to a portage version that supports the new
+ eclasses/elibs and will gradually be unable to merge ebuilds that use said
+ functionality. It is their choice to upgrade, as such, the gradual
+ 'thinning' of available ebuilds should they block the portage upgrade is
+ their responsibility.
+ Old eclasses at some point in the future should be removed from the tree,
+ and released in a tarball/ebuild. This will cause installed ebuilds that
+ rely on the old eclass to be unable to unmerge, with the same applying for
+ merging of binpkgs dependent on the following paragraph.
+ The old eclass-compat is only required for users who do not upgrade their
+ portage installation, and one further exemption- if the user has somehow
+ corrupted/destroyed their installed pkgs database (/var/db/pkg currently),
+ in the process, they've lost their saved environments. The eclass-compat
+ ebuild would be required for ebuilds that required older eclasses in such a
+ case. Note, this case is rare also- as clarified above, it's mentioned
+ strictly to be complete, it's not much of a real world scenario as elaborated
+ above.
+This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
+Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit