diff options
authorGustavo Felisberto <>2007-11-17 00:08:33 +0000
committerGustavo Felisberto <>2007-11-17 00:08:33 +0000
commit9a115e5569f5d6de62e22ba6e72028db854f458a (patch)
treeb70e539594afbde7fe89e1df72a5bf01f032f01e /net-im/skype
parentamd64 stable, bug #198880. (diff)
removed older versions
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'net-im/skype')
13 files changed, 7 insertions, 759 deletions
diff --git a/net-im/skype/ChangeLog b/net-im/skype/ChangeLog
index 3245c7666786..e414ba79fd44 100644
--- a/net-im/skype/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-im/skype/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for net-im/skype
# Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/ChangeLog,v 1.83 2007/11/15 20:03:57 leio Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/ChangeLog,v 1.84 2007/11/17 00:08:33 humpback Exp $
+ 17 Nov 2007; Gustavo Felisberto <>
+ -skype-, -skype-,
+ -skype-, -skype-,
+ -skype-, -skype-
+ Removing older versions now that is stable.
15 Nov 2007; Mart Raudsepp <> skype-
amd64 stable, bug 198920
diff --git a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype- b/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index bcb4d5b03bcf..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 58f0d1fd5586c5c3b83ee5ba133deaa7 skype- 7915144
-RMD160 3aab2d168667032d3e0da2c735d99f2f03f9d103 skype- 7915144
-SHA256 373c2bb69da8ba231281d24d61d2c35bdfefa2fb8ca556a9c06120194b470a0d skype- 7915144
-MD5 5b3195993d01ed0d439a28b505665382 skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-RMD160 54f6faeebc6509ebec8418fc27d0b2fbdc383bcf skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-SHA256 de7a9187a99ef7a13bba99c4ad61f6809bbd1e129f6456267b416090e57d71d6 skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-MD5 bc05f6883e8c0350186e1a376940d5c8 skype_staticQT- 10678284
-RMD160 057f858ecd95ad01727d3643a4d18664bff68df7 skype_staticQT- 10678284
-SHA256 fa825ff455b7c6fb53bd4090e7fb99038ce426b4078b4f1dda0307fc4fa216b3 skype_staticQT- 10678284
diff --git a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype- b/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index 77caa46f1076..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MD5 b73a2d828f262a45506d2b95a005a605 skype- 7802660
-RMD160 0f76ee645d1e90d52a4478a4397e90c6473f86b0 skype- 7802660
-SHA256 c70e7ff0add74ceb1b833398eaa07c5699207845f70ebc0a35414af8ff473b12 skype- 7802660
-MD5 5b3195993d01ed0d439a28b505665382 skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-RMD160 54f6faeebc6509ebec8418fc27d0b2fbdc383bcf skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-SHA256 de7a9187a99ef7a13bba99c4ad61f6809bbd1e129f6456267b416090e57d71d6 skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
diff --git a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype- b/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3bdffeb8bc..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 e288e398e4a34a5760ff6321b253ed08 skype- 9871707
-RMD160 d977d263357e94f7587a91e5691488564e7d36eb skype- 9871707
-SHA256 3eb799ce8351697d523da4ef7631ed55bdbe4a69ca1be974ec619a493a0d6ab0 skype- 9871707
-MD5 5b3195993d01ed0d439a28b505665382 skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-RMD160 54f6faeebc6509ebec8418fc27d0b2fbdc383bcf skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-SHA256 de7a9187a99ef7a13bba99c4ad61f6809bbd1e129f6456267b416090e57d71d6 skype-avatars-1.0.tgz 377763
-MD5 9ca128f45c73cd76862260bc6b9f196c skype_staticQT- 15102554
-RMD160 3ae225f3a14b0e50b0ed1370418fafef2c3f719e skype_staticQT- 15102554
-SHA256 338230bd3252180bd0079879823e9a0e5316e073295f93e83fcca88f1ac06833 skype_staticQT- 15102554
diff --git a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype- b/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c8861062ef..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 751c485f35585ab8039fb56d6f9d5146 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-RMD160 e66d772cc6548fce1681febab7fbfa0846c9b910 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-SHA256 066422155ddb13eb6882fcd8d253460edcf4ee3961706ff027be90136aee7d56 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-MD5 4717b9b13e684fd72dd881cb757d285c skype- 17082427
-RMD160 4d551359ca0c62f5dbc20fe18edfcc3ebdd94a0f skype- 17082427
-SHA256 e4174e1b06bb348a0a91ab6374f6d0d6cffe45e73a02203557cc30093afbdc3f skype- 17082427
-MD5 4b4837397c53b11b779a1a05dabeacfa skype- 11228352
-RMD160 4ae86ec11894d977ae45b40cbccdeeb83e699abc skype- 11228352
-SHA256 ae70b6fcf6f02ebdf670512b1ef2542f41cc60a37d02ecec02dc871099a2ceb1 skype- 11228352
diff --git a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype- b/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a7e6defb14d..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 751c485f35585ab8039fb56d6f9d5146 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-RMD160 e66d772cc6548fce1681febab7fbfa0846c9b910 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-SHA256 066422155ddb13eb6882fcd8d253460edcf4ee3961706ff027be90136aee7d56 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-MD5 73d9369e653b30ffc006acb319050ec6 skype- 11792373
-RMD160 1a187cea9765e0133915853ef636ba1668d8990a skype- 11792373
-SHA256 16d1ebd31a890f4bae0aab120e8a8b80ba788df0cfa23dc981501beb9f96a9d1 skype- 11792373
-MD5 0c53dc933260cd33a61a3dcf1c0f6a0d skype_static- 17647422
-RMD160 a79a6b4c78edc1b614f54dd491c4a9243bd6b355 skype_static- 17647422
-SHA256 7534ff037f7c29aad94dcee845d1bb74aa5149fe7df90eef3755025f8aa8bde4 skype_static- 17647422
diff --git a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype- b/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index fcdfaff32fc0..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/files/digest-skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 751c485f35585ab8039fb56d6f9d5146 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-RMD160 e66d772cc6548fce1681febab7fbfa0846c9b910 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-SHA256 066422155ddb13eb6882fcd8d253460edcf4ee3961706ff027be90136aee7d56 libsigc++20-2.0.17-1-from-fc5.rf.i386.tar.gz 7845
-MD5 9f5c92378ec6bb42927c9f21cd535d9a skype- 11789589
-RMD160 0e087b894112bdf399d65d0fb5d69a96e5c39d82 skype- 11789589
-SHA256 7679f9e2fc9182e3f60ec99980f12050e6c0210aaa5ff179739e148941d06b95 skype- 11789589
-MD5 879418eb6a64cd5ff561465a41bb78ab skype_static- 17543204
-RMD160 c329ffb87538744e1fae8ebec5195a7d45fceb85 skype_static- 17543204
-SHA256 bfa236e74b00222360d8e4a83fac7560e6043d264d29911645bcdea8be5fe14c skype_static- 17543204
diff --git a/net-im/skype/skype- b/net-im/skype/skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c78a473bbb..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/skype-,v 1.7 2007/07/12 05:34:47 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit eutils qt3
-#If you want to know when this package will be marked stable please see the Changelog
-DESCRIPTION="${PN} is a P2P-VoiceIP client."
- !static? (${P}.tar.bz2 )
- static? (${PN}_staticQT-${PV}.tar.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-IUSE="static arts esd"
- amd64? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-1.2
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-2.1.1
- app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat
- !static? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs-1.1 ) )
- x86? ( !static? ( $(qt_min_version 3.2) )
- >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2 )"
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.23.4"
-src_unpack() {
- if use static;
- then
- unpack ${PN}_staticQT-${PV}.tar.bz2
- mv ${PN}_staticQT-${PV} ${S}
- else
- unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
- fi
- cd ${P}
- unpack skype-avatars-${AVATARV}.tgz
-src_install() {
- ## Install the wrapper script
- mv skype skype.bin
- cp ${FILESDIR}/sDaemonWrapper-r1 skype
- dodir /opt/${PN}
- exeopts -m0755
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- doexe skype
- doexe skype.bin
- doexe skype-callto-handler
- insinto /opt/${PN}/sound
- doins sound/*.wav
- insinto /opt/${PN}/lang
- doins lang/*.qm
- #Skype still shows ALL languagues no matter what were installed
- #for i in ${LINGUAS}; do
- # if [ -f lang/${PN}_${i}.qm ]; then
- # doins lang/${PN}_${i}.qm
- # fi;
- #done;
- insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d
- doins skype.conf
- insinto /opt/${PN}/avatars
- doins avatars/*.jpg
- insinto /opt/${PN}
- make_desktop_entry skype "Skype VoIP" skype
- for SIZE in 16 32 48
- do
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${SIZE}x${SIZE}/apps
- newins ${S}/icons/${PN}_${SIZE}_32.png ${PN}.png
- done
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype.bin
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype-callto-handler
- dodir /usr/bin/
- dosym /opt/skype/skype /usr/bin/skype
- # Install the Documentation
- # TODO: Optional configuration of callto:// in KDE, Mozilla and friends
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "Have a look at ${PORTDIR}/licenses/${LICENSE} before running this software"
- einfo "If you have sound problems please visit: "
- einfo ""
- if ( use arts );
- then
- ewarn "Dont forget to configure your arts to work in Full-Duplex mode"
- ewarn "Open controlcenter, go to \"Sound & Multimedia\"->\"Sound System\""
- ewarn "On the \"Hardware\" tab, check the box next to \"Full duplex\"."
- fi
- ##I do not know if this is true for this version. But will leave the note here
- ewarn "If you are upgrading and skype does not autologin do a manual login"
- ewarn "you will not lose your contacts."
diff --git a/net-im/skype/skype- b/net-im/skype/skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index d00096cee8c0..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/skype-,v 1.5 2007/07/12 05:34:47 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit eutils qt3 rpm
-#If you want to know when this package will be marked stable please see the Changelog
-RESTRICT="mirror strip"
-DESCRIPTION="${PN} is a P2P-VoiceIP client."
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-IUSE="static arts esd"
- amd64? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-1.2
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-2.1.1
- !static? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs-1.1 ) )
- x86? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2 )"
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.23.4"
-src_unpack() {
- rpm_unpack ${DISTDIR}/${P}-1mdk.i586.rpm
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- unpack skype-avatars-${AVATARV}.tgz
-src_install() {
- ## Install the wrapper script
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- mv ${WORKDIR}/usr/bin/skype skype.bin
- mv ${WORKDIR}/etc/dbus-1/system.d/skype.conf skype.conf
- mv applications/skype.desktop skype.desktop
- mv skype/* .
- mv doc/${P}/README README
- mkdir ${WORKDIR}/temp
- cp pixmaps/skype.png ${WORKDIR}/temp/skype.png
- rm -rf skype
- cp ${FILESDIR}/sDaemonWrapper-r1 skype
- cp ${FILESDIR}/skype-callto-handler skype-callto-handler
- dodir /opt/${PN}
- exeopts -m0755
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- doexe skype
- doexe skype.bin
- doexe skype-callto-handler
- insinto /opt/${PN}/sound
- doins sound/*.wav
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- insinto /opt/${PN}/lang
- doins lang/*.qm
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- #Skype still shows ALL languagues no matter what were installed
- #for i in ${LINGUAS}; do
- # if [ -f lang/${PN}_${i}.qm ]; then
- # doins lang/${PN}_${i}.qm
- # fi;
- #done;
- insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- doins skype.conf
- insinto /opt/${PN}/avatars
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- doins avatars/*.jpg
- insinto /opt/${PN}
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- make_desktop_entry skype "Skype VoIP" skype
- insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
- doins pixmaps/skype.png
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
-# for SIZE in 16 32 48
-# do
-# insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${SIZE}x${SIZE}/apps
-# newins ${WORKDIR}/usr/share/icons/${PN}_${SIZE}_32.png ${PN}.png
-# done
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype.bin
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype-callto-handler
- dodir /usr/bin/
- dosym /opt/skype/skype /usr/bin/skype
- # Install the Documentation
- cd ${WORKDIR}/usr/share
- # TODO: Optional configuration of callto:// in KDE, Mozilla and friends
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "Have a look at ${PORTDIR}/licenses/${LICENSE} before running this software"
- einfo "If you have sound problems please visit: "
- einfo ""
- if ( use arts );
- then
- ewarn "Dont forget to configure your arts to work in Full-Duplex mode"
- ewarn "Open controlcenter, go to \"Sound & Multimedia\"->\"Sound System\""
- ewarn "On the \"Hardware\" tab, check the box next to \"Full duplex\"."
- fi
- ##I do not know if this is true for this version. But will leave the note here
- ewarn "If you are upgrading and skype does not autologin do a manual login"
- ewarn "you will not lose your contacts."
diff --git a/net-im/skype/skype- b/net-im/skype/skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index 578253c4f011..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/skype-,v 1.7 2007/07/12 05:34:47 mr_bones_ Exp $
-inherit eutils qt3
-#If you want to know when this package will be marked stable please see the Changelog
-RESTRICT="mirror strip"
-DESCRIPTION="${PN} is a P2P-VoiceIP client."
- !static? (${MY_PN}-${PV}-generic.tar.bz2 )
- static? (
-${MY_PN}_staticQT-${PV}-generic.tar.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-IUSE="static cjk"
- amd64? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-1.2
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-2.1.1
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-2.4
- app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat
- !static? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs-1.1 ) )
- x86? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2
- >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.11
- virtual/libstdc++
- !static? ( $(qt_min_version 3.2) ) )"
- >=sys-apps/dbus-0.23.4"
-src_unpack() {
- if use static;
- then
- unpack ${MY_PN}_staticQT-${PV}-generic.tar.bz2
- else
- if use cjk;
- then
- ewarn "If you use scim to have Multi-byte character's in QT"
- ewarn "applications you will not be able to input cjk. This is a"
- ewarn "know upstream issue"
- sleep 5
- fi
- unpack ${MY_PN}-${PV}-generic.tar.bz2
- fi
- cd ${P}
- unpack skype-avatars-${AVATARV}.tgz
-src_install() {
- ## Install the wrapper script
- #mv skype skype
- #cp ${FILESDIR}/sDaemonWrapper-r1 skype
- # remove mprotect() restrictions for PaX usage - see Bug 100507
- [[ -x /sbin/chpax ]] && /sbin/chpax -m skype
- dodir /opt/${PN}
- exeopts -m0755
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- doexe skype
- doexe ${FILESDIR}/
- dosym /opt/skype/ /usr/bin/skype
- doexe skype-callto-handler
- insinto /opt/${PN}/sound
- doins sound/*.wav
- insinto /opt/${PN}/lang
- doins lang/*.qm
- #Skype still shows ALL languagues no matter what were installed
- #for i in ${LINGUAS}; do
- # if [ -f lang/${PN}_${i}.qm ]; then
- # doins lang/${PN}_${i}.qm
- # fi;
- #done;
- insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/skype.debus.config skype.conf
- insinto /opt/${PN}/avatars
- doins avatars/*.jpg
- insinto /opt/${PN}
- for SIZE in 16 32 48
- do
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${SIZE}x${SIZE}/apps
- newins ${S}/icons/${PN}_${SIZE}_32.png ${PN}.png
- done
- # The skype icon doesn't show up in gnome for some reason
- # Putting the icon in /usr/share/pixmaps seems to solve it
- insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
- newins ${S}/icons/${PN}_48_32.png ${PN}.png
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype-callto-handler
- insinto /usr/share/applications/
- doins skype.desktop
- dodir /usr/bin/
- # Install the Documentation
- # TODO: Optional configuration of callto:// in KDE, Mozilla and friends
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "If you have sound problems please visit: "
- einfo ""
- einfo "These kernel options are reported to help"
- einfo "Processor type and features --->"
- einfo "-- Preemption Model (Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop))"
- einfo "-- Timer frequency (250 HZ)"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "This release no longer uses the old wrapper because skype now uses
- ewarn ""
diff --git a/net-im/skype/skype- b/net-im/skype/skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index cce4cbc097f0..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/skype-,v 1.1 2007/06/21 22:33:30 humpback Exp $
-inherit eutils qt4 pax-utils
-DESCRIPTION="A P2P-VoiceIP client."
-SRC_URI="!qt-static? (${DFILENAME} )
- qt-static? (${SFILENAME} )
- amd64? ( )"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-RESTRICT="mirror strip"
-DEPEND="amd64? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-1.2
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-2.1.1
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-2.4
- app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat )
- x86? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.4
- >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2
- >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.11
- qt-static? ( media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXfixes
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXinerama
- x11-libs/libXrandr
- x11-libs/libXrender
- x11-libs/libX11 )
- !qt-static? ( $(qt4_min_version 4.2.3)
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXau
- x11-libs/libXdmcp ) )"
-use qt-static && S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}_static-${PV}"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use qt-static && ! built_with_use ">=x11-libs/qt-4.0" accessibility dbus ; then
- eerror "Rebuild qt-4 with USE=\"accessibility dbus\" or set USE=qt-static"
- die "USE=\"-qt-static\" only works with qt-4 built with USE=\"accessibility dbus\"."
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- # Hack around bug in filename
- if ! use qt-static ; then
- tar xf ${P} || die "unpack failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- # remove mprotect() restrictions for PaX usage - see Bug 100507
- pax-mark m "${S}"/skype
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- doexe skype
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype
- make_wrapper skype /opt/${PN}/skype /opt/${PN} /opt/${PN} /usr/bin
- insinto /opt/${PN}/sounds
- doins sounds/*.wav
- if ! use qt-static ; then
- insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/skype.debus.config skype.conf
- fi
- insinto /opt/${PN}
- for X in 16 32 48
- do
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${X}x${X}/apps
- newins ${S}/icons/SkypeBlue_${X}x${X}.png ${PN}.png
- done
- dodoc README
- # insinto /usr/share/applications/
- # doins skype.desktop
- make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Skype VoIP" ${PN}.png "Network;InstantMessaging;Telephony"
- # AMD64 team does not provide this so we add it:
- if use amd64; then
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- dosym /opt/${PN}/
- doexe "${WORKDIR}"/
- fi
- #Fix for no sound notifications
- dosym /opt/${PN} /usr/share/${PN}
- # TODO: avatars
- # insinto /opt/${PN}/avatars
- # doins avatars/*.jpg
- # TODO: Optional configuration of callto:// in KDE, Mozilla and friends
- # doexe skype-callto-handler
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "If you have sound problems please visit: "
- elog ""
- elog "These kernel options are reported to help"
- elog
- elog "Processor type and features --->"
- elog "-- Preemption Model (Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop))"
- elog "-- Timer frequency (250 HZ)"
- elog
- ewarn "This release no longer uses the old wrapper because ${PN} now uses ALSA"
- ewarn
diff --git a/net-im/skype/skype- b/net-im/skype/skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index c924920bd4a2..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/skype-,v 1.1 2007/08/01 18:00:58 humpback Exp $
-inherit eutils qt4 pax-utils
-DESCRIPTION="A P2P-VoiceIP client."
-SRC_URI="!qt-static? (${DFILENAME} )
- qt-static? (${SFILENAME} )
- amd64? ( )"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-RESTRICT="mirror strip"
-DEPEND="amd64? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-1.2
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-2.1.1
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-2.4
- app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat )
- x86? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.4
- >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2
- >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.11
- qt-static? ( media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXfixes
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXinerama
- x11-libs/libXrandr
- x11-libs/libXrender
- x11-libs/libX11 )
- !qt-static? ( $(qt4_min_version 4.2.3)
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXau
- x11-libs/libXdmcp ) )"
-use qt-static && S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}_static-${PV}"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use qt-static && ! built_with_use ">=x11-libs/qt-4.0" accessibility dbus ; then
- eerror "Rebuild qt-4 with USE=\"accessibility dbus\" or set USE=qt-static"
- die "USE=\"-qt-static\" only works with qt-4 built with USE=\"accessibility dbus\"."
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
-src_install() {
- # remove mprotect() restrictions for PaX usage - see Bug 100507
- pax-mark m "${S}"/skype
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- doexe skype
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype
- make_wrapper skype /opt/${PN}/skype /opt/${PN} /opt/${PN} /usr/bin
- insinto /opt/${PN}/sounds
- doins sounds/*.wav
- if ! use qt-static ; then
- insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/skype.debus.config skype.conf
- fi
- insinto /opt/${PN}
- for X in 16 32 48
- do
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${X}x${X}/apps
- newins ${S}/icons/SkypeBlue_${X}x${X}.png ${PN}.png
- done
- dodoc README
- # insinto /usr/share/applications/
- # doins skype.desktop
- make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Skype VoIP" ${PN}.png "Network;InstantMessaging;Telephony"
- # AMD64 team does not provide this so we add it:
- if use amd64; then
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- dosym /opt/${PN}/
- doexe "${WORKDIR}"/
- fi
- #Fix for no sound notifications
- dosym /opt/${PN} /usr/share/${PN}
- # TODO: avatars
- # insinto /opt/${PN}/avatars
- # doins avatars/*.jpg
- # TODO: Optional configuration of callto:// in KDE, Mozilla and friends
- # doexe skype-callto-handler
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "If you have sound problems please visit: "
- elog ""
- elog "These kernel options are reported to help"
- elog
- elog "Processor type and features --->"
- elog "-- Preemption Model (Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop))"
- elog "-- Timer frequency (250 HZ)"
- elog
- ewarn "This release no longer uses the old wrapper because ${PN} now uses ALSA"
- ewarn
diff --git a/net-im/skype/skype- b/net-im/skype/skype-
deleted file mode 100644
index f8fb4747f97d..000000000000
--- a/net-im/skype/skype-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/skype/skype-,v 1.1 2007/08/19 16:53:39 humpback Exp $
-inherit eutils qt4 pax-utils
-DESCRIPTION="A P2P-VoiceIP client."
-SRC_URI="!qt-static? (${DFILENAME} )
- qt-static? (${SFILENAME} )
- amd64? ( )"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-RESTRICT="mirror strip"
-DEPEND="amd64? ( >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-1.2
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-2.1.1
- >=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-2.4
- app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat )
- x86? ( >=sys-libs/glibc-2.4
- >=dev-libs/libsigc++-2
- >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.11
- qt-static? ( media-libs/fontconfig
- media-libs/freetype
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXfixes
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXinerama
- x11-libs/libXrandr
- x11-libs/libXrender
- x11-libs/libX11 )
- !qt-static? ( $(qt4_min_version 4.2.3)
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXau
- x11-libs/libXdmcp ) )"
-use qt-static && S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}_static-${PV}"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use qt-static && ! built_with_use ">=x11-libs/qt-4.0" accessibility dbus ; then
- eerror "Rebuild qt-4 with USE=\"accessibility dbus\" or set USE=qt-static"
- die "USE=\"-qt-static\" only works with qt-4 built with USE=\"accessibility dbus\"."
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
-src_install() {
- # remove mprotect() restrictions for PaX usage - see Bug 100507
- pax-mark m "${S}"/skype
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- doexe skype
- fowners root:audio /opt/skype/skype
- make_wrapper skype /opt/${PN}/skype /opt/${PN} /opt/${PN} /usr/bin
- insinto /opt/${PN}/sounds
- doins sounds/*.wav
- if ! use qt-static ; then
- insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/skype.debus.config skype.conf
- fi
- insinto /opt/${PN}
- for X in 16 32 48
- do
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${X}x${X}/apps
- newins ${S}/icons/SkypeBlue_${X}x${X}.png ${PN}.png
- done
- dodoc README
- # insinto /usr/share/applications/
- # doins skype.desktop
- make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Skype VoIP" ${PN}.png "Network;InstantMessaging;Telephony"
- # AMD64 team does not provide this so we add it:
- if use amd64; then
- exeinto /opt/${PN}
- dosym /opt/${PN}/
- doexe "${WORKDIR}"/
- fi
- #Fix for no sound notifications
- dosym /opt/${PN} /usr/share/${PN}
- # TODO: avatars
- # insinto /opt/${PN}/avatars
- # doins avatars/*.jpg
- # TODO: Optional configuration of callto:// in KDE, Mozilla and friends
- # doexe skype-callto-handler
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "If you have sound problems please visit: "
- elog ""
- elog "These kernel options are reported to help"
- elog
- elog "Processor type and features --->"
- elog "-- Preemption Model (Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop))"
- elog "-- Timer frequency (250 HZ)"
- elog
- ewarn "This release no longer uses the old wrapper because ${PN} now uses ALSA"
- ewarn