path: root/eclass
diff options
authorJohn Mylchreest <>2006-05-04 13:20:22 +0000
committerJohn Mylchreest <>2006-05-04 13:20:22 +0000
commite1489445270d0d90ac2d7d949c86e53b9878c9de (patch)
tree6d96d1c976c0d51626f569b8ede3b09142c01358 /eclass
parentstable on x86 and ia64. (diff)
drop unipatch eclass to re-add with correct mode - will this work? :)
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/unipatch-001.eclass b/eclass/unipatch-001.eclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1706f19627..000000000000
--- a/eclass/unipatch-001.eclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# Documentation is certain to come, but please disregard this eclass for the
-# time being, until it has been through more testing.
-unipatch() {
- # Behavioural environment variables.
- local myLC_ALL
- local checkfile checkfile_noext checkfile_ext checkfile_patchlvl
- local checkfile_meta checkfile_patchdir checkfile_suffix
- local strictcount i n pipecmd
- local file_list patch_to_process patch_plevel
- # set to a standard locale to ensure sorts are ordered properly.
- myLC_ALL="${LC_ALL}"
- LC_ALL="C"
- # Setup UNIPATCH_POPTS if not set already
- # Set UNIPATCH_SILENT_DROP if not already set
- # Please bare in mind these *cannot* start with an asterisk
- # We need a temporary directory in which we can stor our patches.
- mkdir -p ${KPATCH_DIR}
- # We're gonna need it when doing patches with a predefined patchlevel
- shopt -s extglob
- # lets obtain our patch list
- # any .diff/.patch/compressed file is added, and if neccessary decompressed.
- # any tarred file is unpacked and added
- # anything else is added to the drop pattern
- n=0
- strictcount=0
- for checkfile in ${UNIPATCH_LIST}
- do
- # unset parsed vars first
- unset checkfile_suffix
- unset checkfile_ext
- unset checkfile_patchdir
- checkfile_patchlvl=0
- # did we pass suffix? or a patchlvl?
- for((i=0; i<=${#checkfile}; i++)); do
- case ${checkfile:${i}:1} in
- @) checkfile_suffix="${checkfile:0:${i}}";;
- :) checkfile_patchlvl="${checkfile:${i}}";;
- esac
- done
- # now lets sane up the checkfile var
- [[ -n ${checkfile_suffix} ]] && checkfile=${checkfile//*@}
- [[ -n ${checkfile_patchlvl} ]] && checkfile=${checkfile//:*}
- # is this file even valid?
- if [[ ! -f ${checkfile} ]]; then
- ewarn "Unable to read file:"
- ewarn "${checkfile}"
- ewarn "Please check this file exists, and its permissions."
- die "unable to locate ${checkfile}"
- fi
- #if we use strict dir, then lets prepend an order
- if [[ -n ${UNIPATCH_STRICTORDER} ]]; then
- checkfile_patchdir=${KPATCH_DIR}/${strictcount}/
- mkdir -p ${checkfile_patchdir}
- strictcount=$((${strictcount} + 1))
- fi
- # Find the directory we are placing this in.
- checkfile_patchdir="${checkfile_patchdir:-${KPATCH_DIR}}"
- # so now lets get finding patches.
- # This is a list of patterns to match, and the resulting extention.
- # you MUST specify the LEAST specific first, if the pattern would match
- # more than one extension. think, .tar.gz vs. .gz
- local testvalues test value temp
- testvalues='*:DROP
- *.txt:DOC
- *.gz*:gz
- *.bz*:bz2
- **:tbz
- *.tbz*:tbz
- *.tar.gz*:tgz
- *.tgz*:tgz
- *.tar:tar
- *.z*:gz
- *.zip*:zip
- *.diff*:diff
- *.patch*:patch'
- # lets see if we qualify for one of the above
- for i in $testvalues; do
- value=${i/*:/}
- test=${i/:*/}
- temp=${checkfile/${test}/${value}}
- if [[ ${temp} == ${value} ]]
- then
- # if we do, then set the extention and the filename, minus ext.
- checkfile_ext="${temp}"
- checkfile_noext="${checkfile/${test:1}/}"
- fi
- done
- # if we specify a suffix, we want to over-ride the above now.
- [[ -n ${checkfile_suffix} ]] && \
- checkfile_ext="${checkfile_suffix}" \
- checkfile_noext="${checkfile/${checkfile_suffix}/}"
- # set metafile
- checkfile_meta="${checkfile_patchdir}/.meta_${checkfile_noext/*\//}"
- # Debug environment
- edebug 3 "Debug environment variables"
- edebug 3 "---------------------------"
- edebug 3 "checkfile=${checkfile}"
- edebug 3 "checkfile_ext=${checkfile_ext}"
- edebug 3 "checkfile_noext=${checkfile_noext}"
- edebug 3 "checkfile_patchdir=${checkfile_patchdir}"
- edebug 3 "checkfile_patchlvl=${checkfile_patchlvl}"
- edebug 3 "checkfile_meta=${checkfile_meta}"
- edebug 3 "checkfile_suffix=${checkfile_suffix}"
- # and setup the appropriate pipecmd for it.
- # the outcome of this should leave the file we want in the patch dir
- case ${checkfile_ext} in
- tbz) pipecmd="mkdir ${T}/ptmp/;
- cd ${T}/ptmp/;
- tar -xjf ${checkfile};
- find . -type f | sed -e \
- 's:\./:${checkfile_patchdir}:g' \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;
- cp -Rf ${T}/ptmp/* ${checkfile_patchdir};
- rm -Rf ${T}/ptmp;
- cd \${OLDPWD}";;
- tgz) pipecmd="mkdir ${T}/ptmp/;
- cd ${T}/ptmp/;
- tar -xzf ${checkfile};
- find . -type f | sed -e \
- 's:\./:${checkfile_patchdir}:g' \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;
- cp -Rf ${T}/ptmp/* ${checkfile_patchdir};
- rm -Rf ${T}/ptmp;
- cd \${OLDPWD}";;
- tar) pipecmd="mkdir ${T}/ptmp/;
- cd ${T}/ptmp/;
- tar -xf ${checkfile};
- find . -type f | sed -e \
- 's:\./:${checkfile_patchdir}:g' \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;
- cp -Rf ${T}/ptmp/* ${checkfile_patchdir};
- rm -Rf ${T}/ptmp;
- cd \${OLDPWD}";;
- zip) pipecmd="mkdir ${T}/ptmp/;
- cd ${T}/ptmp/;
- unzip ${checkfile};
- find . -type f | sed -e \
- 's:\./:${checkfile_patchdir}:g' \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;
- cp -Rf ${T}/ptmp/* ${checkfile_patchdir};
- rm -Rf ${T}/ptmp;
- cd \${OLDPWD}";;
- diff) pipecmd="cp ${checkfile} ${checkfile_patchdir};
- echo ${checkfile_patchdir}/${checkfile/*\//} \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;";;
- patch) pipecmd="cp ${checkfile} ${checkfile_patchdir};
- echo ${checkfile_patchdir}/${checkfile/*\//} \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;";;
- gz) pipecmd="gzip -dc ${checkfile} > ${T}/gunzip;
- cp ${T}/gunzip ${checkfile_patchdir}${checkfile_noext/*\//}.diff;
- rm ${T}/gunzip;
- echo ${checkfile_patchdir}/${checkfile_noext/*\//}.diff \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;";;
- bz2) pipecmd="bzip2 -dc ${checkfile} > ${T}/bunzip;
- cp ${T}/bunzip ${checkfile_patchdir}${checkfile_noext/*\//}.diff;
- rm ${T}/bunzip;
- echo ${checkfile_patchdir}/${checkfile_noext/*\//}.diff \
- > ${checkfile_meta}_files;";;
- DROP) pipecmd="";;
- DOC) pipecmd="cp ${checkfile} ${checkfile_patchdir}";;
- esac
- # Debug environment
- edebug 3 "pipecmd=${pipecmd}"
- if [[ -z ${pipecmd} ]]; then
- # if we dont know about it, lets drop it and move to the next
- einfo "Unknown Filetype, Ignoring: ${checkfile/*\//}"
- else
- # if we do know about it, prepare it for patching, and
- # populate metadata
- ebegin "Preparing ${checkfile/*\//}"
- eval ${pipecmd}
- eend $?
- echo "PATCHLVL=${checkfile_patchlvl}" >> ${checkfile_meta}
- fi
- done
- # OK so now we got this far, we have everything neatly unpacked.
- # we should probably build up our patch-list.
- edebug 2 "Locating .meta_*_files and building patch list"
- for i in $(find ${KPATCH_DIR} -iname ".meta_*_files")
- do
- file_list=$(sort -n ${i})
- patch_plevel=$(sed -e 's:PATCHLVL=\(.*\):\1:' < ${i/_files/} | uniq)
- edebug 3 "processing: ${i}"
- edebug 3 "file_list=${file_list}"
- edebug 3 "patch_plevel=${patch_plevel}"
- # OK, so now we have trhe list of files to process in this metafile
- # we should process the patch.
- for patch_to_process in ${file_list}; do
- edebug 2 "Processing: ${patch_to_process}"
- # if we pass UNIPATCH_EXCLUDE then we scan through that.
- # if we find a match, we dont bother applying it.
- # This is done here to catch files within tarballs.
- local tempname to_patch=1
- tempname="${patch_to_process/*\//}"
- # Process silent drops
- for x in ${UNIPATCH_SILENT_DROP}; do
- edebug 4 "Checking ${x} against ${tempname} = ${tempname//${x}}"
- if [[ -z ${tempname//${x}} ]]; then
- to_patch=-1
- edebug 2 "Dropping ${tempname} based on ${x} match"
- break;
- fi
- done
- # Process excludes
- for x in ${UNIPATCH_EXCLUDE}; do
- [[ -z ${tempname/${x}*/} ]] && to_patch=0
- done
- if [[ ${to_patch} -eq -1 ]]; then
- # This is something we silently ignore
- :
- elif [[ ${to_patch} -eq 1 ]]; then
- apply_patch ${patch_to_process}
- else
- einfo "Excluding: ${tempname}"
- fi
- unset tempname to_patch
- done
- done
- LC_ALL=${myLC_ALL}
-apply_patch() {
- local plvl patch_log pmsg
- plvl=${patch_plevel}
- patch_log="${T}/${1/*\//}.log"
- echo "************" > ${patch_log}
- echo "patch log for file:" >> ${patch_log}
- echo "${1}" >> ${patch_log}
- echo "************" >> ${patch_log}
- while [ ${plvl} -lt 5 ]
- do
- edebug 3 "Attempting patch (${1}) with -p${plvl} (${UNIPATCH_POPTS})"
- echo "Attempting:" >> ${patch_log}
- echo "patch ${UNIPATCH_POPTS} -p${plvl} --dry-run -f" >> ${patch_log}
- if (patch ${UNIPATCH_POPTS} -p${plvl} --dry-run -f < ${1}) >> ${patch_log}
- then
- [[ ${VERBOSITY} -ge 1 ]] && pmsg="-p${plvl}"
- [[ ${VERBOSITY} -ge 2 ]] && pmsg="${UNIPATCH_POPTS} ${pmsg}"
- [[ -n ${pmsg} ]] && pmsg=" (${pmsg})"
- echo "**** Applying:" >> ${patch_log}
- ebegin "Applying patch: ${1/*\//}${pmsg}"
- patch ${UNIPATCH_POPTS} -p${plvl} -f < ${1} >> ${patch_log}
- eend $?
- plvl=6
- else
- plvl=$((${plvl} + 1))
- fi
- done
- if [ ${plvl} -eq 5 ]
- then
- ewarn "Unable to apply patch: ${1/*\//}"
- ewarn "Please attach the following patch log when submitting"
- ewarn "a bug."
- ewarn "${patch_log}"
- die "Unable to apply patch: ${1/*\//}"
- fi
-edebug() {
- local verbosity msg
- verbos=${1}
- shift
- msg=${@}
- [ ${VERBOSITY} -ge ${verbos} ] && echo "(DD): ${msg}"