diff options
authorMike Frysinger <>2006-06-24 08:06:09 +0000
committerMike Frysinger <>2006-06-24 08:06:09 +0000
commit8ec54e087b626efb54613729bf31e67f63b45614 (patch)
parentfix the GETPASS_ASTERISKS bug in a less sucky fashion (diff)
fix the GETPASS_ASTERISKS bug in a less sucky fashion
(Portage version: 2.1.1_pre1-r2) (Signed Manifest commit)
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/shadow/Manifest b/sys-apps/shadow/Manifest
index 4723c2c7358b..1d3082e89790 100644
--- a/sys-apps/shadow/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/shadow/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX default/useradd 96 RMD160 55c38953c800c6aae1ebe4312028560f77e7414f SHA1 348916abd4f794ee99310e1c006fbf00296ea2d7 SHA256 31aa2cbe4a34a9f7d4d134c1fecd007c9bbf4d40e19d0dcddbcd396f1853b490
MD5 6e0bc0211949c624da0ea08d994a7038 files/default/useradd 96
RMD160 55c38953c800c6aae1ebe4312028560f77e7414f files/default/useradd 96
@@ -6,10 +9,6 @@ AUX login.defs 6254 RMD160 1daa093f13d56126833e6e97d6dd60498a68304a SHA1 0cb67ea
MD5 b1efe75ceba3c645eaab09c580809342 files/login.defs 6254
RMD160 1daa093f13d56126833e6e97d6dd60498a68304a files/login.defs 6254
SHA256 b7bfd7b1c34ce3d35865b572abc69d278dea4eef4f349c26b238735547c4ac22 files/login.defs 6254
-AUX login.defs.4.0.16 6314 RMD160 cbcd511096d1bbfdc1d677d9e2b0fd287371f271 SHA1 0ef3cec92bf00216f5f01573771cede89eaf233f SHA256 6752820f1b10f2bf0bd679ebf28186c3543c50505513c92671db0f818bdd2a8b
-MD5 4136a1980b44da2994cab966d4900ca7 files/login.defs.4.0.16 6314
-RMD160 cbcd511096d1bbfdc1d677d9e2b0fd287371f271 files/login.defs.4.0.16 6314
-SHA256 6752820f1b10f2bf0bd679ebf28186c3543c50505513c92671db0f818bdd2a8b files/login.defs.4.0.16 6314
AUX login.pamd 1019 RMD160 062e018d7c0e6c3b9963f695051322f762809edc SHA1 9d7d986a0e89efab8454c6528722e6e0d2ad5cb2 SHA256 4d1844dbfc9292ae82789c26767190b6ca2cad0f77a55fee86dbf292444762e0
MD5 e01e197ed3b6d2ec6ae83d23b33088b8 files/login.pamd 1019
RMD160 062e018d7c0e6c3b9963f695051322f762809edc files/login.pamd 1019
@@ -277,10 +276,10 @@ EBUILD shadow-4.0.15.ebuild 7381 RMD160 1c7e6e9121f50c3c95574bb80276e40fde1e8f77
MD5 7c680b08d906f9d4c044fdd536a6cbf5 shadow-4.0.15.ebuild 7381
RMD160 1c7e6e9121f50c3c95574bb80276e40fde1e8f77 shadow-4.0.15.ebuild 7381
SHA256 6312212d7e5547d940ae2254966e2808bc861ae6263291d58e0a7fe882a1d729 shadow-4.0.15.ebuild 7381
-EBUILD shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7771 RMD160 d6ba7d26508116bd5908a4f1a281e844205c15c1 SHA1 bd1730e43eb0c66b4e7fca9f40943b967c3660de SHA256 ad9304412a897029f6571d68ac3bfb35bb2ff23a3e1660551b57d799d26d4f6e
-MD5 d29638fa2e02b728e59626824981fcee shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7771
-RMD160 d6ba7d26508116bd5908a4f1a281e844205c15c1 shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7771
-SHA256 ad9304412a897029f6571d68ac3bfb35bb2ff23a3e1660551b57d799d26d4f6e shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7771
+EBUILD shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7862 RMD160 263b49fb4841e1c4c1f5fc94579d591846f97108 SHA1 db2565bc311eb578e5211e731a34b53a750f0e24 SHA256 0e0cd3775ff5460d1ce8ce62f4e4666ec5cd1efd8c6e390bbc484903c6fe3e66
+MD5 c21957a8528c251c994fc349959d1fb9 shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7862
+RMD160 263b49fb4841e1c4c1f5fc94579d591846f97108 shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7862
+SHA256 0e0cd3775ff5460d1ce8ce62f4e4666ec5cd1efd8c6e390bbc484903c6fe3e66 shadow-4.0.16.ebuild 7862
EBUILD shadow-4.0.7-r4.ebuild 7163 RMD160 0622f67c225f3cb59116708993ac7d269fd4b868 SHA1 d3abf0d864c9bc69bc961ce5460d2a01df3ae671 SHA256 e6b7becb236cbba5362ebc9475b6974893c3c90164384ba572be273966e1ba48
MD5 550a7571df41e2be2d4808f6a2ba51a7 shadow-4.0.7-r4.ebuild 7163
RMD160 0622f67c225f3cb59116708993ac7d269fd4b868 shadow-4.0.7-r4.ebuild 7163
@@ -329,3 +328,10 @@ SHA256 f4adf1db93b22fcaf350fa669ba59de6c502ca80104d3fdcf18bf8ff3d7845e9 files/di
MD5 9130da1995073352cee951d0a18ad227 files/digest-shadow-4.0.7-r4 244
RMD160 6c749ed8204533cd854c78251f158c2bd1d3a555 files/digest-shadow-4.0.7-r4 244
SHA256 6945583c30661308f30bd36bf7e5e64c0b923a06914def8622b702b447daf849 files/digest-shadow-4.0.7-r4 244
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-apps/shadow/files/login.defs.4.0.16 b/sys-apps/shadow/files/login.defs.4.0.16
deleted file mode 100644
index f07200592a87..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/shadow/files/login.defs.4.0.16
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/login.defs - Configuration control definitions for the login package.
-# $Id: login.defs.4.0.16,v 1.1 2006/06/09 20:34:53 flameeyes Exp $
-# Three items must be defined: MAIL_DIR, ENV_SUPATH, and ENV_PATH.
-# If unspecified, some arbitrary (and possibly incorrect) value will
-# be assumed. All other items are optional - if not specified then
-# the described action or option will be inhibited.
-# Comment lines (lines beginning with "#") and blank lines are ignored.
-# Modified for Linux. --marekm
-# Delay in seconds before being allowed another attempt after a login failure
-# Enable display of unknown usernames when login failures are recorded.
-# Enable logging of successful logins
-# Enable "syslog" logging of su activity - in addition to sulog file logging.
-# SYSLOG_SG_ENAB does the same for newgrp and sg.
-# If defined, either full pathname of a file containing device names or
-# a ":" delimited list of device names. Root logins will be allowed only
-# upon these devices.
-CONSOLE /etc/securetty
-#CONSOLE console:tty01:tty02:tty03:tty04
-# If defined, all su activity is logged to this file.
-#SULOG_FILE /var/log/sulog
-# If defined, file which maps tty line to TERM environment parameter.
-# Each line of the file is in a format something like "vt100 tty01".
-#TTYTYPE_FILE /etc/ttytype
-# If defined, the command name to display when running "su -". For
-# example, if this is defined as "su" then a "ps" will display the
-# command is "-su". If not defined, then "ps" would display the
-# name of the shell actually being run, e.g. something like "-sh".
-# Directory where mailboxes reside, _or_ name of file, relative to the
-# home directory. If you _do_ define both, MAIL_DIR takes precedence.
-MAIL_DIR /var/spool/mail
-# If defined, file which inhibits all the usual chatter during the login
-# sequence. If a full pathname, then hushed mode will be enabled if the
-# user's name or shell are found in the file. If not a full pathname, then
-# hushed mode will be enabled if the file exists in the user's home directory.
-HUSHLOGIN_FILE .hushlogin
-#HUSHLOGIN_FILE /etc/hushlogins
-# *REQUIRED* The default PATH settings, for superuser and normal users.
-# (they are minimal, add the rest in the shell startup files)
-ENV_SUPATH PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
-ENV_PATH PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
-# Terminal permissions
-# TTYGROUP Login tty will be assigned this group ownership.
-# TTYPERM Login tty will be set to this permission.
-# If you have a "write" program which is "setgid" to a special group
-# which owns the terminals, define TTYGROUP to the group number and
-# TTYPERM to 0620. Otherwise leave TTYGROUP commented out and assign
-# TTYPERM to either 622 or 600.
-# Login configuration initializations:
-# ERASECHAR Terminal ERASE character ('\010' = backspace).
-# KILLCHAR Terminal KILL character ('\025' = CTRL/U).
-# UMASK Default "umask" value.
-# The ERASECHAR and KILLCHAR are used only on System V machines.
-# The ULIMIT is used only if the system supports it.
-# (now it works with setrlimit too; ulimit is in 512-byte units)
-# Prefix these values with "0" to get octal, "0x" to get hexadecimal.
-UMASK 022
-# Password aging controls:
-# PASS_MAX_DAYS Maximum number of days a password may be used.
-# PASS_MIN_DAYS Minimum number of days allowed between password changes.
-# PASS_WARN_AGE Number of days warning given before a password expires.
-# Min/max values for automatic uid selection in useradd
-UID_MIN 1000
-UID_MAX 60000
-# Min/max values for automatic gid selection in groupadd
-GID_MIN 100
-GID_MAX 60000
-# Max number of login retries if password is bad
-# Max time in seconds for login
-# Which fields may be changed by regular users using chfn - use
-# any combination of letters "frwh" (full name, room number, work
-# phone, home phone). If not defined, no changes are allowed.
-# For backward compatibility, "yes" = "rwh" and "no" = "frwh".
-# List of groups to add to the user's supplementary group set
-# when logging in on the console (as determined by the CONSOLE
-# setting). Default is none.
-# Use with caution - it is possible for users to gain permanent
-# access to these groups, even when not logged in on the console.
-# How to do it is left as an exercise for the reader...
-#CONSOLE_GROUPS floppy:audio:cdrom
-# Should login be allowed if we can't cd to the home directory?
-# Default in no.
-# If defined, this command is run when removing a user.
-# It should remove any at/cron/print jobs etc. owned by
-# the user to be removed (passed as the first argument).
-#USERDEL_CMD /usr/sbin/userdel_local
-# When prompting for password without echo, getpass() can optionally
-# display a random number (in the range 1 to GETPASS_ASTERISKS) of '*'
-# characters for each character typed. This feature is designed to
-# confuse people looking over your shoulder when you enter a password :-).
-# Also, the new getpass() accepts both Backspace (8) and Delete (127)
-# keys to delete previous character (to cope with different terminal
-# types), Control-U to delete all characters, and beeps when there are
-# no more characters to delete, or too many characters entered.
-# Setting GETPASS_ASTERISKS to 1 results in more traditional behaviour -
-# exactly one '*' displayed for each character typed.
-# Setting GETPASS_ASTERISKS to 0 disables the '*' characters (Backspace,
-# Delete, Control-U and beep continue to work as described above).
-# Setting GETPASS_ASTERISKS to -1 reverts to the traditional getpass()
-# without any new features. This is the default.
-# This is valid only if S/Key support is enabled
-# Enable setting of the umask group bits to be the same as owner bits
-# (examples: 022 -> 002, 077 -> 007) for non-root users, if the uid is
-# the same as gid, and username is the same as the primary group name.
-# This also enables userdel to remove user groups if no members exist.