diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/filter-env/posix.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 547 deletions
diff --git a/src/filter-env/posix.c b/src/filter-env/posix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca2aba..0000000
--- a/src/filter-env/posix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "bmh_search.h"
-#define USAGE_FAIL 1
-#define MEM_FAIL 2
-#define IO_FAIL 3
-#define PARSE_FAIL 4
-#define SPACE_PARSING 4
-#define NO_PARSING 0
-void init_regexes();
-void free_regexes();
-int regex_matches(regex_t *re, const char *buff);
-const char *process_scope(FILE *out_fd, const char *buff, const char *end, regex_t *var_re, regex_t *func_re, char endchar);
-int append_to_filter_list(char ***list, int *count, int *alloced, const char *string);
-const char *build_regex_string(const char **list, int count);
-const char *walk_command(const char *p, const char *end, char endchar, const char interpret_level);
-#define d1printf(expr...) dprintf(1,expr)
-#define d2printf(expr...) dprintf(2,expr)
-#define dprintf(level,expr...) \
- if(debugging>=level) \
- fprintf(stderr,expr);
-static int debugging;
-main(int argc, char *const *argv)
- FILE *file_in = NULL;
- FILE *file_out = NULL;
- char **funcs = NULL; char **vars = NULL;
- char *file_buff=NULL;
- const char *end = NULL;
- int funcs_count = 0; int vars_count = 0;
- int funcs_alloced = 0; int vars_alloced = 0;
- int c;
- size_t file_size=0, buff_alloced = 0;
- regex_t vre, *pvre=NULL;
- regex_t fre, *pfre=NULL;
- const char *fsr, *vsr;
- char *temp = NULL;
- struct stat st;
- debugging = 0;
- funcs = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*10);
- vars = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*10);
- if(funcs == NULL || vars == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"failure allocing needed memory\n");
- exit(MEM_FAIL);
- }
- while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:v:d")) != EOF) {
-// fprintf(stderr,"c=%i\n",c);
- switch(c){
- case 'd':
- debugging++;
- break;
- case 'i':
- if(file_in != NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"-i cannot be specified twice. bailing\n");
- exit(USAGE_FAIL);
- }
- if(stat(optarg, &st)){
- fprintf(stderr,"error stating file %s, bailing\n", optarg);
- exit(IO_FAIL);
- }
- file_size=st.st_size;
- file_in=fopen(optarg, "r");
- if(file_in == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"error opening file %s, bailing\n", optarg);
- exit(IO_FAIL);
- }
- break;
- case 'f':
-// fprintf(stderr,"wassube. opt_art=%s\n",optarg);
- if(append_to_filter_list(&funcs, &funcs_count, &funcs_alloced,optarg)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"-f arg '%s', isn't valid. must be comma delimited\n",
- optarg);
- exit(USAGE_FAIL);
- }
- break;
- case 'v':
- if(append_to_filter_list(&vars, &vars_count, &vars_alloced,optarg)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"-v arg '%s', isn't valid. must be comma delimited\n", optarg);
- exit(USAGE_FAIL);
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage [-i file] [-f func1,func2,func3 ] [-v func1,func2,func3 ]\n");
- exit(USAGE_FAIL);
- }
- }
- if(file_size==0) {
- file_in = stdin;
- } else {
- fclose(stdin);
- }
- file_out = stdout;
- fsr = build_regex_string((const char **)funcs, funcs_count);
- d1printf("fsr buffer=%s\n", fsr);
- vsr = build_regex_string((const char **)vars, vars_count);
- d1printf("vsr buffer=%s\n", vsr);
- if(fsr) {
- // prefix ^
- if((temp = (char *)malloc(strlen(fsr) + 3)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "failed allocing needed memory for regex patterns.\n");
- exit(MEM_FAIL);
- }
- temp[0]='^'; temp[1] = '\0';
- temp = strcat(temp,fsr);
- temp = strcat(temp,"$");
- d1printf("fsr pattern is %s\n", temp);
- regcomp(&fre, temp, REG_EXTENDED);
- free(temp); temp = NULL;
- pfre=&fre;
- free((void*)fsr); fsr = NULL;
- } else
- pfre=NULL;
- if(vsr) {
- if((temp = (char *)malloc(strlen(vsr) + 3)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "failed allocing needed memory for regex patterns.\n");
- exit(MEM_FAIL);
- }
- temp[0]='^'; temp[1] = '\0';
- temp = strcat(temp,vsr);
- temp = strcat(temp,"$");
- d1printf("vsr pattern is %s\n", temp);
- regcomp(&vre, temp, REG_EXTENDED);
- free(temp); temp = NULL;
- pvre=&vre;
- free((void*)vsr); vsr = NULL;
- } else
- pvre=NULL;
- if(file_size) {
- file_buff = (char *)malloc(file_size + 1);
- if(file_buff == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "failed allocing needed memory for file.\n");
- exit(MEM_FAIL);
- }
- if(file_size != fread(file_buff, 1, file_size, file_in)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "failed reading file\n");
- exit(IO_FAIL);
- }
- } else {
- if((file_buff = (char *)malloc(4096)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "failed allocing needed memory for file.\n");
- exit(MEM_FAIL);
- }
- buff_alloced = 4096;
- c=4096;
- while(c > 0) {
- c=fread(file_buff+file_size, 1, 4096, file_in);
- file_size += c;
- // realloc +1 for null termination.
- if(buff_alloced < file_size + 4096) {
- if((file_buff = (char *)realloc(file_buff, buff_alloced + 4096)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "failed allocing needed memory for file.\n");
- exit(MEM_FAIL);
- }
- buff_alloced += 4096;
- }
- }
- d1printf("read %i bytes\n", file_size);
- }
- file_buff[file_size] = '\0';
- fclose(file_in);
- init_regexes();
- end=process_scope(file_out,file_buff, file_buff + file_size,pvre, pfre, '\0');
- d1printf("%i == %i\n", end - file_buff, file_size);
- fflush(file_out);
- fclose(file_out);
- free_regexes();
- free((void*)fsr); free((void*)vsr);
- free(file_buff);
- exit(0);
-append_to_filter_list(char ***list, int *count, int *alloced, const char *string)
- char *d = NULL;
- char **l = *list;
- char *s = NULL;
- s = strdup(string);
- d = strtok(s, ",");
- if(d == NULL)
- return 1;
- while(d != NULL) {
- if(*alloced == *count) {
- if( (l=(char **)realloc(l, sizeof(char*) * (*alloced + 10))) == NULL) {
- return 1;
- }
- *alloced+=10;
- }
- l[*count] = d;
- (*count)++;
- d=strtok(NULL,",");
- }
- *list=l;
- return 0;
-const char *
-build_regex_string(const char **list, int count)
- char *buff, *p;
- const char *p2;
- int l = 0, x = 0, escaped = 0;
- for(x=0; x< count; x++) {
- l += strlen(list[x]) + 1;
- p2=list[x];
- // if it's ., substitute a [^ =] internally.
- while(*p2!='\0'){
- if(*p2=='.')
- l+=4;
- p2++;
- }
- }
- if(l == 0)
- return NULL;
- //shave off the extra '|' char, add in '(...)'. hence, 3.
- buff = malloc(l + 5);
- memset(buff,0,l+4);
- buff[0] = '(';
- p=buff + 1;
- for(x=0; x < count; x++) {
- p2=list[x];
- escaped=0;
- while(*p2 != '\0') {
- if(*p2=='.' && escaped==0) {
- strcat(p,"[^= ]");
- p += 4;
- } else if(*p2 == '\\') {
- *p = *p2;
- p2++; p++;
- if(escaped == 1)
- escaped=0;
- else
- escaped=1;
- continue;
- } else {
- *p = *p2;
- }
- p++;
- p2++;
- escaped=0;
- }
- *p = '|';
- p++;
- }
- p[-1] = ')';
- p[0] = '\0';
- return buff;
-regex_t func_r;
-regex_t var_r;
- regcomp(&func_r,"^(function[[:space:]]+|)([^\"'()=[:space:]]+)[[:space:]]*\\(\\)[[:space:]]*\\{",REG_EXTENDED);
- regcomp(&var_r,"^([^=[:space:]$(]+)=",REG_EXTENDED);
- regfree(&func_r);
- regfree(&var_r);
-// zero for doesn't match, !0 for matches.
-regex_matches(regex_t *re, const char *buff)
- regmatch_t match[1];
- match[0].rm_so = match[0].rm_eo = -1;
- assert(buff != NULL);
- assert(re != NULL);
- regexec(re, buff, 1, match, 0);
-// fprintf(stderr,"result was %i for %s, returning %i\n", match[0].rm_so, buff,i);
- return match[0].rm_so != -1 ? 1 : 0;
-const char *
-process_scope(FILE *out_fd, const char *buff, const char *end, regex_t *var_re, regex_t *func_re, char endchar)
- const char *p = NULL;
- const char *window_start = NULL, *window_end = NULL;
- const char *new_p = NULL;
- const char *com_start = NULL;
- const char *s = NULL, *e = NULL;
- char *temp_string = NULL;
- int x;
- regmatch_t matches[3];
- p=buff;
- for(x=0; x < 3; x++)
- matches[x].rm_so = -1;
- window_start = buff;
- window_end = NULL;
- while(p < end && *p != endchar) {
- // wander forward to the next non space.
- if(window_end != NULL) {
- if(out_fd != NULL)
- fwrite(window_start, window_end - window_start, 1, out_fd);
- window_start = p;
- window_end = NULL;
- }
- com_start = p;
- if(isspace(*p)) {
- p++; continue;
- }
- // ignore comments
- if(*p == '#') {
- while(p < end && *p != '\n') {
- p++;
- }
-// window_end = p;
- continue;
- }
- // actual text.
- regexec(&func_r, p, 3, matches, 0);
- if(matches[0].rm_so != -1){
- //got us a func match.
- if(matches[2].rm_so != -1) {
- s = p + matches[2].rm_so; e = p + matches[2].rm_eo;
- } else {
- s = p; e = p + matches[1].rm_eo;
- }
- temp_string = (char*)malloc(e - s + 1);
- memset(temp_string,0,e - s + 1);
- memcpy(temp_string,s, e - s);
- d1printf("matched func name '%s'\n", temp_string);
- //output it if it doesn't match.
- new_p=process_scope(NULL,p + matches[0].rm_eo, end, NULL, NULL, '}');
- d1printf("ended processing '%s'\n", temp_string);
- if(func_re!=NULL && regex_matches(func_re, temp_string)) {
- //well, it matched. so it gets skipped.
- d1printf("filtering func '%s'\n", temp_string);
- window_end = com_start;
- }
- p = new_p;
-// p += matches[0].rm_eo;
- free(temp_string);
- temp_string = NULL;
- for(x=0; x < 3; x++)
- matches[x].rm_so = -1;
- } else {
- // check for env assignment
- regexec(&var_r, p, 2, matches, 0);
- if(matches[0].rm_so == -1) {
- //exactly as it sounds, non env assignment.
- p=walk_command(p,end,'\0',COMMAND_PARSING);
- } else {
- //env assignment
- temp_string=(char*)malloc(matches[1].rm_eo + 1);
- memset(temp_string,0,matches[1].rm_eo + 1);
- memcpy(temp_string,p, matches[1].rm_eo);
- d1printf("matched env assign '%s'\n", temp_string);
- p += matches[0].rm_eo;
- for(x=0; x < 3; x++)
- matches[x].rm_so = -1;
- if(p >= end)
- return p;
- if('\''==*p)
- p=walk_command(p + 1,end,*p,NO_PARSING);
- else if('"' == *p || '`' == *p)
- p=walk_command(p + 1,end,*p,ESCAPED_PARSING);
- else if('(' == *p)
- p=walk_command(p + 1,end,')',ESCAPED_PARSING);
- else if(isspace(*p)) {
- while(p < end && isspace(*p) && *p != '\n')
- p++;
- } else if('$' == *p) {
- if(p + 1 >= end) {
- p++;
- continue;
- }
- if('(' == p[1]) {
- p=walk_command(p + 2,end, ')',ESCAPED_PARSING);
- } else if('\'' == p[1]) {
- p=walk_command(p + 2,end, '\'', DOLLARED_QUOTE_PARSING);
- } else if('{' == p[1]) {
- p=walk_command(p + 2,end, '}', ESCAPED_PARSING);
- } else {
- x=0;
- while(p < end && (!isspace(*p) || x)) {
- if('\\' == *p)
- x=1;
- else
- x=0;
- p++;
- }
- }
- p++;
- } else {
- // blah=cah ; single word.
- p=walk_command(p + 1,end, ' ',SPACE_PARSING);
- }
- if(var_re!=NULL && regex_matches(var_re, temp_string)) {
- //this would be filtered.
- window_end = com_start;
- }
- free(temp_string);
- temp_string=NULL;
- }
- }
- p++;
-// fprintf(stderr,"at byte %i of %i\n", p - buff, strchr(buff,'\0') - buff);
- }
-// fprintf(stderr, "returning %x\n", p);
- if(out_fd != NULL) {
- if(window_end == NULL)
- window_end = p;
- if(window_end > end)
- window_end = end;
- fwrite(window_start, window_end - window_start, 1,out_fd);
- }
- return p;
-// interpret level == 0, no interprettation (no escaping), 1 == normal command limiting, 2 == wait strictly for
-// endchar
-const char *
-walk_command(const char *p, const char *end, char endchar, const char interpret_level)
- int escaped = 0;
- int dollared = 0;
- int here_count = 0;
- regex_t here_re;
- char *here_pattern;
- regmatch_t match[1];
- char *temp_string = NULL;
- const char *end_here;
- int x;
- while(p < end) {
- if(*p == endchar ||
- (interpret_level == COMMAND_PARSING && (';'==*p || '\n'==*p)) ||
- (interpret_level == SPACE_PARSING && isspace(*p))) {
- if(!escaped)
- return p;
- } else if(NO_PARSING==interpret_level) {
- p++;
- continue;
- } else if('\\' == *p && !escaped) {
- escaped = 1; p++; continue;
- } else if(escaped) {
- escaped = 0;
- } else if(DOLLARED_QUOTE_PARSING == interpret_level) {
- p++;
- continue;
- } else if('<' == *p) {
- here_count++;
- if(2 == here_count && interpret_level == COMMAND_PARSING) {
- p++;
- if(p >= end) {
- fprintf(stderr, "bailing\n");
- return p;
- }
- while(p < end && (isspace(*p) || '-' == *p))
- p++;
- if('\'' == *p || '"' == *p) {
- end_here = walk_command(p + 1,end,*p,NO_PARSING);
- p++;
- } else {
- end_here = walk_command(p,end,' ',SPACE_PARSING);
- }
-// d1printf("end_here=%.5s\n",end_here);
- d2printf("matched '%.*s' for a here word\n", end_here -p, p);
- temp_string = malloc(end_here -p + 1);
- memcpy(temp_string, p, end_here - p);
- temp_string[end_here - p] = '\0';
- // XXX watch this. potential for horkage. need to do the quote removal thing.
- //this sucks.
- end_here++;
- if(end_here >= end) {
- return end_here;
- }
- end_here = bmh_search(temp_string, end_here, end - end_here);
- d1printf("bmh returned %i\n", end_here);
- if(end_here) {
- d2printf("bmh = %.10s\n", end_here);
- p=end_here + strlen(temp_string) -1 ;
- d2printf("continuing on at %.10s\n", p);
- } else {
- p = end;
- }
- free(temp_string);
- here_count = 0;
- } else {
- d2printf("noticed '<', interpret_level=%i\n", interpret_level);
- p++; continue;
- }
- } else if('$' == *p && !dollared && !escaped) {
- dollared = 1; p++; continue;
- } else if('{' == *p) {
- //process_scope. this gets fun.
-// fprintf(stderr,"process_scope called for %.10s\n", p - 10);
-// p=process_scope(NULL,p+1,end,NULL,NULL,'}');
- p=walk_command(p+1,end, '}', ESCAPED_PARSING);
- // kind of a hack.
- } else if('(' == *p && interpret_level == COMMAND_PARSING) {
- p=walk_command(p + 1, end, ')',ESCAPED_PARSING);
- } else if('`' == *p || '"' == *p) {
- p=walk_command(p + 1, end, *p, ESCAPED_PARSING);
- } else if('\'' == *p && '"' != endchar) {
- p=walk_command(p + 1, end, '\'', NO_PARSING);
- }
- p++;
- escaped=0;
- dollared=0;
- }
- return p;