{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Amire80", "Hamilton Abreu", "Liuxinyu970226", "Mar(c)", "Mormegil", "Pyscowicz", "Raymond", "Shirayuki", "Siebrand", "Sunny00217", "Tgr", "Umherirrender" ] }, "oauth": "{{Optional}}\nTitle of MWOAuth page.\n{{Identical|OAuth}}", "mwoauth-desc": "{{desc|name=OAuth|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OAuth}}", "mwoauth-nosubpage-explanation": "Non-technical explanation shown to when a person accidentally lands on Special:OAuth", "mwoauth-verified": "Displayed to the user when the consumer does not have a callback URL, to provide the verification token that the consumer needs to complete the app authorization process.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - verification token\n* $2 - (Unused) request token (the app should already have this)", "mwoauth-db-readonly": "Error displayed when an admin has temporarily make OAuth read-only", "mwoauth-missing-field": "Parameters:\n* $1 - field name\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-invalid-field}}", "mwoauth-invalid-field": "Parameters:\n* $1 - field name\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-missing-field}}", "mwoauth-invalid-field-generic": "Used as generic error message for form field validation.", "mwoauth-field-hidden": "Used if the information has been deleted and the user is not allowed to view suppressed information.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-field-private}}", "mwoauth-field-private": "Used if the user is not allowed to view private information.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-field-hidden}}", "mwoauth-prefs-managegrants": "Used as label in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-prefs-managegrantslink}}.", "mwoauth-prefs-managegrantslink": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]]. See example: [[mw:Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as text for the link which points to [[Special:OAuthManageMyGrants]].\n\nPreceded by the label {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-prefs-managegrants}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Number of connected applications", "mwoauth-consumer-allwikis": "Description of scope of consumer access when the scope is all wiki projects on the site", "mwoauth-consumer-key": "Used as label for the \"Consumer key\" input box.\n{{Identical|Consumer key}}", "mwoauth-consumer-name": "Used as label for the \"Application name\" input box.\n{{Identical|Application name}}", "mwoauth-consumer-version": "Used as label for the \"Version\" input box.\n{{Identical|Consumer version}}", "mwoauth-consumer-user": "Used as label for the \"Central username\" box.\n{{Identical|Publisher}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage": "Used as label for the \"Stage\" value\n\nFollowed by any one of the following messages:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-proposed}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-rejected}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-expired}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-approved}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-disabled}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-suppressed}}\n{{Identical|Current status}}", "mwoauth-consumer-email": "Used as label for the \"Email address\" input box.", "mwoauth-consumer-email-help": "Used as help message for the \"Email address\" input box, in the consumer registration form.", "mwoauth-consumer-owner-only-label": "Used as label for the \"Owner only\" field.", "mwoauth-consumer-owner-only": "Used as label for the \"Owner only\" checkbox.", "mwoauth-consumer-owner-only-help": "Used as help text for the \"Owner only\" checkbox.", "mwoauth-consumer-description": "Used as label for the \"description\" textarea.\n{{Identical|Application description}}", "mwoauth-consumer-callbackurl": "Used as label for the \"Callback URL\" input box.\n\nSee [[w:Callback (computer programming)]].", "mwoauth-consumer-callbackisprefix": "Used as a label for the check box where user can decide if their consumer should use \"Callback URL\" as a string prefix (checked), or if the consumer cannot customize the callback URL in its requests as is required to specify \"oob\" (unchecked, default).", "mwoauth-consumer-granttypes": "Used as label to select between authorization-only (with or without private info) and normal API access", "mwoauth-consumer-grantsneeded": "Used as label.\n\nFollowed by the list of grants.\n{{Identical|Applicable grant}}", "mwoauth-consumer-required-grant": "Used as table column header.", "mwoauth-consumer-wiki": "Used as label for the input box. The default value for the input box is \"*\".\n{{Identical|Applicable project}}", "mwoauth-consumer-wiki-thiswiki": "Label for selection-list option, indicating the wiki this user is currently visiting.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - wiki ID", "mwoauth-consumer-restrictions": "Used as label for the textarea. (The value is written in JSON format.)\n\nFollowed by the textarea or the message {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-field-hidden}}.\n{{Identical|Usage restriction}}", "mwoauth-consumer-restrictions-json": "Used as label for the \"Restrictions\" textarea.\n{{Identical|Usage restriction}}", "mwoauth-consumer-rsakey": "Used as label for the textarea.\n\nFollowed by the textarea or the message {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-field-hidden}}.", "mwoauth-consumer-rsakey-help": "Used as help message for the textarea, on the consumer registration form.", "mwoauth-consumer-secretkey": "Used as label for the textarea.", "mwoauth-consumer-accesstoken": "Unused at this time.", "mwoauth-consumer-reason": "Used as label for the \"Reason\" value.\n{{Identical|Reason}}", "mwoauth-consumer-developer-agreement": "Agreement shown on application form, indicating that the app author understands their responsibilities by submitting this form.\n\n\"Application\" means \"app, software application\".", "mwoauth-consumer-email-unconfirmed": "Used as failure message when taking some action which requires email-confirmation.", "mwoauth-consumer-email-mismatched": "Used as failure message when taking some action.", "mwoauth-consumer-alreadyexists": "Used as failure message.", "mwoauth-consumer-alreadyexistsversion": "Used as failure message. Parameters:\n* $1 - current consumer version number", "mwoauth-consumer-not-accepted": "Unused at this time.", "mwoauth-consumer-not-proposed": "Used as failure message when approving or rejecting the consumer.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-not-disabled}}", "mwoauth-consumer-not-disabled": "Used as failure message when re-enabling the consumer.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-not-proposed}}", "mwoauth-consumer-not-approved": "Used as failure message.", "mwoauth-missing-consumer-key": "Used as error message when showing consumer information.", "mwoauth-invalid-consumer-key": "Used as failure message.", "mwoauth-invalid-access-token": "Used as failure message.", "mwoauth-invalid-access-wrongwiki": "Used as error message. Parameters:\n* $1 - the wiki ID the consumer is applicable to", "mwoauth-consumer-conflict": "Used as failure message.", "mwoauth-consumer-grantshelp": "Help text shown on consumer proposal form.\n\nIdentical:\n* {{msg-mw|Botpasswords-help-grants}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage-proposed": "{{Related|Mwoauth-consumer-stage}}\n{{Identical|Proposed}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage-rejected": "{{Related|Mwoauth-consumer-stage}}\n{{Identical|Rejected}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage-expired": "{{Related|Mwoauth-consumer-stage}}\n{{Identical|Expired}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage-approved": "{{Related|Mwoauth-consumer-stage}}\n{{Identical|Approved}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage-disabled": "{{Related|Mwoauth-consumer-stage}}\n{{Identical|Disabled}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage-suppressed": "{{Related|Mwoauth-consumer-stage}}\n{{Identical|Suppressed}}", "oauthconsumerregistration": "{{doc-special|MWOAuthConsumerRegistration}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-navigation": "Used in page subtitle.\n{{Identical|Navigation}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-propose": "Text for the link that developers follow to request that their application is accepted as an OAuth application on this site.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-list": "Used in page subtitle link text", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-main": "Used as label for \"View all\" link.\n\nPreceded by list of the links (\"|\" separated) which have any one of the following link texts:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthconsumerregistration-propose}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthconsumerregistration-list}}\n{{Identical|Main}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-propose-text": "Used as introduction text for the form.\n\n\"Application\" means \"app, software application\".", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-update-text": "Used as introduction text for the form.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-maintext": "Used as introduction text in [[Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration]].", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-propose-legend": "Used as fieldset label.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-update-legend": "Used as fieldset label.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-propose-submit": "Used as label for the Submit button.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-update-submit": "Used as label for the Submit button.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-none": "Used if there are no OAuth consumers to list.", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-name": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Consumer}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-user": "{{Identical|Publisher}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-description": "{{Identical|Description}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-email": "field on registration form for email", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-consumerkey": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Consumer key}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-stage": "Used as table row header.\n\nFollowed by any one of the following messages:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-proposed}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-rejected}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-expired}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-approved}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-disabled}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-suppressed}}\n{{Identical|Status}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-lastchange": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Last change}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-manage": "Used as link text.\n{{Identical|Manage}}", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-resetsecretkey": "Used a label for a checkbox", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-proposed": "Used as success message.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - consumer key\n* $2 - secret key", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-created-owner-only": "Used as success message.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - consumer key\n* $2 - consumer secret\n* $3 - access key\n* $4 - access secret", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-created-owner-only-oauth2": "Used as success message.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - consumer key\n* $2 - consumer secret\n* $3 - access token", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-updated": "Shown as success message", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-secretreset": "Shown on success message. Parameters:\n* $1 - new secret token", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-secretreset-owner-only": "Shown on success message.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - consumer key\n* $2 - consumer secret\n* $3 - access key\n* $4 - access secret", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-secretreset-owner-only-oauth2": "Shown on success message.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - consumer key\n* $2 - consumer secret\n* $3 - access key", "mwoauthconsumerregistration-need-emailconfirmed": "Shown when the user tries to use the consumer management special page without a confirmed email address.", "oauthmanageconsumers": "{{doc-special|MWOAuthManageConsumers}}\n{{Identical|Manage OAuth consumer}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-notloggedin": "Used if the user is not logged in.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-type": "Used as subtitle.\n\nFollowed by any one (or zero) of the following messages:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-showproposed}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-showrejected}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-showexpired}}\n{{Identical|Queue}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-showproposed": "Used as link text or plain text in a navigation menu.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-type}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-showrejected": "Used as link text or plain text in a navigation menu.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-type}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-showexpired": "Used as link text or plain text in a navigation menu.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-type}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-linkproposed": "Used as link text inside a sentence.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-linkrejected": "Used as link text inside a sentence.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-linkexpired": "Used as link text inside a sentence.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-linkapproved": "Used as link text inside a sentence.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-linkdisabled": "Used as link text inside a sentence.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-main": "Used as link text.\n\nPreceded by a list of links which have any one of the following labels:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-showproposed}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-showrejected}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-showexpired}}\n{{Identical|Main}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-maintext": "Used in [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nFollowed by the message {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-queues}}.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-queues": "Used as label.\n\nFollowed by a list of links which point to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nText for the link is any one of the following messages:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-q-proposed}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-q-rejected}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-q-expired}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-q-proposed": "Used as text for the link which points to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nThe list is preceded by the label {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-queues}}.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-q-rejected": "Used as text for the link which points to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nThe list is preceded by the label {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-queues}}.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-q-expired": "Used as text for the link which points to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nThe list is preceded by the label {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-queues}}.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-lists": "Used as subtitle which is followed by a list of links.\n\nThe links are points to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nThe text fo the link is any one of the following messages:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-l-approved}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-l-disabled}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-l-approved": "Used as text for the link which points to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nThe list is preceded by the label {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-lists}}.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-l-disabled": "Used as text for the link which points to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].\n\nThe list is preceded by the label {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-lists}}.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-none-proposed": "Used if there are not consumers to list.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-none}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-none-rejected": "Used if there are not consumers to list.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-none}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-none-expired": "Used if there are not consumers to list.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-none}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-none-approved": "Used if there are not consumers to list.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-none}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-none-disabled": "Used if there are not consumers to list.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-none}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-name": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Consumer}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-user": "Used as table row header for the \"Central username\".\n{{Identical|Publisher}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-description": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Description}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-email": "Followed by an email address or the message {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-consumer-stage-suppressed}}.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-consumerkey": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Consumer key}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-lastchange": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Last change}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-review": "Used as label for the link which points to [[Special:OAuthManageConsumers]].", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-confirm-text": "Used as introduction text for the form.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-confirm-legend": "Used as fieldset label.\n{{Identical|Manage OAuth consumer}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-action": "Used as label for the radio box group.\n\nFollowed by the following radio boxes:\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauthmanageconsumers-approve}}\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauthmanageconsumers-reject}}\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauthmanageconsumers-rsuppress}}\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauthmanageconsumers-disable}}\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauthmanageconsumers-dsuppress}}\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauthmanageconsumers-reenable}}\n{{Identical|Change status}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-approve": "Used as label for the radio box.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers}}\n{{Identical|Approved}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-reject": "Used as label for the radio box.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers}}\n{{Identical|Rejected}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-rsuppress": "Used as label for the radio box.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-disable": "Used as label for the radio box.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers}}\n{{Identical|Disabled}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-dsuppress": "Used as label for the radio box. Describes a consumer.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-reenable": "Used as label for the radio box.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers}}\n{{Identical|Approved}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-reason": "Used as label for the \"Reason\" input box.\n{{Identical|Reason}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-confirm-submit": "Used as label for the Submit button.", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-success-approved": "Used as success message.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-success}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-success-rejected": "Used as success message.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-success}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-success-disabled": "Used as success message.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-success}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-success-reanable": "Used as success message.\n{{Related|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-success}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-search-name": "Link to search for consumers with the same name.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-search-publisher}}", "mwoauthmanageconsumers-search-publisher": "Link to search for consumers by the same user.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanageconsumers-search-name}}", "oauthlistconsumers": "{{doc-special|MWOAuthListConsumers}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-legend": "Legend used for filter form fieldset.\n\nFollowed by the following labels:\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauth-consumer-name}}\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauth-consumer-user}}\n* {{msg-mw|mwoauth-consumer-stage}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-view": "Link to view consumer details.\n{{Identical|Detail}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-none": "Shown when a list of consumers is empty", "mwoauthlistconsumers-name": "Used as a field name in consumer lists.\n{{Identical|Application name}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-version": "Used as a field name in consumer lists.\n{{Identical|Consumer version}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-user": "Used as a field name in consumer lists.\n{{Identical|Publisher}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-description": "Used as label for the \"Description\" field in consumer lists.\n{{Identical|Description}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-wiki": "Used as a field name in consumer lists.\n{{Identical|Applicable project}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-callbackurl": "Used as a field name in consumer lists", "mwoauthlistconsumers-callbackisprefix": "Used as a field name in consumer lists", "mwoauthlistconsumers-grants": "Used as a field name in consumer lists.\n{{Identical|Applicable grant}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-basicgrantsonly": "Message used when only hidden grants are used by a consumer (or none at all)", "mwoauthlistconsumers-status": "Used as a field name in consumer lists.\n{{Identical|Status}}", "mwoauth-consumer-stage-any": "Used as special selector field for \"all consumer states\".\n{{Identical|Any}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-status-proposed": "{{Related|Mwoauthlistconsumers-status}}\n{{Identical|Proposed}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-status-approved": "{{Related|Mwoauthlistconsumers-status}}\n{{Identical|Approved}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-status-disabled": "{{Related|Mwoauthlistconsumers-status}}\n{{Identical|Disabled}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-status-rejected": "{{Related|Mwoauthlistconsumers-status}}\n{{Identical|Rejected}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-status-expired": "{{Related|Mwoauthlistconsumers-status}}\n{{Identical|Expired}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-navigation": "Used as subtitle.\n\nFollowed by a link with the link text {{msg-mw|mwoauthlistconsumers-update-link}}. It can be without link.\n{{Identical|Navigation}}", "mwoauthlistconsumers-update-link": "Used as link text or plain text in a navgation menu.", "mwoauthlistconsumers-manage-link": "Used as link text or plain text in a navgation menu.", "mwoauthlistconsumers-grants-link": "Used as link text or plain text in a navgation menu.", "mwoauthlistconsumers-rclink": "Text of the link shown on [[Special:OAuthListConsumers]] which shows the recent changes by this application.", "oauthmanagemygrants": "{{doc-special|OAuthManageMyGrants}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-text": "Explanatory text for Special:OAuthManageMyGrants page", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-navigation": "Used as subtitle.\n\nFollowed by a link with the link text {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanagemygrants-showlist}}. It can be without link.\n{{Identical|Navigation}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-showlist": "Used as link text or as plain text", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-none": "Message when a user has not authorized any OAuth consumers", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-user": "Used as table row header for \"Central username\".\n{{Identical|Publisher}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-description": "Used as table row header.\n{{Identical|Description}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-wikiallowed": "Used as field label", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-grants": "Used as field label.\n{{Identical|Applicable grant}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-grantsallowed": "Used as field label", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-applicablegrantsallowed": "Used as field label", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-review": "Used as link text.", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-revoke": "Used as link text.", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-grantaccept": "Used as checkbox column label", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-update-text": "Explanatory text for [[Special:OAuthManageMyGrants]] form", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-revoke-text": "Explanatory text for Special:OAuthManageMyGrants form", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-confirm-legend": "Used as fieldset label", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-update": "Used as label for the radio box.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanagemygrants-action}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-renounce": "Used as label for the radio box.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanagemygrants-action}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-action": "Used as label for the radio box group.\n\nFollowed by the following radio boxes:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanagemygrants-update}}\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanagemygrants-renounce}}\n{{Identical|Change status}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-confirm-submit": "Used as label for the Submit button", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-success-update": "Message shown when grants for an OAuth consumer are updated by a user", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-success-renounce": "Message shown when grants for an OAuth consumer are totally revoked", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-basic-tooltip": "Message for the tooltip shown next to the disabled checkbox for the \"basic\" grant on [[Special:OAuthManageMyGrants]], explaining why the checkbox cannot be modified.", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-authonly-tooltip": "Message for the tooltip shown next to the disabled checkboxes for the \"authonly\" and \"authonlyprivate\" grants on [[Special:OAuthManageMyGrants]], explaining why the checkbox cannot be modified.\n\nCf. {{msg-mw|Mwoauthmanagemygrants-basic-tooltip}}", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-editslink": "Text of the link shown on [[Special:OAuthManageMyGrants]] which shows the edits this application made in the name of the user. $1 is the current user.", "mwoauthmanagemygrants-actionslink": "Text of the link shown on [[Special:OAuthManageMyGrants]] which shows the logged actions this application made in the name of the user. $1 is the current user.", "logentry-mwoauthconsumer-propose": "{{logentry}}", "logentry-mwoauthconsumer-update": "{{logentry}}\n* $4 - consumer key", "logentry-mwoauthconsumer-approve": "{{logentry}}\n* $4 - consumer key", "logentry-mwoauthconsumer-reject": "{{logentry}}\n* $4 - consumer key", "logentry-mwoauthconsumer-disable": "{{logentry}}\n* $4 - consumer key", "logentry-mwoauthconsumer-reenable": "{{logentry}}\n* $4 - consumer key", "logentry-mwoauthconsumer-create-owner-only": "{{logentry}}\n* $4 - consumer key", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer": "{{doc-log-action-filter-type|mwoauthconsumer}}\n{{Related|Log-action-filter}}", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer-approve": "{{doc-log-action-filter-action|mwoauthconsumer|approve}}", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer-create-owner-only": "{{doc-log-action-filter-action|mwoauthconsumer|create-owner-only}}", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer-disable": "{{doc-log-action-filter-action|mwoauthconsumer|disable}}", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer-propose": "{{doc-log-action-filter-action|mwoauthconsumer|propose}}", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer-reenable": "{{doc-log-action-filter-action|mwoauthconsumer|reenable}}", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer-reject": "{{doc-log-action-filter-action|mwoauthconsumer|reject}}", "log-action-filter-mwoauthconsumer-update": "{{doc-log-action-filter-action|mwoauthconsumer|update}}", "mwoauthconsumer-consumer-logpage": "{{doc-logpage}}", "mwoauthconsumer-consumer-logpagetext": "Description of the OAuth consumer log.", "mwoauth-bad-request-missing-params": "Error message when MediaWiki makes an error during the authorization process, and fails to send all the required url parameters\n* $1 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauth-bad-request-invalid-action": "Error, when the 3rd-party OAuth developers sends users to a bad authorization url\n* $1 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauth-bad-request-invalid-action-contact": "Error, when the 3rd-party OAuth developers sends users to a bad authorization url, but we know which application made the request and we can link the user to a page to contact the developer.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - an URL to contact with the author.\n* $2 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauthdatastore-access-token-not-found": "Error message when an invalid access token was submitted", "mwoauthdatastore-request-token-not-found": "Error message when an invalid request token was submitted\n* $1 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauthdatastore-callback-not-found": "Error message when the callback URL is not found in cache.", "mwoauthdatastore-request-token-already-used": "Error message when a request token that has already been used was resubmitted. Parameters:\n* $1 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauthdatastore-bad-token": "Error message when an invalid token was submitted", "mwoauthdatastore-bad-source-ip": "Error message when a request comes from an IP address which is not among those whitelisted", "mwoauthdatastore-bad-verifier": "Error message when an invalid verification code was submitted", "mwoauthdatastore-invalid-token-type": "Error message when an invalid page was requested", "mwoauthgrants-general-error": "Generic error, when something unexpected happened while processing the OAuth request", "mwoauthserver-bad-consumer": "Error message when an invalid consumer identifier was submitted. Parameters:\n* $1 - application name\n* $2 - central wiki's user talk page\n* $3 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauthserver-bad-consumer-key": "Generic error for users when a 3rd-party OAuth developer sends users to an invalid url\n* $1 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauthserver-insufficient-rights": "Error message that the user does not have the required rights to perform this request", "mwoauthserver-invalid-request-token": "Error message when an invalid request token was submitted", "mwoauthserver-invalid-user": "Error when the user attempts to use OAuth, but they do not have a unified (SUL) account, which is required.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - application name\n* $2 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauthserver-consumer-no-secret": "Error when a consumer with no secret or RSA was submitted. Parameters:\n* $1 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauthserver-consumer-owner-only": "Error when an owner-only consumer attempted to use the authorization process. Parameters:\n* $1 - consumer name\n* $2 - title of OAuth Consumer registration update\n* $3 - a link to the explanation of the error. The text link is the error code.", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-title": "Title of the error page when the Authorization header is invalid", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization": "Text of the error page when the Authorization header is invalid. Parameters are:\n* $1 - Specific error message from the OAuth layer, probably not localized", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-wrong-wiki": "Text of the error page when the Authorization header is for the wrong wiki. Parameters are:\n* $1 - wiki id", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user": "Text of the error page when the Authorization header is for a user that doesn't exist", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-wrong-user": "Text of the error page when the Authorization header is for the wrong user", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-not-approved": "Text of the error page when the Authorization header is for a consumer that isn't approved.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - ...", "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-blocked-user": "Text of the error page when Authorization header is for a user who is blocked", "mwoauth-form-description-allwikis": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to use MediaWiki on their behalf.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\n* $4 - formatted list of grants\nSee also:\n{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-description-onewiki": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to use MediaWiki on their behalf, without any non-hidden grants.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\n* $4 - wiki project name\nSee also:{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-description-allwikis-nogrants": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to use MediaWiki on their behalf, without any non-hidden grants.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\nSee also:\n{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-description-onewiki-nogrants": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to use MediaWiki on their behalf, without any non-hidden grants.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\n* $4 - wiki project name\nSee also:\n{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-description-allwikis-privateinfo": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to access private information about the user but with no grants. The language should parallel {{msg-mw|grant-mwoauth-authonlyprivate}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\nSee also:\n{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-description-onewiki-privateinfo": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to access private information about the user but with no grants. The language should parallel {{msg-mw|grant-mwoauth-authonlyprivate}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\n* $4 - wiki project name\nSee also:\n{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-description-allwikis-privateinfo-norealname": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to access private information about the user but with no grants, on a wiki which does not use real names. The language should parallel {{msg-mw|grant-mwoauth-authonlyprivate}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\nSee also:\n{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-description-onewiki-privateinfo-norealname": "Description of a form requesting the user authorize an OAuth consumer to access private information about the user but with no grants, on a wiki which does not use real names. The language should parallel {{msg-mw|grant-mwoauth-authonlyprivate}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the username\n* $2 - application name\n* $3 - application publisher\n* $4 - wiki project name\nSee also:\n{{related|mwoauth-form-description}}", "mwoauth-form-legal": "Message used for wiki-specific legal notes. Keep this blank.", "mwoauth-form-button-approve": "Button label, indicating the user wants to allow access.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-form-button-cancel}}\n{{Identical|Allow}}", "mwoauth-form-button-cancel": "Button label, indicating the user wants to cancel granting access.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Mwoauth-form-button-approve}}\n{{Identical|Cancel}}", "mwoauth-error": "Heading on the page, whenever an OAuth error is presented to a user.", "mwoauth-grants-heading": "Used as label for the grants list.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-blockusers}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-createaccount}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-createeditmovepage}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-delete}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-editinterface}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-editmycssjs}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-editmywatchlist}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-editpage}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-editprotected}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-highvolume}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-oversight}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-patrol}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-protect}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-rollback}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-sendemail}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-uploadeditmovefile}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-uploadfile}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-basic}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-viewdeleted}}\n* {{msg-mw|Grant-viewmywatchlist}}", "mwoauth-grants-nogrants": "Warning message that the OAuth consumer has not requested any permissions", "mwoauth-acceptance-cancelled": "Message shown when an OAuth authorization request is declined. Parameters:\n* $1 - consumer name", "mwoauth-granttype-normal": "{{Related|Mwoauth-consumer-granttypes}}", "grant-mwoauth-authonly": "Name for OAuth grant \"mwoauth-authonly\".\n{{Related|Grant}}", "grant-mwoauth-authonlyprivate": "Name for OAuth grant \"mwoauth-authonlyprivate\".\n{{Related|Grant}}", "mwoauth-listgrants-extra-summary": "Header for the OAuth-specific grants section on [[Special:ListGrants]]", "mwoauth-oauth-exception": "Used as failure message. Parameters:\n* $1 - Exception message text", "mwoauth-callback-not-oob": "Warning that the OAuth developer failed to include the required \"oauth_callback\" parameter, which must be set to the case-sensitive string \"oob\"", "mwoauth-callback-not-oob-or-prefix": "Warning that the OAuth developer failed to include the required \"oauth_callback\" parameter, which must be set to the case-sensitive string \"oob\", or the callback which was configured at a consumer registration time must be a strict (character by character) prefix of the supplied value.", "right-mwoauthproposeconsumer": "{{doc-right|mwoauthproposeconsumer}}", "right-mwoauthupdateownconsumer": "{{doc-right|mwoauthupdateownconsumer}}", "right-mwoauthmanageconsumer": "{{doc-right|mwoauthmanageconsumer}}\n{{Identical|Manage OAuth consumer}}", "right-mwoauthsuppress": "{{doc-right|mwoauthsuppress}}", "right-mwoauthviewsuppressed": "{{doc-right|mwoauthviewsuppressed}}", "right-mwoauthviewprivate": "{{doc-right|mwoauthviewprivate}}", "right-mwoauthmanagemygrants": "{{doc-right|mwoauthmanagemygrants}}", "action-mwoauthmanageconsumer": "{{doc-action|mwoauthmanageconsumer}}\n{{Identical|Manage OAuth consumer}}", "action-mwoauthsuppress": "{{doc-action|mwoauthsuppress}}", "action-mwoauthmanagemygrants": "{{doc-action|mwoauthmanagemygrants}}", "action-mwoauthproposeconsumer": "{{doc-action|mwoauthproposeconsumer}}", "action-mwoauthupdateownconsumer": "{{doc-action|mwoauthupdateownconsumer}}", "action-mwoauthviewprivate": "{{doc-action|mwoauthviewprivate}}", "action-mwoauthviewsuppressed": "{{doc-action|mwoauthviewsuppressed}}", "mwoauth-tag-reserved": "Error message displayed on [[Special:Tags]] when a user attempts to manually create a change tag reserved by OAuth.", "mwoauth-botpasswords-note": "Added to the top of [[Special:BotPasswords]] to point out that OAuth is a superior alternative. Parameters:\n* $1 - URL for [[Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration]], which might be on another wiki", "mwoauth-api-module-disabled": "Error message for when an API module is disabled when OAuth is in use. Parameters:\n* $1 - The API module name.", "echo-category-title-oauth-owner": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-oauth-owner}}", "echo-pref-tooltip-oauth-owner": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-oauth-owner}}", "echo-category-title-oauth-admin": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-oauth-admin}}", "echo-pref-tooltip-oauth-admin": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-oauth-admin}}", "notification-oauth-app-propose-title": "Text of the notification sent to OAuth admins when a new app is proposed.\n* $1: app owner\n* $2: name of the app", "notification-oauth-app-update-title": "Text of the notification sent to OAuth admins when the app is updated.\n* $1: app owner\n* $2: name of the app", "notification-oauth-app-approve-title": "Text of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is approved.\n* $1: approving admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner", "notification-oauth-app-reject-title": "Text of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is rejected.\n* $1: rejecting admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner", "notification-oauth-app-disable-title": "Text of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is disabled.\n* $1: disabling admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner", "notification-oauth-app-reenable-title": "Text of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is reenabled.\n* $1: reenabling admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner", "notification-oauth-app-propose-subject": "Email subject of the notification sent to OAuth admins when a new app is proposed.\n* $1: app owner\n* $2: name of the app\n\nSee also: {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-propose-email-batch-body}}", "notification-oauth-app-update-subject": "Email subject of the notification sent to OAuth admins when the app is updated.\n* $1: app owner\n* $2: name of the app\n\nSee also: {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-update-email-batch-body}}", "notification-oauth-app-approve-subject": "Email subject of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is approved.\n* $1: approving admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner\n\nSee also: {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-approve-email-batch-body}}", "notification-oauth-app-reject-subject": "Email subject of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is rejected.\n* $1: rejecting admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner\n\nSee also: {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-reject-email-batch-body}}", "notification-oauth-app-disable-subject": "Email subject of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is disabled.\n* $1: disabling admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner\n\nSee also: {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-disable-email-batch-body}}", "notification-oauth-app-reenable-subject": "Email subject of the notification sent to OAuth app owner when the app is reenabled.\n* $1: reenabling admin\n* $2: name of the app\n* $3: app owner\n\nSee also: {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-reenable-email-batch-body}}", "notification-oauth-app-propose-primary-link": "Text of the link which appears at the end of the email notification {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-propose-email-batch-body}}. It links to the app management page for OAuth admins.", "notification-oauth-app-update-primary-link": "Text of the link which appears at the end of the email notification {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-update-email-batch-body}}. It links to the app management page for OAuth admins.", "notification-oauth-app-approve-primary-link": "Text of the link which appears at the end of the email notification {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-approve-email-batch-body}}. It links to the app update page for app owners.", "notification-oauth-app-reject-primary-link": "Text of the link which appears at the end of the email notification {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-reject-email-batch-body}}. It links to the app update page for app owners.", "notification-oauth-app-disable-primary-link": "Text of the link which appears at the end of the email notification {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-disable-email-batch-body}}. It links to the app update page for app owners.", "notification-oauth-app-reenable-primary-link": "Text of the link which appears at the end of the email notification {{msg-mw|notification-oauth-app-reenable-email-batch-body}}. It links to the app update page for app owners.", "notification-oauth-app-body": "Text of the body of app stage change notifications. $1 is the reason given by the user who made the change.\n{{Identical|Reason}}", "mwoauth-oauth-version": "Used as a label in multiple places for the field indicating OAuth version consumer is registered to use", "mwoauth-oauth-version-1": "Label for OAuth version 1.0a", "mwoauth-oauth-version-2": "Label for OAuth version 2.0", "mwoauth-oauth2-is-confidential": "Used as a field label that indicates if the consumer (client) is confidential", "mwoauth-oauth2-is-confidential-help": "Help message for the field that indicates if the consumer (client) is confidential", "mwoauth-oauth2-granttypes": "Used as a label for field that determines which types of OAuth2 grants consumer can use", "mwoauth-oauth2-granttype-auth-code": "Display label for grant type authorization_code", "mwoauth-oauth2-granttype-refresh-token": "Display label for grant type refresh_token", "mwoauth-oauth2-granttype-client-credentials": "Display label for grant type client_credentials", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-create-at-no-user-approval": "Error when client application attempts to retrieve access token, without having the user approve the application first", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-user-approval-deny": "Error message returned to the client application if user rejected the approval request", "mwoauth-oauth-unsupported-version": "Error message when targeted endpoint does not support OAuth version being used.\n$1 - OAuth version", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-unauthorized-scope": "Error when application is not allowed to use requested scope.\n$1 - first not allowed scope", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-owner-only-invalid-grant": "Error for OAuth2 owner-only clients, when client is not allowed to use 'client_credentials' grant", "mwoauth-oauth2-unable-to-retrieve-access-token": "Error displayed when OAuth2 access token cannot be retrieved for owner-only application.\n$1 - error message (reason)", "mwoauth-oauth2-error": "Error message to be displayed to the user on OAuth2 errors.\n$1 - error type\n$2 - error message\n$3-hint", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-server-error": "OAuth2 error for error type server_error", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-invalid-request": "OAuth2 error for error type invalid_request", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-unauthorized-client": "OAuth2 error for error type unauthorized_client", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-access-denied": "OAuth2 error for error type access_denied", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-unsupported-response-type": "OAuth2 error for error type unsupported_response_type", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-invalid-scope": "OAuth2 error for error type invalid_scope", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-temporarily-unavailable": "OAuth2 error for error type temporarily_unavailable", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-invalid-client": "OAuth2 error for error type invalid_client", "mwoauth-oauth2-error-request-not-verified": "Error message when verified properties are accessed before verifying the request", "mwoauth-oauth2-invalid-access-token": "Error when verifying the access token and the token is invalid", "mwoauth-consumer-access-no-user": "Error message when trying to save user approval with anonymous user", "mwoauth-login-required-reason": "Helper text that appears when a user is redirected to Special:Login page because they attempted authorisation while not logged in on the provider", "mwoauthconsumer-consumer-view": "Used as link text in a navigation menu.", "mwoauthconsumer-application-view": "Used as link text in a navigation menu." }