addDescription( 'Script for processing message changes in file based message groups' ); $this->addOption( 'group', '(optional) Comma separated list of group IDs to process (can use * as wildcard). ' . 'Default: "*"', false, /*required*/ true /*has arg*/ ); $this->addOption( 'skipgroup', '(optional) Comma separated list of group IDs to not process (can use * ' . 'as wildcard). Overrides --group parameter.', false, /*required*/ true /*has arg*/ ); $this->addOption( 'name', '(optional) Unique name to avoid conflicts with multiple invocations of this script.', false, /*required*/ true /*has arg*/ ); $this->addOption( 'safe-import', '(optional) Import "safe" changes: message additions when no other kind of changes.' ); $this->addOption( 'skip-group-sync-check', '(optional) Skip importing group if synchronization is still in progress or if there ' . 'was an error during synchronization. See: ' . '' ); $this->requireExtension( 'Translate' ); } public function execute() { $name = $this->getOption( 'name', MessageChangeStorage::DEFAULT_NAME ); if ( !MessageChangeStorage::isValidCdbName( $name ) ) { $this->fatalError( 'Invalid name' ); } $groups = $this->getGroups(); $changes = []; $comparator = new ExternalMessageSourceStateComparator( new SimpleStringComparator() ); $scripted = $this->hasOption( 'safe-import' ); $skipGroupSyncCache = $this->hasOption( 'skip-group-sync-check' ); $services = Services::getInstance(); $groupSyncCache = $services->getGroupSynchronizationCache(); $groupSyncCacheEnabled = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig() ->get( 'TranslateGroupSynchronizationCache' ); /** @var FileBasedMessageGroup $group */ foreach ( $groups as $id => $group ) { if ( $groupSyncCacheEnabled && !$skipGroupSyncCache ) { if ( $groupSyncCache->isGroupBeingProcessed( $id ) ) { $this->error( "Group $id is currently being synchronized; skipping processing of changes\n" ); continue; } if ( $groupSyncCache->groupHasErrors( $id ) ) { $this->error( "Skipping $id due to an error during synchronization\n" ); continue; } } if ( !$scripted ) { $this->output( "Processing $id\n" ); } try { $changes[$id] = $comparator->processGroup( $group, $comparator::ALL_LANGUAGES ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $errorMsg = "Exception occurred while processing group: $id.\nException: $e"; $this->error( $errorMsg ); error_log( $errorMsg ); } } // Remove all groups without changes $changes = array_filter( $changes, static function ( MessageSourceChange $change ) { return $change->getAllModifications() !== []; } ); if ( $changes === [] ) { if ( !$scripted ) { $this->output( "No changes found\n" ); } return; } if ( $scripted ) { $importer = $services->getExternalMessageSourceStateImporter(); $info = $importer->importSafe( $changes, $name ); $this->printChangeInfo( $info ); return; } $file = MessageChangeStorage::getCdbPath( $name ); MessageChangeStorage::writeChanges( $changes, $file ); $url = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ManageMessageGroups', $name )->getFullURL(); $this->output( "Process changes at $url\n" ); } /** * Gets list of message groups filtered by user input. * @return FileBasedMessageGroup[] */ protected function getGroups() { $groups = MessageGroups::getGroupsByType( FileBasedMessageGroup::class ); // Include all if option not given $include = $this->getOption( 'group', '*' ); $include = explode( ',', $include ); $include = array_map( 'trim', $include ); $include = MessageGroups::expandWildcards( $include ); // Exclude nothing if option not given $exclude = $this->getOption( 'skipgroup', '' ); $exclude = explode( ',', $exclude ); $exclude = array_map( 'trim', $exclude ); $exclude = MessageGroups::expandWildcards( $exclude ); // Flip to allow isset $include = array_flip( $include ); $exclude = array_flip( $exclude ); $groups = array_filter( $groups, static function ( MessageGroup $group ) use ( $include, $exclude ) { $id = $group->getId(); return isset( $include[$id] ) && !isset( $exclude[$id] ); } ); return $groups; } protected function printChangeInfo( array $info ) { foreach ( $info['processed'] as $group => $languages ) { $newMessageCount = array_sum( $languages ); if ( $newMessageCount ) { $this->output( "Imported $newMessageCount new messages or translations for $group.\n" ); } } if ( $info['skipped'] !== [] ) { $skipped = implode( ', ', array_keys( $info['skipped'] ) ); $this->output( "There are changes to check for groups $skipped.\n" ); $url = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ManageMessageGroups', $info['name'] )->getFullURL(); $this->output( "You can process them at $url\n" ); } } } $maintClass = ProcessMessageChanges::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;