May 24 15:03:47 OK lets start ... May 24 15:04:13 Who is logging the meeting ... my logger is here May 24 15:04:15 I got the log May 24 15:04:25 Thanks dabbott May 24 15:04:44 Activity Tracker May 24 15:04:44 Hi NeddySeagoon your welcome :) May 24 15:06:45 perhaps we should update the activity tracker's next due to the real next due (even if that means one is somewhere missed) May 24 15:06:50 We neeh to set the Election recording date. Its normally the date of the June meeting so we can deal with the late rush of applications. I propose that it be the end of the JUne meeting May 24 15:07:26 01 May 24 15:07:27 +1 May 24 15:07:28 Everyone on the role then gets to vote May 24 15:07:45 what's the "recording date"? May 24 15:08:42 SwifT: its when the list of members entitiled to vote at the next election is set. Anyone joining later does not vote this year May 24 15:08:54 ok May 24 15:09:17 The rocording date will be the end of the June meeting May 24 15:09:34 So the date will be the next meeting? May 24 15:09:48 I'm getting over confident on dvorak-uk :( May 24 15:09:55 dabbott: yes. May 24 15:10:03 ok got it May 24 15:10:40 We should probably advertise that on the -dev list May 24 15:10:51 or even on announce May 24 15:10:56 yep May 24 15:11:38 Annual Report - New Mexico ... isn't that done ? May 24 15:11:39 Ok I will send an email to gentoo-dev-announce May 24 15:11:50 Thanks dabbott May 24 15:12:07 It was done last year, I did it May 24 15:12:26 Its due Nov-15-2015 May 24 15:12:28 the Annual report that is May 24 15:12:34 yes May 24 15:13:24 I never did see a Treasure report for last year May 24 15:13:40 it was talked about but i never did see it May 24 15:14:02 its not posted anywhere afaik May 24 15:14:30 Trustee Elections ... we have just started the process. We normally have 4 weeks of nominations, a short gap and 4 weeks of voting so that the board changes an the Aug meeting. May 24 15:14:34 it was not anywhere on oldwww May 24 15:14:59 It may be in quantumsummers dev space May 24 15:15:45 who is up for election? May 24 15:15:47 antarus: isn't here ... May 24 15:15:59 at least me May 24 15:16:17 dabbott: I need to look that up ... I'm mid term May 24 15:16:24 i am (as this is my second year almost ending) May 24 15:16:51 Are you both going to stand for reelection ? May 24 15:17:04 Ok so Betelgeuse and SwifT , that is if anyone is nominated and accepts, do you 2 want to cont? May 24 15:17:12 probably May 24 15:17:29 I can step down if I see someone else wanting the post that I can endorse May 24 15:17:44 antarus: was new last year. May 24 15:18:00 Betelgeuse: you can recruit someone if you like :) May 24 15:18:02 I don't have that much time to contribute outside regular meetings May 24 15:18:32 Betelgeuse: but they munt be a Foundation member May 24 15:19:08 I doubt someone who wasn't would volunteer :) May 24 15:19:17 Betelgeuse: Gentoo Copyright Policy ... May 24 15:19:17 but noted May 24 15:19:35 NeddySeagoon: move on the June. Better get on it because time is running out. May 24 15:19:47 OK May 24 15:20:35 * NeddySeagoon Gentoo OVH Release 2 I've still not done it. RL keeps getting in the way May 24 15:21:15 quantumsummers hows he doing? I hear his family has got bigger May 24 15:21:43 haven't heard him in a while May 24 15:22:03 We are going to need a Tresueres report in August May 24 15:23:02 SwifT: Gentoo Trademark License Agreement ... Still waiting on the E.v. ? May 24 15:23:36 yes, my contact hasn't showed up in a while May 24 15:23:39 !seen sping May 24 15:23:39 SwifT: sping was last seen 1 month, 3 days, 40 minutes and 41 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!) May 24 15:23:41 see May 24 15:23:42 ;) May 24 15:23:48 hehe May 24 15:23:51 I did move the draft to the wiki though May 24 15:23:59 since the guidexml rendering didn't work anymore May 24 15:24:01 Thats progress May 24 15:24:08 the link is in the agenda for those who aant May 24 15:24:34 i've asked sping by mail if he could agree that we would go forward with the publication for foundation for now; let's see what the answer is May 24 15:24:40 don't want to wait for it another year :P May 24 15:24:53 Seems fair May 24 15:25:01 Open Trustee Bugs May 24 15:25:12 SwifT: I update the dates in recurring activities on the activity tracker May 24 15:25:22 ok May 24 15:25:49 thanks dabbott May 24 15:26:49 do wee need to look at any bugs? May 24 15:27:42 not that I'm aware May 24 15:28:12 OK moving on May 24 15:28:32 Cleanup May 24 15:29:09 Date of Next Meeting - 21 June 2015 19:00 UTC Thats both Fathers day in the USA and the longest day. May 24 15:29:21 It works for me though May 24 15:29:33 it works for me as well May 24 15:29:56 Betelgeuse: ? May 24 15:30:11 I arrive to harbor half an hour before the meeting May 24 15:30:25 So if it's on time, I will be there. Otherwise I will sms and you can wait? May 24 15:30:47 Betelgeuse we can move the meeting if it helps May 24 15:30:58 Can we make it 30min lateR? May 24 15:31:02 19:30UTC? May 24 15:31:14 Sure May 24 15:31:20 Betelgeuse: that works for me May 24 15:31:37 SwifT: 19:30 ? May 24 15:32:17 probably ok for me - a bit on the late side, but still ok May 24 15:32:30 dabbott: has the logs and email May 24 15:32:41 yes May 24 15:32:43 Its later still for Betelgeuse May 24 15:33:01 19:30 UTC it is then May 24 15:33:31 >chanserv< OP #trustees dabbott May 24 15:33:41 Open Floor May 24 15:34:25 >chanserv< OP #gentoo-trustees dabbott May 24 15:34:25 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to dabbott May 24 15:35:11 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting May 24 15:35:21 Thatnk you May 24 15:35:28 Thanks everyone May 24 15:35:34 thanks you'all