# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI="6" inherit cuda eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs pax-utils multilib MY_PN="john" MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV}" JUMBO="jumbo-7" DESCRIPTION="fast password cracker" HOMEPAGE="http://www.openwall.com/john/" SRC_URI="http://www.openwall.com/john/g/${MY_P}.tar.bz2 !minimal? ( http://www.openwall.com/john/g/${MY_P}-${JUMBO}.diff.gz )" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos" #Remove AltiVec USE flag. Appears to be an upstream issue. IUSE="cuda custom-cflags -minimal cpu_flags_x86_mmx libressl mozilla mpi opencl openmp cpu_flags_x86_sse2" REQUIRED_USE="openmp? ( !minimal ) mpi? ( !minimal ) cuda? ( !minimal ) opencl? ( !minimal ) mozilla? ( !minimal )" DEPEND="sys-libs/zlib !minimal? ( !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= ) libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:0= ) ) mpi? ( virtual/mpi ) cuda? ( x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit:= ) opencl? ( virtual/opencl ) mozilla? ( dev-libs/nss dev-libs/nspr )" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" has_xop() { echo | $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} -E -dM - | grep -q "#define __XOP__ 1" } has_avx() { echo | $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} -E -dM - | grep -q "#define __AVX__ 1" } get_target() { if use alpha; then echo "linux-alpha" elif use amd64; then if has_xop; then echo "linux-x86-64-xop" elif has_avx; then echo "linux-x86-64-avx" else echo "linux-x86-64" fi elif use ppc; then #if use altivec; then # echo "linux-ppc32-altivec" #else echo "linux-ppc32" #fi elif use ppc64; then #if use altivec; then # echo "linux-ppc32-altivec" #else echo "linux-ppc64" #fi # linux-ppc64-altivec is slightly slower than linux-ppc32-altivec for most hash types. # as per the Makefile comments elif use sparc; then echo "linux-sparc" elif use x86; then if has_xop; then echo "linux-x86-xop" elif has_avx; then echo "linux-x86-avx" elif use cpu_flags_x86_sse2; then echo "linux-x86-sse2" elif use cpu_flags_x86_mmx; then echo "linux-x86-mmx" else echo "linux-x86-any" fi elif use ppc-macos; then # force AltiVec, the non-altivec profile contains ancient compiler cruft # if use altivec; then echo "macosx-ppc32-altivec" # else # echo "macosx-ppc32" # fi # for Tiger this can be macosx-ppc64 elif use x86-macos; then if use cpu_flags_x86_sse2; then echo "macosx-x86-sse2" else echo "macosx-x86" fi elif use x86-solaris; then echo "solaris-x86-any" elif use x86-fbsd; then if use cpu_flags_x86_sse2; then echo "freebsd-x86-sse2" elif use cpu_flags_x86_mmx; then echo "freebsd-x86-mmx" else echo "freebsd-x86-any" fi elif use amd64-fbsd; then echo "freebsd-x86-64" else echo "generic" fi } get_john_objs() { echo -n '${JOHN_COMMON_OBJS} ' if use opencl; then echo -n '${OCL_OBJS} ' fi if use cuda; then echo -n '${CUDA_OBJS}' fi } pkg_setup() { if use openmp && [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]]; then tc-has-openmp || die "Please switch to an openmp compatible compiler" fi } src_prepare() { if ! use minimal; then eapply "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}-${JUMBO}.diff" if use mpi ; then sed -e "s/^#CC = mpicc/CC = mpicc/" \ -e "s/^#MPIOBJ =/MPIOBJ =/" \ -i src/Makefile || die fi # fix typo in jumbo patch sed -i 's:All15:All5:' run/john.conf || die # fix compile on ppc (only needed for jumbo-7) eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}-ppc-compile-fix.patch" fi cd src || die eapply -p0 "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.7.6-cflags.patch" eapply -p2 "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-" eapply -p2 "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.7.9-clang.patch" eapply_user if ! use minimal; then sed -e "s/LDFLAGS *= */override LDFLAGS += /" -e "/LDFLAGS/s/-s//" \ -e "/LDFLAGS/s/-L[^ ]*//g" -e "/CFLAGS/s/-[IL][^ ]*//g" \ -i Makefile || die "sed Makefile failed" sed -i 's#/usr/local#/opt#g' Makefile || die fi sed -i 's#JOHN_OBJS = \\#JOHN_COMMON_OBJS = \\#g' Makefile || die if use cuda; then cuda_src_prepare sed \ -e "/^NVCC_FLAGS/s:-arch sm_10:${NVCCFLAGS}:g" \ -i Makefile || die fi if use mozilla; then sed -i -e '/HAVE_NSS =/s/^#*//' -e 's/NSS_override//' Makefile || die fi } src_compile() { local OMP use custom-cflags || strip-flags cat <<- EOF >> config.gentoo || die #define JOHN_SYSTEMWIDE 1 #define JOHN_SYSTEMWIDE_HOME "${EPREFIX}/etc/john" #define JOHN_SYSTEMWIDE_EXEC "${EPREFIX}/usr/libexec/john" EOF append-flags -fPIC -fPIE gcc-specs-pie && append-ldflags -nopie use openmp && OMP="-fopenmp" CPP="$(tc-getCXX)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" AS="$(tc-getCC)" LD="$(tc-getCC)" if use mpi; then CPP=mpicxx CC=mpicc AS=mpicc LD=mpicc fi #this stuff was all stolen from the Makefile, if build breaks, check this first if use opencl; then GPUCFLAGS="${GPUCFLAGS} -DCL_VERSION_1_0" GPULDFLAGS="${GPULDFLAGS} -lOpenCL" fi if use cuda; then GPUCFLAGS="${GPUCFLAGS} -DHAVE_CUDA" GPULDFLAGS="${GPULDFLAGS} -L/opt/cuda/$(get_libdir) -lcudart" fi emake -C src/ \ CPP="${CPP}" CC="${CC}" AS="${AS}" LD="${LD}" \ CFLAGS="-c -Wall -include ../config.gentoo ${CFLAGS} ${OMP} ${GPUCFLAGS}" \ LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} ${GPULDFLAGS}" \ OPT_NORMAL="" \ OMPFLAGS="${OMP}" \ JOHN_OBJS="$(get_john_objs)" \ $(get_target) } src_test() { if use opencl; then cp src/opencl/*.cl run/ cp src/opencl_*.h run/ fi pax-mark -mr run/john if use opencl || use cuda; then ewarn "GPU tests fail, skipping all tests..." else make -C src/ check fi } src_install() { # executables dosbin run/john newsbin run/mailer john-mailer pax-mark -mr "${ED}usr/sbin/john" || die dosym john /usr/sbin/unafs dosym john /usr/sbin/unique dosym john /usr/sbin/unshadow # jumbo-patch additions if ! use minimal; then for s in \ keychain2john keepass2john pwsafe2john hccap2john \ racf2john zip2john rar2john pdf2john ssh2john undrop \ ; do dosym john /usr/sbin/$s done use mozilla && dosym john /usr/sbin/mozilla2john dosbin run/calc_stat dosbin run/genmkvpwd dosbin run/mkvcalcproba dosbin run/raw2dyna dosbin run/tgtsnarf insinto /etc/john doins run/genincstats.rb run/stats doins run/netscreen.py run/sap2john.pl if use opencl; then doins src/opencl/*.cl doins src/opencl_*.h fi fi # config files insinto /etc/john doins run/*.chr run/password.lst doins run/*.conf # documentation dodoc doc/* }