path: root/dev-db
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-db')
5 files changed, 667 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/dev-db/pgpool2/Manifest b/dev-db/pgpool2/Manifest
index f3281d182e8a..88999227ef23 100644
--- a/dev-db/pgpool2/Manifest
+++ b/dev-db/pgpool2/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
DIST pgpool-II-3.5.2.tar.gz 2227075 SHA256 5d29fd9c30141bfdaf15b51c7878766178e5df42fa5e160d0f7df2824d26104f SHA512 dd7268bce0019de30dfad01a8600af798127a4c2cc818e6f85ba30289e97c253d6faa392734d85ccbc97be3f04458c12af1bba541e5b8f3d2ee8268432e01d1a WHIRLPOOL 22939c855919b8399c1129ff4622eae159141e9bf05cc36aca456bfd582c7ab0dc7ec87df5ea96d7101f438e89bf4e06f46a5f63cfde22e505d0a3965c0496fc
DIST pgpool-II-3.5.5.tar.gz 2243184 SHA256 8fa1ccf13ff4f7c1ab0f6d523090444f65d78923de11061b5027eb5d58318491 SHA512 f77888cbc5e2c15ae1035ee3a1965d4fd3d02cdfd5810c6c656456eaa0d73dae7471906bdf0848607723633da5b8d02145559b767735bcc9b7e4023b1d59efed WHIRLPOOL 5f4d4d9c3f6478b9b3ecda311c571e1f54805a07aa505acd32fbfb8fb2790183b732d6f86843a2b6614c74565efad7f9b3d962281cd2b1d23b54515448a1c84a
DIST pgpool-II-3.6.1.tar.gz 2539510 SHA256 244f99a70198b5861a63b2fe3e44ac39d2819f6aa6497f62958c6afa2750d94c SHA512 9d4f0ecec3cf7478c7c4cd5cb1aa75614edca204d11b145f145d752c24bed7f7f4ea2880f6a3f9833aee0b5f428e8cf36e2f91bdef2f6065fb98019df546469a WHIRLPOOL 9a307a63e9179ecfc7a52d1f056d47f09543bf4e378fa0090cdaf90d141c70e89323b4cfcbc9bbd9fa2422ff76bea592f189bea78915445fb1779ce9089ef6e1
+DIST pgpool-II-3.6.4.tar.gz 2623625 SHA256 6ad78b9878d126e8da1e03e8edf3c8d56bb0754fe6432f633e81f6faaf8e6dbf SHA512 a44724b77faca12bc2b46a88e307c10f8099574b5a27720c98f2939fbfa61f41b4c3dc03565412972c351c10d57da4324a483c310b52f624f5ba87c2bd4d006f WHIRLPOOL 410136d359baa369f3d19136da54ba202c8b250bf364fc2f9b91a66190266ae523647cc89313211b63effbedd97168d026a2574be059dd0da7c8768b2d9714e7
diff --git a/dev-db/pgpool2/files/pgpool_run_paths-3.6.4.patch b/dev-db/pgpool2/files/pgpool_run_paths-3.6.4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d6943d7502e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/pgpool2/files/pgpool_run_paths-3.6.4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+diff -ru a/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h b/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h
+--- a/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h 2017-05-11 05:53:04.000000000 -0400
++++ b/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h 2017-07-08 20:28:47.733745889 -0400
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
+ * here's where to twiddle it. You can also override this at runtime
+ * with the postmaster's -k switch.
+ */
+-#define DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR "/run/postgresql"
+ /*
+ * This is the default event source for Windows event log.
+diff -ru a/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h b/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h
+--- a/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h 2017-05-11 05:36:01.000000000 -0400
++++ b/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h 2017-07-08 20:29:28.613506800 -0400
+@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@
+ extern int pcp_write(PCP_CONNECTION *pc, void *buf, int len);
+ extern int pcp_flush(PCP_CONNECTION *pc);
+-#define UNIX_DOMAIN_PATH "/tmp"
++#define UNIX_DOMAIN_PATH "/run/pgpool"
+ #endif /* PCP_STREAM_H */
+diff -ru a/src/include/pool.h b/src/include/pool.h
+--- a/src/include/pool.h 2017-05-11 05:53:04.000000000 -0400
++++ b/src/include/pool.h 2017-07-08 20:27:09.330984074 -0400
+@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@
+ #define HBA_CONF_FILE_NAME "pool_hba.conf"
+ /* pid file directory */
+-#define DEFAULT_LOGDIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_LOGDIR "/run/pgpool"
+ /* Unix domain socket directory */
+-#define DEFAULT_SOCKET_DIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_SOCKET_DIR "/run/postgresql"
+ /* Unix domain socket directory for watchdog IPC */
+-#define DEFAULT_WD_IPC_SOCKET_DIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_WD_IPC_SOCKET_DIR "/run/pgpool"
+ /* pid file name */
+-#define DEFAULT_PID_FILE_NAME "/var/run/pgpool/"
++#define DEFAULT_PID_FILE_NAME "/run/pgpool/"
+ /* status file name */
+ #define STATUS_FILE_NAME "pgpool_status"
+diff -ru a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample 2017-05-11 05:53:04.000000000 -0400
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample 2017-07-08 20:36:28.477717849 -0400
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -53,10 +51,8 @@
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Backend Connection Settings -
+@@ -210,10 +206,10 @@
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/var/log/pgpool'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -490,10 +486,8 @@
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+diff -ru a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave 2017-05-11 05:53:04.000000000 -0400
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave 2017-07-08 20:37:17.914095382 -0400
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -53,10 +51,8 @@
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Backend Connection Settings -
+@@ -210,10 +206,10 @@
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/tmp'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -489,10 +485,8 @@
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Virtual IP control Setting -
+diff -ru a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication 2017-05-11 05:53:04.000000000 -0400
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication 2017-07-08 20:37:30.384022450 -0400
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -53,10 +51,8 @@
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Backend Connection Settings -
+@@ -210,10 +206,10 @@
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/tmp'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -489,10 +485,8 @@
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+diff -ru a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream 2017-05-11 05:53:04.000000000 -0400
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream 2017-07-08 20:37:44.060609128 -0400
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -47,10 +45,8 @@
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -211,10 +207,10 @@
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/tmp'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -489,10 +485,8 @@
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
diff --git a/dev-db/pgpool2/files/pgpool_run_paths-9999.patch b/dev-db/pgpool2/files/pgpool_run_paths-9999.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..691d6e867ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/pgpool2/files/pgpool_run_paths-9999.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+diff --git a/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h b/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h
+index d7e153b2..a4c9e87a 100644
+--- a/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h
++++ b/src/include/parser/pg_config_manual.h
+@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
+ * here's where to twiddle it. You can also override this at runtime
+ * with the postmaster's -k switch.
+ */
+-#define DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR "/run/postgresql"
+ /*
+ * This is the default event source for Windows event log.
+diff --git a/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h b/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h
+index 254b98cb..5883ad31 100644
+--- a/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h
++++ b/src/include/pcp/pcp_stream.h
+@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ extern int pcp_read(PCP_CONNECTION *pc, void *buf, int len);
+ extern int pcp_write(PCP_CONNECTION *pc, void *buf, int len);
+ extern int pcp_flush(PCP_CONNECTION *pc);
+-#define UNIX_DOMAIN_PATH "/tmp"
++#define UNIX_DOMAIN_PATH "/run/pgpool"
+ #endif /* PCP_STREAM_H */
+diff --git a/src/include/pool.h b/src/include/pool.h
+index d5dd63aa..a3ae197f 100644
+--- a/src/include/pool.h
++++ b/src/include/pool.h
+@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@
+ #define HBA_CONF_FILE_NAME "pool_hba.conf"
+ /* pid file directory */
+-#define DEFAULT_LOGDIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_LOGDIR "/run/pgpool"
+ /* Unix domain socket directory */
+-#define DEFAULT_SOCKET_DIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_SOCKET_DIR "/run/postgresql"
+ /* Unix domain socket directory for watchdog IPC */
+-#define DEFAULT_WD_IPC_SOCKET_DIR "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_WD_IPC_SOCKET_DIR "/run/pgpool"
+ /* pid file name */
+-#define DEFAULT_PID_FILE_NAME "/var/run/pgpool/"
++#define DEFAULT_PID_FILE_NAME "/run/pgpool/"
+ /* status file name */
+ #define STATUS_FILE_NAME "pgpool_status"
+diff --git a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample
+index d73c9bca..e95815ba 100644
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ listen_addresses = 'localhost'
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -53,10 +51,8 @@ pcp_listen_addresses = '*'
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Backend Connection Settings -
+@@ -210,13 +206,13 @@ syslog_ident = 'pgpool'
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # Can be specified as relative to the"
+ # location of pgpool.conf file or
+ # as an absolute path
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/var/log/pgpool'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -505,10 +501,8 @@ wd_authkey = ''
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+diff --git a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave
+index 612c10a7..ad385ba6 100644
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-master-slave
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ listen_addresses = 'localhost'
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -53,10 +51,8 @@ pcp_listen_addresses = '*'
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Backend Connection Settings -
+@@ -210,13 +206,13 @@ syslog_ident = 'pgpool'
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # Can be specified as relative to the"
+ # location of pgpool.conf file or
+ # as an absolute path
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/tmp'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -504,10 +500,8 @@ wd_authkey = ''
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Virtual IP control Setting -
+diff --git a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication
+index f47a7957..bd7ce73e 100644
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-replication
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ listen_addresses = 'localhost'
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -53,10 +51,8 @@ pcp_listen_addresses = '*'
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ # - Backend Connection Settings -
+@@ -210,13 +206,13 @@ syslog_ident = 'pgpool'
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # Can be specified as relative to the"
+ # location of pgpool.conf file or
+ # as an absolute path
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/tmp'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -504,10 +500,8 @@ wd_authkey = ''
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+diff --git a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream
+index d57226b0..669a31d4 100644
+--- a/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream
++++ b/src/sample/pgpool.conf.sample-stream
+@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ listen_addresses = 'localhost'
+ port = 9999
+ # Port number
+ # (change requires restart)
+-socket_dir = '/tmp'
++socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
+ # Unix domain socket path
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -47,10 +45,8 @@ pcp_listen_addresses = '*'
+ pcp_port = 9898
+ # Port number for pcp
+ # (change requires restart)
+-pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++pcp_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for pcp
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
+ listen_backlog_multiplier = 2
+ # Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
+@@ -211,13 +207,13 @@ syslog_ident = 'pgpool'
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-pid_file_name = '/var/run/pgpool/'
++pid_file_name = '/run/pgpool/'
+ # PID file name
+ # Can be specified as relative to the"
+ # location of pgpool.conf file or
+ # as an absolute path
+ # (change requires restart)
+-logdir = '/tmp'
++logdir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Directory of pgPool status file
+ # (change requires restart)
+@@ -504,10 +500,8 @@ wd_authkey = ''
+ # Authentication key for watchdog communication
+ # (change requires restart)
+-wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/tmp'
++wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/pgpool'
+ # Unix domain socket path for watchdog IPC socket
+- # The Debian package defaults to
+- # /var/run/postgresql
+ # (change requires restart)
diff --git a/dev-db/pgpool2/pgpool2-3.6.4.ebuild b/dev-db/pgpool2/pgpool2-3.6.4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cf9cd0abf25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-db/pgpool2/pgpool2-3.6.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.{2..6} )
+inherit postgres-multi
+DESCRIPTION="Connection pool server for PostgreSQL"
+SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz -> ${MY_P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="doc memcached pam ssl static-libs"
+ memcached? ( dev-libs/libmemcached )
+ pam? ( sys-auth/pambase )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:* )
+ sys-devel/bison
+ !!dev-db/pgpool
+pkg_setup() {
+ postgres_new_user pgpool
+ postgres-multi_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/pgpool_run_paths-3.6.4.patch"
+ postgres-multi_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf
+ use memcached && \
+ myconf="--with-memcached=\"${EROOT%/}/usr/include/libmemcached\""
+ use pam && myconf+=' --with-pam'
+ postgres-multi_foreach econf \
+ --disable-rpath \
+ --sysconfdir="${EROOT%/}/etc/${PN}" \
+ --with-pgsql-includedir='/usr/include/postgresql-@PG_SLOT@' \
+ --with-pgsql-libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-@PG_SLOT@/$(get_libdir)" \
+ $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+ $(use_enable static-libs static) \
+ ${myconf}
+src_compile() {
+ # Even though we're only going to do an install for the best slot
+ # available, the extension bits in src/sql need some things outside
+ # of that directory built, too.
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake -C src/sql
+src_install() {
+ # We only need the best stuff installed
+ postgres-multi_forbest emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ # Except for the extension and .so files that each PostgreSQL slot needs
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" -C src/sql install
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN}
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN}
+ # Documentation!
+ dodoc NEWS TODO
+ if use doc ; then
+ postgres-multi_forbest emake DESTDIR="${D}" -C doc install
+ fi
+ # Examples and extras
+ # mv some files that get installed to /usr/share/pgpool-II so that
+ # they all wind up in the same place
+ mv "${ED%/}/usr/share/${PN/2/-II}" "${ED%/}/usr/share/${PN}" || die
+ into "/usr/share/${PN}"
+ dobin src/sample/{pgpool_recovery,pgpool_recovery_pitr,pgpool_remote_start}
+ insinto "/usr/share/${PN}"
+ doins src/sample/{{pcp,pgpool,pool_hba}.conf.sample*,pgpool.pam}
+ # One more thing: Evil la files!
+ find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} +
diff --git a/dev-db/pgpool2/pgpool2-9999.ebuild b/dev-db/pgpool2/pgpool2-9999.ebuild
index b351db267e36..031166c54b9d 100644
--- a/dev-db/pgpool2/pgpool2-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-db/pgpool2/pgpool2-9999.ebuild
@@ -1,66 +1,45 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] && MY_P=${PN/2/-II} || MY_P="${PN/2/-II}-${PV}"
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] && SCM_ECLASS="cvs"
-inherit base user ${SCM_ECLASS}
+POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.{2..6} )
+inherit git-r3 postgres-multi
DESCRIPTION="Connection pool server for PostgreSQL"
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] || SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz -> ${MY_P}.tar.gz"
-# Don't move KEYWORDS on the previous line or ekeyword won't work # 399061
-[[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] || \
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="memcached pam ssl static-libs"
+IUSE="doc memcached pam ssl static-libs"
- dev-db/postgresql
memcached? ( dev-libs/libmemcached )
pam? ( sys-auth/pambase )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:* )
pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup postgres 70
- enewuser pgpool -1 -1 -1 postgres
+ postgres_new_user pgpool
- # We need the postgres user as well so we can set the proper
- # permissions on the sockets without getting into fights with
- # PostgreSQL's initialization scripts.
- enewuser postgres 70 /bin/bash /var/lib/postgresql postgres
+ postgres-multi_pkg_setup
src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/pgpool_run_paths.patch"
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/pgpool_run_paths-9999.patch"
- local pg_config_manual="$(pg_config --includedir)/pg_config_manual.h"
- local pgsql_socket_dir=$(grep DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR "${pg_config_manual}" | \
- sed 's|.*\"\(.*\)\"|\1|g')
- local pgpool_socket_dir="$(dirname $pgsql_socket_dir)/pgpool"
- sed "s|@PGSQL_SOCKETDIR@|${pgsql_socket_dir}|g" \
- -i *.conf.sample* pool.h || die
- sed "s|@PGPOOL_SOCKETDIR@|${pgpool_socket_dir}|g" \
- -i *.conf.sample* pool.h || die
+ postgres-multi_src_prepare
src_configure() {
@@ -69,47 +48,48 @@ src_configure() {
use pam && myconf+=' --with-pam'
- econf \
+ postgres-multi_foreach econf \
--disable-rpath \
--sysconfdir="${EROOT%/}/etc/${PN}" \
+ --with-pgsql-includedir='/usr/include/postgresql-@PG_SLOT@' \
+ --with-pgsql-libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/postgresql-@PG_SLOT@/$(get_libdir)" \
$(use_with ssl openssl) \
$(use_enable static-libs static) \
src_compile() {
- emake
- cd sql
- emake
+ # Even though we're only going to do an install for the best slot
+ # available, the extension bits in src/sql need some things outside
+ # of that directory built, too.
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake -C src/sql
src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- cd sql
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- cd "${S}"
- # `contrib' moved to `extension' with PostgreSQL 9.1
- local pgslot=$(postgresql-config show)
- if [[ ${pgslot//.} > 90 ]] ; then
- cd "${ED%/}$(pg_config --sharedir)"
- mv contrib extension || die
- cd "${S}"
- fi
+ # We only need the best stuff installed
+ postgres-multi_forbest emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ # Except for the extension and .so files that each PostgreSQL slot needs
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake DESTDIR="${D}" -C src/sql install
newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN}
newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN}
- # Documentation
- dodoc NEWS TODO doc/where_to_send_queries.{pdf,odg}
- dohtml -r doc
+ # Documentation!
+ dodoc NEWS TODO
+ if use doc ; then
+ postgres-multi_forbest emake DESTDIR="${D}" -C doc install
+ fi
# Examples and extras
- insinto "/usr/share/${PN}"
- doins doc/{pgpool_remote_start,,recovery.conf.sample}
+ # mv some files that get installed to /usr/share/pgpool-II so that
+ # they all wind up in the same place
mv "${ED%/}/usr/share/${PN/2/-II}" "${ED%/}/usr/share/${PN}" || die
+ into "/usr/share/${PN}"
+ dobin src/sample/{pgpool_recovery,pgpool_recovery_pitr,pgpool_remote_start}
+ insinto "/usr/share/${PN}"
+ doins src/sample/{{pcp,pgpool,pool_hba}.conf.sample*,pgpool.pam}
# One more thing: Evil la files!
find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} +