diff options
authorLars Wendler <>2017-10-06 09:29:58 +0200
committerLars Wendler <>2017-10-06 09:29:58 +0200
commit304efbe39de7c893ad2f51100474acc47e66992e (patch)
tree89df903608e08d9b2af88371f7d1cb9e4678d355 /media-libs
parentmedia-libs/aubio: Bump to version 0.4.6 (diff)
media-libs/aubio: Removed old.
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.11, Repoman-2.3.3
Diffstat (limited to 'media-libs')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/aubio/Manifest b/media-libs/aubio/Manifest
index 34a48c1434da..b7263be43627 100644
--- a/media-libs/aubio/Manifest
+++ b/media-libs/aubio/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
DIST aubio-0.4.1.tar.bz2 288136 SHA256 25d7df0a9cd6366fda764a803424caddf5fb819fc75b42a7a03e1e6f8eb3c695 SHA512 f36800f1a0cbe72509e05d15d79759ed25975e92701804597ed4c9d93e27d5e7b908e0aa65819ce763882945123ea174a0825c7aacf9f9494f56d72de5b8308c WHIRLPOOL ea410de8ca5d81c8b6ff2f98a2353601a48435649e3c5931e41f9e7f4ccb8f9a8faf2156a3632de223638f1e91d608c5a77660fa00633a591488498c5e37fec6
DIST aubio-0.4.2.tar.bz2 304216 SHA256 1cc58e0fed2b9468305b198ad06b889f228b797a082c2ede716dc30fcb4f8f1f SHA512 b57b6d147b305a264f0055726f76a8452f784b556a7fda911f056adbedd2855048e93c0e21b9f359e3f442f1542189aff0c214dd85141e2e06048a07f47703ff WHIRLPOOL 1fa0c877261c82d095144c05f753dd5ea303838d48627edf18af4275f8b4aba0dbe5806bb2504bc2c5a2c169d5bd8edd76bcb3cd990abd7b42842d0223918270
-DIST aubio-0.4.3.tar.bz2 328852 SHA256 b62cdb073c0c64ae301917fa162969d42cba45e478bdf1e74490bd87e9cceaab SHA512 bc286f1af9bc23e8bb5e4fa49a1d392e4f8169b8ca59409ee79bbbebf887f60ac7f68a6ed465272dbfc46f8c1ebf902513428e67cab5b88c4500ffe93f1c21d5 WHIRLPOOL 260e63d3f32a18fef104dfdf175ac7a864b701048fbaa0fc3005dde6058df45ab66329401a3a47e80df407340b8ab6bb13ceda49510d1860c8302720ec55e3e2
-DIST aubio-0.4.4.tar.bz2 334754 SHA256 2acdb92623b9d4ba641c387760ffe3ec1e4c6ab498e64e5e2286c99e36ffbff8 SHA512 ddf9019117b5da752eaf74bee0e5ba51d758f41b4e5a2ea64773fc3332c930c7215235b2ceb58bcb73e04811a3367efe19a606aee76d328a4d9670db82608d83 WHIRLPOOL b91b9de9dd5ac244c0f05fa8ba6e8e3e57ffd563d026f5b3834c9eff0eca9a6bbec3eb795fd2738a3a3f53a47a210648aa3893cd8684be187755c2c036a175d6
DIST aubio-0.4.5.tar.bz2 350615 SHA256 70c2804e6f4fbf0ebc0fb9ac8cc9d465ef4a4d438311c074c9a7364e98827af6 SHA512 0aeaee5efc117201ca7b1fe2a421826ade83ce5b3ba50c27a8cf65debeedb20dd5a5ac28e20935bb29ca2b0d1b70cf93feee298989dfc79978f689e989235608 WHIRLPOOL b70d452570d1fc8b7168eac5bca3ce150aa33f24576815efa685cffef60511fa3e259c233c8f3d99ae5f88a6d8e94d4686a040912948c3783323eceec202a843
DIST aubio-0.4.6.tar.bz2 363016 SHA256 bdc73be1f007218d3ea6d2a503b38a217815a0e2ccc4ed441f6e850ed5d47cfb SHA512 0e5cab0c88d51f2fb70c0d85e1c067a7b3758fbffdbd5026686726379aa36203adb63ed3f8e40c83ea02930e0ffc4e6c246803f1d518d448d47a01984678e77d WHIRLPOOL 3c1a789d4103681ed005fa4d10aa6b8e3515c2b46a6dc6584e8c94e701dd681fd8fe3561809a9bdaf41c2e3605b2da8d3f19f331825102ff2cf84a1995c7da65
diff --git a/media-libs/aubio/aubio-0.4.3-r1.ebuild b/media-libs/aubio/aubio-0.4.3-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a669bf10df..000000000000
--- a/media-libs/aubio/aubio-0.4.3-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit distutils-r1 waf-utils multilib eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Library for audio labelling"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="doc double-precision examples ffmpeg fftw jack libav libsamplerate sndfile python"
- ffmpeg? (
- !libav? ( >=media-video/ffmpeg-2.6:0= )
- libav? ( >=media-video/libav-9:0= )
- )
- fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0 )
- jack? ( virtual/jack )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- python? ( dev-python/numpy[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )"
- virtual/pkgconfig
- app-text/txt2man
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
-DOCS=( AUTHORS ChangeLog )
-src_prepare() {
- sed -i -e "s:doxygen:doxygen_disabled:" wscript || die
-src_configure() {
- python_setup
- waf-utils_src_configure \
- --enable-complex \
- --docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- $(use_enable double-precision double) \
- $(use_enable fftw fftw3f) \
- $(use_enable fftw fftw3) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg avcodec) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate samplerate) \
- $(use_enable sndfile)
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- distutils-r1_src_configure
- fi
-src_compile() {
- waf-utils_src_compile --notests
- if use doc; then
- cd "${S}"/doc || die
- doxygen full.cfg || die
- fi
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- distutils-r1_src_compile
- fi
-src_test() {
- waf-utils_src_compile --alltests
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- distutils-r1_src_test
- fi
-src_install() {
- waf-utils_src_install
- if use doc; then
- dohtml -r doc/full/html/.
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- fi
- if use examples; then
- # install dist_noinst_SCRIPTS from
- dodoc -r examples
- fi
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- DOCS="" distutils-r1_src_install
- newdoc python/ README.python
- fi
diff --git a/media-libs/aubio/aubio-0.4.4-r1.ebuild b/media-libs/aubio/aubio-0.4.4-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b2422b1952..000000000000
--- a/media-libs/aubio/aubio-0.4.4-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit distutils-r1 waf-utils multilib eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Library for audio labelling"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="doc double-precision examples ffmpeg fftw jack libav libsamplerate sndfile python"
- ffmpeg? (
- !libav? ( >=media-video/ffmpeg-2.6:0= )
- libav? ( >=media-video/libav-9:0= )
- )
- fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0 )
- jack? ( virtual/jack )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- python? ( dev-python/numpy[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )"
- virtual/pkgconfig
- app-text/txt2man
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
-DOCS=( AUTHORS ChangeLog )
-src_prepare() {
- sed -i -e "s:doxygen:doxygen_disabled:" wscript || die
-src_configure() {
- python_setup
- waf-utils_src_configure \
- --enable-complex \
- --docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
- $(use_enable double-precision double) \
- $(use_enable fftw fftw3f) \
- $(use_enable fftw fftw3) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg avcodec) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate samplerate) \
- $(use_enable sndfile)
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- distutils-r1_src_configure
- fi
-src_compile() {
- waf-utils_src_compile --notests
- if use doc; then
- cd "${S}"/doc || die
- doxygen full.cfg || die
- fi
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- distutils-r1_src_compile
- fi
-src_test() {
- waf-utils_src_compile --alltests
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- distutils-r1_src_test
- fi
-src_install() {
- waf-utils_src_install
- if use doc; then
- dohtml -r doc/full/html/.
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- fi
- if use examples; then
- # install dist_noinst_SCRIPTS from
- dodoc -r examples
- fi
- if use python ; then
- cd "${PYTHON_SRC_DIR}" || die
- DOCS="" distutils-r1_src_install
- newdoc python/ README.python
- fi