# ChangeLog for sci-calculators/pgcalc2 # Copyright 2004-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-calculators/pgcalc2/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2004/12/24 20:06:31 swegener Exp $ *pgcalc2-2.2.4 (24 Dec 2004) 24 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette +metadata.xml, +pgcalc2-2.2.4.ebuild: Moved from app-sci/pgcalc2 to sci-calculators/pgcalc2. 23 Jun 2004; David Holm pgcalc2-2.2.4.ebuild: Added to ~ppc. *pgcalc2-2.2.4 (22 Jun 2004) 22 Jun 2004; Dylan Carlson +metadata.xml, +pgcalc2-2.2.4.ebuild: Initial import; closes bug # 48254 (cheers Elias Probst). KEYWORDS ~amd64 ~x86. *pgcalc2-2.2.4 (08 Jun 2004) 08 Jun 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.2.4.ebuild : Removed old commented unnecessary codelines, added a new ${MY_PV} to make the ebuild bump-able (Thx to Genone and Earthwings), added a routine for automatically creating the einfo output for the skin parameters. *pgcalc2-2.2.3 (25 May 2004) 25 May 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.2.3.ebuild : Version bump, added the copying/einfo routine for a new skin, renewed the ${MY_PV} substitutions. *pgcalc2-2.2.2 (10 May 2004) 10 May 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.2.2.ebuild : Version bump, removed the documentation workarounds because the doc is packed now into the mainpackage, renewed the ${MY_PV} substitions. *pgcalc2-2.2.1 (04 May 2004) 04 May 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.2.1.ebuild : Version bump, renewed the ${MY_PV} substitutions. *pgcalc2-2.1.3 (24 Apr 2004) 24 Apr 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.1.3.ebuild : Version bump, renewed the ${MY_PV} substitutions. *pgcalc2-2.1.2 (21 Apr 2004) 21 Apr 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.1.2.ebuild : Version bump, added some MY_* variables to avoid problems with wrong versionized tar.gz and different programm/documentation versions. *pgcalc2-2.1-r1 (18 Apr 2004) 18 Apr 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.1-r1.ebuild : Fixed some small mistakes (*.html instead of *.htm at the final einfo, used too much tabs at the einfo comments) *pgcalc2-2.1 (18 Apr 2004) 18 Apr 2004; Elias Probst pgcalc2-2.1.ebuild : Initial import. Ebuild submitted by Elias Probst pgcalc2 - A powerful scientific calculator