# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/nagios-core/nagios-core-1.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.13 2004/08/10 09:48:14 eldad Exp $ inherit eutils MY_P=${P/-core} DESCRIPTION="Nagios core - Host and service monitor cgi, docs etc..." HOMEPAGE="http://www.nagios.org/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/nagios/${MY_P}.tar.gz" RESTRICT="nomirror" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86 ~sparc ~ppc ~amd64" IUSE="noweb mysql postgres perl debug apache2" DEPEND="virtual/mailx !noweb? ( >=media-libs/jpeg-6b-r3 >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.5-r4 >=media-libs/gd-1.8.3-r5 apache2? ( >=net-www/apache-2.0.43-r1 ) !apache2? ( =dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r7 ) mysql? ( >=dev-db/mysql-3.23.56 ) postgres? ( !mysql? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-7.3.2 ) )" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" pkg_setup() { # If there's a gd lib on the system, it will try to build with it. # check if gdlib-config is on, and then check its output. if [[ -x /usr/bin/gdlib-config ]]; then if [[ ! $(gdlib-config --libs | grep -- -ljpeg) ]]; then eerror "Your gd has been compiled without jpeg support." eerror "Please re-emerge gd:" eerror "# USE="jpeg" emerge gd" die "pkg_setup failed" fi fi } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${S} epatch ${FILESDIR}/Makefile-distclean.diff.bz2 cp ${FILESDIR}/nagios.cfg-sample.gz ./ gunzip nagios.cfg-sample.gz } src_compile() { local myconf if use mysql && use postgres; then ewarn "Unfortunatly you can't have both MySQL and PostgreSQL enabled at the same time." ewarn "Using MySQL as default." has_version ">=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50" && ( einfo "You can add -" echo "" einfo "net-analyzer/nagios-core [use flags]" echo "" einfo "to /etc/portage/package.use to permanently set this package's USE flags" einfo "More info on package.use is available on:" einfo " man 5 portage" ) elif use postgres ; then myconf="${myconf} \ --with-pgsql-xdata \ --with-pgsql-status \ --with-pgsql-comments \ --with-pgsql-extinfo \ --with-pgsql-retention \ --with-pgsql-downtime" if [ -r /usr/include/postgresql/pgsql/libpq-fe.h ] ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-pgsql-inc=/usr/include/postgresql" fi fi use mysql && myconf="${myconf} \ --with-mysql-xdata \ --with-mysql-status \ --with-mysql-comments \ --with-mysql-extinfo \ --with-mysql-retention \ --with-mysql-downtime" use perl && myconf="${myconf} \ --enable-embedded-perl \ --with-perlcache" if use debug; then myconf="${myconf} --enable-DEBUG0" myconf="${myconf} --enable-DEBUG1" myconf="${myconf} --enable-DEBUG2" myconf="${myconf} --enable-DEBUG3" myconf="${myconf} --enable-DEBUG4" myconf="${myconf} --enable-DEBUG5" fi ./configure ${myconf} \ --host=${CHOST} \ --prefix=/usr/nagios \ --localstatedir=/var/nagios \ --sysconfdir=/etc/nagios \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ ${myconf} || die "./configure failed" make DESTDIR=${D} nagios contrib || die "make failed" use noweb || make DESTDIR=${D} cgis # Only compile the CGI's if "noweb" useflag is not set. } src_install() { dodoc Changelog INSTALLING LEGAL LICENSE README UPGRADING use noweb && ( sed -i -e 's/cd $(SRC_CGI) && $(MAKE) $@/# line removed due to noweb use flag/' Makefile sed -i -e 's/cd $(SRC_HTM) && $(MAKE) $@/# line removed due to noweb use flag/' Makefile ) make DESTDIR=${D} install make DESTDIR=${D} install-config make DESTDIR=${D} install-commandmode docinto sample-configs dodoc ${D}/etc/nagios/* rm ${D}/etc/nagios/* dodoc ${S}/nagios.cfg-sample exeinto /etc/init.d doexe ${FILESDIR}/nagios insinto /usr/nagios/contrib doins contrib/* insinto /usr/nagios/contrib/database doins contrib/database/* insinto /usr/nagios/contrib/eventhandlers doins contrib/eventhandlers/* insinto /usr/nagios/contrib/eventhandlers/distributed-monitoring doins contrib/eventhandlers/distributed-monitoring/* insinto /usr/nagios/contrib/eventhandlers/redundancy-scenario1 doins contrib/eventhandlers/redundancy-scenario1/* } pkg_preinst() { einfo "Sample config files installed by default will always" einfo "include cgi.cfg" einfo "The sample configs can be found in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/sample-configs/" chown -R nagios:nagios ${D}/etc/nagios || die "Failed Chown of ${D}/etc/nagios" keepdir /usr/nagios/share/ssi chown -R nagios:nagios ${D}/usr/nagios || die "Failed Chown of ${D}/usr/nagios" keepdir /var/nagios keepdir /var/nagios/archives chown -R nagios:nagios ${D}/var/nagios || die "Failed Chown of ${D}/var/nagios" keepdir /var/nagios/rw if use noweb; then chown nagios:nagios ${D}/var/nagios/rw || die "Failed Chown of ${D}/var/nagios/rw" else chown nagios:apache ${D}/var/nagios/rw || die "Failed Chown of ${D}/var/nagios/rw" fi enewgroup nagios enewuser nagios -1 /bin/bash /dev/null nagios } pkg_postinst() { einfo einfo "Remember to edit the config files in /etc/nagios" einfo "Also, if you want nagios to start at boot time" einfo "remember to execute:" einfo " rc-update add nagios default" einfo if ! use noweb; then einfo "This does not include cgis that are perl-dependent" einfo "Currently traceroute.cgi is perl-dependent" einfo "To have ministatus.cgi requires copying of ministatus.c" einfo "to cgi directory for compiling." if use apache2; then insinto /etc/apache2/conf/modules.d doins ${FILESDIR}/99_nagios.conf einfo " Edit /etc/conf.d/apache2 and add \"-D NAGIOS\"" else insinto /etc/apache/conf/addon-modules doins ${FILESDIR}/nagios.conf echo "Include conf/addon-modules/nagios.conf" >> ${ROOT}/etc/apache/conf/apache.conf einfo " Edit /etc/conf.d/apache and add \"-D NAGIOS\"" fi einfo einfo "That will make nagios's web front end visable via" einfo "http://localhost/nagios/" einfo else einfo "Please note that you have installed Nagios without web interface." einfo "Please don't file any bugs about having no web interface when you do this." einfo "Thank you!" fi if use mysql && use postgres; then ewarn "Unfortunatly you can't have both MySQL and PostgreSQL enabled at the same time." ewarn "as a default, MySQL support was built." ewarn "To build nagios with PostgreSQL you'll have to emerge nagios without the mysql useflag." fi einfo "If your kernel has /proc protection, nagios" einfo "will not be happy as it relies on accessing the proc" einfo "filesystem. You can fix this by adding nagios into" einfo "the group wheel, but this is not recomended." einfo } pkg_prerm() { /etc/init.d/nagios stop }