IDEA Non-Commercial License [Produc2.jpg] Licenses for Non-Commercial use Developer, Research, Freeware & Shareware Licenses MediaCrypt grants developers a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license for the development phase of any products containing the IDEA algorithm. MediaCrypt highly recommends developers register with MediaCrypt. Please contact us for registration. Once registered at MediaCrypt developers are put on a mailing list providing the latest news on the IDEA algorithm. Special offer for shareware developers: Selling any software and/or hardware containing the algorithm is subject to a product license. However, there is a special waiver for shareware developers. Such waiver eliminates the up front fees as well as royalties for the first USD 10,000 gross sales of the product containing the algorithm, if and only if: a) The product is being sold for a minimum of USD 10.00 and a maximum of USD 50.00. b) The source code for the shareware product is available to the public. Beyond USD 10,000 gross sales from the shareware product the standard terms and conditions for product licenses shall apply. Free use for private purposes: The free use of software and/or hardware containing the algorithm is strictly limited to non revenue generating data transfer between private individuals, i.e., not serving commercial purposes. Requests by freeware developers to obtain a royalty-free license to spread an application program containing the algorithm not for commercial purposes must be directed to MediaCrypt. Special conditions applicable for European research projects: The use of the IDEA algorithm in European research projects is free, provided that it serves the purpose of such project and within the project duration. Any use of the algorithm after termination of a project, including activities resulting from a project and for purposes not directly related to the project, strictly requires a product license or end-user license. [1]Contact us for questions comments, and registration [ [2]top ] References 1. 2.