#################################################################### # # When you add an entry to the top of this file, add your name, the date, and # an explanation of why something is getting masked. Please be extremely # careful not to commit atoms that are not valid, as it can cause large-scale # breakage, especially if it ends up in the daily snapshot. # ## Example: ## ## # Dev E. Loper <developer@gentoo.org> (28 Jun 2012) ## # Masking these versions until we can get the ## # v4l stuff to work properly again ## =media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5 ## =media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5-r1 # # - Best last rites (removal) practices - # Include the following info: # a) reason for masking # b) bug # for the removal (and yes you should have one) # c) date of removal (either the date or "in x days") # ## Example: ## ## # Dev E. Loper <developer@gentoo.org> (23 May 2015) ## # Masked for removal in 30 days. Doesn't work ## # with new libfoo. Upstream dead, gtk-1, smells ## # funny. (bug #987654) ## app-misc/some-package #--- END OF EXAMPLES --- # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (13 Mar 2017) # Testing x32 patch backports from 3.9 =dev-util/cmake-3.7.2-r10 # David Seifert <soap@gentoo.org> (12 Mar 2017) # Bundles half of glibc, unmaintained upstream, # not really necessary anymore with 64-bit flash # Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #609258. www-plugins/nspluginwrapper # David Seifert <soap@gentoo.org> (12 Mar 2017) # Awful codebase, lots of widechars stored in chars, # invokes undefined behaviour, last release in 2004. # Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #593942, #593976. app-text/uvconv app-i18n/x-unikey # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (11 Mar 2017) # Fails to build. Dead upstream. # Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #592184. dev-scheme/schoca # Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (11 Mar 2017) # Fails since upgrade to dev-lang/perl-5.12 (!). # Removal in 30 days. Bug 336898. dev-perl/Net-Google-SafeBrowsing-UpdateRequest dev-perl/Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-GoogleSafeBrowsing # Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (11 Mar 2017) # Dead upstream; the library has been picked up by # dev-perl/Text-BibTeX and is further developed there. # Please uninstall dev-libs/btparse and re-build your # application against >=dev-perl/Text-BibTeX-0.780.0-r1 # (this should happen automatically with tellico, the # only reverse dependency in the main tree). # Removal in 30 days. Bug 599710. dev-libs/btparse # Patrice Clement <monsieurp@gentoo.org> (11 Mar 2017) # Upstream dead: no update since 2003. Ebuild is outdated and buggy. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #279088 dev-java/jusb # Anthony G. Basile <blueness@gentoo.org> (11 Mar 2017) # Masked for removal in 30 days. No longer supported # upstream. Use net-proxy/obfs4proxy instread. net-proxy/obfsproxy # Gnome Team <gnome@gentoo.org> (08 Mar 2017) # GNOME 3.24 mask (#611270) >=x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme-3.23 >=app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.23 >=dev-libs/atk-2.23 >=dev-cpp/atkmm-2.25 >=sys-apps/baobab-3.23 >=media-gfx/eog-3.23 >=www-client/epiphany-3.23 >=gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-3.23 >=gnome-base/gdm-3.23 >=sci-geosciences/geocode-glib-3.23 >=dev-libs/gjs-1.47 >=dev-libs/glib-2.51 >=dev-cpp/glibmm-2.51 >=x11-themes/gnome-backgrounds-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-boxes-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-calculator-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-calendar-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-clocks-3.23 >=gnome-base/gnome-control-center-3.23 >=gnome-base/gnome-desktop-3.23 >=sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-logs-3.23 >=sci-geosciences/gnome-maps-3.23 >=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.23 >=media-gfx/gnome-photos-3.23 >=gnome-base/gnome-session-3.23 >=gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-3.23 >=gnome-base/gnome-shell-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extensions-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-software-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-system-monitor-3.23 >=x11-terms/gnome-terminal-3.23 >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.51 >=gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.23 >=app-text/gspell-1.3 >=net-libs/gtk-vnc-0.7 >=x11-libs/gtksourceview-3.23 >=gnome-base/gvfs-1.31 >=dev-libs/libgee-0.19 >=gnome-base/libgtop-2.35 >=net-libs/libsoup-2.57 >=x11-wm/mutter-3.23 >=gnome-base/nautilus-3.23 >=app-accessibility/orca-3.23 >=dev-cpp/pangomm-2.41 >=media-video/totem-3.23 >=app-misc/tracker-1.11 >=dev-lang/vala-0.35 >=x11-libs/vte-0.47 >=gnome-base/dconf-editor-3.23 >=dev-util/devhelp-3.23 >=mail-client/evolution-3.23 >=dev-vcs/gitg-3.23 >=gnome-extra/gnome-builder-3.23 >=games-board/gnome-mines-3.23 >=media-sound/gnome-music-3.23 >=games-arcade/gnome-nibbles-3.23 >=games-puzzle/hitori-3.23 >=games-puzzle/lightsoff-3.23 >=net-irc/polari-3.23 >=net-misc/rygel-0.33 >=games-puzzle/swell-foop-3.23 # Maciej Mrozowski <reavertm@gmail.com> (08 Mar 2017) # Fails to build against simgear, with recent compilers, bug 611980 games-util/atlas # Matt Turner <mattst88@gentoo.org> (05 Mar 2017) # Part of dev-util/hxtools (and collides with it) # Removal in 30 days. Bug #445436 app-misc/ofl # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (04 Mar 2017) # The program is abandoned upstream and reported to no longer work with # Twitch and multiple other streaming sites. Working alternatives are # net-misc/streamlink (which is a maintained fork) or media-video/orion. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #604858. net-misc/livestreamer # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (03 Mar 2017) # Segfaults at runtime. Dead upstream. Unmaintained. # Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #611406. x11-misc/oroborus-desklaunch # Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (03 Mar 2017) # Beta release, some packages fail to build. >=dev-lang/ocaml-4.05.0_beta2 >=dev-ml/camlp4-4.05 >=dev-ml/ppx_tools- # Hans de Graaff <graaff@gentoo.org> (03 Mar 2017) # Masked for removal in 30 days. # Bindings for old webkit versions that have open security # issues. No reverse dependencies. Bug #608608 dev-ruby/ruby-webkit-gtk dev-ruby/ruby-webkit-gtk2 # Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (03 Mar 2017) # Masked for removal in 30 days. Reported to be broken; # QA issues, fails to build with GCC-5, ffmpeg-3 # Bugs #608408, #569958, #610746 media-video/lives # Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (03 Mar 2017) # Masked for removal in 30 days. Dead upstream, Qt4Webkit, # fails to build. Bug #602260 x11-misc/andromeda # Eray Aslan <eras@gentoo.org> (01 Mar 2017) # Mask experimental software =mail-mta/postfix-3.3* # Matt Turner <mattst88@gentoo.org> (26 Feb 2017) # Integrated into xorg-server since 1.17. Removal in 30 days. # Bug #611058 x11-libs/glamor # Johannes Huber <johu@gentoo.org> (26 Feb 2017) # Masked for removal in 30 days. No maintainer. Dead upstream. # Current version is outdated. Open QA issues (#522676,#526284). # Bug #607998. dev-vcs/veracity # Davide Pesavento <pesa@gentoo.org> (25 Feb 2017) # Library name changed in 2.10, breaking many consumers. # Needs full revdep testing. >=dev-python/qscintilla-python-2.10 >=x11-libs/qscintilla-2.10 # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (22 Feb 2017) # Fails to build. Dead upstream. # Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #520890. x11-misc/xrmap # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (22 Feb 2017) # The Ada subsystem in Gentoo is not maintained for a long time. # Therefore, it is being reduced to the minimal set of packages needed. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #593398. dev-ada/asis-gcc dev-ada/charles # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (22 Feb 2017) # Doesn't work. Dead upstream. Unmaintained. # Masked for removal on 30 days. Bug #609754. x11-misc/bbappconf # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (20 Feb 2017) # The Gentoo packages are roughly 300 releases behind upstream, and are # unmaintained. They do not build anymore, #545148, #558570, #597312. # Also, the first ebuild blocks python.eclass removal, #599866, # and is one huge QA mystery. Removal in 30 days. net-misc/elliptics net-misc/elliptics-eblob # Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (19 Feb 2017) # Dead upstream for >3 years. Closed source. Bundles outdated # libraries that certainly have known security issues (e.g., # icu-36 (!) or curl). Use at your own risk. app-text/acroread media-fonts/acroread-asianfonts # Hans de Graaff <graaff@gentoo.org> (19 Feb 2017) # Mask old jenkins lts version for removal in 30 days due to # security bugs: bug 607932. Please migrate to jenkins 2.x. <dev-util/jenkins-bin-2 # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (19 Feb 2017) # Revdeps need patching. >=media-gfx/libopenraw-0.1.0 # David Seifert <soap@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Awful codebase, pointer-to-int-casts, SDL1 # Masked for removal in 30 days games-puzzle/kiki # Kent Fredric <kentnl@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Renamed upstream to Monitoring::Plugin due to Trademark dispute. # Please use dev-perl/Monitoring-Plugin instead. Bug #575986. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-perl/Nagios-Plugin # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Dead upstream. Relies on vala slot. Unmaintained. Bug #601346. # Masked for removal in 30 days. x11-terms/valaterm # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Dead upstream. Relies on dead udisks:0. Bug #601356. # Masked for removal in 30 days. sys-fs/udisks-glue # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Fails at runtime. Dead upstream. Unmaintained. Bug #602008. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-util/weblint # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Requires a dead and vulnerable webkit-gtk version. Bug #608602. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-dotnet/webkit-sharp net-news/blam # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Fails to build. Bug #608940. Masked for removal in 30 days. net-ftp/bareftp # Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2017) # Fails to build. Use dev-libs/DirectFB[fusionsound] instead. # Bug #602674, 543728, 542000, 456770. Masked for removal in 30 days. media-libs/FusionSound # Alon Bar-Lev <alonbl@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2017) # Replaced by dev-libs/libp11. # Bug#609668. Removal in 30 days. dev-libs/engine_pkcs11 # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2017) # Live ebuilds only. Committed in 2012 with no maintenance afterwards. # One of the last packages to block distutils.eclass removal, #599838 # and #599840. Furthermore, lio-utils is broken, #565824. Removal # in 30 days. sys-block/lio-utils sys-block/rtsadmin # Thomas Deutschmann <whissi@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2017) # Unpatched security vulnerability per bug #576868 # Removal in 30 days. www-apps/roundup # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2017) # No longer works with current Twisted versions. Abandoned. Multiple # ebuild issues. Removal in 30 days. Bug #449716. net-nntp/hellanzb # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2017) # Both reported not to work with current Amazon servers and abandoned # upstream. Removal in 30 days. Bug #542442. net-misc/clamz net-misc/pymazon # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2017) # Reported to be broken. Last real upstream activity in 2011 with # a quick hack-fix in 2013. Removal in 30 days. Bug #591506. net-misc/orbited # Mart Raudsepp <leio@gentoo.org> (16 Feb 2017) # Old gstreamer 0.10 version, which is security vulnerable. # Use gstreamer:1.0 with media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav # instead (despite the name, it uses media-video/ffmpeg too). # Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #594878 media-plugins/gst-plugins-ffmpeg # Kent Fredric <kentnl@gentoo.org> (04 Feb 2017) # Unsecure versions that have been only restored to tree # to resolve compatibility problems with mail-filter/amavisd-new # Use with caution due to these being removed for CVE-2016-1251 # Bug: #601144 # Bug: #604678 <dev-perl/DBD-mysql-4.41.0 # Alon Bar-Lev <alonbl@gentoo.org> (06 Feb 2017) # Needs openssl-1.1 >=dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6 # Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (03 Feb 2017) # Drops USE=firebird because it requires not yet packaged Firebird-3.0. # Affects libreoffice-base. # Bug #586634. =app-office/libreoffice- # Pawel Hajdan, Jr. <phajdan.jr@gentoo.org> (03 Feb 2017) # Dev channel releases are only for people who are developers or want more # experimental features and accept a more unstable release. >=www-client/chromium-58 # Bernard Cafarelli <voyageur@gentoo.org> (30 Jan 2017) # Alpha release with new features, masked for testing =app-text/tesseract-4.00.00_alpha* # Matt Turner <mattst88@gentoo.org> (26 Jan 2017) # Dead and replaced by media-libs/mesa[video_cards_radeonsi] # (or the proprietary amdgpu-pro, which is not in tree). # Masked for removal in 30 days. # Bug #582406 x11-drivers/ati-drivers # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (26 Jan 2017) # Pre-release, masked for testing. Major changes since 2.0.4, # including dropped support for BlueZ 4. =net-wireless/blueman-2.1_alpha* # Yixun Lan <dlan@gentoo.org> (16 Jan 2017) # Masked, Vulnerable due to RGW Denial of Service (bug #598206) # We mask it instead of removing them, due user may need them while # upgrade from old versions (<0.94.x) <sys-cluster/ceph-10.2.3-r1 # Jeroen Roovers <jer@gentoo.org> (12 Jan 2017) # Use x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers[tools] instead. media-video/nvidia-settings # Michael Orlitzky <mjo@gentoo.org> (07 Jan 2017) # This package has some dangerous quality and security issues, but # people may still find it useful. It is masked to prevent accidental # use. See bugs 603346 and 604998 for more information. app-admin/amazon-ec2-init # Mart Raudsepp <leio@gentoo.org> (07 Jan 2017) # No releases of this API version since March 2001, abandoned # in favour of glib:2 for 14 years; bug 604966. # Removed at 2017-02-08, mask kept for longer display to users. dev-libs/glib:1 # Mart Raudsepp <leio@gentoo.org> (06 Jan 2017) # No releases of this API version since April 2001, abandoned # in favour of gtk+:2 for 14 years; bug 604862. # Removed at 2017-02-08, mask kept for longer display to users. x11-libs/gtk+:1 # Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> (05 Jan 2017) # Masking for testing =app-emulation/ganeti-2.16* =app-emulation/ganeti-2.17* # Markos Chandras <hwoarang@gentoo.org> (10 Dec 2016) # Reverse dependencies need testing, wrt bug #580760 >=net-libs/rb_libtorrent-1.1.1 # Kent Fredric (19 Nov 2016) # virtual/perl-MathBigInt-1.999.726+ Mask Block # Will likely not be unmasked until future Perls # include equivalent versions to avoid complications with virtuals >=virtual/perl-Math-BigInt-1.999.726 >=perl-core/Math-BigInt-1.999.726 >=dev-perl/Math-BigInt-GMP-1.600.0 # Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> (18 Nov 2016) # Depends on slotted lua =dev-db/redis-3.2.5-r1 =dev-db/redis-3.2.6-r1 # Ian Stakenvicius (17 Nov 2016) # Does not honour LD_LIBRARY_PATH set in the environment, causing # all mozilla packages to fail in src_install() when xpcshell is # called in ${WORKDIR}, #580726 # Segfaults when creating directories #578582 =sys-apps/sandbox-2.11* # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (17 Nov 2016) # New version masked for testing. It supports source-window buffer size # over 2G but it 'currently performs 3-5% slower and has 1-2% worse # compression'. >=dev-util/xdelta-3.1.0 # Gilles Dartiguelongue <eva@gentoo.org> (12 Nov 2016) # Keep shotwell development series masked. >=media-gfx/shotwell-0.25 # Tim Harder <radhermit@gentoo.org> (03 Nov 2016) # Masked for testing =sys-fs/fuse-3.0.0* # Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org> (21 Jul 2013) # Mask all unfetchable versions and those with tons of random # bugs and segfaults (all). Don't ask for a version bump unless # there is a working release. sci-geosciences/googleearth # Denis Dupeyron <calchan@gentoo.org> (12 Sep 2016) # Masked for testing, see bug #588894. =x11-misc/light-locker-1.7.0-r1 # Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> (26 Aug 2016) # Masked while being tested and reverse deps aren't fully compatible =dev-libs/openssl-1.1* # Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (18 Aug 2016) # Mask new MariaDB alphas for testing >=dev-db/mariadb-10.2.0 # Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> (07 Aug 2016) # Fails to switch cpufreq governor. # https://bugs.gentoo.org/590780 ~sys-power/cpupower-4.7.0 # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (7 Aug 2016) # Issue with thunar detailed view # Masked for more restrictive testing. =xfce-base/exo-0.11.1 # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (18 Jul 2016) # Pre-release of a complete rewrite, provided for early testing. Not all # functionality is provided yet. Use --pretend to make sure correct # files will be removed. >=app-admin/eclean-kernel-1.99 # Kent Fredric <kentnl@gentoo.org> (16 Jul 2016) # Test2/Test-Simple-1.301 Block # Radically changed upstream and is critical to all Perl modules. # Masked for extended testing. # Will likely not be unmasked till equivalent versions ship in Perl itself. >=perl-core/Test-Simple-1.301.0 >=virtual/perl-Test-Simple-1.301.0 dev-perl/Test2-Suite >=dev-perl/Data-Validate-Domain-0.120.0 dev-perl/Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings dev-perl/Params-ValidationCompiler >=dev-perl/DateTime-Locale-1.60.0 >=dev-perl/DateTime-TimeZone-2.20.0 >=dev-perl/DateTime-1.370.0 # Aaron Bauman <bman@gentoo.org> (30 Jun 2016) # Unpatched security vulnerability per bug #509920 www-apps/egroupware # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (27 Jun 2016) # (on behalf of QA & proxy-maint) # Major QA violations, bug #587342 (#585722 in particular). games-emulation/ppsspp # Aaron Bauman <bman@gentoo.org> (26 Jun 2016) # Unpatched security vulnerability per bug #475120 <media-video/motion-4.0.1-r1 # Chris Reffett <creffett@gentoo.org> (25 May 2016) # The webkit-gtk:4 backend for Xiphos has known text display issues. # Use at your own risk. =app-text/xiphos-4.0.4-r1 # Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> (2 May 2016) # Broken reverse deps. At least one header file has been moved around. >=media-gfx/imagemagick- # Richard Freeman <rich0@gentoo.org> (16 Apr 2016) # Masked for extended testing, and porting of openrc scripts # if necessary. >=media-tv/mythtv-0.28 >=media-plugins/mythplugins-0.28 >=www-apps/mythweb-0.28 # James Le Cuirot <chewi@gentoo.org> (03 Apr 2016) # Masking Spring Framework for the time being as 3.2.4 is old, has # multiple vulnerabilities, and we're not likely to update it # soon. Hopefully we can revisit it when the Maven stuff works out. dev-java/spring-aop dev-java/spring-beans dev-java/spring-core dev-java/spring-expression dev-java/spring-instrument # Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (03 Apr 2016) # Can exhaust all available memory depending on task # but is made available for experts who heed this warning # as newer versions produce different output. Contact # the proxied maintainer Matthew Brewer <tomboy64@sina.cn> # for questions. <=media-gfx/slic3r-1.1.9999 # José María Alonso <nimiux@gentoo.org> (24 Mar 2016) # Fails to build dev-lisp/sbcl-1.3.3 #563812 =dev-lisp/asdf-3.1.7 =dev-lisp/uiop-3.1.7 # Aaron Bauman <bman@gentoo.org> (19 Mar 2016) # Unpatched security vulnerability per bug #512356. =app-forensics/chkrootkit-0.49 # James Le Cuirot <chewi@gentoo.org> (07 Feb 2016) # Masked until 2.0 final arrives, which hopefully won't depend on # commons-dbcp:0 as that requires Java 6. Note that the 2.0 in the # tree should have actually been 2.0_beta1. There are no revdeps. dev-java/jcs # Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (9 Jan 2016) # Errorneously added. Is already in perl-core. Please uninstall. dev-perl/ExtUtils-Constant # Andrey Grozin <grozin@gentoo.org> (04 Jan 2016) # Needs a bump and substantial ebuild rewrite =sci-mathematics/reduce-20110414-r1 # Victor Ostorga <vostorga@gentoo.org> (30 Dec 2015) # Mask this liferea version because upstream released it broken =net-news/liferea-1.10.17 # Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (30 Oct 2015) # Uses unsafe ioctls that could result in data corruption. Upstream # is working on replacing them in the wip/dedup-syscall branch. # Keep it masked until they are done. sys-fs/duperemove is # the suggested replacement for the meantime. sys-fs/bedup # Ian Delaney <idella4@gentoo.org> (27 Oct 2015) # fails to build dev-lisp/sbcl-1.2.16 #563812 # mgorny: dev-lisp/uiop as version-bound revdep =dev-lisp/asdf-3.1.6 =dev-lisp/uiop-3.1.6 # Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> (23 Oct 2015) # Breaking changes #563540 =app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.18 # Mike Pagano <mpagano@gentoo.org> (2 Oct 2015) # A regression in kernel 4.1.9 could lead to a system # lockup. This has been fixed in gentoo-sources-4.1.9-r1 # and the hope is that this patch will make it to 4.1.10 # Expires (2 Oct 2017) =sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-4.1.9 =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.1.9 # Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (19 Sep 2015) # Masked for security reasons, bugs 516044, 552644 # Keeping it in the tree for now for users who cannot upgrade # (commercial product, separate licenses for major versions) =app-emulation/vmware-workstation-9* =app-emulation/vmware-modules-271* # Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> (09 Sep 2015) # Masked for testing. >=net-fs/samba-4.6.0_rc1 # Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> (20 Aug 2015) # Releases are not from original upstream but from a fork. # Masked as requested by vapier. ~net-misc/iputils-20160308 # Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> (8 Aug 2015) # Upcoming, too young to go into testing unmasked dev-libs/iniparser:4 # Davide Pesavento <pesa@gentoo.org> (23 Jul 2015) # Standalone version of qtwebkit from the 2.3 upstream branch. # Needs revdep testing. Bug #388207. =dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.10* # Ben de Groot <yngwin@gentoo.org> (20 Jul 2015) # Version bump is a WIP, see bug #524242 # It works (except USE=vamp) but is not up to Gentoo standards yet >=media-sound/audacity-2.1.1 # Patrick Lauer <patrick@gentoo.org> (14 Jun 2015) # Has race condition / failure modes that make systems unusable # See #551724 and duplicates =sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-29 # Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> (28 Feb 2015) # Unfixed security problems # No upstream support anymore # CVE-2015-{0219,0220,0221,0222,5145} # #536586 # #554864 =dev-python/django-1.4* =dev-python/django-1.5* =dev-python/django-1.6* # Not supported by any django version upstream supports dev-python/south # Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> (5 Jan 2015) # Asterisk 13 is an LTS release but has not seen # sufficient releases to be considered ready for # production usage. You are welcome to have a go # but please be careful. =net-misc/asterisk-13* # Jeroen Roovers <jer@gentoo.org> (12 Dec 2014) # The 96 and 173 branches are no longer supported and remain vulnerable to # CVE-2014-8298 (bug #532342). You may be able to mitigate the vulnerability by # disabling GLX indirect rendering protocol support on the X server. <x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-304 # Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> (04 Aug 2014) # Masked for testing, presently fails upstream testsuite: # FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) db_dump/db_load(./TESTDIR.3/recd001.db:child killed: kill signal): expected 0, got 1 # FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) Dump/load of ./TESTDIR.3/recd001.db failed. # FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) db_verify_preop: expected 0, got 1 =sys-libs/db-6.1* =sys-libs/db-6.2* # Ulrich Müller <ulm@gentoo.org> (15 Jul 2014) # Permanently mask sys-libs/lib-compat and its reverse dependencies, # pending multiple security vulnerabilities and QA issues. # See bugs #515926 and #510960. sys-libs/lib-compat sys-libs/lib-compat-loki games-action/mutantstorm-demo games-action/phobiaii games-fps/rtcw games-fps/unreal games-strategy/heroes3 games-strategy/heroes3-demo games-strategy/smac sys-block/afacli # Mikle Kolyada <zlogene@gentoo.org> (27 Jun 2014) # Masked for proper testing. (Major updates in the code). ~dev-perl/PortageXS-0.2.12 # Hans de Graaff <graaff@gentoo.org> (1 Jun 2014) # Mask new rubinius version for testing. This needs more work # to fully integrate it in our Gentoo ruby handling. Volunteers # welcome. =dev-lang/rubinius-3* # Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> (03 May 2014) # Needs to be further tested and revised by both Java and Ruby herds. >=dev-java/jruby-1.7.12 dev-ruby/bitescript dev-ruby/duby dev-ruby/weakling # Matti Bickel <mabi@gentoo.org> (22 Apr 2014) # Masked slotted lua for testing # William Hubbs <williamh@gentoo.org> (07 Aug 2016) # Taking this mask since Mabi is retired # Rafael Martins <rafaelmartins@gentoo.org> (04 Dec 2016) # Adding Lua 5.3 to mask app-eselect/eselect-lua =dev-lang/lua-5.1.5-r2 =dev-lang/lua-5.1.5-r100 =dev-lang/lua-5.2.3 =dev-lang/lua-5.2.3-r1 =dev-lang/lua-5.3.3 # Sergey Popov <pinkbyte@gentoo.org> (20 Mar 2014) # Security mask of vulnerable versions, wrt bug #424167 <net-nds/openldap-2.4.35 # Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> (04 Mar 2014) # Dev channel releases are only for people who are developers or want more # experimental features and accept a more unstable release. www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins:unstable # Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> (14 Oct 2013) # Seems to break all deps - API change? >=sci-libs/metis-5 # Sergey Popov <pinkbyte@gentoo.org> (18 Sep 2013) # Mask development releases of botan: # - causes many API breakages # - do not compile in some USE-flag combinations # - requires at least gcc 4.7(and possibly even 4.8 for some features) >=dev-libs/botan-1.11.0 # Michael Weber <xmw@gentoo.org> (17 Jul 2013) # Upstream next versions >=sys-boot/raspberrypi-firmware-1_pre # Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> (25 Jun 2013) # Mask new ptlib/opal for breakage, tracked in bug #474742 # Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> (29 Apr 2014) # Adjusted mask so newer versions get covered as well. >=net-libs/ptlib-2.12.0 >=net-libs/opal-3.12.0 # Richard Freeman <rich0@gentoo.org> (24 Mar 2013) # Contains known buffer overflows. Package generally works # but should not be fed untrusted input (eg from strangers). # Masked to ensure users are aware before they install. app-text/cuneiform # Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (06 Mar 2012) # Masked for testing since this is known to break nearly # every reverse dependency wrt bug 407091 >=dev-lang/lua-5.2.0 # Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (30 Oct 2011) # Masked for security bug #294253, use only at your own risk! =media-libs/fmod-3* # Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> (03 Jan 2009) # These packages are not supposed to be merged directly, instead # please use sys-devel/crossdev to install them. dev-libs/cygwin dev-util/mingw-runtime dev-util/mingw64-runtime dev-util/w32api sys-libs/newlib dev-embedded/avr-libc # Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org> (03 Mar 2008) # Masking due to security bug #194607 and security bug #204067 games-fps/doom3 games-fps/doom3-cdoom games-fps/doom3-chextrek games-fps/doom3-data games-fps/doom3-demo games-fps/doom3-ducttape games-fps/doom3-eventhorizon games-fps/doom3-hellcampaign games-fps/doom3-inhell games-fps/doom3-lms games-fps/doom3-mitm games-fps/doom3-roe games-fps/quake4-bin games-fps/quake4-data games-fps/quake4-demo # <klieber@gentoo.org> (01 Apr 2004) # The following packages contain a remotely-exploitable # security vulnerability and have been hard masked accordingly. # # Please see https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44351 for more info # games-fps/unreal-tournament-goty games-fps/unreal-tournament-strikeforce games-fps/unreal-tournament-bonuspacks games-fps/aaut