# This file contains the syntax information for 
# the entries to be put in any tnsnames.ora file
# The entries in this file are need based. 
# There are no defaults for entries in this file
# that Sqlnet/Net3 use that need to be overridden 
# Typically you could have two tnsnames.ora files
# in the system, one that is set for the entire system
# and is called the system tnsnames.ora file, and a
# second file that is used by each user locally so that
# he can override the definitions dictated by the system
# tnsnames.ora file.

# The entries in tnsnames.ora are an alternative to using
# the names server with the onames adapter.
# They are a collection of aliases for the addresses that 
# the listener(s) is(are) listening for a database or 
# several databases.

# The following is the general syntax for any entry in 
# a tnsnames.ora file. There could be several such entries 
# tailored to the user's needs.

<alias>= [ (DESCRIPTION_LIST =  # Optional depending on whether u have 
				# one or more descriptions
				# If there is just one description, unnecessary ]
	    [ (SDU=2048) ]	# Optional, defaults to 2048
				# Can take values between 512 and 32K
	    [ (ADDRESS_LIST=    # Optional depending on whether u have
				# one or more addresses
				# If there is just one address, unnecessary ]
		[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ] 
		(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
	      [ (ADDRESS=
		  (KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)	
	      [ (ADDRESS=
		  [ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
              ... # More addresses
	    [ ) ] # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST is used or not 
		[ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
	    [ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]  
	    [ (SDU=2048) ]	# Optional, defaults to 2048
				# Can take values between 512 and 32K
	    [ (ADDRESS_LIST= ]	# Optional depending on whether u have more
				# than one address or not
				# If there is just one address, unnecessary
		[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
		(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
	      [ (ADDRESS=
		  (KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)
	      ... 		# More addresses
	    [ ) ] 		# Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST  
				# is being used
		[ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
	    [ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]
	      [ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
	  ...   # More descriptions 
	[ ) ]	# Optional depending on whether DESCRIPTION_LIST is used or not