#!/usr/bin/python -O # # /usr/sbin/webapp-config # Python script for managing the deployment of web-based # applications # # Originally written for the Gentoo Linux distribution # # Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Authors # Released under v2 of the GNU GPL # # Author(s) Stuart Herbert # Renat Lumpau # Gunnar Wrobel # # ======================================================================== ''' This class handles the contents file of a virtual install location. This file records all files and directories of the installation. ''' # ======================================================================== # Dependencies # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ import hashlib, re, os, os.path from WebappConfig.debug import OUT from WebappConfig.permissions import PermissionMap from WebappConfig.compat import create_md5 # ======================================================================== # Content handler # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Contents: ''' This class records the contents for virtual install locations. ''' #self.worker.get_config('g_perms_dotconfig') def __init__(self, installdir, category = '', package = '', version = '', permission = PermissionMap('0600'), dbfile = '.webapp', verbose = False, pretend = False, root = ''): self.__root = root self.__re = re.compile('/+') self.__installdir = installdir self.__cat = category self.__pn = package self.__pvr = version self.__dbfile = dbfile self.__perm = permission self.__v = verbose self.__p = pretend self.__content = {} # Ignore specific files while removing contents # Added "webapp-test" to the list of ignored files. This # type of file will be used to mark directories that should # be included into the distutils manifest. self.ignore = ['webapp_test'] def package_name(self): ''' Return the package name for the virtual install.''' if self.__cat: # use _ instead of / because we don't want to create a directory return self.__cat + '_' + self.__pn + '-' + self.__pvr else: return self.__pn + '-' + self.__pvr def set_category(self, cat): ''' Set category name.''' self.__cat = cat def set_package(self, package): ''' Set the package name.''' self.__pn = package def set_version(self, version): ''' Set the package version.''' self.__pvr = version def appdb(self): ''' Return the full path to the contents file.''' return self.__installdir + '/' + self.__dbfile + '-' \ + self.package_name() def db_print(self): ''' Print all enties of the contents file.''' entries = self.get_sorted_files() values = [] for i in entries: # Fix relative entry s = self.__content[i] s[1] = str(int(s[1])) values.append(' '.join(s)) OUT.notice('\n'.join(values)) def check_installdir(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.__installdir) and not self.__p: OUT.die('"' + self.__installdir + '" specifies no directory! ' 'webapp-config needs a valid directory to store/retri' 'eve information. Please correct your settings.') def kill(self): ''' Remove the contents file.''' if not self.__p: try: dbpath = self.appdb() self.check_installdir() os.unlink(dbpath) self.__content = {} return True except: OUT.warn('Failed to remove ' + self.appdb() + '!') return False else: OUT.info('Would have removed ' + self.appdb()) return True def read(self): ''' Reads the contents database. ''' dbpath = self.appdb() if not dbpath or not os.access(dbpath, os.R_OK): OUT.die('Content file ' + dbpath + ' is missing or not accessibl' 'e!') content = open(dbpath).readlines() for i in content: i = i.strip() rfn = re.compile('"(.*)"') rfs = rfn.search(i) if not rfs: ok = False else: fn = rfs.group(1) i = rfn.sub('', i) line_split = i.split(' ') line_split[3] = fn OUT.debug('Adding content line', 10) ok = True if len(line_split) < 6: ok = False OUT.warn('Content file ' + dbpath + ' has an invalid line' ':\n' + i + '\nNot enough entries.') if ok and not line_split[0] in ['file', 'sym', 'dir']: ok = False OUT.warn('Content file ' + dbpath + ' has an invalid line' ':\n' + i + '\nInvalid file type: ' + line_split[0]) if ok and not line_split[1] in ['0', '1']: ok = False OUT.warn('Content file ' + dbpath + ' has an invalid line' ':\n' + i + '\nInvalid relative flag: ' + line_split[1]) if ok and not line_split[2] in ['virtual', 'server-owned', 'config-owned', 'default-owned', 'config-server-owned', # Still need that in case an # application was installed # with w-c-1.11 'root-owned']: ok = False OUT.warn('Content file ' + dbpath + ' has an invalid line' ':\n' + i + '\nInvalid owner: ' + line_split[2]) if ok and line_split[0] == 'sym' and len(line_split) == 6: OUT.warn('Content file ' + dbpath + ' has an invalid line' ':\n' + i + '\nMissing link target! ') if len(line_split) == 6: line_split.append('') # I think this could happen if the link target contains # spaces # -- wrobel if len(line_split) > 7: line_split = line_split[0:6] \ + [' '.join(line_split[6:])] if ok: if line_split[1] == '0': self.__content[line_split[3]] = line_split else: self.__content[self.__installdir + '/' + line_split[3]] = line_split else: OUT.warn('Invalid line in content file (' + i + '). Ignor' 'ing!') def write(self): ''' Write the contents file. ''' dbpath = self.appdb() if not dbpath: OUT.die('No package specified!') self.check_installdir() values = [' '.join(i) for i in list(self.__content.values())] if not self.__p: try: fd = os.open(self.appdb(), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, self.__perm(0o600)) os.write(fd, ('\n'.join(values)).encode('utf-8')) os.close(fd) except Exception as e: OUT.warn('Failed to write content file ' + dbpath + '!\n' + 'Error was: ' + str(e)) else: OUT.info('Would have written content file ' + dbpath + '!') def delete(self, entry): ''' Delete a database entry. ''' del self.__content[entry] def add(self, dsttype, ctype, destination, path, real_path, relative = True): ''' Add an entry to the contents file. Just like Portage, when we install an app, we create a contents file to say what we installed and when. We use this contents file to help us safely remove & upgrade apps. CONTENTS file format: [] where is one of dir|sym|file|hardlink is 1 for relative filenames, 0 for absolute filenames is one of server-owned|default-owned|config-owned|virtual is the timestamp when the file was installed is the md5sum of the file (this is 0 for directories and symlinks) is the actual name of the file we have installed is additional data that depends upon NOTE: Filenames used to be on the end of the line. This made the old bash version more complicated, and prone to failure. So I have moved the filename into the middle of the line. -- Stuart Portage uses absolute names for its files, dirs, and symlinks. We do not. In theory, you can move a directory containing a web-based app, and a) the app itself will not break, and b) webapp-config will still work on that directory for upgrades and cleans. Position-independence *is* a design constraint that all future changes to this script need to honour. Inputs: dsttype - type to add (one of dir|sym|file|hardlink) ctype - internal webapp-config type - (server-owned | config-owned | virtual) destination - install dir (normally $G_INSTALLDIR) path - filename inside 'destination' real_path - for config-protected files realpath =! path (and this is important for md5) relative - 1 for storing a relative filename, 0 otherwise ''' OUT.debug('Adding entry to content dictionary', 6) # Build the full path that we use as index in the contents list while path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] while destination[-1] == '/': destination = destination[:-1] entry = destination + '/' + path # special case - we don't add entries for '.' if os.path.basename(entry) == '.': return if (not self.__p and not os.path.islink(entry) and (not os.path.exists(entry) or not os.access(entry, os.R_OK))): OUT.warn('Cannot access file ' + entry + ' to add it as' ' installation content. This should not happen!') return allowed_types = { 'file' : [ 'file', self.file_md5, self.file_null ], 'hardlink': [ 'file', self.file_md5, self.file_null ], 'dir' : [ 'dir', self.file_zero, self.file_null ], 'sym' : [ 'sym', self.file_zero, self.file_link ], } if not dsttype in list(allowed_types.keys()): OUT.die('Oops, webapp-config bug. "dsttype" is ' + dsttype) # Generate handler for file attributes a = allowed_types[dsttype] # For absolute entries the path must match the entry if not relative: path = entry OUT.debug('Adding entry', 7) # report if pretending if self.__p: OUT.info(' pretending to add: ' + ' '.join([dsttype, str(int(relative)), ctype, '"' + path + '"'])) else: # Only the path is enclosed in quotes, NOT the link targets self.__content[entry] = [ a[0], str(int(relative)), ctype, '"' + path + '"', self.file_time(entry), a[1](real_path), a[2](entry)] if self.__v: msg = path if msg[0] == "/": msg = self.__root + msg msg = self.__re.sub('/', msg) OUT.notice('>>> ' + a[0] + ' ' * (4 - len(a[0])) + ' (' \ + ctype + ') ' + msg) def file_zero(self, filename): ''' Just return a zero value.''' return '0' def file_null(self, filename): ''' Just return an empty value.''' return '' def file_md5(self, filename): ''' Return the md5 hash for the file content.''' return create_md5(filename) def file_time(self, filename): ''' Return the last modification time.''' if os.path.islink(filename): return str(os.lstat(filename)[8]) else: return str(os.stat(filename)[8]) def file_link(self, filename): ''' Return the path of the link target.''' return os.path.realpath(filename) def get_sorted_files(self): ''' Get a list of files. This is returned as a list sorted according to length, so that files lower in the hierarchy can be removed first.''' installed = list(self.__content.keys()) return sorted(installed, key=lambda x: (-len(x), x)) def get_directories(self): ''' Get only the directories as a sorted list.''' return [i for i in self.get_sorted_files() if self.__content[i][0] == 'dir'] def get_files(self): ''' Get only files as a sorted list.''' return [i for i in self.get_sorted_files() if self.__content[i][0] in ['sym', 'file']] def get_canremove(self, entry): ''' Determines if an entry can be removed. Returns a string if the entry may not be removed. The string will describe the reason why the entry should not be removed. In case the entry can be removed nothing will be returned. ''' OUT.debug('Checking if the file can be removed', 6) # Path not found. # Cannot remove -> return False if not os.path.exists(entry) and not os.path.islink(entry): OUT.debug('Did not find the file.', 7) return '!found ' + self.epath(entry) entry_type = self.etype(entry) if entry_type == 'sym': # Should be a link but is not. if not os.path.islink(entry): return '!sym ' + self.epath(entry) # Expected link location does not match with # current target. # this results in leaving broken symlinks behind # if self.file_link(entry) != self.etarget(entry): # return '!target ' + self.epath(entry) if entry_type == 'file': # Expected file, path is not a file if not os.path.isfile(entry): return '!file ' + self.epath(entry) # This is config protected. Do not remove! #if self.eowner(entry)[0:6] == 'config': # return '!cfgpro ' + self.epath(entry) # Modification time does not match. Refuse to remove. if self.file_time(entry) != self.etime(entry): return '!time ' + self.epath(entry) # Content has different hash. Do not remove. if self.file_md5(entry) != self.emd5(entry): return '!sum ' + self.epath(entry) if entry_type == 'dir': # Expected directory, path is not a directory. if not os.path.isdir(entry): return '!dir ' + self.epath(entry) # the rules are simple # # if the directory is empty, it can go # if the directory is not empty, it cannot go # get a directory listing entry_list = os.listdir(entry) # Support for ignoring file. Currently only needed # to enable doctests in the subversion repository if self.ignore: entry_list = [i for i in entry_list if not i in self.ignore] OUT.debug('Remaining files', 7) # Directory not empty # Cannot remove -> return False if entry_list: return '!empty ' + self.epath(entry) # All checks passed? Remove! def entry(self, entry): ''' Return a complete entry.''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): return ' '.join(self.__content[entry]) else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"') def etype(self, entry): ''' Returns the entry type. ''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): return self.__content[entry][0] else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"') def erelative(self, entry): ''' Returns if the entry is relative or not. ''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): return bool(int(self.__content[entry][1])) else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"') def eowner(self, entry): ''' Returns the owner of the entry. ''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): return self.__content[entry][2] else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"') def epath(self, entry): ''' Returns the (possibly relative) path of the entry. ''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): msg = self.__content[entry][3] if msg[0] == "/": msg = self.__root + msg msg = self.__re.sub('/', msg) return msg else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"') def etime(self, entry): ''' Returns the recorded modification time of the entry. ''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): return self.__content[entry][4] else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"') def emd5(self, entry): ''' Returns the recorded md5 hash of the entry. ''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): return self.__content[entry][5] else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"') def etarget(self, entry): ''' Returns the recorded target of the link. ''' if entry in list(self.__content.keys()): return self.__content[entry][6] else: raise Exception('Unknown file "' + entry + '"')