Feature: Recruits progress As recruiter I want to be able to see recruits progress In order to know how they are progressing Scenario: View recruits progress on show page Given following questions: |question 1|category 1| |question 2|category 1| |question 3|category 2| And recruit "recruit" in following categories: |category 1|category 2| And user "recruit" answered all questions in "category 1" And I am logged in as "recruiter" who is "recruiter" When I am on the homepage And I follow "recruit" Then I should see "Answered 2 of 3 questions." Scenario: View list of users questions Given following questions: |question 1|category 1| |question 2|category 1| |question 3|category 2| And recruit "recruit" in following categories: |category 1|category 2| And user "recruit" answered all questions in "category 1" And I am logged in as "recruiter" who is "recruiter" When I am on the homepage And I follow "recruit" And I follow "Questions user should answer" Then I should see following: |question 1 answered|question 2 answered|question 3|