Feature: Answering text question As recruit I should be able to answer text question So my knowledge can be evaluated properly Scenario: Answer text question Given I am logged in as "recruit" And a question "question" in category "category" And text content "some question" for question "question" When I am on show "question" question page And I follow "Answer it!" And fill in "answer[content]" with "my answer" Then I should not see "Reference" When I press "Create Answer" Then I should see "The answer was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" Scenario: Create and edit text question Given I am logged in as administrator When I follow "New Question" Then I should see "Categories" within ".field-list" When I fill in "some question" for "question[title]" And I press "Create Question" Then I should see "The question was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" When I follow "Add text content" And I fill in "some question" for "question_content_text[content]" And press "Create Question Content Text" Then I should see "The question content text was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" When I am on show "some question" question page And I follow "content" And I fill in "Some question." for "question_content_text[content]" And press "Save" Then I should see "Changes to the question content text were saved" within ".flash.notice" Scenario: See question content when creating new answer Given text content "some question" for question "question" And I am logged in as "recruit" When I am on show "question" question page And I follow "Answer it!" Then I should see "fake" as question content Scenario: See question content when editing answer Given answer of "recruit" for question "example question" And I am logged in as "recruit" When I am on answer of "recruit" for question "example question" page Then I should see "fake" as question content