#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import os import signal # For compatibility with Python < 3.8 raise_signal = getattr( signal, "raise_signal", lambda signum: os.kill(os.getpid(), signum) ) # Inherit from KeyboardInterrupt to avoid a traceback from asyncio. class SignalInterrupt(KeyboardInterrupt): def __init__(self, signum): self.signum = signum try: def signal_interrupt(signum, _frame): raise SignalInterrupt(signum) def debug_signal(_signum, _frame): import pdb pdb.set_trace() # Prevent "[Errno 32] Broken pipe" exceptions when writing to a pipe. signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_interrupt) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, debug_signal) import argparse import sys import types if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), ".portage_not_installed", ) ): pym_paths = [ os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), "lib" ) ] sys.path.insert(0, pym_paths[0]) else: import sysconfig pym_paths = [ os.path.join(sysconfig.get_path("purelib"), x) for x in ("_emerge", "portage") ] # Avoid sandbox violations after Python upgrade. if os.environ.get("SANDBOX_ON") == "1": sandbox_write = os.environ.get("SANDBOX_WRITE", "").split(":") for pym_path in pym_paths: if pym_path not in sandbox_write: sandbox_write.append(pym_path) os.environ["SANDBOX_WRITE"] = ":".join(filter(None, sandbox_write)) del pym_path, sandbox_write del pym_paths import portage portage._internal_caller = True from portage import os from portage.eapi import eapi_has_repo_deps from portage.util import writemsg, writemsg_stdout, no_color portage.proxy.lazyimport.lazyimport( globals(), "re", "subprocess", "_emerge.Package:Package", "_emerge.RootConfig:RootConfig", "_emerge.is_valid_package_atom:insert_category_into_atom", "portage.dbapi._expand_new_virt:expand_new_virt", "portage._sets.base:InternalPackageSet", "portage.util._eventloop.global_event_loop:global_event_loop", "portage.xml.metadata:MetaDataXML", ) def eval_atom_use(atom): if "USE" in os.environ: use = frozenset(os.environ["USE"].split()) atom = atom.evaluate_conditionals(use) return atom def uses_configroot(function): function.uses_configroot = True return function def uses_eroot(function): function.uses_eroot = True return function # global to hold all function docstrings to be used for argparse help. # Avoids python compilation level 2 optimization troubles. docstrings = {} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # To add functionality to this tool, add a function below. # # The format for functions is: # # def function(argv): # # # docstrings['function'] = """ # # """ # function.__doc__ = docstrings['function'] # # "argv" is an array of the command line parameters provided after the command. # # Make sure you document the function in the right format. The documentation # is used to display help on the function. # # You do not need to add the function to any lists, this tool is introspective, # and will automaticly add a command by the same name as the function! # @uses_eroot def has_version(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!") return 3 warnings = [] allow_repo = atom_validate_strict is False or eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi) try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(argv[1], allow_repo=allow_repo) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: if atom_validate_strict: portage.writemsg(f"ERROR: Invalid atom: '{argv[1]}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 else: atom = argv[1] else: if atom_validate_strict: try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(argv[1], allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as e: warnings.append(f"QA Notice: has_version: {e}") atom = eval_atom_use(atom) if warnings: elog("eqawarn", warnings) try: mylist = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].dbapi.match(atom) if mylist: return 0 else: return 1 except KeyError: return 1 except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: portage.writemsg(f"ERROR: Invalid atom: '{argv[1]}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 docstrings[ "has_version" ] = """ Return code 0 if it's available, 1 otherwise. """ has_version.__doc__ = docstrings["has_version"] @uses_eroot def best_version(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!") return 3 warnings = [] allow_repo = atom_validate_strict is False or eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi) try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(argv[1], allow_repo=allow_repo) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: if atom_validate_strict: portage.writemsg(f"ERROR: Invalid atom: '{argv[1]}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 else: atom = argv[1] else: if atom_validate_strict: try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(argv[1], allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as e: warnings.append(f"QA Notice: best_version: {e}") atom = eval_atom_use(atom) if warnings: elog("eqawarn", warnings) try: mylist = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].dbapi.match(atom) print(portage.best(mylist)) except KeyError: return 1 docstrings[ "best_version" ] = """ Returns highest installed matching category/package-version (without .ebuild). """ best_version.__doc__ = docstrings["best_version"] @uses_eroot def mass_best_version(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!") return 2 try: for pack in argv[1:]: mylist = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].dbapi.match(pack) print(f"{pack}:{portage.best(mylist)}") except KeyError: return 1 docstrings[ "mass_best_version" ] = """ []+ Returns category/package-version (without .ebuild). """ mass_best_version.__doc__ = docstrings["mass_best_version"] @uses_eroot def metadata(argv): if len(argv) < 4: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!", file=sys.stderr) return 2 eroot, pkgtype, pkgspec = argv[0:3] metakeys = argv[3:] type_map = {"ebuild": "porttree", "binary": "bintree", "installed": "vartree"} if pkgtype not in type_map: print(f"Unrecognized package type: '{pkgtype}'", file=sys.stderr) return 1 trees = portage.db repo = portage.dep.dep_getrepo(pkgspec) pkgspec = portage.dep.remove_slot(pkgspec) try: values = trees[eroot][type_map[pkgtype]].dbapi.aux_get( pkgspec, metakeys, myrepo=repo ) writemsg_stdout("".join(f"{x}\n" for x in values), noiselevel=-1) except KeyError: print(f"Package not found: '{pkgspec}'", file=sys.stderr) return 1 docstrings[ "metadata" ] = f""" \t []+ \tReturns metadata values for the specified package. \tAvailable keys: {','.join(sorted(x for x in portage.auxdbkeys))} \t""" metadata.__doc__ = docstrings["metadata"] @uses_eroot def contents(argv): if len(argv) != 2: print(f"ERROR: expected 2 parameters, got {len(argv)}!") return 2 root, cpv = argv vartree = portage.db[root]["vartree"] if not vartree.dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv): sys.stderr.write(f"Package not found: '{cpv}'\n") return 1 cat, pkg = portage.catsplit(cpv) db = portage.dblink( cat, pkg, root, vartree.settings, treetype="vartree", vartree=vartree ) writemsg_stdout( "".join(f"{x}\n" for x in sorted(db.getcontents())), noiselevel=-1 ) docstrings[ "contents" ] = """ List the files that are installed for a given package, with one file listed on each line. All file names will begin with . """ contents.__doc__ = docstrings["contents"] @uses_eroot def owners(argv): if len(argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: insufficient parameters!\n") sys.stderr.flush() return 2 eroot = argv[0] vardb = portage.db[eroot]["vartree"].dbapi root = portage.settings["ROOT"] cwd = None try: cwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: pass files = [] orphan_abs_paths = set() orphan_basenames = set() for f in argv[1:]: f = portage.normalize_path(f) is_basename = os.sep not in f if not is_basename and f[:1] != os.sep: if cwd is None: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: cwd does not exist!\n") sys.stderr.flush() return 2 f = os.path.join(cwd, f) f = portage.normalize_path(f) if not is_basename and not f.startswith(eroot): sys.stderr.write("ERROR: file paths must begin with !\n") sys.stderr.flush() return 2 if is_basename: files.append(f) orphan_basenames.add(f) else: files.append(f[len(root) - 1 :]) orphan_abs_paths.add(f) owners = vardb._owners.get_owners(files) msg = [] for pkg, owned_files in owners.items(): cpv = pkg.mycpv msg.append(f"{cpv}\n") for f in sorted(owned_files): f_abs = os.path.join(root, f.lstrip(os.path.sep)) msg.append(f"\t{f_abs}\n") orphan_abs_paths.discard(f_abs) if orphan_basenames: orphan_basenames.discard(os.path.basename(f_abs)) writemsg_stdout("".join(msg), noiselevel=-1) if orphan_abs_paths or orphan_basenames: orphans = [] orphans.extend(orphan_abs_paths) orphans.extend(orphan_basenames) orphans.sort() msg = [] msg.append("None of the installed packages claim these files:\n") for f in orphans: msg.append(f"\t{f}\n") sys.stderr.write("".join(msg)) sys.stderr.flush() if owners: return 0 return 1 docstrings[ "owners" ] = """ []+ Given a list of files, print the packages that own the files and which files belong to each package. Files owned by a package are listed on the lines below it, indented by a single tab character (\\t). All file paths must either start with or be a basename alone. Returns 1 if no owners could be found, and 0 otherwise. """ owners.__doc__ = docstrings["owners"] @uses_eroot def is_protected(argv): if len(argv) != 2: sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: expected 2 parameters, got {len(argv)}!\n") sys.stderr.flush() return 2 root, filename = argv err = sys.stderr cwd = None try: cwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: pass f = portage.normalize_path(filename) if not f.startswith(os.path.sep): if cwd is None: err.write("ERROR: cwd does not exist!\n") err.flush() return 2 f = os.path.join(cwd, f) f = portage.normalize_path(f) if not f.startswith(root): err.write("ERROR: file paths must begin with !\n") err.flush() return 2 from portage.util import ConfigProtect settings = portage.settings protect = settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT", "").split() protect_mask = settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK", "").split() protect_obj = ConfigProtect( root, protect, protect_mask, case_insensitive=("case-insensitive-fs" in settings.features), ) if protect_obj.isprotected(f): return 0 return 1 docstrings[ "is_protected" ] = """ Given a single filename, return code 0 if it's protected, 1 otherwise. The filename must begin with . """ is_protected.__doc__ = docstrings["is_protected"] @uses_eroot def filter_protected(argv): if len(argv) != 1: sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: expected 1 parameter, got {len(argv)}!\n") sys.stderr.flush() return 2 (root,) = argv out = sys.stdout err = sys.stderr cwd = None try: cwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: pass from portage.util import ConfigProtect settings = portage.settings protect = settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT", "").split() protect_mask = settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK", "").split() protect_obj = ConfigProtect( root, protect, protect_mask, case_insensitive=("case-insensitive-fs" in settings.features), ) errors = 0 for line in sys.stdin: filename = line.rstrip("\n") f = portage.normalize_path(filename) if not f.startswith(os.path.sep): if cwd is None: err.write("ERROR: cwd does not exist!\n") err.flush() errors += 1 continue f = os.path.join(cwd, f) f = portage.normalize_path(f) if not f.startswith(root): err.write("ERROR: file paths must begin with !\n") err.flush() errors += 1 continue if protect_obj.isprotected(f): out.write(f"{filename}\n") out.flush() if errors: return 2 return 0 docstrings[ "filter_protected" ] = """ Read filenames from stdin and write them to stdout if they are protected. All filenames are delimited by \\n and must begin with . """ filter_protected.__doc__ = docstrings["filter_protected"] @uses_eroot def best_visible(argv): if len(argv) < 2: writemsg("ERROR: insufficient parameters!\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 pkgtype = "ebuild" if len(argv) > 2: pkgtype = argv[1] atom = argv[2] else: atom = argv[1] type_map = {"ebuild": "porttree", "binary": "bintree", "installed": "vartree"} if pkgtype not in type_map: writemsg(f"Unrecognized package type: '{pkgtype}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 eroot = argv[0] db = portage.db[eroot][type_map[pkgtype]].dbapi try: atom = portage.dep_expand(atom, mydb=db, settings=portage.settings) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: writemsg(f"ERROR: Invalid atom: '{atom}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 root_config = RootConfig(portage.settings, portage.db[eroot], None) if hasattr(db, "xmatch"): cpv_list = db.xmatch("match-all-cpv-only", atom) else: cpv_list = db.match(atom) if cpv_list: # reversed, for descending order cpv_list.reverse() # verify match, since the atom may match the package # for a given cpv from one repo but not another, and # we can use match-all-cpv-only to avoid redundant # metadata access. atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,)) if atom.repo is None and hasattr(db, "getRepositories"): repo_list = db.getRepositories() else: repo_list = [atom.repo] for cpv in cpv_list: for repo in repo_list: try: metadata = dict( zip( Package.metadata_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, Package.metadata_keys, myrepo=repo), ) ) except KeyError: continue pkg = Package( built=(pkgtype != "ebuild"), cpv=cpv, installed=(pkgtype == "installed"), metadata=metadata, root_config=root_config, type_name=pkgtype, ) if not atom_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg): continue if pkg.visible: writemsg_stdout(f"{pkg.cpv}\n", noiselevel=-1) return os.EX_OK # No package found, write out an empty line. writemsg_stdout("\n", noiselevel=-1) return 1 docstrings[ "best_visible" ] = """ [pkgtype] Returns category/package-version (without .ebuild). The pkgtype argument defaults to "ebuild" if unspecified, otherwise it must be one of ebuild, binary, or installed. """ best_visible.__doc__ = docstrings["best_visible"] @uses_eroot def mass_best_visible(argv): type_map = {"ebuild": "porttree", "binary": "bintree", "installed": "vartree"} if len(argv) < 2: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!") return 2 try: root = argv.pop(0) pkgtype = "ebuild" if argv[0] in type_map: pkgtype = argv.pop(0) for pack in argv: writemsg_stdout(f"{pack}:", noiselevel=-1) best_visible([root, pkgtype, pack]) except KeyError: return 1 docstrings[ "mass_best_visible" ] = """ [] []+ Returns category/package-version (without .ebuild). The pkgtype argument defaults to "ebuild" if unspecified, otherwise it must be one of ebuild, binary, or installed. """ mass_best_visible.__doc__ = docstrings["mass_best_visible"] @uses_eroot def all_best_visible(argv): if len(argv) < 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: insufficient parameters!\n") sys.stderr.flush() return 2 # print portage.db[argv[0]]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_all() for pkg in portage.db[argv[0]]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_all(): mybest = portage.best(portage.db[argv[0]]["porttree"].dbapi.match(pkg)) if mybest: print(mybest) docstrings[ "all_best_visible" ] = """ Returns all best_visible packages (without .ebuild). """ all_best_visible.__doc__ = docstrings["all_best_visible"] @uses_eroot def match(argv): if len(argv) != 2: print(f"ERROR: expected 2 parameters, got {len(argv)}!") return 2 root, atom = argv if not atom: atom = "*/*" vardb = portage.db[root]["vartree"].dbapi try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(atom, allow_wildcard=True, allow_repo=True) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: # maybe it's valid but missing category atom = portage.dep_expand(atom, mydb=vardb, settings=vardb.settings) if atom.extended_syntax: if atom == "*/*": results = vardb.cpv_all() else: results = [] require_metadata = atom.slot or atom.repo for cpv in vardb.cpv_all(): if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [cpv]): continue if require_metadata: try: cpv = vardb._pkg_str(cpv, atom.repo) except (KeyError, portage.exception.InvalidData): continue if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [cpv]): continue results.append(cpv) results.sort() else: results = vardb.match(atom) for cpv in results: print(cpv) docstrings[ "match" ] = """ Returns a \\n separated list of category/package-version. When given an empty string, all installed packages will be listed. """ match.__doc__ = docstrings["match"] @uses_eroot def expand_virtual(argv): if len(argv) != 2: writemsg(f"ERROR: expected 2 parameters, got {len(argv)}!\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 root, atom = argv try: results = list(expand_new_virt(portage.db[root]["vartree"].dbapi, atom)) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: writemsg(f"ERROR: Invalid atom: '{atom}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 results.sort() for x in results: if not x.blocker: writemsg_stdout(f"{x}\n") return os.EX_OK docstrings[ "expand_virtual" ] = """ Returns a \\n separated list of atoms expanded from a given virtual atom (GLEP 37 virtuals only), excluding blocker atoms. Satisfied virtual atoms are not included in the output, since they are expanded to real atoms which are displayed. Unsatisfied virtual atoms are displayed without any expansion. The "match" command can be used to resolve the returned atoms to specific installed packages. """ expand_virtual.__doc__ = docstrings["expand_virtual"] def vdb_path(_argv): out = sys.stdout out.write(os.path.join(portage.settings["EROOT"], portage.VDB_PATH) + "\n") out.flush() return os.EX_OK docstrings[ "vdb_path" ] = """ Returns the path used for the var(installed) package database for the set environment/configuration options. """ vdb_path.__doc__ = docstrings["vdb_path"] def gentoo_mirrors(_argv): print(portage.settings["GENTOO_MIRRORS"]) docstrings[ "gentoo_mirrors" ] = """ Returns the mirrors set to use in the portage configuration. """ gentoo_mirrors.__doc__ = docstrings["gentoo_mirrors"] @uses_configroot @uses_eroot def repositories_configuration(argv): if len(argv) < 1: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!", file=sys.stderr) return 3 sys.stdout.write( portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].settings.repositories.config_string() ) sys.stdout.flush() docstrings[ "repositories_configuration" ] = """ Returns the configuration of repositories. """ repositories_configuration.__doc__ = docstrings["repositories_configuration"] @uses_configroot @uses_eroot def repos_config(argv): return repositories_configuration(argv) docstrings[ "repos_config" ] = """ This is an alias for the repositories_configuration command. """ repos_config.__doc__ = docstrings["repos_config"] def portdir(_argv): print( "WARNING: 'portageq portdir' is deprecated. Use the get_repo_path " "command instead. eg: " "'portageq get_repo_path / gentoo' instead.", file=sys.stderr, ) print(portage.settings["PORTDIR"]) docstrings[ "portdir" ] = """ Returns the PORTDIR path. Deprecated in favor of get_repo_path command. """ portdir.__doc__ = docstrings["portdir"] def config_protect(_argv): print(portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]) docstrings[ "config_protect" ] = """ Returns the CONFIG_PROTECT paths. """ config_protect.__doc__ = docstrings["config_protect"] def config_protect_mask(_argv): print(portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK"]) docstrings[ "config_protect_mask" ] = """ Returns the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK paths. """ config_protect_mask.__doc__ = docstrings["config_protect_mask"] def portdir_overlay(_argv): print( "WARNING: 'portageq portdir_overlay' is deprecated. Use the get_repos" " and get_repo_path commands or the repos_config command instead. eg: " "'portageq repos_config /'", file=sys.stderr, ) print(portage.settings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"]) docstrings[ "portdir_overlay" ] = """ Returns the PORTDIR_OVERLAY path. Deprecated in favor of get_repos & get_repo_path or repos_config commands. """ portdir_overlay.__doc__ = docstrings["portdir_overlay"] def pkgdir(_argv): print(portage.settings["PKGDIR"]) docstrings[ "pkgdir" ] = """ Returns the PKGDIR path. """ pkgdir.__doc__ = docstrings["pkgdir"] def distdir(_argv): print(portage.settings["DISTDIR"]) docstrings[ "distdir" ] = """ Returns the DISTDIR path. """ distdir.__doc__ = docstrings["distdir"] def colormap(_argv): print(portage.output.colormap()) docstrings[ "colormap" ] = """ Display the color.map as environment variables. """ colormap.__doc__ = docstrings["colormap"] def envvar(argv): verbose = "-v" in argv if verbose: argv.pop(argv.index("-v")) if len(argv) == 0: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!") return 2 exit_status = 0 for arg in argv: if arg in ("PORTDIR", "PORTDIR_OVERLAY", "SYNC"): print( f"WARNING: 'portageq envvar {arg}' is deprecated. Use any of " "'get_repos, get_repo_path, repos_config' instead.", file=sys.stderr, ) value = portage.settings.get(arg) if value is None: value = "" exit_status = 1 if verbose: print(arg + "=" + portage._shell_quote(value)) else: print(value) return exit_status docstrings[ "envvar" ] = """+ Returns a specific environment variable as exists prior to ebuild.sh. Similar to: emerge --verbose --info | grep -E '^=' """ envvar.__doc__ = docstrings["envvar"] @uses_configroot @uses_eroot def get_repos(argv): if len(argv) < 1: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!") return 2 print( " ".join( reversed( portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].settings.repositories.prepos_order ) ) ) docstrings[ "get_repos" ] = """ Returns all repos with names (repo_name file) argv[0] = ${EROOT} """ get_repos.__doc__ = docstrings["get_repos"] @uses_configroot @uses_eroot def master_repositories(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!", file=sys.stderr) return 3 for arg in argv[1:]: if portage.dep._repo_name_re.match(arg) is None: print(f"ERROR: invalid repository: {arg}", file=sys.stderr) return 2 try: repo = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].settings.repositories[arg] except KeyError: print("") return 1 else: print(" ".join(x.name for x in repo.masters)) docstrings[ "master_repositories" ] = """ + Returns space-separated list of master repositories for specified repository. """ master_repositories.__doc__ = docstrings["master_repositories"] @uses_configroot @uses_eroot def master_repos(argv): return master_repositories(argv) docstrings[ "master_repos" ] = """ + This is an alias for the master_repositories command. """ master_repos.__doc__ = docstrings["master_repos"] @uses_configroot @uses_eroot def get_repo_path(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!", file=sys.stderr) return 3 for arg in argv[1:]: if portage.dep._repo_name_re.match(arg) is None: print(f"ERROR: invalid repository: {arg}", file=sys.stderr) return 2 path = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].settings.repositories.treemap.get(arg) if path is None: print("") return 1 print(path) docstrings[ "get_repo_path" ] = """ + Returns the path to the repo named argv[1], argv[0] = ${EROOT} """ get_repo_path.__doc__ = docstrings["get_repo_path"] @uses_eroot def available_eclasses(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!", file=sys.stderr) return 3 for arg in argv[1:]: if portage.dep._repo_name_re.match(arg) is None: print(f"ERROR: invalid repository: {arg}", file=sys.stderr) return 2 try: repo = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].settings.repositories[arg] except KeyError: print("") return 1 else: print(" ".join(sorted(repo.eclass_db.eclasses))) docstrings[ "available_eclasses" ] = """ + Returns space-separated list of available eclasses for specified repository. """ available_eclasses.__doc__ = docstrings["available_eclasses"] @uses_eroot def eclass_path(argv): if len(argv) < 3: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!", file=sys.stderr) return 3 if portage.dep._repo_name_re.match(argv[1]) is None: print(f"ERROR: invalid repository: {argv[1]}", file=sys.stderr) return 2 try: repo = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].settings.repositories[argv[1]] except KeyError: print("") return 1 else: retval = 0 for arg in argv[2:]: try: eclass = repo.eclass_db.eclasses[arg] except KeyError: print("") retval = 1 else: print(eclass.location) return retval docstrings[ "eclass_path" ] = """ + Returns the path to specified eclass for specified repository. """ eclass_path.__doc__ = docstrings["eclass_path"] @uses_eroot def license_path(argv): if len(argv) < 3: print("ERROR: insufficient parameters!", file=sys.stderr) return 3 if portage.dep._repo_name_re.match(argv[1]) is None: print(f"ERROR: invalid repository: {argv[1]}", file=sys.stderr) return 2 try: repo = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].settings.repositories[argv[1]] except KeyError: print("") return 1 else: retval = 0 for arg in argv[2:]: eclass_path = "" paths = reversed( [ os.path.join(x.location, "licenses", arg) for x in list(repo.masters) + [repo] ] ) for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path): eclass_path = path break if eclass_path == "": retval = 1 print(eclass_path) return retval docstrings[ "license_path" ] = """ + Returns the path to specified license for specified repository. """ license_path.__doc__ = docstrings["license_path"] @uses_eroot def list_preserved_libs(argv): if len(argv) != 1: print("ERROR: wrong number of arguments") return 2 mylibs = portage.db[argv[0]]["vartree"].dbapi._plib_registry.getPreservedLibs() rValue = 1 msg = [] for cpv in sorted(mylibs): msg.append(cpv) for path in mylibs[cpv]: msg.append(" " + path) rValue = 0 msg.append("\n") writemsg_stdout("".join(msg), noiselevel=-1) return rValue docstrings[ "list_preserved_libs" ] = """ Print a list of libraries preserved during a package update in the form package: path. Returns 1 if no preserved libraries could be found, 0 otherwise. """ list_preserved_libs.__doc__ = docstrings["list_preserved_libs"] class MaintainerEmailMatcher: def __init__(self, maintainer_emails): self._re = re.compile(f"^({'|'.join(maintainer_emails)})$", re.I) def __call__(self, metadata_xml): match = False matcher = self._re.match for x in metadata_xml.maintainers(): if x.email is not None and matcher(x.email) is not None: match = True break return match # Match if metadata.xml contains no maintainer (orphaned package) def match_orphaned(metadata_xml): if not metadata_xml.maintainers(): return True else: return False def pquery(parser, opts, args): portdb = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi root_config = RootConfig(portdb.settings, portage.db[portage.root], None) def _pkg(cpv, repo_name): try: metadata = dict( zip( Package.metadata_keys, portdb.aux_get(cpv, Package.metadata_keys, myrepo=repo_name), ) ) except KeyError: raise portage.exception.PackageNotFound(cpv) return Package( built=False, cpv=cpv, installed=False, metadata=metadata, root_config=root_config, type_name="ebuild", ) need_metadata = False atoms = [] for arg in args: if "/" not in arg.split(":")[0]: atom = insert_category_into_atom(arg, "*") if atom is None: writemsg(f"ERROR: Invalid atom: '{arg}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 else: atom = arg try: atom = portage.dep.Atom(atom, allow_wildcard=True, allow_repo=True) except portage.exception.InvalidAtom: writemsg(f"ERROR: Invalid atom: '{arg}'\n", noiselevel=-1) return 2 if atom.slot is not None: need_metadata = True atoms.append(atom) if "*/*" in atoms: del atoms[:] need_metadata = False if not opts.no_filters: need_metadata = True xml_matchers = [] if opts.maintainer_email: maintainer_emails = [] for x in opts.maintainer_email: maintainer_emails.extend(x.split(",")) if opts.no_regex: # Escape regex-special characters for an exact match maintainer_emails = [re.escape(x) for x in maintainer_emails] xml_matchers.append(MaintainerEmailMatcher(maintainer_emails)) if opts.orphaned: xml_matchers.append(match_orphaned) if opts.repo is not None: repos = [portdb.repositories[opts.repo]] else: repos = list(portdb.repositories) if not atoms: names = None categories = list(portdb.categories) else: category_wildcard = False name_wildcard = False categories = [] names = [] for atom in atoms: category, name = portage.catsplit(atom.cp) categories.append(category) names.append(name) if "*" in category: category_wildcard = True if "*" in name: name_wildcard = True if category_wildcard: categories = list(portdb.categories) else: categories = list(set(categories)) if name_wildcard: names = None else: names = sorted(set(names)) no_version = opts.no_version categories.sort() for category in categories: if names is None: cp_list = portdb.cp_all(categories=(category,)) else: cp_list = [category + "/" + name for name in names] for cp in cp_list: matches = [] for repo in repos: match = True if xml_matchers: metadata_xml_path = os.path.join( repo.location, cp, "metadata.xml" ) try: metadata_xml = MetaDataXML(metadata_xml_path, None) except (OSError, SyntaxError): match = False else: for matcher in xml_matchers: if not matcher(metadata_xml): match = False break if not match: continue cpv_list = portdb.cp_list(cp, mytree=[repo.location]) if atoms: for cpv in cpv_list: pkg = None for atom in atoms: if atom.repo is not None and atom.repo != repo.name: continue if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [cpv]): continue if need_metadata: if pkg is None: try: pkg = _pkg(cpv, repo.name) except portage.exception.PackageNotFound: continue if not (opts.no_filters or pkg.visible): continue if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [pkg]): continue matches.append(cpv) break if no_version and matches: break elif opts.no_filters: matches.extend(cpv_list) else: for cpv in cpv_list: try: pkg = _pkg(cpv, repo.name) except portage.exception.PackageNotFound: continue else: if pkg.visible: matches.append(cpv) if no_version: break if no_version and matches: break if not matches: continue if no_version: writemsg_stdout(f"{cp}\n", noiselevel=-1) else: matches = list(set(matches)) portdb._cpv_sort_ascending(matches) for cpv in matches: writemsg_stdout(f"{cpv}\n", noiselevel=-1) return os.EX_OK docstrings[ "pquery" ] = """[options] [atom]+ Emulates a subset of Pkgcore's pquery tool. """ pquery.__doc__ = docstrings["pquery"] non_commands = frozenset( [ "elog", "eval_atom_use", "exithandler", "match_orphaned", "main", "usage", "uses_eroot", ] ) commands = sorted( k for k, v in globals().items() if k not in non_commands and isinstance(v, types.FunctionType) and v.__module__ == "__main__" ) def add_pquery_arguments(parser): pquery_option_groups = ( ( "Repository matching options", ( { "longopt": "--no-filters", "action": "store_true", "help": "no visibility filters (ACCEPT_KEYWORDS, package masking, etc)", }, { "longopt": "--repo", "help": "repository to use (all repositories are used by default)", }, ), ), ( "Package matching options", ( { "longopt": "--maintainer-email", "action": "append", "help": "comma-separated list of maintainer email regexes to search for", }, { "longopt": "--no-regex", "action": "store_true", "help": "Use exact matching instead of regex matching for --maintainer-email", }, { "longopt": "--orphaned", "action": "store_true", "help": "match only orphaned (maintainer-needed) packages", }, ), ), ( "Output formatting", ( { "shortopt": "-n", "longopt": "--no-version", "action": "store_true", "help": "collapse multiple matching versions together", }, ), ), ) for group_title, opt_data in pquery_option_groups: arg_group = parser.add_argument_group(group_title) for opt_info in opt_data: pargs = [] try: pargs.append(opt_info["shortopt"]) except KeyError: pass try: pargs.append(opt_info["longopt"]) except KeyError: pass kwargs = {} try: kwargs["action"] = opt_info["action"] except KeyError: pass try: kwargs["help"] = opt_info["help"] except KeyError: pass arg_group.add_argument(*pargs, **kwargs) def usage(argv): print(">>> Portage information query tool") print(f">>> {portage.VERSION}") print(">>> Usage: portageq [