diff options
authorSebastian Luther <>2010-03-28 10:57:15 +0200
committerZac Medico <>2010-03-28 02:36:59 -0700
commit11aa6d80b5e62f726597523126feb9a0eefd2d97 (patch)
parentAdd support for probing shebangs and compiling python scripts that don't (diff)
Add support for package sets to quickpkg
Split quickpkg_atom out of quickpkg_main to handle single atoms. Create quickpkg_set to handle sets that calls quickpkg_atom. Use a dict called 'infos' to return information about skipped config files, etc. Move imports to global scope. Update --help message and man page.
2 files changed, 189 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/bin/quickpkg b/bin/quickpkg
index 0dfaa55f..00f796a5 100755
--- a/bin/quickpkg
+++ b/bin/quickpkg
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import errno
import signal
import sys
+import tarfile
import portage
@@ -16,22 +17,174 @@ except ImportError:
import portage
from portage import os
+from portage import catsplit, flatten, isvalidatom, xpak
+from portage.dbapi.dep_expand import dep_expand
+from portage.dep import use_reduce, paren_reduce
+from portage.exception import InvalidAtom, InvalidData, InvalidDependString, PackageSetNotFound
+from portage.util import ConfigProtect, ensure_dirs
+from portage.dbapi.vartree import dblink, tar_contents
+from portage.checksum import perform_md5
+from portage.sets import load_default_config, SETPREFIX
+def quickpkg_atom(options, infos, arg, eout):
+ root = portage.settings["ROOT"]
+ trees = portage.db[root]
+ vartree = trees["vartree"]
+ vardb = vartree.dbapi
+ bintree = trees["bintree"]
+ include_config = options.include_config == "y"
+ include_unmodified_config = options.include_unmodified_config == "y"
+ fix_metadata_keys = ["PF", "CATEGORY"]
+ try:
+ atom = dep_expand(arg, mydb=vardb, settings=vartree.settings)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # Multiple matches thrown from cpv_expand
+ eout.eerror("Please use a more specific atom: %s" % \
+ " ".join(e.args[0]))
+ del e
+ infos["missing"].append(arg)
+ return
+ except (InvalidAtom, InvalidData):
+ eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % (arg,))
+ infos["missing"].append(arg)
+ return
+ if atom[:1] == '=' and arg[:1] != '=':
+ # dep_expand() allows missing '=' but it's really invalid
+ eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % (arg,))
+ infos["missing"].append(arg)
+ return
+ matches = vardb.match(atom)
+ pkgs_for_arg = 0
+ for cpv in matches:
+ excluded_config_files = []
+ bintree.prevent_collision(cpv)
+ cat, pkg = catsplit(cpv)
+ dblnk = dblink(cat, pkg, root,
+ vartree.settings, treetype="vartree",
+ vartree=vartree)
+ dblnk.lockdb()
+ try:
+ if not dblnk.exists():
+ # unmerged by a concurrent process
+ continue
+ iuse, use, restrict = vardb.aux_get(cpv,
+ iuse = [ x.lstrip("+-") for x in iuse.split() ]
+ use = use.split()
+ try:
+ restrict = flatten(use_reduce(
+ paren_reduce(restrict), uselist=use))
+ except InvalidDependString as e:
+ eout.eerror("Invalid RESTRICT metadata " + \
+ "for '%s': %s; skipping" % (cpv, str(e)))
+ del e
+ continue
+ if "bindist" in iuse and "bindist" not in use:
+ eout.ewarn("%s: package was emerged with USE=-bindist!" % cpv)
+ eout.ewarn("%s: it may not be legal to redistribute this." % cpv)
+ elif "bindist" in restrict:
+ eout.ewarn("%s: package has RESTRICT=bindist!" % cpv)
+ eout.ewarn("%s: it may not be legal to redistribute this." % cpv)
+ eout.ebegin("Building package for %s" % cpv)
+ pkgs_for_arg += 1
+ contents = dblnk.getcontents()
+ protect = None
+ if not include_config:
+ confprot = ConfigProtect(root,
+ portage.settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT","").split(),
+ portage.settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK","").split())
+ def protect(filename):
+ if not confprot.isprotected(filename):
+ return False
+ if include_unmodified_config:
+ file_data = contents[filename]
+ if file_data[0] == "obj":
+ orig_md5 = file_data[2].lower()
+ cur_md5 = perform_md5(filename, calc_prelink=1)
+ if orig_md5 == cur_md5:
+ return False
+ excluded_config_files.append(filename)
+ return True
+ existing_metadata = dict(zip(fix_metadata_keys,
+ vardb.aux_get(cpv, fix_metadata_keys)))
+ category, pf = portage.catsplit(cpv)
+ required_metadata = {}
+ required_metadata["CATEGORY"] = category
+ required_metadata["PF"] = pf
+ update_metadata = {}
+ for k, v in required_metadata.items():
+ if v != existing_metadata[k]:
+ update_metadata[k] = v
+ if update_metadata:
+ vardb.aux_update(cpv, update_metadata)
+ xpdata = xpak.xpak(dblnk.dbdir)
+ binpkg_tmpfile = os.path.join(bintree.pkgdir,
+ cpv + ".tbz2." + str(os.getpid()))
+ ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(binpkg_tmpfile))
+ tar =, "w:bz2")
+ tar_contents(contents, root, tar, protect=protect)
+ tar.close()
+ xpak.tbz2(binpkg_tmpfile).recompose_mem(xpdata)
+ finally:
+ dblnk.unlockdb()
+ bintree.inject(cpv, filename=binpkg_tmpfile)
+ binpkg_path = bintree.getname(cpv)
+ try:
+ s = os.stat(binpkg_path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ # Sanity check, shouldn't happen normally.
+ eout.eend(1)
+ eout.eerror(str(e))
+ del e
+ eout.eerror("Failed to create package: '%s'" % binpkg_path)
+ else:
+ eout.eend(0)
+ infos["successes"].append((cpv, s.st_size))
+ infos["config_files_excluded"] += len(excluded_config_files)
+ for filename in excluded_config_files:
+ eout.ewarn("Excluded config: '%s'" % filename)
+ if not pkgs_for_arg:
+ eout.eerror("Could not find anything " + \
+ "to match '%s'; skipping" % arg)
+ infos["missing"].append(arg)
+def quickpkg_set(options, infos, arg, eout):
+ root = portage.settings["ROOT"]
+ trees = portage.db[root]
+ vartree = trees["vartree"]
+ settings = vartree.settings
+ settings._init_dirs()
+ setconfig = load_default_config(settings, trees)
+ sets = setconfig.getSets()
+ set = arg[1:]
+ if not set in sets:
+ eout.eerror("Package set not found: '%s'; skipping" % (arg,))
+ infos["missing"].append(arg)
+ return
+ try:
+ atoms = setconfig.getSetAtoms(set)
+ except PackageSetNotFound as e:
+ eout.eerror("Failed to process package set '%s' because " % set +
+ "it contains the non-existent package set '%s'; skipping" % e)
+ infos["missing"].append(arg)
+ return
+ for atom in atoms:
+ quickpkg_atom(options, infos, atom, eout)
def quickpkg_main(options, args, eout):
- from portage import catsplit, flatten, isvalidatom, xpak
- from portage.dbapi.dep_expand import dep_expand
- from portage.dep import use_reduce, paren_reduce
- from portage.util import ConfigProtect, ensure_dirs
- from portage.exception import InvalidAtom, InvalidData, InvalidDependString
- from portage.dbapi.vartree import dblink, tar_contents
- from portage.checksum import perform_md5
- import tarfile
- import portage
root = portage.settings["ROOT"]
trees = portage.db[root]
vartree = trees["vartree"]
vardb = vartree.dbapi
bintree = trees["bintree"]
except portage.exception.PortageException:
@@ -39,127 +192,18 @@ def quickpkg_main(options, args, eout):
if not os.access(bintree.pkgdir, os.W_OK):
eout.eerror("No write access to '%s'" % bintree.pkgdir)
return errno.EACCES
- successes = []
- missing = []
- config_files_excluded = 0
- include_config = options.include_config == "y"
- include_unmodified_config = options.include_unmodified_config == "y"
- fix_metadata_keys = ["PF", "CATEGORY"]
+ infos = {}
+ infos["successes"] = []
+ infos["missing"] = []
+ infos["config_files_excluded"] = 0
for arg in args:
- try:
- atom = dep_expand(arg, mydb=vardb, settings=vartree.settings)
- except ValueError as e:
- # Multiple matches thrown from cpv_expand
- eout.eerror("Please use a more specific atom: %s" % \
- " ".join(e.args[0]))
- del e
- missing.append(arg)
- continue
- except (InvalidAtom, InvalidData):
- eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % (arg,))
- missing.append(arg)
- continue
- if atom[:1] == '=' and arg[:1] != '=':
- # dep_expand() allows missing '=' but it's really invalid
- eout.eerror("Invalid atom: %s" % (arg,))
- missing.append(arg)
- continue
- matches = vardb.match(atom)
- pkgs_for_arg = 0
- for cpv in matches:
- excluded_config_files = []
- bintree.prevent_collision(cpv)
- cat, pkg = catsplit(cpv)
- dblnk = dblink(cat, pkg, root,
- vartree.settings, treetype="vartree",
- vartree=vartree)
- dblnk.lockdb()
- try:
- if not dblnk.exists():
- # unmerged by a concurrent process
- continue
- iuse, use, restrict = vardb.aux_get(cpv,
- iuse = [ x.lstrip("+-") for x in iuse.split() ]
- use = use.split()
- try:
- restrict = flatten(use_reduce(
- paren_reduce(restrict), uselist=use))
- except InvalidDependString as e:
- eout.eerror("Invalid RESTRICT metadata " + \
- "for '%s': %s; skipping" % (cpv, str(e)))
- del e
- continue
- if "bindist" in iuse and "bindist" not in use:
- eout.ewarn("%s: package was emerged with USE=-bindist!" % cpv)
- eout.ewarn("%s: it may not be legal to redistribute this." % cpv)
- elif "bindist" in restrict:
- eout.ewarn("%s: package has RESTRICT=bindist!" % cpv)
- eout.ewarn("%s: it may not be legal to redistribute this." % cpv)
- eout.ebegin("Building package for %s" % cpv)
- pkgs_for_arg += 1
- contents = dblnk.getcontents()
- protect = None
- if not include_config:
- confprot = ConfigProtect(root,
- portage.settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT","").split(),
- portage.settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK","").split())
- def protect(filename):
- if not confprot.isprotected(filename):
- return False
- if include_unmodified_config:
- file_data = contents[filename]
- if file_data[0] == "obj":
- orig_md5 = file_data[2].lower()
- cur_md5 = perform_md5(filename, calc_prelink=1)
- if orig_md5 == cur_md5:
- return False
- excluded_config_files.append(filename)
- return True
- existing_metadata = dict(zip(fix_metadata_keys,
- vardb.aux_get(cpv, fix_metadata_keys)))
- category, pf = portage.catsplit(cpv)
- required_metadata = {}
- required_metadata["CATEGORY"] = category
- required_metadata["PF"] = pf
- update_metadata = {}
- for k, v in required_metadata.items():
- if v != existing_metadata[k]:
- update_metadata[k] = v
- if update_metadata:
- vardb.aux_update(cpv, update_metadata)
- xpdata = xpak.xpak(dblnk.dbdir)
- binpkg_tmpfile = os.path.join(bintree.pkgdir,
- cpv + ".tbz2." + str(os.getpid()))
- ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(binpkg_tmpfile))
- tar =, "w:bz2")
- tar_contents(contents, root, tar, protect=protect)
- tar.close()
- xpak.tbz2(binpkg_tmpfile).recompose_mem(xpdata)
- finally:
- dblnk.unlockdb()
- bintree.inject(cpv, filename=binpkg_tmpfile)
- binpkg_path = bintree.getname(cpv)
- try:
- s = os.stat(binpkg_path)
- except OSError as e:
- # Sanity check, shouldn't happen normally.
- eout.eend(1)
- eout.eerror(str(e))
- del e
- eout.eerror("Failed to create package: '%s'" % binpkg_path)
- else:
- eout.eend(0)
- successes.append((cpv, s.st_size))
- config_files_excluded += len(excluded_config_files)
- for filename in excluded_config_files:
- eout.ewarn("Excluded config: '%s'" % filename)
- if not pkgs_for_arg:
- eout.eerror("Could not find anything " + \
- "to match '%s'; skipping" % arg)
- missing.append(arg)
- if not successes:
+ if arg[0] == SETPREFIX:
+ quickpkg_set(options, infos, arg, eout)
+ else:
+ quickpkg_atom(options, infos, arg, eout)
+ if not infos["successes"]:
eout.eerror("No packages found")
return 1
@@ -167,7 +211,7 @@ def quickpkg_main(options, args, eout):
import math
units = {10:'K', 20:'M', 30:'G', 40:'T',
50:'P', 60:'E', 70:'Z', 80:'Y'}
- for cpv, size in successes:
+ for cpv, size in infos["successes"]:
if not size:
# avoid OverflowError in math.log()
size_str = "0"
@@ -185,19 +229,19 @@ def quickpkg_main(options, args, eout):
size_str = str(size)
eout.einfo("%s: %s" % (cpv, size_str))
- if config_files_excluded:
+ if infos["config_files_excluded"]:
- eout.ewarn("Excluded config files: %d" % config_files_excluded)
+ eout.ewarn("Excluded config files: %d" % infos["config_files_excluded"])
eout.ewarn("See --help if you would like to include config files.")
- if missing:
+ if infos["missing"]:
eout.ewarn("The following packages could not be found:")
- eout.ewarn(" ".join(missing))
+ eout.ewarn(" ".join(infos["missing"]))
return 2
return os.EX_OK
if __name__ == "__main__":
- usage = "quickpkg [options] <list of package atoms>"
+ usage = "quickpkg [options] <list of package atoms or package sets>"
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
diff --git a/man/quickpkg.1 b/man/quickpkg.1
index 4c033e6d..b9260f1f 100644
--- a/man/quickpkg.1
+++ b/man/quickpkg.1
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
quickpkg \- creates portage packages
-.B quickpkg <list of pkgs>
+.B quickpkg <list of packages or package\-sets>
.I quickpkg
can be utilized to quickly create a package for portage by
@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ This variable is defined in \fBmake.conf\fR(5) and defaults to
-.B <list of packages>
+.B <list of packages or package\-sets>
Each package in the list can be of two forms. First you can
give it the full path to the installed entry in the virtual
-database. That is, /var/db/pkg/<CATEGORY>/<PKG-VERSION>/.
-The second form is a portage depend atom. This atom is of
-the same form that you would give \fBemerge\fR if you wanted
-to emerge something. See \fBebuild\fR(5) for full definition.
+database. That is, /var/db/pkg/<CATEGORY>/<PKG-VERSION>/.
+The second form is a portage depend atom or a portage package
+set. The atom or set is of the same form that you would give
+\fBemerge\fR if you wanted to emerge something.
+See \fBebuild\fR(5) for full definition.
.B quickpkg
@@ -39,6 +40,9 @@ planeshift
.B quickpkg
+.B quickpkg
Please report bugs via