#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2013,2014 Sven Vermeulen # Licensed under the GPL-3 license # Prepare new policy release TRANSLATE="s:\(${HARDENEDREFPOL}\|${REFPOLRELEASE}\):refpolicy/:g"; NEWVERSION="${1}"; REMOTELOCATION="swift@dev.gentoo.org:public_html/patches/selinux-base-policy"; usage() { echo "Usage: $0 "; echo ""; echo "Example: $0 2.20140311-r5" echo ""; echo "The script will copy the live ebuilds towards the"; echo "." echo ""; echo "The following environment variables must be declared correctly for the script"; echo "to function properly:"; echo " - GENTOOX86 should point to the gentoo-x86 checkout"; echo " E.g. export GENTOOX86=\"/home/user/dev/gentoo-x86\""; echo " - HARDENEDREFPOL should point to the hardened-refpolicy.git checkout"; echo " E.g. export HARDENEDREFPOL=\"/home/user/dev/hardened-refpolicy\""; echo " - REFPOLRELEASE should point to the current latest /release/ of the reference" echo " policy (so NOT to a checkout), extracted somewhere on the file system." echo " E.g. export REFPOLRELEASE=\"/home/user/local/refpolicy-20130424\""; } assertDirEnvVar() { VARNAME="${1}"; eval VARVALUE='$'${VARNAME}; if [ -z "${VARVALUE}" ] || [ ! -d "${VARVALUE}" ]; then echo "Variable ${VARNAME} (value \"${VARVALUE}\") does not point to a valid directory."; exit 1; fi } # cleanTmp - Clean up TMPDIR cleanTmp() { if [ -z "${NOCLEAN}" ]; then echo "Not cleaning TMPDIR (${TMPDIR}) upon request."; else [ -d "${TMPDIR}" ] && [ -f "${TMPDIR}/.istempdir" ] && rm -rf "${TMPDIR}" fi } die() { printf "\n"; echo "!!! $*"; cleanTmp; exit 2; }; # buildpatch - Create the patch set to be applied for the new release buildpatch() { printf "Creating patch 0001-full-patch-against-stable-release.patch... "; diff -uNr -x ".git*" -x "CVS" -x "*.autogen*" -x "*.part" ${REFPOLRELEASE} ${HARDENEDREFPOL} | sed -e ${TRANSLATE} > ${TMPDIR}/0001-full-patch-against-stable-release.patch || die "Failed to create patch"; printf "done\n" printf "Creating patch bundle for ${NEWVERSION}... "; cd ${TMPDIR}; tar cvjf patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-${NEWVERSION}.tar.bz2 *.patch > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "Failed to create patchbundle"; printf "done\n"; printf "Copying patch bundle into /usr/portage/distfiles and dev.g.o... "; cp patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-${NEWVERSION}.tar.bz2 /usr/portage/distfiles || die "Failed to copy patchbundle to /usr/portage/distfiles"; scp patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-${NEWVERSION}.tar.bz2 ${REMOTELOCATION} > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "Failed to scopy patchbundle to ${REMOTELOCATION}"; printf "done\n"; } # Create (or modify) the new ebuilds createEbuilds() { cd ${GENTOOX86}/sec-policy; printf "Removing old patchbundle references in Manifest (in case of rebuild)... "; for PKG in *; do [[ -f "${PKG}/Manifest}" ]] || continue; sed -i -e "/patchbundle-selinux-base-policy-${NEWVERSION}/d" ${PKG}/Manifest; done printf "done\n"; printf "Creating new ebuilds based on 9999 version... "; for PKG in *; do [[ -f "${PKG}/${PKG}-9999.ebuild" ]] || continue; cp ${PKG}/${PKG}-9999.ebuild ${PKG}/${PKG}-${NEWVERSION}.ebuild; sed -i -e 's:^KEYWORDS="":KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86":g' ${PKG}/${PKG}-${NEWVERSION}.ebuild; done printf "done\n"; } # Create and push tag for new release tagRelease() { printf "Creating tag ${NEWVERSION} in our repository... "; cd ${HARDENEDREFPOL}; git tag -a ${NEWVERSION} -m "Release set of ${NEWVERSION}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "Failed to create tag"; git push origin ${NEWVERSION} > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "Faield to push tag to origin repository"; printf "done\n"; }; if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then usage; exit 3; fi # Assert that all needed information is available assertDirEnvVar GENTOOX86; assertDirEnvVar HARDENEDREFPOL; assertDirEnvVar REFPOLRELEASE; TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d); touch ${TMPDIR}/.istempdir; # Build the patch buildpatch; # Create ebuilds createEbuilds; # Tag release tagRelease; cat << EOF The release has now been prepared. Please go do the following to finish up: - In ${GENTOOX86}/sec-policy go "cvs add" all the new ebuilds - In ${GENTOOX86}/sec-policy run "repoman manifest" and "repoman full" Then, before finally committing - do a run yourself, ensuring that the right version is deployed of course: - "emerge -1 $(qlist -IC sec-policy)" Only then do a 'repoman commit -m 'Release of ${NEWVERSION}''. EOF cleanTmp;